HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-3-5, Page 66 Thursday, March 5th, loss
Hydro Store
-Electric • Stave
Quick - Clean - Economical
and cool to cook with
My Old Home County
By A. W. B.
(Continued) In the memories of the people of our
1f farthest west Province, where he did
ogee lent public work and labored in -
complimentary. bait utary, rsauUy hwelfare tat the people
applied to the Derbyshire people. ascertrtrsmfurautende Premier.
"Derbyshire burn, Derbyshire bred.,i ' Ar BEG -
is proud of her Dr. Ba -
Strung in the arm and weak in tltp lug of Insulin fame, so Derbyshire is tallied a number of their friends on
head,"'�!g[I proud of Dr. William Ewart Lye, who Friday evening, the occasion being Mr.
the people of old D rbyehire 11 beawe famous in locating the cancer Scott's birthday. Au enjoyable and
prated tems*ver
h 1 to r u be fa from the germ thus making one more clear step social time was spent.
WESTFIELD, March 3. -Mrs. Jobs
Bell, of the West, is spending • few
weeks with her mother, Mrs. .1. Red-
mond. who is In very poor health.
We hope there will soon be an im-
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
J. L. McDowell is improving from her
recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott enter-
lowest. the least and tae cast. -; towards- hatillag-zaith .tsha 00404 �_--Attic .Albert Walsh is speidtei • Stew
The breed one believes has not dog and dreadful disease. At Long Eaton days with her mother. M nPh
. oebe
teriorated through the centuries. And in South Derbyshire and at Beasley he Taylor of Stith.
elementary education. He The Westfield W. M. 8. observed
that Is saying a great deal It nue got his
makes hita..elr raison•. wlib the antsy taught school for a while, but soon the World Day of Prayer on Friday
of the people lu a community of North got "the sack," fl ille-iiirgrielMniT-ATternOoti:-T8F program for the day
Derbyshire in the time of the Great shire. He then became a railway was followed, with the president, Mrs.
Plague. Let us briefly retuunt it: Tue Porter, and it was while following J. McGill. as leader. Those leading
little village of Eyam, which nestles i this bumble and poorly paid occape= In the service were Mrs R
among the hint: a quiet, peaceful place, tion that he entertained a big desire
bearing marks of autiyanty, proved it. to enter the medical profession. Two
self in those days to be a village of ' friends to whom he unburdened his
In the ear 1065 the village mind on the cricket field one day, let
prayer el.'" to Pray.
Vincent, Mrs. R. Buchanan, Mrs. W.
F. Campbell, Mrs. A. Walsh, Mrs. John Leaaaa Pasege-Luke 11:1.13.
Vincent, Mrs. Wm. Howatt and Mrs. Golden Text -1 John 5:14.
J. McGill. A short business session Our Father which art In heaven,
Sunday Afternoon
• • •
Ooderich, Ontario
O Thou by Whom we come to God,
The Life, the Truth, the Way.
The path of prayer Thyself hast trod;
Lord, teach us how to pray.
-James Montgomery
• • •
May we, like Thy disciple* in the
long ago, give heed to Thy words and
believe, if we ask in faith, we will re-
ceive. Ames.
S. 8. IH880N FOR MAR 14, 1174
Lessem Tgte•--Jesus Toadies legs Blas
heroes. y it be said to their eternal honor, fur- also was held, the important item of
tailor received a packet of patterns i thered his nob! smhttleu aadrJ,g .).k atseis Bet w!"dallb "
from London town and In it was the >r a
unseen, virulent germ of the London scheme which involved great personal to be made for lb. kala
plague. lagu In a few days the tailor and,, self-sacrifice on their part made it pos-
h_a�luvied W. Thy name.
by kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily break
And forgive us our debts, as we for -
his family were in their graves. There!: Bible for Gye to attend Edinburgh
was terror in the village and some of 1 University to get his M.D. Ile was give our debtors.
h.The regular monthly meeting of the
the people fled. But the plague re-(faro,i 4R his course in Ira than the A)TNDESBORO, March 4. -Mrs. And lead us not into temptation, but Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Presby-
mained and spread. Mr. Mompesson, hotted time and was gold medallist
the Church of England rector, and the r syr Spar. Weak in the head! Milton Hooper, of St. Marys, spent • deliver us from evil: For thine is the I terian church was held in the lecture
ell Ittosins' few days this week with her parents. kingdom, and the power, and the glory, room of the church on Friday after -
minister of the village chapel saw that sometxody Mr. and Mrs. Elsley. We are sorry for ever. Amen. noon last. Mrs. A. D. Mclean, the
flight from the village of nay more -y Perhaps the average Canadian to say Lira• Elates. dots not 1LitDrere *sue in his Sermon on the Mount
ntea0'I know It, but the great family _..��_ Jrre ident, occupied the chair and eon -
people would mean the spreading ofvery fast. talked, towards the end of His' dIi ducted the devotional exercises, dur-
thr plague, perhaps over ■11 the north yyf the v'onabiarc to be classed Mrs. P. Manning spent the week -end course, about prayer, admonishing His ing which Mrs. David Sproul read the
jnotre Derbyshire than anything,
�� of England. Could not something bewith friends In Toronto. disciples to beware of the attitude of Scripture lesson and Mrs. Murdoch
d red i'aI 1'he prayMacdonald led in prayer. The main
nfine the disease to their ° lir. Karl Radford has a position as hypocrites who, he said, loved to
Anfinins aria Wnte
prayerful souls in their longings. In
the mundane sphere we are never
done admiring perseverance, and it is
'a like iolilt *Sit Christ taught his
disciples was essential to prevailing
prayer; there must be asking, seeking,
knocking. Then Christ turned their
thoughts to God's willingness to bear
and answer. "If ye then, being evil,
know how to give good gift. unto your
children: how much more shall your
heavenly Father give the Holy [Veit
'to 159* that Ott bilk?"-' CCondensed
from The Speakers' Bible).
done to cu h r to th It mai around paradoxical. ,
9F.B DISPLAY OF STYLES l't " Glving leadership to the eiricfi- etwllshes who successively take on
clerk In Mr. fussy Mannings store standing In the synagogues and in the
business of the meeting was the mak- '
8. 8. NO. 8, OODEI I�
The following is the report for
8.8. No. 9, Goderlch, for the months
of January and February:
Sr. IV -Betty Harris 68%.
Jr. IV -Kenneth Steeps 56%.
Sr. 111 -Gordon Gilbert 77%, Owes
Miller 68, Ruth Harris 66, Edna Mc-
Cullough 89.
- TertiT-flafotd MeftV 4lr 06%, 'Ed-
ward Wise 64, Muriel Wise 62, Ruta
Teo 58. Jessie McCullough 1i3.
11 -June Miller 79%, Keith Miller
72, hurray Miller 69.
I -Harriet Wise 85%, Muriel Row -
den 70, Roy Wise 82.
Hr. Primer -Anna Cole.
Jr. Primer -Gerdes Grigg, Qpgt
. McCullough.
( M, IHRAIDOwII,, 1sah�.
School Absences •
ST. HELENS 'come into the village and nobody was Tetat>t
greptlon of the United church was a fearful toll of life. This was car- unmistakable terms the very sego AF on, ofNGMarch 2spent Pearl-
better. PraytK" Thompson, of Luc -know, the Farther reseed V Hems Use
privileged to hear the King's broad- sial out, and for four months Ryan I ments he had been going through pa several carloads of our young people "Christ came with his Gospel to de -week -end with )t r. and Mrs. Igac
castSchool absences. due io colds have
on Sunday morning. to the ser- was out of touch with the world. No tiently and honestly before be had ar-
vice that followed Rev. H. U. Wright rived at his conclusion." Is the lint: ,inns to Blyth on TpYon t night to liner nt from the curse ofithe law; to Cranston.
news came to thew, no callers ap attend the carnival put on there. secure us forgiveness for its past viola- Mr. and Mrs. Thos.• Ferguson, of
_ spoke• of •• t behave is.` ifaivation." con. news
It was a -same, the w e s in
secret, ng
n for your -Tether Jcnoweth
Ito go out. The main work of men and
women was to be nursing the siMt and agalAet hits�aad brought before .th!
cat J•
eta people they made a great decision he (itis of the Duke of Devunehlte We are all leaved to have our No cornett of the streets, that they mayD
InDerbyshireP Ing of final preparations for the annual !
at '4 highway open to traMc again, after be seen of men. That was what they
high tee. An outstanding feature of
which deserves to for written down In ve their main seat
history in letters of gold. That was atederth !louse. Out own Goya
the Nat Luke of Devonshire, war weeks.
aultt Ikrbyshlre. And he was ao Quite a number from kpre attended of prayer. "When Cyd statesman. Of him h,tMa• I the hockey match between Kincardine into thy closet
id i "He was the most
persuasive �� Clinton at CILnToc os. Monday shut thy door,
alter, because he never attempted splendid' hl h t
to c'onteal the strength of the care C,llnton team being agate the winners, repetitions,
Mrs._ John Vineland has been ill this what- .things Ja
to abut themselves off from the 'world. eros-ueneral of twenty years ago,.
be shut up, and the houses to becomepray thy was closed with the choral benediction.
hospitals for the sick. Nobody war to nal not caro �� Colds-4Q)at><O11!>s4n
1K avow-bhx•ked (or the past three were not to do, and, proceeding, he the meeting was an address given by
explained the right attitude and spirit him Richard 3. P. Walter on "Pro -
The church was to be' closed; tgat(e thou grayest, enter phedes and Promises." which was much
was to be given up; 'It were to , and when thou hast enjoyed by ill_ present. The meeting
n to Father
ue to: ColdsCut-
Almost One -Half -
have__need of, before
- --!
week with the "grip." - rls�ltie Elm." Then He gave tbem_a
ST. HELENS, March 2.-'11'he eon- burying the dead, for the plague took public in absolutely transparent and Mr. John Melville Is atpmewlift fnfodal prayer which we call the Lord's M
MAFEKING 1R Three Series of Clinic Among
Ulf School ,lntiltna
` • 1
pe; Ns is or_ ueakr
with the outside. Thr self-im
ieolatfon commenced in June Ry"
6ty ntry-4+Iz
dp�rlah Government and to the haghret of The World. Day of_ Prayer dna oh-
of theist erre t.:d in We
a Ave f rtot
been reduced nearly one-half (40.20%)
tion; to inspire us with strength for Lulea, spent MoodsJ,�f14L4 _.Mr.' andtinulag by following Vicks Plan for Better
- • _crier of s du'on "Milt.:'nture-'-faith-ftifnese.-•'4'he foreive+•ess-- lbw Irvine ttenr ' 'ef# '
1"-tvinith fi s Ditl'bfxbttt' 1713'- served I• .like-dIlilted.Medi oA
alae! -distln trielied himself..
wits procured by Christ's sacrtOc*- ' seen ds e1 tennis 711Wmg 1r `dilklsl
_�-�- Tlti• meetft.tt-waswlsd. C� Mrs. • p �:: bre. daundrrispeai-a�aw dans,
N b left ourlrs•ute+t star ° children
the ladles of the Missionary Society churchyard. In August seventy-tw-e the Derbyshire firmament to the last .
Moth1 h Ilk* welcome
when twenty for our proud observation. Re ester The program given in the Missionary The chief means whereby we_can avail Will and Harvey Lazenby left last of en aria teachers a we tai
on Friday afternoon
more died the brave rector's w•IfeMonthly war
ladles paltered at the home of Mrs. among theta do clay after day until Florence '
u lorente Nig htfog
rarrled through splen- ourselves of both is prayer. That' week for Centralia, where they expect VickPlan as a rcticguide Be
ale. I remem• wt3 should be allowed to prat that too- work this mer. ' fer r cs. This -----------------------
Woods.Miss Y. C. Ruth- ) • ,1 •r 1 when the her so well riding on a white Ilmratonecess to God should thus be given us. Mira Mar Hall a
load in a beautiful
did)y by the members. Lunch was to aur s sum
the middle of October,
part of Derbeahl+ -served b Lroap CTand Mr. Ernest I mooaenee, medh•ally sound Plan M
.Mord the president, led In the pro- ._,ague suddenly mused There was`
ro I
tin Catlin, is the most priceless boon- flail, wee were bete- er T1iF reeerat'-based on three simple steps:
• A "SCRIPTURE" CARE, granted to our humanity. (F m of the late My. R m. John Hall, re 1. T. Help Build Reabtaaes M.d�
good -will towards men." Others tak- 366.4ec iv the shut•up village batt, bow ae were told, as lads on au outjnK_L_Mere-1S en ilei- that might 'help "The Lord's Prayer." by Archdeacon -to >iantford on Wednesday- I Live normally -avoid excrsaeac le[
lug part included Mrs. D. Phillipe, wed• Theirs was a golden deed. per- in a waggonette, that through 'some lady who is trying to make a Farrar.) Billie '1'i rt et -las +ardton, spent
Mrs. Jas. Durnin, Mrs. R. Woods, Mrs..trees there, oh the ea side of ttiF' gs , >i W !'e simple food and keep eliminationwgter.Take Dyshjre is ftnecer proud of such a Vit iftL'e ta1lat money for her chnreh or The disciples were witnesses of the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. plenty
L. Woods, Mrs. W. I. Miller and Mrs. le who lost their liven that north-' road, was a big house where there lived ' last society.it Is a Seri see Christ'spraying. Ellspraying not onlyW Rular. Drink dent _of water. Tutu
W. B. Gordon. I DMp ; a little old lady ; and we were awed to ' osatry M Kilpatrick. . _-.-„ . 'some exercise daily -outdoors prefer -
W. England might find IL cake and ennui be sold at five rents a reinforced their belief that He was Willa Irvine spent the week -end ably. Get plenty of rest and sleep
received On lday ane 1 from Winnipeg rs. George o
f sthe t Yes. there may be Derbyshire olk Into silence and famous Florencewere
told that Joe d b t d w f 1 d C li H 1
gram with its theme, "On earth peace, not one whole family left; 2.�1) out of I Just before coming to the Matlock*
slice with the_ recipe attached. it nearer Go than they were, u re with her ren Caroline umptrey, 2, T. help Prevent Many Colds
weak or thick in the head but there
would lead to some searching of the from them the expression of their de- Belfast.
death of her son-in-law, Mr. McFarlane. I lived there, the Lady of the Lamp, df 1 The Late W. J. Hall The death of At the first earning nasal irritation,
have not been wanting men who hate i Scrtptutw:• i sire to share that nearness; and so
Mrs. McFarlane was formerly Mlss whom we had read in our school hooka we have one of them saying, "Lord, sniffle or sneeze use Vicks Vitro -set
dt•tt..got•b.d_themwlrPa_INtJTtil�$ that- , I t0 butter-Jttdges 625 1 a highly esteemcrl realdent of Ashfield
�RsaaapsipaZLg�. -e ee cwt kuvw l; ioei. When• Tt/� fps fl"nr 17CinR •R'L . of n e 7 lei t each nostril.
the community is extended to the be- ( Va fro not Is raper call designed ter
reeved ones.
to lie bad come Into ' .. pa _ __y _�, • few drops up
c reed on` Banda lrebroat �''
don't know that the caustic fling of , o° young when 2 cups surer -Jeremiah 6:26. the World to bring men near to God when Wm. John Hall s-aed awn os. ; y
she was extended the freedom oLthe the nose and upper throat -where meat
The T.pres meeting on Sunday even• n. nuQ..r ' 7 , ps raldM►-1 Samuel 36:12 l alul here were His disciples askibg to the farpf where he was horn on th. i colds start. Cued in time, trans!
Ito_. Mr. Cotton in t•he BritLh �1 cit by great Iuodon, but to •the.bau•
--vuno.�-1L•q J^ mem figs -.1„ tie 3Q:12. 1 b taught how to approach God. This.-2sth of June, 1881. Mr. Hall was t1N
lag was presided over by Wallace -sad one arasiys was any reflection on quetwas for the auspicious eicsstbli she 1 cup water -Genesis 24:17. desire of theirs was a ria n of'hsps- to 9+sveet many coi6s -and-M
len The Scripture lesson was readon as not able to travel, being old and .gHail a t son o� the late Win. Joss throw off head colds to the .a*
Oliver's'Derbyshire origin. Mr. Cot•--I--1-no almonds-Genesta 43:11. His harvest, or at least the first faint gaff and Martha Godfrey, who came
bg Mrs. Tom Todd. The Bible char- I ton was answering John Oliver's eom- feeble. How the Derbyshire papers 1 B vppp -Isaiah 10:14. I gosh of green which Is the promise of from Ireland to Georgetown and 1s.• ;stags
atter, St. Stephen, was taken by plaints !trout the Government not being were filled that week with her story I tittle gait -Leviticus 2:13. harvest. His life among them had 118.8 came to the farm on the 9th d L T. Help End a Cell Beater
leurenne Miller. The topic, "God and clear, and said, "I think we have made and the honors coming to their great
Ourselves," was ably taken by Earl ourselves clear enough for any person citizen as a distinguished deputation
hurries Rev. H. M. Wright closed of ordinary intelligence lo- understand.. from the Lord Mayor waited upon her
Ile meeting with prayer.
l to give this token of f
It is not the business of the Govern -the llattat.'s-
at to give Intelligence to members Adm a good cake -Proverbs
udder oass•sas Asa tis
Liver and Kidneys
•n "•r.•d
K.61.. r1llS
1 large spoon honey -Exodus 16:31. !created the desire, and He gladly r•e Ashfield. For a number of years Mr. If a cold has developed, or strikes
Sweet spices to taste -i Kings 10:2. ! sponded to it. They were not god- )fall bad been blind, but despite his without warning, rub throat and chest
FeWw Solomon's advice for making less and prayerless men coming now great affliction he was always bright at bedtime with Vicks VspoRub. vase
"i668 151,:rs and yen will be sure to hare: -lee lb. Ilei time to feel any need ofand cheerful and always glad to meet I Rub acts two ways at once: (1) Be
23:14. God. But since coming under Christ's I the old friends and neighbors, whom stimulation through till-' la, 'Ike a
influence they had been learning that ' he rarely failed to recognise once he i poultice or plaster; (I) By Inhalades
their relation to God wasdistant and heard their voice. He leaves to mourn of Its penetrating medicated vapors,
cold compared with their Master's- his wife, whose maiden name was j direct to inflamed air -passages.
Christ gave them a form of words Mary Ann Little, one sister, Mils , Through the night, this combined .va-
which is a simple, direct expression of Mary Hall, of Brantford, and two i por-poultice action loosens phlegm,
the most fundamental of spiritual de- brothers, Godfrey, of Ashfield, and i soothes Irritat$ s, helps break rouges -
sires and the commonest of daisy Thomas, of Kincardine. The funeral I tion.
needs. The maturest saint cannot out- service, which was held at his home
grow this form of prayer, such is its
profundity and comprehensiveness.
But we must do justice also to its
simplicity. Every disciple who can
understand the meaning of Its words
can use its petitions. A missionary
among the Gallas of British East
Africa tells how this came home to
him as one day be was instructing a
class in Christian principles with a
view to baptism. "la the midst of it
a man entered, apparently for contra
versy ; he was persuaded not to inter-
rupt He took a back seat and re -
to if tlteJ do not possess it."
The ria and file of Derbyshire are
Oliver came back with a lot of Derby- 1 on the whole a fine body of people.
shire spirit If his Derbyshire head had There are scalawags, profane persons
Dish people them as
been somewhat derated: "I quite and rubbishy among
agree with the honorable gentleman. I there are everywhere, but no greater
because it _ILA. well-known fact that percentage. Miners, factory workers,
--zafiway Ines (think of the Right Hon.
the Government has none to spare.
Honest John 011ver's name is revered James Thomas, lieutenant to Ramsay
Macdonald), farmers, business people,
gentry, peasants of different occupa-
tions -we have met them all, and they
are people who are making no mean
contribution to our high civilization.
Indeed, the verse we sometimes sing
applies to these Derbyshire sires as to
"Nor should their deeds he e'er forgot,
For noble men were they.
Who struggled hard for sacred rights
'And brifeiy won-tbd'Qay." - --'
_3 -Day liciking Sale !
Golden Yellow Sugar 4 lbs. 25c
Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 25c
Hillcrest Extracts 2 bottles 15c
Pitted Dates
2 lbs. 25c
2 1-1b. Prints 23c
Aylmer Pie Cherries
2 12 -oz. tins 25c.
Snowdrift Coconut 1/2 -lb. 15c
Walnuts .. Quarters 1/2 -lb- 19c
Kellogg's All -Bran Large pkg. 20c
24 -lb. bag
7-1b. bag.
• We
PORK AND BEANS 2 Jumbo size tins 19c
d tins 19c 5 104 oz tin' 2Sc
5 per25c
J. Calvin Cutt J. J. McEwen
Phones 116 or 216 Phone 46
Committee Making Plano for Summer's
Program July 18-25
London, March 2. -Plans for the pro-
. gram to he carried on this summer at
!Camp Beau Sejour were discussed at
a meeting of the territorial co¢tmittet'
;at the Y.M.C.A. on 8aturdayt after -
tens tioderieh abtedi -by the
United Church for leaders of;teen-age
boys and girls. -
Arrangements were made for the
camp to eovig. the Hamilton Confer-
ence territory as well as the London
t'onfereuce. A committee of three
Jrum the llsmilton body is yo. decide,
upon further promotion.
Au interim committee to s4udy the
future policy of the camp was named
and includes Miss Mary Simtt, Aubrey
W. Oldham and ke11 Subrityt, all of
Ss ruin.
Representatives at the -meeting in-
cluded Mrs. I1. Johnson, Of ,tlamilton,
convener of the Girls' Work Board of
Hamilton Confereuee; Nell liuhring.
chairman of the committee; Mrs. J.
S, Howe, Ltamingtuu; Rev. J. M.
Finlay, London; John Grievers, Lon-
don; Aubrey Oldham. Sarnia; 1iev. E.
K. Melmnn, new general' secretary of
the Ontario Religious Connell, now of
Toronto, and formerly of Vaneonver;
Miss F:nni,e Tyhnroit, Toronto; Miss
Evelyn /'ray-, representing the Ne
Clonal Young People's Conference, and
Girls Work Hoard secretary of the
United Church; William McVittie, of
lialnhton Young People's Confer-
ence ; Bert Scott, leadership training
director of file National Council of
the United Church Mrs. Sims, Miss
Marjorie $hsnnon, of Bt. Thomas;
i1ugh EMs. Leamington, president of
the London Young l'eop le a t'onfer-
enee: Miss Margaret Lumley, St.
Thomas, and Miss Laura Newson.
The camp la to he held this year
Jwiy 16-25 and will he carried out on
the associate basis of former years.
Miss Thelma Tummonda, inndcm, Is R.
be In chat'ge of the promotion work of
the camp.
mained silent to the end. Before dis-
missing the claw we knelt down, and
WHO SAID HASH? - after praying myself for guidance and
blessing, two of the young men prayed,
and the class retired.
' By Betty Barclay
"i turned to the man in the corner,
Hash may be an old boarding-house with the question, 'What can i do to
favorite to a few and a boarding-house help you?' Ills reply was somewhat
bugbear to many, but hash, when pro- astonishing, as hitherto he had been
perly made, Is a pretty good dish for a . hostile to ■II pertalging to the Cbris-
cold day. Here are two hash recipes tlan religion, 'Teach me to pray, mss -
that will please you: • ' ter, as yon have taught the other men.'
Beef Hash i We knelt down, and i taught him peti-
2 cups chopped cold roast beef !flop after petition of the Lord's Pray -
or steak I er. He went home and rt turned the
2 to 4 sups chopped boiled pots- following day and every day until he
toes had learned the whole of the prayer.
1 'cup beef gravy or hot water Some time afterwards at our morning
4 tablespoons butter service i asked if a brother would
Salt and pepper pray, and this man, to the astonish -
Put butter into a frying pan and ment of the eongregatlon, uttered, with -
there put in the meat and potato, salt out faltering, every word of the
and pepper. moisten with beef gravy i Lord's Prayer. After that be was
or hot water and cover.. Let it steam :foremost at church, untiring in seal,
or heat through thoroughly, stirring and thirsting for Christian knowledge;
occasionally to mix it evenly and also Ibis wife even kccompanied and joined
to keep it from sticking. When done in taking lessonsin turn he shared
It ?Mould be neither watery nor dry, ' his wife's toils and burdens. The
but just firm enough to stand well man's whole life became beautifully
when dished. if onion is liked, fry transformed. Two years afterwards I
two or three slices 1n the fat before hal/Used him and his wife and eldest
the hash is added. son, and received them into the
Osrned•Beef Hash Church The secret of this transfor-
2 cups chopped corn beef Ipation was prayer."
2 cups rooked potatoes Another instance of the power of
th cup milk or water prayer is related by Dr, Grenfell of
2 tablespoons butter or fat Labrador. He was called to see a
dying man In a fishing vessel. As
bre left the Asherman said, "You've for-
gotten me, doctor; I'm the man who
was converted at two years
agro" "Wen," said Dr. Orenfen,
"what difference has it made to your
the fat, cut in rieees, on the top. Coy- "Ask the skipper," he replied. The
er the pan and place It where the doctor, in relating the story. added)
hash will cenk slowly for half an hour. "The remarks of his skipper were no
There should then be a rich, thick
cruet ow the bottom. Do mot stir the
hash. Fold it as an omelet la folded
and place it on a warm platter. This
slow process of heating the hash glrea
It a flavor that can not be obtained by
I hnrried cooking
Balt and pepper
Mix beef end potatoes together light-
ly and season. Pour the milk into a
frying -pan with half the tat sod, when
this is warm, tnrn in the trash. spreed-
Ing it evenly and placing the rest of
end of a help to my faith."
Christ, baring tanght them the
words, proceeded by familiar Illnstra
Goa to teach the spirit if the man
of the pant,/ had de*tsted, he would
have Mae empty ■ lea y; but wearying
sot, he had his reward. So It Is with
on Tuesday afternoon, was conducted
by Rev. W. J. Patton, assisted by Rev.
Chas. McDonald. Interment was in
Greenhill cemetery, Lueknow. The
pallbearers were John Little, Ernest
Blake, Herbert Curran, Norman Shack-
leton, Richard Johnston and Wm.
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