HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-22, Page 4PD. iBox 400, lucknow, IDntarlo NOG .2140 £282822; (sia).s28as'a Established 1873 `Thomaslhompson — Advertising Manager Subscription ratesadvance: Pat_Livingston— ',General Manager :$17.0 :outside' Zanatia SSON 314" 'Outside canade15800 Sentorzitizen Second mtass /nailing teg. no. O847 Advertisingiaacceptectorythecondition'that iirtheavent trtetyrimnap hica terror, thepor- tion-ottbeedvedisingspace :occupied trthe erroneous; iterntagetherwithe reasonable allowanceiorsjgnature, nottherhargettor,J3urthetalancaorthwadvertisentent will be ',paid tertbeapplicable rates. TO Stu, ,g • liteh to .Students are Acid( in .call. llinally. miter a one 'Ilion% interrup tion of Ihnthering their aduceitiori". Six weeks ilisto 'their past amen- tiary aducation 110;000 litudents Aland ,themselves mut of whoa with no Moo show ionthe 11.11110 xoniviturilty (college ,tamothers, counsellors and iihronriens waidd Ate itaillting the picket lines. irtaur ,waaks ToEfrustrxition fior students ins anded with the callegin and stirs alirelidng .cto ',loathe thair Illopute by .14oieentber 20 , zonoent .to Minding arbitration. Ainfortimattly. it was tI students° Awes That ,were put on hOId during 'this Milts. Students Iconte .first. limy are payingctod money for thlr oducation. on top of which !conies ,the 4ijgh accommodation and ail the ,Othar in- itidentals vthat add -op -la lerisaiiiiints Of annoy. When -they fare away at axillo.• Of come. iicitowatiucation Asa laccostly ,Taintleatour; one .that gstudents and 41bOir permits ,waire'lprepstrodl to ntat the theiginninv Of the accidenlic year. 'Students within lime proitinilty bad the .cadvantage able .to ,tirturn =home sandstUI pay the Arent. 'Those ,iiiramio ilistance. such as out Of "'ratline. :ovisiveri/1 as lucky. Never Amoy/inn i'wain tho strike 5,would and ,Ltiosiy were loran! 'to -sarnain kWhirre -.they MOM Haw dmae,Y 0,f41ese 411);000 students .wereobI. to pkk up aionni 'type Of ainploynient 401w Abe !Odic*? How many ointaieYera wow able. to 7/tire aomaone not,ititavaingl lust !When thaw would ,4101110 leave? How many students wet Tabun to IWO."' now ,-that strlke+sevr,stioded? How many students have bad tb.ir achool year 40011aallized Asetassie Of,four weighs Of Missed 4lesse1? 'The missed -Cis aro .now to tbe.4.111001111,11 zillt0 the Yew tiblf tending tbe*di t.rm loto Aottuaty; patelble 011ealitektn ,O.f lamina cooneilling ,1014ator41proolk. week; ,zsbortsaling Vbristwens- !break and .::paselibly itittentligy the obetgaittlig yew. 11%*:,:students MOM the cirkfured sportienr*vfhisAcktir t*k strlk.. LWhatWINS-11010•11? Not o Lot.ID„uring liwelour ‹mnikicsyrof druootisitions. Abo union iotadifistdlts Amigo ,ogiormant400thy, t ositogic tp Allsoir Mills On, 11111. ,10/110W UMW .1011) •sasourily 41110 stck.4�0v� ‘%.11116dits - and inonnomiimont oditersed to Jts orialnal,;Offoris It porluips timafor the provincial otternment 4,co look at ,Chonaitg the iiiioiyaliediwprinoss in the 40paya 5AY,0000 -" 76 Years (ago 'November .27, 019 Senled :thit,eUrkiiart IllecPendiPLI.Aw suit between .Mr. A.P.r Stewart and ;the Corporation Of the Nriltage ;Of .144Vlsnow ban been sottiod• arbertent,..amOunts VARt•tthe Atiliage ,rb PAY I,Mr• wart ,.9fie 40:11tiliftY,11011M0 fr „to J4eapilkeviighthio*OticAntlithe village t0,beIee:frftin-011-414atignrin-mmetio AO The SelitloPtrAt mas 10.41it about by the ritltmeittiggy,Of arself.:appojritetk cwn- mjtteo ifkOttiMs. rY410 Jett that ement i -opt pf (goort virolgd ,Oefiter :for hath Parties to /be lijoute. Oars ago Nov r 23 linppY UIL8 *t The Uap- • 'Oousius „u cqrt (mpany of,AlrOro will present a laiLcookong',0 s-entgtaba. MO, in :Kinionsb-Pr (41Piteritel'vhgr011 oi 14140Y, DePanther „1. Therc is I treatin Aare or,lhooeatLepg xhip reatetta. MMOnt al.41,M41,400 *Jijs Mc-4,nyikae 13,4vd 1111**t From11'4'14417 orto by Ihe -911 that 01 perbiUen.byt ir Wen,'$ruce. apd P Ageveative v0ine jnjectins rs*P. Deepiduic,tys AttrihntPd frOTO tw United ,tes91101 3,901# Who t�ppI in Wingbari, Rambler prepares frol. winter Aim au s • by IV tivingSthh 1111111111111011111111111NMENNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM .bat week's winter weather made ine Tutu What rocrittitirtator VII At least Larnzegardhig certain things such as iropstring, 'for Winter driving. On, know, rm mot the only Ale. At least hatl my winter !bogs /lug ,otit way before the bit. Ile& bad teen wearing them for sonietime, in an liffort to ward olfgetting cold feet -add being sick again. After ,old man *Utter Itad Autriped too =eh snow last 'Thursday, I was 'forted *OflY5T0!f1tha thewed Up eOna tram which, betw better than !nothing, was mot as effeethre as the real an - you knOw the proper 41.061" that las ra meat brush fan 3)ne end and a scraper on the other. 1Iavh managed le remove the .mw,i was still stuck with the ice miderneath and restated le awing /he -edge of a cigarette pack as a sewr. Believe me that wawa too Alec *ivefeither. 1 would have sworn that the proper 'tool" tad been neatly stowed away in the &mil( of my tar last spring, but searching graved useless. ,Some person our Totally tail obviously removed it. As me only tam two thII pee - the fnmily, it 'narrows down Whose fingers are going to get slapped for this one. if :course I wean/ dressed warm enough to ie standing outside in those freeztag minds, 'that Wthed underneath the mat ktilltivrovedtomethat piaitYliose really are .not made for rwmmth. ''The toots Thad rni are not made for standbig in snow for long periods xif time. The cold permeated to The :toes Of my size II's and *the tbne 1 arrived tome, they mire as Ted as liudolph mese. 3itiv,e tome proved to be nerve wretilallg. "That Ale is new in this area, especially for thicken hearted whiter drivers 'snch 48 myself? /4fidnt haw SflOW 111W 40111 M. Viet was *ppog. to ham looked after this for me earlier. (Men promaStinate too) It tools todte a while for me to welt the tension out f my back and meek. That was one the about farming„ Mr. Pixit was always there when 1got home to offer a Mlle TLC or if watt tame to worst hell '! eon* Illid igek ine up. It appears IC -r_an no Wager put off preparing for whiter in Buren said Bilift counties. I now have my snow brush :close at hand; my survival kit in the car, I must remember to move the blanket from the trunk to the back seat); my overnight bag packed (in case I Stay in 'town for the milit); my warmer, flat toots adorn ray feet; my ski pants are in - *t car; iny warm hat is always with me and any snow tires have made it to the trunk (soon to be installed). All -that ‘remains is to gain confidence in myself driving in this' crappy weather. t, By the way, would that male driver who .insisted on tail gating me Friday morn- ing please wisen rgil 1 have enough "4 things to worry shod besides having you in the hack end •xi my car. PS. Another birthday just passed and 1 really feel the goverrment tiould be kind at such times of the year. I always thouglit one was te receive an these days ') not give. Mod kind of a likthday present is it when yell have to fork out $96 on such a momentous occasion to get your license plate sticAser and have your mug 'I shot taken' 25 YeArs .ago NOvelnbOr 110; 304 AVM' 1041bert 413 Wawa Ataail -S-14Per10,ten4ent -Culbert of TIAtingannen was appointed 490 superintendent ,of .westWjwauosh "%MAO •,f,904,11.1000,1Mofowl" last Thursday ,,Aufg,bt. Yive Opheattens mere.reeeive4c$044e 14904.14rvw A :'fingler ,‘ 0 and.0ikaneiW,r .of the tow". Afiiialma WOO* .040. :t4,11011)40,Phinlien has e1ebr ,YrAtbarliaMe**hth* in 811,instoup ,y4*re •imAny Itionge TaJleti '4te *VOW tbeiroxI.00thes. Mrs. ;McPherson Kinlws Miv9),9 An0 nFe *ni. 4044400*1 to,1709.0 azxl WM 9.4141141 oi 4 *1490144' ,04470 for many 10 )40,P. r#00 3.4 :now An ° *cagier Wm/a -Twenty..five years Age, the weekend of November 21 AntI AO, it was xi wild meektud, in,locknew And aulTO/404* Area. Nine *WS of snow feli whipped into drifts that, 49w WO peer nae 44145 lr4Altsn hi- Utir.daY 44n4 Sunday. goteriate mere 14roxiefl in the .roads but by Mon - y, v9ncitionts 'turned inilsier *4 the Anew was 144 41,444wearktg in AluttY 'Manner. 40 OW *V NovV,Per 01, ftwil -'ri Wayhe and 2, IN,. k,1193W YiCtf itatansi in th4 having W90 §eYen JALotz 4. pi We, Aiwoeme 4:341,ropi94 tebtrvo Chaapeti Ijain,Ifoiervo -Champion Rain LOW),aiid Reserve 01•11109i3 lor Nuttlicr Panzb. in the ,siAinle iue Core' Aintettl wa f0e/910zAXI /Or YrInILin$ first prize for her Ahuoiloidn ;staer in the open light we** Algo 41t the 'Apr YAW