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-••-- Wt>t SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers
J. W. (:raigie
1.sar .cs sad Real Estate
n.11ii±L Provincial and
1 Owes
Belief Camps to Be Closed -Premier and Opposition Leader Cross
Swords on Eeeiprooity Issue -What Ars Gotyenmient's Inten-
tions with Regard to the Bank of Canada?_O0samission on Peni-
tentiary Administration Announoed
The 111.1arey Co.
Fire, Accident sad Motor Car
Representative London Life
Insurance Co.
Once :—Masonic Temple, West
Street, Ooderich
Nelsen HBI, Manager. 'Phew 230
Geo. Williams & Son
Pe'. Aeeldest,
General Insurance Agana
Pow q asdtsai
"A government cannot leegialate
honesty, but government can jail
dlshoaesty."--Florello H. LaGuardia.
(By J. A. Hume, Special Correspon-
dent of The Signal) ----
Ottawa, March 2.—It was a fie Is
the House of Commons this put week
on the United States trade agreement.
Mr. King was for It. Mr. Bennett
was against it. But when the vote
comes, after more talking, the agree-
ment will be approved, because Mr.
The Signal's mailing lists
were corrected this week and
subscribers are requested to
-took at the label on the paper.
Any errors should be reported
at once, so that a check-up may
be made and any errors ad-
To those still In arrears may
we ask-sitlr kind attention and
an early remittance. The
amount due from any one sub
scriber may not i.e large, but
when there are hundreds on our
mailing list It soon m )acts to a
large sum. Will you do your
The subscription price is $1.10
to Canadlan addresses If p•Id l
advance. To I nited States ad-
dresses $2. and the same to all
subscribers if not pai4--ii►-
C.C.F., Vancouver, impressed upon the i
Government the need for self-liquidat-
ing public works to solve the unem=
ploywent situation. On this resolu-
tion, Hon. II. H. Stevens, Reeonetruc-
tionist, -East Kootenay, B.C., urged
that Parliament step acting like a
bunch of children and consider the
serious problems facing the country
from the non-partisan point of view.
Kine .has lit kdie vera W support his On the annual resolution of James
views, while Mr. Bennett has oinll-ts: Wandsworth; C.C.F. leader, urging -
the socialization of industry, etc., Hon.
W. D. Euler, Minister of Trade and
Commerce, indicated that state inter-
vention in business is justified to se- -- --" --
cure a square deal for labor and one LEG BROKEN
sumers alike. Mr. Elder's statement
other man, Mr. Bennett proceeded to I that the Government, in this come,- Lee Scott Didn't Know He Had Re-
claim that Mr. Dunning was nobly I tion, has every intention of meeting refired Fracture in Ilorkey Game
serving the great Interests of St. Its obligations drew rounds of ap Ao unutrtal case iii h. at medical
street and the
I r. f..inions otA( the I s{ Tue-sdi� of the aheBank 1 annals came to light on Thursday Iasi;
milling ptause.
Disunionist- ' when a boy war taken -to Ate.etelea
hospital for treatment (It a leg wFiicb
Mr. Bennett had a mrd -stinging run
In with lion. Charles Dunning, Fin-
ance Minister. Complaining that he
himself had been vilified inside and
outside the House more than any
a well -knows our- arae a C.
word, demanded an unqualified with. Towers, governor at $30,000 per an- had beenaifrtreat 1, unknown a f� . )rim and Mrs. John Moou, Mr. and Mrs. J. k
sum, charach•rlmed as "nonsense" talk or his parents, for thi week4l I)• Guy, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mr. A. G. Smith. griper Mayor of
that the Bank of England exercises a The boy, Lee Scott, a twsliei son Mr. 11.4x Pringle, Miss N. laird, Mr. Wingham and -ex -editor of The Wing-
• naiversal and malign Influence on flu-
Mr. and ]its. .1 R. scot ,'F.Igin N. Rush, Mia'IS 8: Jones, Mt"�tltletrtai$ rts^t>Je lath
andel matters the world over. avenue, was playinghockey lth a Mrs. lt. Brooks, Mrs. R. J. Spcare, and told of the old political tights in
Tng spentelMonday Agreeeseet I roup of his friend, about a onth Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Sloan, Mr. E. North Huron..
Having at Laurier;group - - • • •
connec•tione in r,- ent years with the House preparing his speech, Mr. King l when, i the lent Af the rtes[, Floudy, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Masson,
solved a ern - L. on the phi with his.: Helen Masson, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Toronto H. 0. Bets
Annual At-home
Thirty-sixth of Series Held Last
Thursday -The Usual Good
Time IranWetr—
By E. F., Toronto
Toronto, March 2.—The thirty-sixth
annual at-home of the Huron . Old
Boyo' Assoelitioti'ot Toronto was held
in Columbus Hall on Thursday evening
last, but owing to a multiplicity of cir-
cumstances the utteudauce fell short of
last year's.
The upper floor was occupied by the
bridge and euchre players, while the
dancers occupied the main h our. Re-
treat/smuts were served at Q
and proceedings broke up at 1 p.m.
The followiug are 'the names pf-
,.uwe of those present:
Mr, and Mre. N'. A. ,Campbell, Miss
K: Campbell, Mr. G. B. Wingate, Mr. t
ayd Mrs. Geo. E. Fe -reissue, Dr. anal
Mrs llrj Hudgins, Mit. L S. I)elrcy,
Mr. J. L. liexlgius, Mr. C. L. Sloane, .were Mr, W. D. Sprinks and Mrs. A.
Mr. .1. .e. McLaren, Mr. and 'Mrs. B. E. Retails. In the euchre Mr. H.
music and D. D. Wilson pronounced it
both peppy andoanappjr-•--,-- • . -
Wingham had the biggest represen-
tation, watt Goderich coming next,
and Clinton a good third.
• • •
Messrs. Robertson and 'Ballasts:[ ,
M.P.P.'s for Huron, were detained by
a late session at the Parliament
buildings, but W. DuckworthNEPT.,
broke away and arrived at 11.30 p.m.
• • •
Past President E. J. B. Duncan and
Past Assistant Secretary Loretta Flynn
were married last Saturday and went
to Jacksonville, Florida, on their
oneymoon, and could not be present.
However, we expect to see them next
• • •
Past President 1). 1). Wilson very
kindly prenentt-.i the whole list of of-
ticers with beautiful badges for the oc•
casion, which were- much appreciated.
Many thanks, D. D.
t .a • --
Mr. and Mrs. J. Saul were unable
to- bepresentott:xeonnt of the recent
illness of Mr. Saul. 'This is the first
function of the Huron Old Boys that
.y bgye missed for years.
a • •
„The winners of the bridge prizes
K. A. RE1D
'—Registered Optometrist—
Eyes Examined Glasses Pitted
(17 years in Stratford), at
Robertson's Jewelry Store
"Satisfaction at Moderate Oust"
Plumbing, Heating
Favestro i
Repairs for all makes of
stoves or furnaces
Prompt service and reasonable
rates. �-... ,
John Pinder
Phone 127 P. 0. Box 131
'tenth, Mies June- alta reatl►.
Mr. Ralph McCreath, Mt-i.+d Mrs.
tJ:-11:-Witson, Mr. L. +nr
ltrooks and Mrs. T. Mustard carried
off this prizes. Miss.Mae-,iiny&_f is
draw for, the set of cbiil_
drawal. Speaker Car -grain asked Mr.
Illssett to withdraw his -remarks. HA.
d so. but promised to bring data tar
support his charges. Apparently Mr.
Bennett is anxious to make some mud
stick to Mr. Dunning from 1,Is business
Doom gets too far under way. ,agreement As usual. be delved baht eontra+'ted • sere-th ' abottl: the Liuuatun. Mr. W. ,ileintesh_Mr, and
—f4NiieE M!! at Wait ----i-�s-a-lot--0L l.latnrs iwfutbe tT(iiiai � �
Hon. Norman Roger-. Labor Min-
ister, announced the Government plans
to close the Federal yellef camps for
homeless single men on July 1 t=ext.
C.Y.R. and the Maple Leaf Miller- took two hours and a -half on
Tuesday re
before the thinning fur- a hockey stick. ThP blow wn� pain- 11. Jay, Miss Mae Ituyd, 51)3• A. Miles,
Companyg In favoring the United States trade 1 ful and he limped homel.aod as a had Mls
s 51. Miles, Dr. and Mrs. P. J.
"Nothing Is more thrilling than act-
ivity. Nothing Is more fatiguing than
paaslvily."—Emil Ludwig.
People think that invention is la-
ier•aavlag. It Isn't at all; It's labor -
seating." --'Charles F. Kettering.
For Sale at Port Alert
Niieely Wooded Cottage Lots
52 x 209 fed
—Alm, houses V Tawo=
of the Liberal and Conservative par- same timt'lle Was le In bed
ties, respectively, with regard to re- week°. lie had no Member t
roise at the end of t1�'TT
ciprocity. I'h
-Depression, rightly understood.. twisted the sore limb and Was
of the 19.32a men sow In these ramps, means nothing more tans less than the !tot' toed again. Five'days:later, a
]0,11111) are to be Ta -Tien care of by 11 -
sbaence of trade; aniiV he reverse'lir-t'' h"y --uot un
ectal maintruan a -of way larprore } allplenty of trade, any pain, a doctor examined
"t y true-trade,fared lea and di -covered a Cie
meat job en the two railways, whllr .mss the end of the depression." Mr., _..
' thenational employment aommtssloa Kim declared emphatically He pie- Iture b t abuse the stifle.
shortly to be set up, will endeavor to * S trade aseamen[ as it I. believed the hone was
tnred the 1 . g k e and frset
513. -.was M r w� k'YFLeQf+.aMr.
Rhs3ltl rillI
ugh l'atersun,.Mr. and Mrs. P. h. Gardin-
ulr-nf�er._ ii__ Vera Gardiner, Was Dorothy
he in- Daly, Miss V. JsCarter, Miss 11. Litt e,
frac- Miss E. Goulds, Mrs. Olive hates,
Mrs. E. Mason, Mr, E. C. Gippingtun.
Mr. Ralph McCreath attended the
big skating tournament, won the chita-
plonahip and then came over to help
wind up the dance, and be had many
��-_ r•
trr-"RS - "easadtftr
National Exhibition grounds, on Sat-
urday, une I3th. -- - -- ---
• s'et" -
ert Metre th supervised -the dances
and rendered geed .hsps, jn kerVIIIii
acted Airs. D. ltobertsun, Mr. H. S. Shep- up the "pep"
secure employment fur the balani -e, ••an attempt to break the hard crust to the ha e• c gam d two purd, •Mr• J. D. Campbell, Mr. Alan i
' less the unemployables who are to re- of economic national lam." He pre- 1 weeks later when ise attempted to 1 5luuro, Mlss Hazel l ittie, Yr. and GODERICH BRIDGE duplicate b
i I Mrs. A. }:. Cuuiter, Mr, and Yrs (i. The winners of the bridge i
Thompson, Mr. -mud Mrs. M. Scarlett, tuuEeime fiieid Monday evening, Feb -
Miss Aune Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. D. ruary 24th, were as follows:
Thompson, Mr. A. Veitch, Miss DuruthyNorth and South—let, Mrs. W. F.
U11144011, Mr. find airs. R. ltflik1n=-stinders -and -Miss F. h%Naughton,
son, Mr. sn11-Mrs, C: Macallister, Mr. I plus 121/2; 2nd, Mrs. I. D. Eastman
Mr. C. Meakins end- Mr. W; F. Sass-
-derm, pits—l.
East and West lei. Mr. and Mrs.
A, A. Nicol, plus 1; 2nd, Mrs. P. P.
Carey and Mr. N. C. Lenae-ay, plus
MAI; 3rd, Mrs. D. D. Mnoncy and Mr.
main the responsibility of the munici- dieted that It would prove its wisdom Fwalk nn It age -
' pal and Provincial Governments. Such so conclusively in three years' tfme 1; fie `saw returned to hiss boata.atter
I .chcme's a+ farm placement, mfores-!the hone wow set ami his leg ;dared in
that not only would it he continued, ii ca t_at the heapit l on Thursday_last.
I tatiau eti•.; are TikbTy"Td"tee taken np�7;ii1`ft-"a'o01Q � pzpatrdl'd• 1n -ttre-'�n'
In a much more aggressive manner. tual advantage of the two countries. _A LONG DRIVE
IMeanwhllY t-hf men in the camps are jjr. Bennett said he regretted ern -
--„-11.L.._ POWELL
insurance and Real Estate
Ysarantee Bonds, Low Rates
Absolute Financial atronotk
as i by
The Polley Illsklars •
LOW RATES—Beat et Settloomals
Iof.smetion gladly given. pass" -writs
or oboes ISS
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Liebmann give. ea application
Telephone 82 - - Goderich
sold s m` "'9` IT-lih tTdfi'�'- r rel'' e c uuTiT fiitf 1fif�Z1fS1T'tV!* EgR� - -Hs�'s'
to to p y
? a4-tie+ernmeni;
present. On the railway program, fore the election on October 14 last,
stout three million dollars will be could have negotiated the same kind
spent: $1,,00,000 by the Gurernment of agreement, but he declined to do so
and $730,000 by each railway.
It was stated that in December
last there were still 1,206.429 persons
ou relief in Canada, though in Septem-
ber the number had fallen to 900,743.
Among war pensioners, 9.300 were re-
ceiving relief, is addition to 20,700
The Gontranialat announced its three-
man royal ewe on on penitent'
admis{dpatiQa. including Mr. Jostles
Joaspit--3aehambault_a[ Montreal'
W. Craig, K -C., Winnipeg, former
torney-General of Manitoba; and
Harry W. Anderson. Toronto. recently
resigned as editor of The (Robe. The
inquiry Is to be wide in its scope.
though whether it is to be public has
not yet been decided.
By 186 to 15 the Commons turned
down a motion by Angus Mclnats,-,
Vancouver, the effect of wMcb
would have been to exclude_ entirely
admiration to all Orientals.
The Bask at Camila
A resolution by M. J. Coldwell,
C4'rF., Rosetown-Biggar. t=ask., that
the Government nationalise the Bask
irdinada and ell other hanks. hrolfgbt
from Mr. Donning the Hat statement
thai7 while the Government is con.
Meering how it will secure predomin-
ant interest in the Bank of Canada,'
it is opposed to nationalization of other
hanks. Incidentally, there seems. to
be some nigger in the woodpile touch-
ing nationalisation of the. Bank of
Canada. The Liberal party platform.
and Mr. King in the campaign loudly
proclaimed the party', intention to
have the Rank of Canada placed under
public control, but the Throne speech
spoke merely of the Government's se-
cnring a predominant Interest in the
bank. Time will tell, maybe.
A resolution by C G. MacNeil
because he did not think Canada was
getting enough for what she gave.
Unless the intermediate tariff is raised
this session, Mr. Bennett held, many
Canadian industries will be ruined by
American competition under the agree-
ment. Mr. Bennett took about two
ours and also reviewed considerable
days. as is evidenced by -Ow fact
that a Dundalk auctioneer drote from
Ma home_ to Harriston and return, a
distance of seventy -live miles, !ming a
big rangy trotter and a cutter, The
return trip was made the fdllowing
day, after giving the horse a pied rest.
A lad - and a lass went driving.
And he tried to steal• a kiss, •
With the painful result MSS they --
x•141 dull vim alit tit pditutrl
King Edward -to His People -� T
London, March 2.—Assuring his sorrow and your loyalty at this time
hearers he would constantly endeavor I have been a °mune of deep gratlfica-
to promote well-being among his fel- tion to me. The associations In peace
l w• -men, the King, yesterday, deliv- and In war between the British and
Fred his first broadcast message to his
throughout the Empire since be
took the throne.
It war his severity -sixth appearance
at the microphone although his first
since he succeeded King George. Re-
ception of the speech was reported
good everywhere apart from some in-
terference In Calcutta.
Queen Mary listened to bet stn's
message at Buckingham Palace.
Text of Broadcast
The text of the King's broadcast
Indian peoples have; been Long and hon-
orabLe. and fire esamllle set by Queen
Victoria, King Fdweed .VIi and by
King George lays on me, as their sue-
ceseor, a solemn trust to maintain and
strengthen' tier associations.
Queen Mary. my family and myself
have been greatly helped try the world-
wide tribute° of genulhe sorrow which
we recehed from. Atter; .side. The
Retli- Cartwright, Mr. 1. Barker, Miss
'M. -Hudson, --Mr. - M. Egaae' -Mar. II --
Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. IL I. Fer=
gusou, Mitis Agr=ees Smith; Mrs. M. Me-
e`Whitter, Miss Joan Grant, Mr. Carl
Douft, Dr. and Mtn J. G. F'ergtattos,
Miss G. Stirling, Wanuawaker, I. D. Eastman, plus 41,1.
Mr. It. Hillman. Mr. W. H. Ferguson, At the tournament held- Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Isblster, Miss L. I. March 2nd, the following were win -
Macbeth, Mr. H. McKinney, Mrs. W- tiers: -
Stark, Mr. Earl Stark, Miss M. Jones, North and-Soutb—let, Mr. D. D.
Mr. W. Whaley, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Imo , Mr. and Mrs. J. --P; (h u es -
pie, Miss M. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Bureaus. MissM.McIntyre. Mr. A.
McKee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Proudfoot,
Mr. and Yrs. Y K. Wilkie -ion,
G. Treble, Dr. D. W. Gleonie, Mr. J.
A. Cameron, Miss D. Lowuau, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. I'enhale, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
l'enhale, Mr. O. L. l'enhale, Mr. J.
H. Noble, Mr. F. Piper, Miss M. Lut-
trell, Mr. F. L. Itryans, Mr. K. Bunt-
ing, Miss Anee Sutherland, Mr. J. R.
Scott, Mr. A. Kohoreu, Miss L. Knox,
Mies -Anne. Crittenden, Mr. Ted Hough-
ton, Mr. J. Van Horne, Mrs. J. Van
Horne, Miss D. Shelton, Mr. Ralph
Carr, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Calvert, Mrs.
Bert Humphrey, Mr. Thos. Humphrey,
Rev. R.'-0. McDermid, W. Duckworth, 1
M.P.P., and Mrs. Duckworth, Mrs.
Mooney and Mt. F. Donnelly, plus 10;
2nd, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Saunders and
Mrs N. C. Lanaway and Mr. P. F.
, mines % ; 3rd,
MAC - Tit R. Patterson, pileus 1.
W—lata, Mrs. P. F,
Carey and Mrs. R. J. MCMehen, plus
6; 2nd, Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Nicol. plus
5%; 3rd, Mrs. J. R. Wheeler and Mr.
A. L. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Johnston (tied), plus 2.
Another game will be held next
Monday evening.
Thornton Mustard. Mr. IL Go
vast .crowds it -Ambled reverently at Miss Sadie Walker and many others.
the lineral, the homage to the late __
Kings memory. and the written words Neter
follows: of sympathy tip thousands of people— °
not only those rrtidetlt within the Columbus discovered America in
It has been the ancient tradition oft 1492, but If he had any idea of build-
Brltlsh monarchy that a new sore- British Empire, but n many foreign
ing a hall in Toronto it's good betting!
ign should send a written message j countries as well -is it thing that we f that be would have got nearer the
the city, • __- i
New Spring :-
i eT
and Summer
elO1�iMRtint-il�el'd!f et,�O� � ..s.-w•-�-�
TOP -TAILORS is on display
-Come : in and --look -these
samples Over:
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Medicated with ingredi-
ents of Vicks VapoRub
FULL 2'/sot... ONLY 15c
J. R. Wheeler
huneral Director and
Furniture Dealer . .
Hamilton Street, Getbderic`
PHONES: Store 385; Rat 396
to his peoples. Science has made it sol 1 never y�RS
possible for me to make that written' i is «•nirdcrfnhfok;nw to know
message more personal and speak to [[river°ally my fathers great limed,qualities'
you all over the radio. have been apirrccinted and sawed. it
This, however, is no Innovation, is no mere form of thbeech to My /het
for my father has for the last few he reigned In the heirts of his pssple,
years spoken to his p=eoples at Christ- I it waw his happiness to know before
man time. Little more than two I he died that his long years of un -
months Ago lie broadcast his lase, stinted service wer'•rewarded try- a
anti an btroetlon eo perfectly
- �Ch istmas message, and _to inane
Tit etc NR -Mph 149./
60 IN ANY OF S f 1T
` •1u�1111IUI1uj�l�
If we weren't eo al dealers our -
set Yes—
We'd call your attention to the
fact that the coal denier—'
like the doctor, the postman.
the policeman -any other,man
who serves the public—Is ex-
pected to he on duty in any
kind of weather.
To keep people supplied with
life-giving heat is a big re-
But it Is a reaponodbility which
we gladly shoulder.
You can depend on ns for good
coal and unfaltering service.
skktAl Pelt sS
. B. Mustard Coal Co.
PHONE Oa WY. 0. wsEWAN. Manager OODERiCA, ONT.
you the sound of his yoke must still
seem to he ringing in your ears.
lie was speaking then at the close
of a long and wonderful reign which
covered a period of twenty -live years,
during which unprecedented changes.
have taken place and great anxieties I
have been shared by all.
Throughout his reign he set a high
example of constant devotion to duty,
and he was ever concerned for the
welfare of his subjects and all those
under his protection. In times of
adversity his calm confidence was an
inspiration to all his people, and he
shared In their joys as well as In their
i know how in the Dominions, in
India and In the colonies and depen-
dencies the bond of loyalty to the
Crown—that symbol of the unity of
many lands and populations --has been
strengthened by the tie of personal de-
votion to my father.
i feel that his death is not only an
overwhelming grief to my mother and
to as, his children, but it is at the
same time also a.peranwal lows to you
Greetings le 1.41*
To the princes and peoples of India
I send my greetings as the King -Sin-
pesos. The manifestations of year
#40tmed-fh`•tht 11 lice demonstra-
fleemoC set year.
•To Aid
I'dioti-rirevt r
It falls upon we to succeed'him and
to carry on his w,,rk.I am better
known to most of you as the Prince of
Wales—as a man who, during the
war and since, hats had the opportun-
ity of getting to know the peopde of
nearly every country of the world, un-
der all conditions and circumstances.
And although I now speak to you
as the King, f am -till the same man
who has had that experience, and
whose constant effort it will be to con-
done to promote the well-being of his
fellow -men.
May the future bring peace and un-
derstanding throughout the world,
prowperity and. happiness to British
people, and may we beworthy of the
heritage which is ours.
Panes for Photos
After his broadcast the King posted
for photographers and took tea with
broadcasting officials While tea was
being served, melanges began to pour
Into the R.N.C. ones. describing how
clearly the broadcast had been re-
ceived throughout the Empire.
When ills Majesty left, he was pre-
sented with a phnnographit. trams -rip -
i lion of his message.
• • •,
I(- las rumored that George Fer-
guson sold fifty tickets at a Masonic
function, but the rumor has not been
• • •
The many friends of Mrs. I. H.
Brown were sorry to hear of an acci-
dent which befell her 'a few days ago.
'While coming down the street from her
home she fell and broke her ankle.
She could not be present at the at-
home, but she was surely missed very
• • • •
♦ • •
W. Duckworth, M.P.1'., recently on
a visit to California, spoke of the
beautiful climate, but wa° glad to get
back to good old Toronto. -'--
• • •
"Mac," The Telegram's sketch ar-
tist, arrived early and sketched nine
members of the Association and the
sketches appeared In Friday's 'rile -
gram, with their autographs.
• • •
Mn.. D. Thompamn 111111 rhnrge of the
refreshments ,And they were daintily
served. and by a Iltironite formerly of
W i ngba m.
• • •
('resident Campbell and Mrs. ('amp -
bell retwtted, a+si+tel by MARIA MC.
Ferguson, Hodgins and Pringle.
• • •
Secretary Sheppard hod charge of
the euchre and hridoe, while George
Ferguson, honorary president, was
floor manager in the dance hall
• • •
Rutherford'i orchestra supplied the
Prices that merit your attention
-WEEK OF MARCH 6th to 13th (inclusive-
Potassium Iodide
i or, :t:rr
S ors. for $1.011
tla‘on Stationery
Pad Writin_ Paper,
1'kg. Envelopes. Pae
Wanlpole'a Cod Liver
Ext....' real pick-
me -up tonic .$1,00
Sy'hilla Spahr's Rem -
sly is sold and used
by nearly one thou-
wand 1)noggists In0
^ •"
Hucklry's Itrortr!►ilis
MA hM arwl 7:rr
Odo-Ro No, snail
3 N'
Ontario. Why? He.
rause it works. It's
Raoul ins you too, fur
wore throat, colds,
rough, catarrh, hay
fever and tonsil ills.
-. -..
Knrsclsert Salts Rik
Sal Hepatica large 31.15
Norwe•glan Cod liver Oil10 eat Sc
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liwlneed iron, for Pigs 1�
I•'nnitativee Large tie
Freererne, for Corns Sir
Pox Me
!pans Tooth Paste lie
HOT WATER BOTTLES ...49o -690-98a
Campbell's Lauder's Dunlop's Wigle's
Drugstore Drwastore f)ruaster• Dreete•r•
bas,,...•.• 'r►•••sia+•s.►-/-
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