The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-29, Page 514447.811 as, 'Eat liviaston, Genera1 Mn ger Jute lyclitor and ;Tam : tfl, Advertising .Manujer zorMelacimsw Bentineltpmnirdisplaribeitdverbs' in' irwards-receivetkin Abe linturio Tkammunityliempaper Asuodttil.-Menrds Competition-1SM -AwardsAnchadedttillutpincesiar.Specintfiedlikaa Alifilkantivtider eirculationimda se farad Xreneralltleelltmeckluldalader. TheiPiano •-• • ir raolitiod- --''' wrey 1 16 1 Qu 40: ..:Np_AtkigielkebtiEt-lianos -f, lefoMIZI 9EXPert710141004Pairs sissis.....1 1 SamickTianos (519)1814383 Walkerton -1-Adultigeyboard Tiessonts- 44Fintiinelgteaching cbo.okslz,varicty of othertmusic .-4.1for tfurther info: 019):364-,-.1857 s. --acBArTFRD ,VALMYAHALL-4 ZEVIRMORIMAT WGOJBT$73�PM -t3TAL *ME ,MONEY.: 1413EQUARIS tSHARE-THEMEAL11-1 *1000411ACKPO.Tli tit4057?---- -;PfismEssive-AT:3601aAtts .5.1).0.AttLIST ItiCKNI3W 1)1STRICT IJQNStLLW iber Ingo tutt—knowcommtwityccentre Itundayr-Dec r-30 1919 Anwprostesave -peteritutprizcsaartivw. algtkaot-orr.35Ulls. 44.00,, must -go. iTregressivetat$311c4lis :::Poxttleitall-412M opeos,ot-6140,ma. sil!goAtotts.-otifisrPAID. eirnmSitie Wdmr*1'1 The lin -no r Spnfin1 and staff are winner s • an Signal Star PtibliShirc Ltd., held ,iitS SEMICZ wand_awarzis -reeognition -evening last Saturday. 'Approximateiy Tinployee-sAittetidaito-enjoyAinner arid -see many faux,/ 'workers honourcd for years cif -service to the company. The 'SentintAxeneral manager and editor, 1?,at -Livingston, vas Tresented wth • ldiracelettuTecmnition aten years with the Lucknow Sentinel. it irst gutted Ztl.hB Sentinel cember -and is now approaching 12 years vith the c ompany. ram i atitlertising manager ler MeSentinel, who las IS yearsAuith the company, -and-Put Aare -presentd with.award ixstowedTpon the Tublico- limn _by bntario MomnityNewSPPers Assaciatinn.Me-Sentineecand In the „BIM Atiwirtishz Awards 'far Igeneral Mxcellence, circU1ation 2;501) wand JanItler. -ttu the r 'Mier category for *013cial Sertions Vet .und eirculatiot; Senthielt -P= Prtget*Igs -Mght:Nine edition vereived4hird.place. 'The judges' comments t!ead, 411104.4titneiv7Senthiel "arm Vrogress ightaline" Section covered Al ,aspeetis nf 'farming. Jarain, ;cattle, watt% fish afal tem :pheasant farming. This ts.a very itigraugh Rana SeCtion." iTom Flynn, Zeneral Manager af "PlIblications far Signal Star 1141blistaing -Ltd., said, •":Once Mt Senthiel has shown that althaugh it Is small chmulation Twer, it Still bas z big im- pact -when awards for excellence are recognized by its peers. Pm very pro- ud of the efforts made by the stall in Traducing these award Mir 'ming Tatiffica- • _ 4 as thieves, apprehended ..frompa_ge 1 ty /damage only. RIDE cheeks during the -week result,L in 202 vehioles, beingEnhecked ond ight AI= tests being ?ad- ministered. Two drivers have .been charged with impaired -two others -received 12 -hour suspension of their tidying intl. 'Iwo -charges ,were laid muierthe Liquar-TAcence Act and one trivermas foimd-tocbe tiriming liPeriefhlWaSIM One striver --was feed to be 7zitilatinE terms 15f Itobation Drder and WilIb -charged ',Vdt1.03reath -of Probation. The flhJ Trogram lso led to .recove7 .Of three:..amber monstnictian _lights 'which tad been ,stoten from con cession 10, }Iuro 'Township. 'Abraham riming flE checlzpoint ey on November 26 stopped:and checked a car which appearing to be trying to avoid ithavt. A male yozng offender has :been charged Aulth Possession of St t en Pro - very as a result. IIEWHO-TRINICS —lie can „ignore -the -moral law is a moral mortm. „ranlivemithautlaithitotimow --iietanlivemiteTleasesmalliever find •fr .liticlaAm „.„41, J90048 liglitERT4IAMMAN'S INORLIWOMERTAMIMP 1) LIMIT /9 441 $.;4E YOUR 9HP106.... ievkupg,o rnkNwsr .45.1§EP-FPFIVniltsrop 'PAIR9F iNEAFie0130t ..maorottpF-0, AcTIVITY,pi).Pik130P0. VARIVQ*13-0;FT oppifs, • , • e 141i•' c• rSJV • 114011(411,k,01-' , • •-til:2441400t""- o'"•4 1404) V 4 • g • % 04•44611,40,4e ocmysi4.?„40$.,),TY.-4, s** .14 •