HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-01, Page 21MO. MAI Page 20--,LueknowSentine1, Wednesday, November 1, 19119 Pinecrest couple celebrates 6ist w6dding*.anniversaiy SiXtrane years ago on October 24, 1928, The -Rev. V. H. Townson solemniz- ed the -marriage of Victor Huston .and Irene -Pollock. The ceremony was eon - ducted in the Rectory at liervie. Vic and Irene carri t: ona mixed far- ming operation in 'Kincardine -Township for ,a good number of . years. One day when ,going Into town, Irene said to Vic, "let's sell the farm and move to town." On the way home Vic Jdropped into the real estate office. Vic :had no chance to change kis mind - the farm was sold that afternoon. They retired to Kincardine where they lived _until 1987 when they moved to Pinecrest Nursing Home in Lucknow. When asked if he remembered hIs first car, Vic replied, "sure, I _got a ear when I got my wile," referring to the fact that Irene's parents had a car at that time, in which she drove her parents around. Vic and his sister, Isabel Bannerman, are the two •surviving members of •a family of four girls and two boys. Irene was an only ehild and lolled •according to Vic. Irene laughed as she repeat ta' the saying, "if you marry an only chikl, you might as well marry the devil!" Asked how he liked living ,at Pine - crest, Vic said it was .a good place to stay. 9 wasn't too keen on coming here, but the first right I -slept Tight through, and it." -s -been the same ever since." He says Donna's (activity director) pretty good to ais, _keeps us -entertained well. They may have been married 61 years, but Vic and Irene Huston still have the twinkle in :their -eyes as they look at each other and joke back and forth. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Huston! 1reneandVictorHustonforrner1yotKiiwardneTTowhjp,nowilhatpjnecrestMwzor bhirsingtomeeeleizatedikeirlIstanniversarylastweek.-VieWiRbel9inDecemberand Irenea- etlebratalierlitth InMay. (Pallivinston:photo) Best wishes go out to unch" 111111111.11111111111.11111111111011111111111111.111In UCIENOW by Mildred Lome ciiimmoorimmoommimis 'The weather this past week has cer- tainly been ideal for getting all those jobs finished up outside. On Sunday, James MeIntgish, of the Strathroy Nursing Home, came to Pine - crest Manor to visit his sister, Elizabeth McCallum. As he is -96, his grand- daughter drove him to Lucknow. 113 It is good to hear that Leonard Mac- Donald, who had -suffered a heart attack last week, is feeling better in Wingham Hospital. Best wishes go out to him from residents and the Super Scoop Cof- fee Club. Saturday, _Lulu Stanley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shantz at Itipley. Sunday, Lillian Karnitzschky of Win- gham had lunch with Lulu. C:GIT welcomes new me �brs CGIT members, parents and many friends welcomed Becky Ackert on Sun - .day -evening. With colourful slides, she gave a lively picture 0f ter year in Osaka, Japan. She lived with live dif- ferent fare -ties and went to sehool at least six days a week. Living in a dif- ferent vulture in a city of eight million was sn exciting experience. Becky was introduced :by Marita Mac - end thanked;by Aloha Moffat. Leader 'Doreen Mali led in the service for six new CGIT -members: Tammy Schaus, AbbylLynn Knorr, -Crystal Brindley, Katrina Abbott, Tarrin Colwell and Amy Austin. The group sang -several songs for their guests. Everyone enjoyed refreshments, fel- knvslrip and a time to view Becky's Japanese souvenirs. 6 I) 1.t.: , • PIANO worth* a Sunday School 11300 LPL ilialeten Soh4aid Pilairarfane *arson Proidded ihosiyeno Womb LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GUEST MINISTERS Nov. 5 - Rev. ft. Taylor Sunday School - 9:45 am Worship Service -11:00 am LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Invites You 'Ito Worship With Thom On Sunday, November 5. 1989 10 a.nri. and 7:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning £ intoning EVERYONE WELCOME 44 • FIBRE -GOODNESS White or Whole Wheat Bread +10STESS -.Chocolate -Cream WESTON'S Bts English Muffin. cl(LST 'GREEN LABEL 750 mi ,Bottle, Leinger Beatrice !75g SWISS Style Yogurt PANTRY TSPIELF 10oz. :Pieces A -Sterns Mushrooms* CAMPBELL'S 'crecInt-Of MuOhrOOrn 'Or ICOSM1 -Of :Chi6k9n _Sou" loiNemRsko $ • 41, like /' CrackersA • STOKELY VAN CAMP 20 az. Pork 4* Beans ScliNe1Peas400 9. 4 "traumas 4, 410.111411004.41111* 4S: JBEID cllAirrERED ACCOUNTANTS WARD MALLETTE .... Offerisgit full zaugeof servicestcauditing,aceotuitiugEbusiness_planniugauscome tax -plan ming, personal linaucial_pianniug,,eamputer ...end management services. •RANOVER . WALKERTON MOUNT •TORT:BLOM WI. Aldersley, FCA .R.F:Tbeinsan‘ FCA FOREST -BLS.Bolton4-CA .. .14.11., Vollett, CA R.J. Millen, CA K.L. Drier. CA ME...Kibler. CA J.J.,Runt, CA GH-1tunroe, CA ,P.litor, CA 1644790 1814211 232351 , 13212949 Best wishes go out to unch" 111111111.11111111111.11111111111011111111111111.111In UCIENOW by Mildred Lome ciiimmoorimmoommimis 'The weather this past week has cer- tainly been ideal for getting all those jobs finished up outside. On Sunday, James MeIntgish, of the Strathroy Nursing Home, came to Pine - crest Manor to visit his sister, Elizabeth McCallum. As he is -96, his grand- daughter drove him to Lucknow. 113 It is good to hear that Leonard Mac- Donald, who had -suffered a heart attack last week, is feeling better in Wingham Hospital. Best wishes go out to him from residents and the Super Scoop Cof- fee Club. Saturday, _Lulu Stanley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shantz at Itipley. Sunday, Lillian Karnitzschky of Win- gham had lunch with Lulu. C:GIT welcomes new me �brs CGIT members, parents and many friends welcomed Becky Ackert on Sun - .day -evening. With colourful slides, she gave a lively picture 0f ter year in Osaka, Japan. She lived with live dif- ferent fare -ties and went to sehool at least six days a week. Living in a dif- ferent vulture in a city of eight million was sn exciting experience. Becky was introduced :by Marita Mac - end thanked;by Aloha Moffat. Leader 'Doreen Mali led in the service for six new CGIT -members: Tammy Schaus, AbbylLynn Knorr, -Crystal Brindley, Katrina Abbott, Tarrin Colwell and Amy Austin. The group sang -several songs for their guests. Everyone enjoyed refreshments, fel- knvslrip and a time to view Becky's Japanese souvenirs. 6 I) 1.t.: , • PIANO worth* a Sunday School 11300 LPL ilialeten Soh4aid Pilairarfane *arson Proidded ihosiyeno Womb LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GUEST MINISTERS Nov. 5 - Rev. ft. Taylor Sunday School - 9:45 am Worship Service -11:00 am LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Invites You 'Ito Worship With Thom On Sunday, November 5. 1989 10 a.nri. and 7:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning £ intoning EVERYONE WELCOME 44 • FIBRE -GOODNESS White or Whole Wheat Bread +10STESS -.Chocolate -Cream WESTON'S Bts English Muffin. cl(LST 'GREEN LABEL 750 mi ,Bottle, Leinger Beatrice !75g SWISS Style Yogurt PANTRY TSPIELF 10oz. :Pieces A -Sterns Mushrooms* CAMPBELL'S 'crecInt-Of MuOhrOOrn 'Or ICOSM1 -Of :Chi6k9n _Sou" loiNemRsko $ • 41, like /' CrackersA • STOKELY VAN CAMP 20 az. Pork 4* Beans ScliNe1Peas400 9. 4 "traumas 4, 410.111411004.41111* 4S: