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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-22, Page 12
Page PB w SentI eI lifiedaesday, November. 5 . 9 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS to the Matter of Subsection 2 of S ectiomS5ot'tboAs er ;^pct Ant Kxtension'of Time fir Return of Annuall Assessment Rolls 6m Ma idnuleipalitics and Otic p6 the fallowing: County of Kent County of Prince Edward County of Renfrew l"iegional Mtn-ticipality of Sudbury City of Weiland Town of Annherstbtarg Town of Tecumseh Township of Tilbury North Village of Tweed Township of Ernestown Village of L'Orignal Township of Longueuil Township of South Plantagenet Totvhip of West o- Hawkesbury Township of Osnabruck Township of Williamsburg Dryden ward of Fdeecation Town of Caine Bay Township of Caldwell Township of Field Township of Mattawan Town of ifaileybury Township of Larder Lake Township of Shuniah Pursuant to Section 35 of the Assessment Act, 1 hereby extend to the 26th day of .January. 1990, the day upon which the assessment mil for the year 1989 is required to be returned pursuant to the provisions of the said Act in all municipali- ties and localities in Ontario. And notice is hereby given that the final date for lodging a complaint with the Assessment Review Board in respect of any assessment con- tained in the assessment roll is the 16th day of February, 1990. Hon. Remo Mancini Minister of Revenue QSAILTFORD VALLEY HALL - EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT! DOORS OPEN 6:30 PINSIN A T8 7 PM TOTAL PRIZE MONEY....$3200 14 REGULAR SAWS 1 SHAW -THE -WEALTH *1000 JACKPOTS 11 MUST GO 1 PRSGRESSIVE AT SO CALLS. —$500. MUST GU— LUCKNOW DISTRICT C MUNITY .. CENTRE Sunday, ,November 26 Lions Bingo OPEN 'DATES November: friday 24 December: friday 1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29 Saturday 9 - 23 - 30 "ONLY" CALL 528-3532, 9 earn. - 6 ,pan. Thanks to everyone who turned out for the annual meeting of Purple Grove Con- nlrinity Centre. Eight tables of eine were played as well as a table of 66Skippba" to the younger set. Gladys Arnold was the high scores for the ladies, Stuart Lane for the men, Earl Elliott won the consolation prize, and Sandra 'Forster had the most lone hands. Lucky draws were won by Isabel Stanley and Maureen Collins. After z ,social time and lunch; the business meeting was held. Morley Scott presided. Semetar-a Irene Boyle read last yeasts minutes and Treasurer Marion Emerson gave her report. Rates were left the same for 199e. It was decided to look into a replacement for the electric stove. Wilma Sutton and Stuart lane were put on a committee to look into the feasibility off entrance -way renovations. The executive for 199© is Roy Collins, Don Reid, Stuart Lane, and John Farrell as Trustees, Irene Foyle as Secretary and Marion Emerson as Tre rer. Congratulations are extended to Margaret Banneunan and William Slessor who exchanged wedding vows in Berrie United Church on ..Saturday. Mrs. Lulu Stanley of Lucknow visited with June and marl Elliott one day this week. The Elliott's were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Linton Sitter of the 14th of Greenock Twp. Get well wishes are sent to Marj Thomp- son who is a patient in Kincardine Hospital. Valerie Gibson, London, visited Don and Alma Gillies last Wednesday. Dave Henderson visited the Gillies an Tuesday. The Presbyterian ladies in Ripley held a successful bake sale and tea on Saturday. Recent visitors with Don and Tiny Robertson were Marita and Ivan Harris of Calgary. Tuesday visitors with the Robert Culberts ho IJRPLE GROVE send were Mrs. Pearl 'MacDonald, Ripley, Marina Cameron, Pine River, Dorothy Col- lins and Rena McNab, Lucknow. Tammy MacDonald, Guelph, and Paul Cunliff, Elora, visited this weekend with her grandparents, Wilda and Harvey Thompson and Myrtle and Wib MacDonald. Ota Piday evening, the `l`honipson's were dinner guests of Paull and Connie Bushell and Chris. Keep Dec. 15 open for the Purple Grove Christmas pot luck supper and program. Marion Avery and Brenda Bridge attend- ed the Gorie W.I. meeting last Wed. The Huron County Dairy Princess was guest speaker. On Friday, Robina and Brian Bridge were guests at Kevin Bridge's 4th birthday par- ty. Last Sunday, Robin was a guest at a party for Natalie Black's 5th birthday. Ken and Brenda Bridge enjoyed dinner out in Port Elgin on Saturday evening along with their friends John and Cheryl MacKinnon of Tiverton. Katherine Collins had Margie and Dave Lockhead, Sharma, Rachel, and Devon of Waterloo as her weekend guests. On Sun- day, Sandra and Ed McGillivray hosted a family dinner in honour of Kristy McGillivray's 11th and Dawn Collin's 9th birthdays. Jobuny and Marlene Collins and faimily, Gordon and Ruthe Patterson, Grandma Kay and the Lockheads all join- ed in -the festivities. On Saturday Dawn Collins entertained her girlfriends; on Wednesday, Kristy McGillivray hosted a party for her friends. Happy Birthday, girls! e from hospital Beek Culbert has returned home from university hospital following heart surgery. Harvey Culbert, who was a pa- tient at Alezazxlra and Marine ilaepital lith •tack prohtems, returnedImre ithe - same day. Dungannon Senior Citizens . At the card party on November 15, 11 tables were in play,' with high lady, Fem- nQie Green, low lady Helen Nicholson, high manGordon :Pollock, low :man Thys Green. The seniors are :invited to the .iudmow Womens' Institute Christmas Party at the Town ball ; r . - a,1 1 4. The Christmas runner is planned for December 18, at .22:30 pm. Dungannon Union Pastoral Charge Service on Sunday was .taken by Rev., A. Cook. annon, Nile and Trinity Wbite'Gift ty Bonnie Hodges Service will be held on Sunday, December 3. At Dungannon a soup and sandwich lunch will be provided. - A Christmas Eve Service will be held this year at k . ty Church. Nile Sunday School Christmas Concert is December 17, 8 pm. Baptism was held at Trinity on Sunday, for Julie Manna Phillips, daughter of Brenda and Fred Phillips. -Following the service, the Philips and Bremner families met at Dungannon Senior Citizen Centre for refreshrrlents. Thought Christmas is when you can't find the Christmas cards you bought for half-price at the boxing day sale last year! 200 TOT LL Y NEW. THOUGHTS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $995 ALSO, LOWER PRICES ON ... BOOK #2 "THINK FOR A MINUTE —IDEAS!" WAS 7»»,tOW:$$. BOOK #3 THOUGHTS TO IGNITE ,YOB p, WAS 99S NOW 47l.S PICK UP YOUR COPY TODAY PROM THE FOLLOWING L'A'IaNs ... S t 4I S: suitiS i CHECK, fl�•1,��y111 COTVL ENT HOURS.. Monday ,to ftaroday ,8 ;eta -1:30 pm 1ti*y fro* -0 am , Sob ay trim* it, The fetich SiBaa -Star. TfteVtintore NewAtecotd. The Seaforthaluron,Expositor. The Lucknow Sentinel, The:Mitcttetl,4dvorate. The Sincaidine News. The on Herold-Times.:Fincher's (GODERICH.'KINCA; WINE. EXETER). King's. Books; in Myth the'►ld Mill. T ase The Listov►et Bork Shop:.and'.Harris.$0 ionery•in WinghAm.