The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-22, Page 5LueknowSentiftel9 Wedaesday9 November 229 19/0Page -Seniors invited to join Iiticknow Town and Country Club goodness of the hearts of govermnent. 411111.111111111111111111110.1.1111111101111111111 To the 31ditor: By way off your newspaper, I would like to _draw to the -atteition area seniors that he "Imcknow Town and Countly Seniors Club" (455 and over) is affiliated with the United Senior Citizens def Ontario,' -who rare morkbig hard on :the behalf _of seniors to improve their lives. They have achieved the following benefit over the years - 0111P, drugs, realty tas rebate, sales las rebate, 4ndes- ed pensions - just to name a few. 'These benefits were fought for by both by the United Senior Citizens a Ontario and Ithe national Pensioners arid Senior Citizens Federation and were not provid;•11 by the Itlave you seen the new 7$10 Ittas a picture la 'Parliament Mill And there waving in the breeze iEtheUS. 'Flag? - looks .like it to me. NM 'Brian said "Free 'Trade is . a linigt We Itave to have it -"Free 'Trade er bust" Be said :it would be good for the .nation And itTingl" it %%calmer inflation -But when I see .that lag :on :the -410 bill •inakes me so ''Inad that I..get ill F.acbnies are cloging -!moving,..south But you just sit and don't open your ximmth Our 'resources controlled :by the -Ths. of .A. And yoasmile and -:grin and :have. nothing .to :say On the -radio recently I did hear That 7the American farmer he xloth -fear :that our Pork Producers might lit .sales So, :an '896..tax - it •-will.prevail S% tax - .710W another 8 'That -makes our farmers feel just ,great 9% ,tax on all we .buy and lase It wll not .pay It - 1 Tefuse fllcut the tids .hair and then xi° mine Whatahout trtmsportation? - well do just ,We :Amy . a .horse - 'that's for sure 9%,of the horse? 'You van have !the minim I mill' send it to you by. Canada Post It's very slow --430 youll banefit. most Next time you make an .announeennt with flare Use some - it will enhance the Mr. ravdriving through Ka as I write these thoughts Seeing people, 'rivers and lovely wood lots Bow will It ,be ours - that's good question One that could be a hone of contention Ilow long -1will this land he ours? - Oh dear The-wart/rings are ,going itinight be two years Our factories, resources and'even -more We soon boaxtinet like 'the -dinosaur Canada's -figure? "Were in a pickle Pretty soon won't be zwortha plugaiickel :But maybe that is part ;of the -plan for a plug nickel you could sell our land. As for -me andmy house -welall" serve the _Lord As ilininflians first - with or without the "accord" And I ,tell you Mulroney - with all my heart and soul 'There will be no stars and sbipes rminy eg Marion Mffarlane support. We enjoy cards, bingo, pot luck THE COITOI 'Why no join our club and add your dinners, speakers, films, programs etc. The reit meeting will be November 17, at 2 p.m. at Lueknow Legion Hall, with MIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII special guest speaker Constable Andy seniors are welcome! Burgess of the Kincardine - OPP. All Joan Robinson, 1)msident. rJ1ww, -r-ancidatting ...ezmitzd fieSidentlal and Commercial Landscape Contractor 13.41.2 th mile south of tucknow or Liucknow, Ontario Huron County -Road 1/1 :Sus. (519) 529:7247 SALE Cash and Carry Items Only 103/4 off Instock Howell flaysets 2001boff Display Model - fort Bravo 50%off ArtifiCial-Hanging Plants it Patio Ames. Christmas Supplies (limited supply only) *Tree Removal Bags *Indoor Lights *Outdoor Lights *Nutcrackers AkStratv Ornaments *Beads •Artfficial Christmas "Trees *Candle Holders ,ipTree Tops 4Traditton (Olas-Baumschmuck) MI *Christmas Ornaments *Candles (Baum Kerzen) Cut Christmas Trees available in December. Hours: Monday - Saturday Sam - 5prn Closed Sunday Comada"ScholarArrinilliaeliog Diugasuon,',was,mwatiled,:a Nevis' Vasada StkOlar6 1F-Certificate,.by WillianvWiaegaril, Minister Of State ISeklteend Veclutthieal Wawa ,receatly. Local scholar wins award .BY,JENNWFA' MAW Kevin ?Mack ',was ,anwag university ,students ,from _Carleton UniVertlitY, :the University of Wawa and i'Liniversite Quebec a Ruliwho were,h0110red4Itt the riaaacla '$410411111% °e.erenWilY• A",.1)..IPPIlll011,Y0.011 has keen AiWalittled ARIAltda SCh44411:4113 :certificate by WiWarn Ygiueganl, Minister,S/f ,SUite iScienceandleckinolop.) The Preellta- tiCon-V14s,-41441e Ilttebe,national jautiVh,for the PrOgliillilhigd ,i)ot. 11. Wckis a sdetit Varldon Ilpiver- ,sityiiin<Dttsitwa,,:mmiled,,,in fogr:oar taereepace :et CgUeflfl W3. By VAWWW the..0,001414011), he let $2000, ,)401r for Lour,lie,maint015 c114140ng. Tho4WAVer- SitY:141140.4mrtillim 41900 a year for ow' narscsfith:the The .r411440a Sel101atilhOs PrIgralw-Was fiistAW)0.1, AlleAdihr Ptinle ifialitter Bri4uA AIOIMPO-Y, at 7_the liationa1UilfereiteeM1 TeChAlaUgYaad,loNovatiOn,inc4anaMIlf 1008. Do proltrainia WgatariAgf its _ae- coad',Pbase with a federal 'financied cow mitment ;Oleo -million,over,afive year Per100. ttli/liater •iof, gate (*Iwo ,and TccithoiegY) and 'IStihilape DA14400is, M.P. 04.411s4WhJilt, :(,1.le *0) Were to*Wii`d-Calltada `,11QMrs .with -000110"$0101411hiP egrtif1.400,-Auf1 PAW. The ,410940 VAW441.3:$0041.141Ps,P4 filOWleVIAelit Was W40 40 the national' 1.4001 ei tOr UniverAlles Wetit (03d. 141 - Oct. 24, X ). •free .Photo of Your ft.Child or family Portrait :ono Additional Vulvas for fOrpups lOprolesSional Vhiltiren7s Photographer (*No Age Unit. coChoose .'',17rorn finished Prato Ashlitional ,Prints Available At .2Atfortlabie .Pricee NE CDAY MY" E.BeirrtHrbi„ tint Ventre Ago,Cciutipbell $t. .11,40.1(NQW Wednesday, cNo,v0Mbar 29th 10 AM -0. 7::.0:00 PM *VreafAtv,chriativas Otto" • . • 4