HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-3-5, Page 8a- Thursday. March 3th, .1936 EGG'S MEAT MARKET ----Next Hunt's Hardware -Hamilton Street-- IIRRth slum) rata— Frei Side. Ik Frei Ilam 22c Leat Shaaider 11k it 1lfiale Ham t7c 23c Chops 21e Flailed Side Perk PRiME STEER BEEF - Round Steak 1k Sirloin Stank 2k Wing Steak l& Shoulder Resat ... .4...t13c lean Pot Roast 12e I�. boiling Gred-firrererelref PUB VRAL-• RIIU N Stew K Btke...ltiis ibis Boast Ilk amp Roast RA er Shoulder Chops 1& Fresh Satterkrant..4 lbs. fur 23e Shoulder Rik, Pork...4 Aa. 25e Fre shade Headcheese ..Sem for 25e -W)( DILIVIB-- PHONE 488 ISEIMW 00D121011 THE SIGNAL — GODERICH, ONT. BRIEFS 1 OODERIOH KARKET PRIORS Annual Mission Band St. Patricia, supper will be held on March 14, from. 5 to 7 p.m., at North street United church. Supper 25e and 15c. Stewart Bros., ltenuilier Nurseries, hare thousands of plants of varloaa kinds which will soon he ready for spring planting. A esuggesUon--why buy seeds and take all the trouble of raising plants when they can be pro- cured so readily? - -At Victoria street "i sited cttiicb twenty-five jolly minstrels will present their two-hour program. ,r.il> 3ritaF Weeding, March 6th, at 8 p.m. Fun for young'and old. Under auspices of the Christian Service Group. Ad- mission 25e, children 13c. Mr. G. W. Lafthwatte, Stanley street, has been appointed local represents tire for Deans, dry cleaners, of Lon- don. He promises prompt and efficient service on all orders entrusted to him. See his announcement in The Signal's advertising columns this week. HIGH TEA AT KNOX • era and calla lilies. Although the The annual high tea was served by ' attendance was not as high as in pre - ears about two hundred being served, the banquet rivaled those of the past in Its high degree of excel- lence the Ladles' Aid of Knox church In the lecture room on Tuesday evening. The long tables were attractively de- corated with baskets of spring flow - THE BREAD THAT SATISFIES MILK -MADE BREAD rim PROPI'(TO Y nt'a O MN BAA?.sNr,r• HEALTHFUL-APFE71ZING--VUTRITIOUB — TRY A -LOAF- -- — CAKES AND PASTRIES --- ri•REST MATERIALS OF FINEST QUAI.IT1 E. U. CLEVELAND WEST BMW PHONE 114 a We have appreciated your patrdnage to tae past Erni is the future we will continue to supply you with the best -of ORD CABS and our prices will be right. We have a supply on hand, In eluding 32, 33 and 34 Chevrolets. '51tedeJbauer's for Good Used Cars Gas, PHONE 33 — -- QOM:RICH s. AYLMER SOUPS A YLMER CORN AYLMER Waituri err r. 1 1 1- SPOTLIGHTS • CARLOW, March 4. -The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian congregation met at the home of Mrs. Will Cant- well on Tuesday with an attendance of twelve. The president. Mrs. Erring- ton, presided, and Mrs. Mitchell. Mrs. David Bean and Mrs. Marsh assisted in tie opening exercises. After the .osioe-'._purl. the ladies t uilted a quilt, and at the clone the boater, served a dainty lunch.. '-Miser. Ruby Young and Amelia( lic- Ilw•ain attended the meeting for the World Day of l'rayei at Nile on Feb- ruary 28tp and took part in the pro - gat M. Mr. C. A. Robertson. M.l'.P., spent Tuesday-nightat his home here. Mr. Isaac Currey, Nile, shipped a g�aar�t1oad-of hogs from Mellaw to -lir Tonle oa-AVxduesday. The 8th concessiou of Colborne Is open and ears are running again. -GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHiP,�March 2. -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Davidson re-; turned home on Monday, after a- two months' visit with „members of their Death of Thomas Alexander, -After !•labs at! -•'1120040s. Jattedod: trod ,..thr eek,' ilineas of pneumonia. Windsor. -- - _ Thomas" Alexander passed away ou We are flows to' report that Mils 1F'rhMsy, 11'ebru:try 21st, at bre home Agnes. (:emirs 1s Rio ening-from--lb..1L ...iL..-1-.11Qaw nuah. Dw•a.eti --.,w.&sT tack of pleurisy. torn seventy-one years ago st-Naiwnee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neftel returned and came to this township when a ;to their home on Saturday after spend- ''hill with his parentslir, and Mrs. i Ing two months In Goderich. Themes Alexander. During his long en n• he made Fowl Oblekeas. lb., 10..-16r; hens, lb., 10c --13e. s NW sad Butter Egps, per deem, 13c -24e; butter, dairy, lb.. Ilk; butter, creamery, lb.. 25c. Lve Steel Bacon tees, Owl., $8,4&25; beef, lb., 4c-&; wgl, lb., dc -7c; lamb, lb„ Grain Wheat, per bus., ti5t--70c; buck- wheat, free nese, 53t -56e; woe per bas-, 23c -36c; barley, per bus., 38e- S6e. Vegetables Potatoes, per bag, i l.10 -41.15 ; tur- nip, per bus-, 25c --80e. Fleur and Feed Bran, 100 -lb. bag, 93c-41.00; aborts, 100-11b, bag, 11.10-$1.20; Mead - tabs flour, 100 lb. hag, $2.86-43.10. MILD DUCK DIES After Bring nearly two weeks on -sadtmaik. and-Snin,.a wUditsair which was found exhausted in the back yard at the home of F. H- Wood, South street, died on Monday. When found In • snow bank the duck warn little more than a living skeleton. It was able to eat, but had difficulty in moving around, and it was thought its legs were frozen. MI8$ION CIRCLE TEA -The Mission Circle of North' street - United church held a charming host- ess tea in the parsonage on Satur- day afternoon. Mrs. (Rev.) W, -_P. Lane and Miss Laura Johnston, Prig - dent of the Circle, received about 9oe hundred ports. Miss E. E, Buchanan presided at the tea table, and a group of young ladies attended to the wants of those present. The tea tables were prettily decorated with sweet peas and fern'. Those serving were Misses Margaret Nicol, Phyllis Cooper. Jean McLeod, Marjorie Henderson, Marian Chapman, Agnes Thorueloe, Mary Buchanan, Helen Lane and Edna Driver: - ST. HELENS , t'nion Church Na1Mre-The regular "'I'I cw In tl townahlp meeting of the T.P.U. will be held at ° TERAS ON PROPERTY -Ten per i the church on Friday eveningThere r,,g iniad. He is survived by two other Reunion Next Server br„there and a sister, William. in the meat of pa ; I,a! price to be paid at r at onion n Sun- A n interesting gathering took place - i n.aa •mall W,rnnu o lt-t.-t• and GP.,t n. and Ma)hda. on the time of sale; ha lame any time within clay. The pa -tor. Rev. F. W. ('roil, at Detroit on February••'llat, the Se- a, when h„no• farm, The funeral' took mist* thirty day poswsahon wit/ IN reaehed from the text "Who know- ca+ion being a big "get-Gratther aC- P on I'cbruary _1th to Grebnhill come -ranged 1.- h KI gsf ridge Old Boysgiven. ler t obse'r airs bei condneted ' dem for web a time as this?' .(Esther by Iter H m Wrftehf, off Rt. Hams , VECTS--('.ash • ASHFIELD Ashbeld P eebyterlan Church. -At the annual congregational meeting of Ashtleld Presbyterian church, held rs- ceatl., reports of the past year's work were received and the affairs of the congregation were found to be in good cundklod. The retiring members of the board of managers -John MacRae, John (lathtert, Donald McLean and Robert Nelson -were re-elected, as were also the treasurer, I). A. Mac- Donald, and Ute asslataut treasurer, John Macleod, Other officers of the eot:uc•egeltiun also were re-etecteo for another term. The question of a sal- aried organist wee discussed, and a committee was appointed to take suitable action. This week the min- ister, Rev. J. K. MacOlHvray, and the repretlseilaUve i A. Mac- Donald, attended the meeting of Mait- land Presbytery at Brussels, -tin WEATHER Althtiu the weather of the last weep ha On the upward trend with regard to.temperatuteet it still -versales a 'iw algre ea &r thati "idle corresponding week of last year. The officially recorded temperable% of tha two weeks are as follows: 1958 1931-- Max. Min. Max. Mtn. Thursday, Feb. 27 ..33 15 18 1 Friday, Feb. 28 , ...24 14 28 18 Saturday, Feb. 29 , .32 10 Sunday, March 1 ..23 ---1 38 14 Monsaay, March 2 ..27 15 43 31 Tuesday. March 3 • .43 211 *1 23 R'cduteday, March 4 38 30 �.rtsi 22 EXECUTORS BALE SALM INCREASE Sales of Domlalon Stores Limbed for the second period ended February FJad, InIts, were 11,462,058. This compares with $1,352,663 for the troy responding period in 1935, and is an let ease of 7.38 per cent. 4VCTIONREIDNG 1'HOJItAS SUNDRY, GODERICH, a LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 • Sales attended to anywhere sad.. e_, effort Made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. -�- WANTED rE t WANTED 11OR --ILWL IOH lags Routes in N. Huron eosaty, . Write today. RAWLEIOH CO., Deldt. ML. 21688.8. Montreet Canada f r'r . r � • HEADQl1AR FUR$I and PAI AULCRAFT PRIM S ave cmaay w kiwis !rigs. -ZRisL'1. ZO2 nxpt•esaw MORI In oar Apra of ,• IrUiiYPI'[u wt� ., WI po itideey sou* yes W� 'W.. Ri. P "As the Broadway of 1U81O INSTRUCTOR. • uslc Instruc or"In the Goderich Pub- lic Shoo., addressed to the nulder- signed, will be received op to T1(ea4ay. March 10th, 1936. " Salary at the rate of 4350.00 per year -one half-hour per week per room and putting on entomb sellout concert. State qualifications and experience. 1.. L. KNOX, Secretary. HONORED BY FRIENDS The Listowel Banner of last week had the following ret, rence to a form- er Goderich boy: Ou Wednesday evening a number of friends held a farewell gathering in McDonald's Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Lee - Ile Evans, who are leaving for Toron- to on Friday 'to spend the week -end and on Monday for St. Stephen. New Brunswick, where Mr. Evans will take over his duties as manager of a Srl- elte store. Fluchre was enjoyed, the winners being Mrs. Evans and Clayton itiehn. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Evans were made the recipients of a beautiful radio lamp, as a remem- brance from their Listowel friends. Mr. I.nrne Livermore read the address and Clayton Biebn presented the gift. There was community singln . At the close tefresbmentUWs-) serCe'd bj the ladies. IiINOSBRIDOE OLD BOYS s CUARTESED S• Ontario street. (Member firatbro�, tilth, Toronto, Ostario.)a • VETERINARY RJRt' HR. G. E. SIYERB. V.8» B.v,> J! VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the University at \EOUTOR'8 SALE OF CENTRAL- LY LOCATED RESIDENCE PRO- PERTY, HOUSE FURNl8HiNG/1 AND Ee•F'ECTS. We are Instructed by the exertter of the estate of the late Miss Al Davidson to sell by public anctios�,--gt the premises, Corner of-Cotbor ee gad_ I Waterloo streets, Goderich, on i TUESDAY, MARCH 17th, at 1.30 sharp: The property consisting of N. PL Lot 870, Outhouse street, on which there Is a comfortable one and a -half -story frame dwelling, Is good repair. The location is one of the best In Goder- ki, a short dlstauc•e from river and i harbor, about three minutes' walk from ;the Square, and convenient to •Nees! 16141'40M_ and of ' . - - _ _ 1 All the contents of the house will be disposed of : Living -room, dining - ',room, bedroom (3) and kitchen fund- ' tore; bedding: linens; disbesr-cutledy and glassware; garden and eminency's ianv frteeds by whom he was highly Get Together at Detroit -To Have An. keels. eta _ etlwhether thou art come to the king- ) 1 r "'' r the ee ' TERMS ON FURNITURE AND EF - of the rkv There were over 1.A► lx included I 1 , 4.14), In witirWhe occasion of 'Present.andthe number ne ue ee some 1teFying Caittell� church, The pallbeaarra'who hand not seen -saga other shier t-RA101 A.1p148, Solicitors for EzeA- the King's apn•rh. ... est Sunday the ,c. r• J. C. l'urdon, D. Marponhld, j they attended High 14ch.eil In Goder- tor, Goderich. Oat. I +k h together. The weenier the j 1a. ja'ltaot at p.m.-; preaching service at i'i and J. C LIg I evening incindesi carts and dancing. ` - - - 5 p.m. {with tremae of the real old-time dances I DRUGi.a88 PRACTITIONER - F'OR SALE OR RENT regular services will he held. Sunday a;n• Kenilien„ K. Cummings, 11, ro• of i T:43tilNDRT AND SON Abel etett lento and Ontario Veterinary Otlice at T. T. Murphy's, Ha street. Phones: Day 200; aww - f C. DL F. J. It,'FO'RSTER, EYE, BAR,, YNOl11., THROAT. -Isle Howse Surgeon New Task • Imic and Aural Hospital, 'o- at .Mooretleld Eye Hetopltpe and Golden Nqui.re Throat Hospttas, Lode*, Eng. _AYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street 8., Stratfoed. ► Telephone 257. !MEDICAL Nest visit -Wednesday, March 18. fmm 7 pm.. to 1 p.m. os Thursday, ora 110101. DUDLEY E. SOLVES. • Barrister, Etc. Office -Court House, Goderieh. Telephone 65. AIR1 Barrister and •I0Uefter Office Hamlltpt Street. Osderish. Telephone 512, ERNEST ll. LEE, itarrister and Solicitor Ram Life Building, Adelaide and Vte- torte Streets, Toronto 2 .fir Telephone Elgin 6361- .y AYLMER WEEK HITS TOWN .... I I ! and knocks old man "High Cost" sky-high! To the tune of. "For Its a Jolly Good Sale," Aylmer Week makes its annual appearance at your Dominion to bring you Aylmer High Quality Foods at Dominion's' amazingly low prices. - IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY .. , . MAKE THE MOST OF iT I I I Values Effective for March 5th, 6th, and 7th. ALL KINDS 31055 -os 2 Except Pure Chicken Tins Whole Kessel 1014 -or. Tin CATSUP lot AYLMER Choice Quality Halves PEACHES AYLMER fore Seville Orange White Corn No. 2Tin sc C i0 hots.dot s. 25 2 N Tha33 c MARMALADE =-•-'zi ;o...i Quality BROOMS PEAS Choice AYLMER Strawberry, Raspberry or Black Currant JAMS 29` w,tli 12-0 \,1r1rd lar I'rrtu, SPECIAL. Large Head Lettuce l OC Large Grapefruit 5 for 25c No. 4 Sieve 291. tafli No 210( Tin McCormick'. CHOCOLATE BISCUITS A Delicious. laity. Chocolate Marshmallow Biscuit.- Oven Fresh 2 25` AYLMER --` CHOICE Tomatoes 2 Nos 234'•1 94c tins ( hnirr Peaches Nn 2 Sq. Tin 2 for 33( AYLMER gid... Fancy Sliced and Tid Bit PINEAPPLE 4 16-orav tins A AYLMER ,TOPES LIMITED TOMATO JUICE 2 No 1055 oz. Tin 14c - 25&5-02. tins 1 AYLMER INFANT FOODS 2 1.,.% 1 9( AYLMER PEAS AND CARROTS ` Nn 2 tq L5( 2 "cin AYLMER Jumbo PEAS No. 2 Tin 1 7< AYLMER WHITE BEANS 3 lbs. for 10c Galilee Hallow' DATES 3 Ihs. 254 ROLLED OATS 6 1M 2 5( _ Wit" rr11 BAl'FIELD< leech as they used to have at Kintail the "old days.” Table' Perehtaed--For ma whenever a euchre and dance •in the town hall there w[l '' repara ors Ina -In 1117. vers! oT seer - in:; tables and cards, it (}Molting �u willing hands to gather up tables bor- rowed from good-natured residen<Ns.'. -At last the members of Ole` trustee board have purchased require- ments and to pay for th La cos e of dances are being held,f' first be Friday of this week, rete and If needed another n March 13th.: 8etsisy's issrviees.For the In the history of 6L And United church a radio waiehsed, the congregation an opportunity hearing the first broadeplt to the Empire by King Edward VII since his accession to the throne of Great Britain- His voice sounded clearly and his message cable through perfectly. It was followed by the singing of the National Anthem by the congregation and the regular service conducted by the minister, Rev. R. M. Gale. who took his text from the 23rd Psalm and spoke on "The Overflowing Cup.” Ct Trinity church Sunday school Mr. Bugler had his radio so the teachers and pupils heard the King's on Sands, at 2 p.m. Interment will address. be 1a Maitland ceme-tory. the property is a bank barn, stable and running water, hog pen and henhouse �IN MEMORIAM +attached, driving and implement shed, (;001).-•b loving memory of our log house with frame kitchen and shed, mother, Mrs. John Good, who passed I small orchard, a quantity of bush, two away a year ago -March 9th, 1935. ' creeks and two never -falling springs. Precious Jesus. be our Itavioor, I Farm well fenced. Must be sold to l'Ilot us o'er life', rough sea, settle estate of the late George Tebhutt. Lead us thro' the swelling Jordan. LPoesessinn given April 1K, 193(1. W. E. Orr dear Mother's face to see. ,TEBBUTT, WILL COX, Executors, - sadly. missed by DAUGHTERS. _I..Ooderich P. O. U. .AN eirtatifIrgirt 1R'Lila•--s.•.ur•n aWFre-a imam ors--. e cursion ur an outing occasion of some :I301,1IE on .Qameu'asir.epee*. six rooms and bethrootn. Aft ennvenlea+ Cana - APMy--11114l,- 4titsd to the au®e+eR- _ _ Wever /street The officers of. tti-Kingsbridge Old Boys' A%tsbchrtlun of Detroit are: gyIR RENT. -COMFORTABLE FIVE- Ilonorary president, Rev. M. J. Dal- it ton; president, Melvin J. ORelity; room apartment, with three-piece secretary -treasurer. Miss Bernadine bath and hardwood floors. Garage O'ioughtln; - tommtttee-Josepb- . -- -1 sad garden. Good /oration. Apprf Sullivan, Wm. P. Long, Frank Me- M. W. HOWELL. earthy, Katherine Kenny, Elizabeth O'Connor. The hosts ■nd hostesses UOCSE FOR SALE. --TWO-STORY were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Callaghan. brick house on Nelson street. Eight Mr. and Mni. Thos. J. Lannan, Mr. and rooms and bathroom. Good location. Mrs. J. A. McKansle, Mr. and Mrs. Would exchange for bnogalow or cot_ Ed. Perry', Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Lough- tag Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. lin. Thegathering was held •t Doty Hall. 8647 Woodward avenue, and the committee acknowledged Its indebted - nets to Mr. Walter i>alton for the donation of the hall and decorations. COIL SAL& -GOOD BRICK HOUSE. Barn, with seven acres, fn Seltford. Good spring water. Convenient to Goderich. Taxes are low. Apply to JAMES GREEN, Saltford, or T. GUN - DRY, Oodericb. DIED TR'FED[F..-Ie Goderich, on Tburn FARM POR SALE. -LAT 82 MAIT- day, March 5th, Charles Campbell s concession, Goderich town - Tweedie. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ship. Approximately 125 acres, all In Tweedie. Elgin avenue. In his 8th grana, situated one-half mile from the year.village of IlolmeNvllle, four miles from The funeral service will be held at Clinton, ten miles from Goderich, nano the home of hie parents, Elgin •venue, half mile from church, school, store, station and Provincial highway. On WHITECHU1LCH WItitECHURCII. March 3. -Mr. Thew. Galant has the telephone in- stalled In his home now. Eeny of the friends of Mr. Roddy aljo will be ,lorry to hear that he l 'is serlously 111 with an attack of pnemnonia, which followed an attack of "fin." We hope to hear of his 'gaiety recovery. The neighbors anal relative% M Mr Jas. Falconer gathered on Friday in his wvoollot and cut down 'trees Anil hanlwl them up to his home and on Saturday gathered to have them sawed. Mr. Falconer appree•latea thio help very mach. Surely spring must he at hand. Mr' George Phillips and other members of her f:emlll maw is robin In a tree neer their home last week. The crows are -hack, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius tonna pnnsies in full bloom In her garden when the mow went off the flowerbd last week. The enowplongh went through to i.neknow on Sunday. Mr RobI. J. Roes ha% been on the 'ick list for the past month. Mr.•. Jack Flannigan of Toronto is here nursing her brother, Roddy, ant the home of her parent., Mr. and Mrs. Thr. Tnglia. The ladles of the W.Y.A. of the Visited rhumb are holding a ten At the home of Mrs, Clarence COS this Wednesday. Mr. and Mr.. irvin Henry and son, Raw, of Belfast, spent Sunday at the home of Mr,. Henry'% dater. Mr% Itnht- Prsrdnn, Mr. Moekrle of Rt. Helens was une- ent at the Renday service at the United church and Nang "The Old-time iteligion." 741% contribution to the ssvviee was much appreciated. Mr. Charlie Maro, who Is attend- ing nigh School 1n iAseknnw. spent the week -e d at ths.home of his par- . ents, Mr. and Mea Arthur Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore and hehy Rasa spent Sunday at the house of Mrs. Moore's mother, Mrs. Wm. Young. of faaplds--: ,i Ooderlch, Phone 341 m,•'t--. - with----alastsa-gagereia- bats. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, organic, and nervous diseases. Lady in at- tendance. DISce boors 2 to 5 aad 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 1t a.m. only, or consultation may be had by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchel. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and office -Corner et South street and Britannia road. INSURANCE, LOANS. RTC. YcKILLOP MUTUAL ram ISSUE. ANCE 00. -Farm and Isolated town property insured. Officers -Alex. Broad foot; Preeidast, Seaforth ; John E. Pepper, Vke-Preal- dent, Brumfield; K. A. Reid, Sees Lary -Treasurer, Seaforth. Directors -Alex. Broadfoot. Ifs,•. forth; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro ; George Leotherdt. Dublin; John E. Pepper, Brumfield; James Cannily, Oodarlch ; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archtbaid. Seaforth; Alex. KeEning. Blyth. Agents -W. J. Ten, is 1. S, 011etee; James Watt, ,Blyth; John L Pepper. R.R. 1, Brumfield: R. F. McKere'her, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Cls-' cardine; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders can make all payoai and get their cards recelpted at the. Royal Rank, Clinton; Calvin Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich. J. H. Reid's General Store, Barnet Save Money By Prepaying Town of Goderich 1936 Taxes AMOUNT 510.00 50.00 TAXPAYERS MAY PURCHASE TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS TOR 1936 TAXES AT FAVORABLE DISCOUNTS COST Mar. I to Mar 15 $ 9.64 49.90 Prepayment Receipts must be presented along with lttent period. Rank interest is only 2 per cent Purchase your money earning 5 per cent interest. .Jtpw•-°Diseounte will be allowed m addition. Neil R. MacKay, Tax Colleqo =le COST Apr. I to Apr. 15 $ 9.89 49.46 19:ifi Tax COST May 1 to is 9.93 40.66 Rolls during the first install - your Prepayment Receipts early and have 1