HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-29, Page 8Ir-ourPage_
iyseif. "Dolet be stupid, goes _little fur--
thee:at-4 Yoe iare," sure teedrive ont
X talked enyselfinto goine_anaher hie&
further _to -the _Colborne salad eideread,
believe me _Mingo were not_getting
'better. Ihe pure -whiteness gof the SEM,
With fiat -t0 trach _to follow almost
had -me mesmerized. Yes, II ow Mr.
iteaching.the corner I -decided enough
vase:enough and :.proceeded to tmei left
„towards thesehool with -the intention of
larning_aromd_te the school ianeway and
-Murning _home. One major problere, 11
'extultirftsee where the laneway was. X
continued me -travelling 'east to theJirst
farm laneway intending to _turn in _and
back nut and proceed -lime. eAstny luck
WA:Mid „have it, to -back sut ef this
farmer's eanewaymeantbieldne sbght-
lyedown_a bilLand waeift -sive If
couldmanagemot :ffiding_down _the
W Lappliedthe inakee. There Lam, park-
-.edattheend efthislaneway going over
my_alternatives.:Youte probably wonder -
log -why 11Ltlitlift shpply Arive in the
laneway _anel ;turn earomul in the yard.
'thanks to that _perfect white blanket rf
by Paviiialston
OZOIY, 11 COUldiet -teli hiS-laneWy went
traight nex-caned toWareleethe house.
Peeling like .3 tornplete
tr. ne,11 threw caution te lbs.:wind -and
droveStraight -ahead Inwards his -Shed,
praying ihat I Amin thelanelay het Vli
his lawn 31 equickly_made :enyAurneand
get out soft Altera, Iteadulg bade to the
reae_htig-..Dtutgannorn and finding _a
pay phoneITeillecrto thetiffice to _have
them eancelmy sppointment. 11 ean tell
you X took _a good 'steal 3of teasing from
certain people who wondered IF I was
RS. Tothe farmerwlmlives justetaet
ef `Ctilborn _School -elf- you _happened -to
be -home aleopeeyouewerelfteardeveeee
-wondering last MednesdayeWho that_con-
fused wrenanSatin' g sat the snol _ofeyour
Janeway was, wonder no more, 1Y:have
eonfessed -limiting. 1 LsincerdfLhope31
wasAriving in yourlaneway, notscross
your lawn.
-Thomas _Glen
'Thomas `Glen _died.rt Iluronview,
`Tuckersmith 'Township, em Monday,
Nowenber i3, 1989.eile was 94years oki.
Mr. Glen was bore in Ashfield
Township on May .125, 1895, .to 'Thames
and Mary Jane (RRIdle) ien. A _lifelong
resident :of Ashfield-Tovmship, he was a
retired farmer and _a member _etf the
Calvary 13aptist Claw&
• issurvived.byMeees Marilyn-Tost
of;Flushing, Michigan, Menu Newberry
of -Frederic, Michigan .and Teiscilla
-Freeman Tof iBeaverton, Oregon.
Mr. Glen was :predeceased by one
•sister, Margaret 'Boothby _and three
brothers, John, George and Walter.
'The funeral 'service was -,held at
Mc:Callum and 7-Pedla :Timm" Marne on
Thursday, November 16,st n -.,ami Rev
-Terry -Woodcock of -Calvary 13aptist
Church officiated. Interment was at
Dungannon cemetery.
Luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, 'November Z9 140341
• ur 1 V
The Itural Voice, a highly respected
znonthly eultural magaelne serving a
large area a mid-westere Ontario, has
been pmehased by SignaiStar Publiehing
Goderiet„ it was announced today by
the two pertiee.
Shan Guriby, exeetitiv editor of Gun-
laytield PeibliShing L.ef JGodericle etrel
Tom Myrna, veneratnianager, publiehin,
off SignalStar, said they were bOth2pleas
-that-0 sale -agreement has been Teach -
ed to preserve the magazines separate
identity and staff.
Mr. Flynn .also -announced that Jhn Fit-
4gerald sf Clinton las been tired to act
as -general manager ef The magazine and
'will be -larking iwith Mrs. Gunby for
Mr.e-Fitzgeridcl, a1onrnhstand profes-
sionalreihietom*er, wasthe thief,of4tari
for Amur -years to eformer Ontario
agrictiltare mnx r Jack Riddell, and
wasrmenoziezeditortelhe Telintort News -
Record fors -.decade.
-"Wesroeveryepleased tollavelfereFit-
Ageriddmaneging The ;Rural'Vn&cease
hes excellent szpeelence in journalism
.andantrdefittelmowleelgesf the _Ontario
,agricilltureeseene,"esaki Mr. 1F1371111.
• "I -look forward to working with Jim
over the .mett -enontiiie to loth preserving
the .values that _have shaped the
magazine and :to Sharing mew ineee",
Mrs. 'unby said. We lie shares
our concern "for the -we3lebeing of 'the
agrienitprai community, Land -know Ittat
.Signa143tar -Publishing intendstnpreserve
the unique -and independent Character of
'The literal Voice. We lope .the iwiU
•strengthen Abe -voice _Of :agriculture and
nourish 'the .enagazine3s -roots in
"Pm looking forward to returning to
my roots in publishing," saki Mr. Fit-
zgerald, "and to -Strengthening the
agriculture community in Ontario them&
this important communicatiort vehicle."
The Rural Voice, which serves 14,000
subscribers in the ounties of Huron,
Pertia, -Bruce and Grey, was founded in
1975 by Keith Holliston, and -acquired by
Gunbyfield Publishing in 19114.
I -1
es ivterian
The Anelmow l?resbyteriali Evening
Amat' 7. held theirliovember 211eneetim
in the /easement .of '‘the :dowel With 118
menthers €present.
Peggy Henderson, president, eheirea
the eneting And opened with the poem,
•Give ltavisbly,Live Abundantly.
The ,Devetions entitled, -TWO Voice of
life,leased tactile scripture, lPnwerbe /5
-25, follow 'by -prayer were 'presented
by Brace Gammie.
:Following tire Jeusiness an cor-
respondence, the offering was received.
Celia Aitchison gave a reading,
Farewell to Aima Mid Fa..
Mrs. Henderson read several in-
teresting articles from Guideposts.
'Various hymns interspersed the
meeting. lens. ?Henderson tied with
prayer and the members ladies enjoyed
a social time.
We v3fild Re toprint a miection xtf' Christmas.t
the hadaye -Write them *own and let- us /Aare
them with vurreader.
EnriesmustJeiIegibie. Include your:name, -ad-
Areas$ onez
Lor 'entries isNovember 30
:Drop them
Lueknow el
r*Pit*P.Pliusi-jt Atick.More ;