HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-11-01, Page 13Title12-4AteknowSentinel„;Wednesday,November 491189 p= f'crowd Iiallowe'en 'Welcome o the *Mtgeees teat to 'Duane, Nancy :arid'esleyMyatt Who moved into Alvin S1her-woOdrs bo se on Main Street. Sympathy is Intended -to the (al lies of E e McNee, Who . _s��.l►� on c .Thimsday, October 31, eral eer- vices wen on Saturday. is ,eottended to -the f'moiilies Of Dile Cooke. Dussaimmin Apictiltural Satiety The Dungannon Agrictilt wa�l,.-,3,3.aw wasy L ^fi%�" Aiding '- 1- 3awe en dlance . Aiding gty the :.society on i rd 7', Octobbe�rp rel, as the piece band, *High y he y o ince asmannommummommammo favouiltetilrom the enol/ a and 10%. Costumes were judged with the follow- ing :mss: Beret ` O S 410"s : , Jackie and Skein Brindley; molt 'hu - morays, Shaman Dawson; best inn red sentleiman, Brenda7� Campbell; i'fit <cost d maM y, Sharon acIDa laid; best cc end"couple,rinston'n and :flick a tobaon; 4ioor .prize, .Elwin Brindley. ,. anis' ma entre Sas bu schedule in November October was a :blur ,of :actiuity :at the Seniors' Day Centre for the_ L wnebound. "There were a variety of activities Thum- ell iamm ed, to keep the ;participants of the :centre .involved. To End October wiith:abang, a 1loween :party las held on October 31. Gordon Wars Olde ' m e Music was on .::hand to.:play 'some toe :fig .music for the disguised party :,guests. Preparations are in the making for the :annual Craft :and Bake sale in November. :There will be Al kinds of crafts and baked goods for sale, along with -dents. November ;.plans include film, mnak- i>glg chocolates sand pies for the :bake :side, and A shopping trip ,to Vona sttga Mall. .Foot aflinicss md u hearing .clinic are schedniled..If you wish ;information an this two, Tease call the Cede at 57- 140. Mr. Kai of 'W.ingham will be :at the centre .on November :28, to show :slides from his trip to the British Isles. Many of the -seniors have ancestors from the n *Isles and it -find this interest- ing. nterest-. Many people become :concerned that the .arrival Of a Till anent their Abili- ty to ':get oat Of the house. if you know of someone who would twits a :day Of -recreation activityy, :companion- ship, and goodlood, feel to mall the Day Centre :for more itifonnation Transpor totimn is provided. The Day Centre .serves North Huron and South Bruce counties and g rays has lull =schedule oof.g Events _planned for seniors. If you haven't at- tended, t- teni ed, w y riot a it at y- .you don't know ghat ymere �inissing. .zvti1T1f1 OTA .T °T 3;Y >]IT1 T 7 •� f'7T 1•�"�t'T f : NOW AVAILABLE *FOR ONLY ALSO. LOWER ,PR1C.E ( .' -THINK FOR A MINUTE - TUBAS! . :WAS 7:95 N1 W =x$95 BOOK 4.3 J I HT5 =TO IGNITE YOURS ND" WAS 9.95+ NOW 4795 PICK :UP YOUR COPY TODAY FROM TGIF FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ... The iij eri h: ualKStar. The Clinton"Nows# i ecotii.' e ;' iii let l ttron. ,x x itcar. he , y fwt cttt $cntinel. The:;Mitchell A dviiime. The :.Kiaeur4rne,> eke TIo)JPiil tion. rrraid,.Times, Cup i tn' :to4EUK1Ck1..KU CARDINE • EX ETE [ r.:4 ung . J3 * ;.in<; kith iv:t e 041,n' 1Kii. The taxa: Tltc IListmsv1;.I3® k Stipp; 0.004106s $meinmer� in 'iMtghain. • t. 5 Financial management o r this l byt .nice The .11ruce County Ontario Ministry cof Apiculture 4111d '.off a>ffice is :Meting two Financial Management Courses this fall. Course one 3s m all day 'Coote for four days, being held November 22, 29, Decenber and 13. Course two is a .combined ening and Saturday .course targeted to these who are unable to attend during the day, held all day :on November 26 and De- cember 2, =evenings of DecenTher 5, 7, 12 and 14. Courses will be held at the OMAP boardroom it Walkerton. Day rouses Tun ::from 10 .ern. to 310 -p.m. Evening courses .run from 7 9:30 p.nn. Each course is restricted to 30 appli- cants Wiles encouraged) 8n d first first serve basis. This course is of interest to producers who wish to initiate a record 'keeping system and further their :understarnding :in the area of 'financial management. 'The course swill stress the farm record book, preparation of accrual income and expense statements, balance sheets, cash flows, partial budgeting, debt ser- vicing, worksheets :and Other mired farm business management teehmiques and teems. Deadline :for enroIkneit is November 17. mull 18M-1301 or 1.101485-3023. Swindle Cell -Cwmt Somatic cell count and adder health management continues to be a major thrust :of the ®, w: ;o Milk 'Marketing Board. An mer health .'speci'alist with the board will he in Bruce County the =last half sof November, and ding to visit -with producers at that time. Any county mdik .wishing to discuss Wider Of the herd AfiM REPORT arum County IAAF 111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111110111.111 somatic efl counts with the specialist should contact the •area OMMB fieldmarn, Orville Shewfelt at 396-2319. New Deadline for Grain Stabilization Plan The deadline for the second year of the Ontario .farm Income Stabilization Plan has been extended to December 31, 1999, from October 1, 1989. The voluntary, three-year :plan, which began in 1988✓ covers corn, soybeans, barley, oats, winter wheat, spring wheat and '.canola. Participating growers receive a supplementary payment from the stabilization fund in years when market prices are depressed. No fee :or :crap production estimates are acquired to enrol. To be eligible for the plan, producers must agree to ,com- plete, sign and return a crop sales report each year. The 20 percent penalty for late enrol- ment illy eligible producers for the se- cond year of the plan has been eliminated for the period up to De- cember 31. .Any forms postmarked after that date will be accepted for the third and final year of the plan at .a 20 per- cent penally. p limited#.� Paymentsbe to the two- thninds of the plan funded by the provin- cial goverment. . Producers Who ,enrrilled in 1918 for the three-year program will receive .ncedgment Of their .enrolment later this fall. SAVING CETFCATES PAVING AS HIGH AS 518q4 FOR FIRST YEAR More riex ble Mar; annana. av ,.r!gs Bonds "Easy C�(as eco e Nc. Fnteresi Penalty Also Paying As Iligh i 9'Q fOR 30 • .. n: ty hr, 1110 DayTermD si5 L nd 7i8°Io JAME fort Year Guaranteed Ilmeetrniffit Rotolo :. 9 ROD McDONAGH JWVESTMEP4TS LTD. rr :�41. ; 528-1/931 ! . 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