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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-01, Page 17
r-4111111,- i26+ktpWants _OPERATOR WANTED for - _front mounted _blade WOW _blower an�tor. 16477©' t1r 6 ' _ 43 44,45 MILL . LABC UJ -ratwired, c7 _at TreIeav ens Teed Mill or eaIll :-3[r ikillSrI kCR for 4;�ii,�.q�,/ea 4days-a alays ew k. Applyto Box -75_ e. /c e LL1 M no .- Teel, Iiox- Luc now t - tario. NOG ,44,45tc ' MAS, IIESPONSIBIE individualfor 10 'cow farm. dies: Mown, routine chores, maintenance, :field . < 1d ..age, experience, A1uaElifications. Box 442, c/o - The News, U 'Cyril St., , BCj, 2S 5.: --4ibc WANTED 'reporter/photographer for twice 'ekly -community newspaper. .Duties elude town eoan ci➢, coverage: i sports:Please call 9) :MUCK:and.ask for =+Ge °Dale (editor) —44bc CRNERAT‘TIEPDRTER rewired Loca- 2ion'':Ort %Frances on Rainy _Lake,‘ turn Ontario :.Situated on us. r.B .sualbereceiv- ed by XII. lamming. �p "Fort France(ps �1 i' i..�.w• •'-'�. 'Ontario. •��.e,.ii��' �/� y�.. Box +'� 39, Fort , S:TJii'i rio.: VAS be COUNTY ,OF ' F N ` i + %N r + i URS NG ANT tantutme) `' lata i/dUit' i iy vrovidrngfootcarE. Apply aor s©e'Retrie, Huron yHealth lnit, .. i1 Boxr`ftl20, NOM ILO k • INEMAVELAND 1/kW Z " i irtvite��siorI p.tiorrOf 311EACHEMWetEGYIPROMIAM , DIJNEInr tionsis 140M1111,. -19119 RTHEFur4 Oaii+iA':1Clracat ann- by oontootiog: R•1.en6it S. atMa ger -Maitland"iori.c torr thority 4519); 35 57 8. BI; tne5s Qpp9rtuni' y 7.4XTRAINCOME rWeJain- you Aw .l g t r Yp'j Ott galVe gar_ L4 Ise-. p + _l lova iMt1-€taa2M e°-_'"x�e'a tits�• Early }3*.j%j'dd� coI gy Ela. t.}1 , Ir.._..eFl !'<[�•': " .6$i02, den spit rr+1tr .:BIR• 1 "mit. :MN "557 15.1 . Mame 1` x'19 ifix /9, -Veninaen t�Vat,MK "(+.13) - JiOW ;Q1 ' IIP TO1109:4-44Y j: ye r 1 r an c 440114030410401,6 8. ikistness 1)pportunity REVOLUTIONARY -3:1) camera. ihibelievableidintos. ,Ndwark'marketed n e�ily" y : bUbmsad In /di -a s ff ,Canada. :Opportunity !ks.. _.1. you Sue ,Cc m tin 0 0) 1524321. 3bc '4vAisiTED.:l al rapresentativasidealers fhb orpartAkneYtomarketestitlagnew ▪ tChnol . Video -prmetitation virtually sells the :fit for - yau1. Carta 4 4o 435,110/year Imo) .totroplite _infer e -call.ar -1;0day. :Aztec Induilries, ATnit -5, MOO 'Told gen ., lifissimauga, Din, 11{2. {416)5444300. ' Nal% `THIS IS 1ND'J `MEILTIiEVEL AilliE' be TONING ANDS TXISINING:Newand used nt.:aixl supplies. F 1 ppecial oto Zninpeawboilywrap41,1115. telt/lite and weight 'reduction roducts. Laser for smoking/weight control. :London, 1 c 9. `Tenders TOWNSHIP`SOF WEST WAWANOSH -E _vdit leascralvedbye)thernf_"'the rligned °until <5.i00;p m. 'TUESDAY, NOVEMBER -7, 19e9laartpplyzeolaatfed fdieselluel,cleardiesettuelandlurnace leilio ilreMunicipal iWorksl3a ge. `Tendersdrpriceviilkbeaanupsetfiguretor antinantairperieclotene cul adder rW1lb oquiredtasuppiya'1000 :,:galierttanklerzeknwedluakandlvnf500 vilierttardieleridearitaelandlurnscatill. 00 1t tn�1i ankaiilt he c e'_. l= tt,riV.L•pufrips.. _Lowest ar any :=, ler act •rt fly AleoffietkunIthrliT, !�;do�tar'� f';t2artc. SA A. 2,,Lecknew .0 2 H0 2...2903 is N1 fp) `RINI notes ialeinf ora: It. ewe el res d 3/88CISIPTIONMYtlot23M0neamion2, f le ollu fttonety ='=°7 y- of i a tan Choy;.kaanr..�ted iILLeam . iNlr/5 :ale PJl alyyile^11 efoisor o- lionandinivAilmijwatliwkentandesten 'the alum arm?" Ailiker,itarNaulara - {.�—�-' i ode � 1Nily . r cmobiagr thatittetliWFamMilitt • cameo doemeafi an Aglow, JamaaioimaiirOkamesisatorkilnAtouko *WNW zinnaantlinsee Jab ;Provincial T)~al left !n (and r: rs iti'IMAIWItn -10,148 ab- Tonsoxition- ' a:"is+totar-noa 1 -commosnyikelotter. 'yi=:moi ;151t: e.#3. t t?: x-1115,-112 MP ►r 24414111 14-1910 r lafik 019 620040 l ,r219. lenders MR SALE '..TT'oxteasetv'IiNacreen;♦fR7aseo' 11U £•a$tionit1d12 we r.tib1e Cres. `AbOat 12 acres llerdWedd :Sere Vend ikir- rwHsdbywOtded•OM, ' 1 I%1eairestotHMgrooti its 'Idelef Toed. -Let'7,CO sion°7,Alri oern`'e".ewn$hip, truce Zecinty. ritteredtoreeiebyrieneer.Alltifiersinuat 1i9, inert rd i&tzt12;0b0 0o accorirpenyttleOffer. For further 1ntorrnation ,contact: rm : Credit corporation, ;Arthur •.0.,Mcrailhey, 1315 YorigeStru t, South, Box -4213, Walkerton, Ontario, ',NOG 1/0 - -Telephone: Z194814490 Please Teter to -Loan #31785 Farrn Credit Corporation �P Canaria FOR SALE BY /ENDER One 19721nterra�onal lx- 1e"gasL .tiumpentddnasls xtndi- Aion*ith a mp box a rdLjnlccyan ! -,:torgraeggraveIssoder an"laircoardition. -Tenders-to Are .1r the .Reed Supednten- Atlefrt's :office by 14 van.` tovernb'er 27, 1989. ghsst:or-anylendernotnecesseri- ly ,13enry.L. Mask liesdaiperintendent 40 4 • .•> . :Sem ice DiamtarY s 1 THOTOCOP3IDIG.MerlacknowSentinel mew does 1photocopying. drop in and see T1s or call Z 2 for ills:-- ..ice'---' LAMES A UXIL •GY loaf the _LucknowandilisisictlehoolallItellad o_look r nr needs no, r what aim. Yor itiformatice :pct arer i art Ilia 7 '!tea Aluggansa 1110-1M1-44 rouirnmarts MWIND MAIZINES lades and iterYiee nn new and need , Rhone 1II5 *41 nu may;; N5. a , •': .-mss 7BABY :, rD*CUM TUMORS. .,y,,iiaper- " orMOOnib: ; , lbw . ow,��� c `aial gra, 'b°Mte, a134: qA�1• b`i'1 t, - , painting, cleaning, n deers, `pro asols, Miles +b ere.,,i�` oUpeS �pp- fight Ltd., 3 Miles ast of -O Nb. 4D may. = . ttfa NEED tiECOEA TTHH otin tri Decoralitig Service for ft a eatitinites y_5.fig PM'S ItEPRIGERATION 41z itmlitmees Service. -D6p odable Tepairs to all =makes and m%ls of major -appliances. ane ice. tfar 1i IWEfATON Appliances Ser- vice - rebelltloan ; to °for your a -appliances. Cal 1 uCIMow Appliance .entre, $ . • ltfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE, GT/nit McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales off All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 3924170.L-Ifar CUSTOM SEWING and alterations, reasonable rates. Call 'Ruth ,3t Ritchie at :5284141 or to 'at 47i WVIsIey Street, .Y:urimow. --46tf SEE US FOR R .II OIJR ST , Iter' motor, generator and regulator needs. Albrecht Auto Electric,northof 'Whitechurch. ime 351 1495 i tfnar i 34. ETSon I BAVINf1 A DRINKING 111O ? AA can bet,. Tone Goderich 5244001 or Walkerton 4 .4655—=50ff PREGNANT and need help? Free pitiv.,e rel support. Wit. 12571066, .rl69 or iz,ndan 432-S197 co1lect:=r TESKkarthe sets. 'Les -Talk. 'Cali the Ontario ' 1inisray t f Health AIDS `l-lcrtline -= 3f )O- a68- ►U5 36. nnnitns$menta UNCLAIMED 70S• .Do au ilave untiainiedgadoatt Abe Wil. `. ,y. d like IP iTne lb= *ma, Jut ire .aches A to y Awe 'pt. d'3 n lirethame Town imilraltitlents ''19. "We_ # i`:T Me. _rt !t" owo. y h an. 11�' �achi'Shop.` • ` B,. uburn,-Out. ?9212 H.I ¢ rookimapo ,-4,000,04#00 ,3-(vottnotti901, ,itiosoto ,fpimoo T C is yf11t1pr1l-peter.; YAM: `.oAAY At - ,`respORRi fPO:i ,01111iV ' : rc.u. $$ Air(M- IMI a irin 13A101 330 irgutop OM ger;d, � , { q�, ' es+F•a►�nnl tlo RT ID VER IRAINT119 fprr f 6 " ; i0V0ee No ,experience Iltefiikary• TrOVOP job *gement . 11441F41 Astii4112. sof "Orr 4400410-414-5309 sir �t Irma , lr'iv 178, j Ab ram Asiliii.POC9 4M** ,.eVl WA . na A -911 # d rrv,oAit. 400)405440. VAIng4Sesr,te e.' - %i '! W• 0.40 lovtov, 'Oikvii b ►o , }o, L 06.