HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-3-5, Page 1p Opportunity Sale Day IN GODERICH Saturday, March 7 4 0.4 t vim RIGHTY -NINTH YEAR, NO. 10 Rev. W. B. Craw at GODER H, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 5t 1936 Baptist Church nit of /galas of Lenten Services • Under Intel denominatiom►1 Auspices Tim llaptlst church was filled to aha isms es Monday night, when the Mat at a acetas of tnterdesomtnational iettttta% asgpiews, held under the an- imism data young people's church or- ganisations se the town, was addressed W B. Craw, of Centen- tatal Unhed . h, London. Mr. ChasL a Irman of the young r►l a In charge e of the papilla's e ga wiesa and gesseeent of the B.Y,P.U" Mesid d. The larg.. eetgregatloa was wet titioed to the Much and the meeting the PSMI L Rev. S. it. McClung. OYtaea ea thd pulpit platform were m Isr. P. W. Craik. of Victoria street t jk e. A. C. Calder, of tiff b, who read the Ike Wink Matthew. chapter 2, Iffie.114 Ja Lim, of Knox church, who and Rev. W. P. Lane. speakerni fir he who for the even - Craw is a forceful. dynamic with a deep interest in people's work, and his address source of inspiration to his "I eeuntlt a greaLprlvilege t able to do anything for one of - it parts of yonnf people's.. } . . elk; be said. "Fadi Thntten seasons- . . 4' re' SI IN a forward step by them as fol - 'l ' Iewagf •eiC Jesus Christ. } e1. anal! like to speak on. what Et I Bad the Lenten season, looking on :Vita really should mean he IitD of an individual Christian Amid is the life of the church itself. 'life pas{Maa the fact that Christ - ma telalized to a certain de- ltas, lail= has remained the same Iareugk the years, having the Christ Bali fillffifir wine own Tree` -tea ` smol-pagan society of the times.- PERSONAL MENTION Mise Versa Edward was home from Guelph fur the week -end. Mr, asd Mrs. Thos. Sandy have,re- turned from their trip to Florida. Mrs. McBride returned to Stratford on Monday atter spending • week with her sou, Mr. Cecil McBride. Miss Marie E. Ryan, of Stratford. was a guest over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Ryan. Thomas Page, Jr., who -at -t a 0.0.1. commencement exercises two weeks ago was presented with a commercial diploma and scholarship, lett for Kit- chener last week -end to enter the Of- fice of the Waterloo Life Assurance Company. and dance o annual dinnerr L At the arta alumnae of Alma College. St. Thomas, held on Saturday evening at the Gran- ite Club, Toronto, Miss Peggy Parsons of Goderich was present and took a prominent part In the proceedings, pro - posting the Inuit to the -College: Rev. Dr. P. S. Dobson was the "guest speaker. Mira Phyllis Graadck, formerly Goderich, has taken her place at the Ryerson Badminton. Club at Iundou, bee now place of abode. _ She wad a member of the team which defeated a visiting Tillsonburg team on Mon - Mt UJ,tbL . •Joins Graztelek, well. in Goderich. was a recognizid_ player the Badminton Club, also at the Mai land Golf Club. DOWN WITH MEASLES S Measled, a sickness which is genit- ally considered a children's affliction. sometimes seeks uWer _vicunas. -Thank are at pry two cases in Duderlvla and both pe..-.- -.tile ted are yoWtg mea They are" E iteiel, 1 t ± teacher, and Geo. Buchanan. anew ant postmaster. THE KING'S MESSAGE large eougregetlons iii tour Godet Ancient Building Orn Imperial Oil to Erect Pilling and Service Station at Nelson - Victoria Corner • An old doderich landmark, t'he large frame building which bad stood at the northwest corner of Nelson and Vic- toria streets for seventy-five years or More, has been torn down to make way for a modern filling and service sta- tion, to be erected by the Imperial Oil Company. W. A. Craig's garage, which years ago was a machine shop con- ducted by the late D. K. titrachsn; al- so is to be razed In the clearing of the new garage site. Interesting observations were made by the men eugag d 1D demolishing the long frame building, which until re- bargains- cently housed two elutes. Timbers in WUl LU 1"'e- ■ ■oar .` near a the foundation were almost as xollyl as the day they were put in place and had uhviuusty been fashioned in the pioneer way with Lae and handsaw. -- One of the most unusual things die - covered in the makeup of the house wawNte ereaYaa hoasda •inlet.,."., feet wide on the Welk: ' Under five or six layers of wallpaper were on any rural mall route In the die l , by IJorotby Green' found newspapers of fifty years ago. L.lat, 'rim "mite- the, incorrectly "ibwn Where the ZDo on-$T-iearoms All nails were square, a thing rarely spelled word, by mail, to this office, Dern outside of horseshoes these days. also will receive a pound box of choco- Grow, "with the chorus by the group; Adolf Kibler, who was one of the Isles: and a similar prize will be glv- quartette. "I'm Going to Let the men engaged in ripping down the en to the lady not a resident of God- Bumble Bee Be," by the four madmen; erkh nor on.a rural wail route (that NMR• Illi His k Joe," by Mary Mc- �ne-JK$>tay,-Sertawd� Ue.ist. T]Srothy.'Usees. w wall aad beard Is: a 3�sldent .\ahttrJY;� BaylbeM Dug et Ube ►_4S ngannon her t.lae e. its the -ire j 4seekie Hsrras: -1Y. �' the , 'int shatter some ghee. he ln• «fie lest- arl.acic, the e.t..• fterbert Green; tap danceby Maxine veatlgatad a oar' [ween the par`- TT►eily fo ttie alae "1'swfnee = '. tition wad the rout, a twenty-four- word, by mall, to tin, °etre. "Nulody ., by ;Ieeslie Hanna; song. boar clock- Ho U endeavoring to as Employees of The signal or members and W. K. Thomson, which proved to In a fall on the icy walk outride her iIs• the merit popular number on the home. She fell on her left hand, and program; dt�t "That's Why Derides the member was broken. It was a i Were Born.' by L. Hanna and J. Red- compound (tarter.. near the thumb. 't diet; solo, "i Only Have Eyes for You," Mr. D. J. Curry, 1'Icton street, also el', II. Green; chorus, " arknefs on the was injured, and at about the same Delta." with banjo accompaniment by--ttpu'. He fell on lensing his home L. Hanna: ebmlr solo. "Laugh It (►ff,' i ami fractured hie wrist as he threw DaYs in toderich -Attention is again called to Opportunity Sale Days arranged by the merchants of Goderich as adver- tlsed un pages 4 end 3 of this issue' of The Signal. Careful shoppers will take advan- tage of the opportunities in store for them on these days to obtain their sup- pliesprices. attractiver ce . Ilya at P speciallyV Next Opportunity Sale Day Is Sat- urday of this week. Slit!' EARLY 81101' OFTEN SHOP AT HOMP1 The Goderich merchants need your 'business; you need their money -saving .ry CHOCOLATES! Amateur Minstrels Entertain at Varied Program Provides Music and Fun for Large Audience a entertainment comparatively rare in Goderlch-a minstrel show -was presented by the members of the West- minster Guild in the lecture room of Knox church on Friday night. Several hundred persons attended. The show was complete with inter- locutor (Herbert Green) and four end (Leslie Hanna "Tea- "Gobuss"Hanna), men, Ione" (Jas. Redditt), "Eggplant" (W. W. Ross) and "Canebrake" (W. K. Thomson), who kept up a lively Inter- change of witticisms throughout the program, which was introduced by Rev. I).. J. Lane. - -"The program opened with the Mus- h) of "Happy Dayc Are Here Again" In one ufe the Opportunity Sale by the entire company of twenty-seven "darkies." The young men were dressed m[ispgIled _The first ]say', a resident tel-eaakeshdlt garments, some niat of. Goderich, who submits the Incur•. reetly spelled word to the Signal Of- fice will receive a pound box of choco- .4stae f?feeT' TM f1Rf'Td'dp, resident Day advertisement a certain word Is ling nature, but the girls were dre alike in Aunt Jemima fashion, even to the red bandanna handkerchief. The program included the following numbers: Choreal "Polly WORLD DAY or PRAYER Interdenominational ng of Wo- - mea i. Observance Christian women of all Protestant denominations the world over ob- served on Friday last the "World Day of Prayer." The program used was prepared this year by Senorita Laura Jorquera, of Santiago, Chile, the theme being: "On earth peace, good will tower* -men." The servtce in Goderich was held in Victoria street United church, Mrs. Henry Breen, pre- sident of the W.M.S. of that church, presiding. A responsive reading, "The Promises of Peace," was led by Mrs. C. H. Humber: Miss Helen Lane sang. "I Shall Nat Pass Again This Way." and Mn. R. T. Phillips read the Scrip- ture lesson from the 35th chapter of Isaiah.--_' Prayers arms dCered by Mrs. Ward - law Taylor, Mrs. D. J. Lane, Miss Emilie Buchanan, Mrs. D. Mcleod, Mrs. H. A. Marlstt and Mrs. A. C. ('alder. and Mrs. Phillips read an ac- count of the origin and growth of the idea of a world-wide day of prayer. A generous offering was given. which was forwarded to the tressurei of the inter -board committee. CELEBRATES Bide ANNIVERSARY On Friday last Mrs. James Horton. Ficton street,, celebrated bar eighty- sixth birthday. Despite her year-, Mrs. Horton is Quite active, and her riends hope she may be spared for yearn. of gootihtmlth and com- fort. Her son, Alex. Hdrton. Of Col- borne township, with his wife .and daughter, spent the day with her. ICY WALKS CAUSE ACCIDENTS -wry, aidewaifrk•on 8rturder•tlai vtctj _w1tQ ettRered - slmilaz- ao- eidents resulting in the same type ury. Mrs. H. Palmer, Rtitannla road, was me r + "Two Black ('rows," n W. W. Ross 7 painfully injured on Saturday morning certain its age of their families, lie those who won The clock is about two and a -half prize" previoualy,.are barred from inches across the fur and the same We contest teh churches on Sunday morning heal* measurement in depth. It Is numbered 1►0 no overlook Ike oversew Op the first radio broadcast hr His Mi_ from one at the top to twelve at Abe. pertunity Sale r)ey ads. is tie jewty King Edward VIII. Rattle-- bottom, with the letters "a.m." at the "soutb-east" corner' of page 4. were set -up on the pulpit platfotMDs extreme right and "noon" at the hot - and the reception In each church 'teas tom Similar numbering from one lo+ Ile. craw's as. "Muuutalntopm�hewnl In the t'resbyterl:,a rhurc n left nasi "night" at the top. The only Signal Readers Quickly - d 11fe� . was ttastd on the, text col- North strrs•t and Vi'•tnrla sir •t marks apparent on the clock, or , Weeks asp ti, t k laear- .4alta sit- was- as els up 'T STOP THEM! Ss 4UL� ►.�,, . continued the left side wnnt dlfA'•wliy. The Neillescss+ tt'p'C'"ptlri."'at"t�re• be J. Itedditt, and the first part of the out his arm to save himself. �N• kir- 1 program was brought- to a close with. Misspelled Menet?" be asked. "For the glory T6 timepiece resemble both a clock ar pablr'(tyt No real sctentlAc cos h back eatieas at the-topat-tLe-ao l . It and lit hoof — _-_h a.ta tae. chaliange thrown out by'tbe aftermath r brwering peaks is irresistible to the Weed L Hebrews, chapter 8, verve 6 nrteet cltuMnla and so..ir.na.• r' .-a t j FiRi}oIlghtt(Iset w r -n:• "Why do men -try to climb Mount Miran Chp>�} "turnip"), are the Inscription 71J. We thought last ser •V t , e e in huutiug for the n CENTRAL A. AND S. CLUB and a watch, as it as a nae withre • the lipportutdty Ir,', iodisation win be the result ofoboes- and the ants n- Club was held on Tare- and also has a winding stern dayfterfa t with. rs W. ' Saun- watch. en to the 'Muir. 111-. T)a,.,in's room Mr. Kibler Intends to keep the time - received the banner for the largest piece. as-e-Uti41 ..$t-4rsssi the median - Spotted Last I tl,r singing of "floppy I ' Wo tit IL \\"alter mine • Schools Again to Have Music Teacher Two New Trustees, Dr. J. Wal- lace and J. A. Snider, Take Maces on Board Dr. Jobi es s�J. A. �v. -"— newly-elected members of the Coder- ich public school board for St. An- drew's and St. David's wards, respec- tively, together with their fellow - members of the board, took the oath of allegiance to King Edward VIII 1 school March meetingat Centra at the on Monday. Mrs. I). D. Mooney, chairman, presided. The election of trustees for the two wards was necessitated by the refusal of those nominated at the municipal elections to serve. Standing committees of the board for 193tt were chosen as follows: Sup- ply and contingent, Dr. J. A. Graham. John Cutt, Dr. J. W. Wallace; finance, W. ii, lilackatoner-Da.-J.1. A. Graham. - R. G. Jultatston; scbobl management, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Dr. .1. W. Wal- lace, J. A. Snider; property, R. G. Johnston, John C'utt, J. A. Snider, W. H. Blaekstoue.- The board decided to reengage a music teacher who will be required to devote one-half hour per week to each room and to pat on ■ school con- cert. Applications are being asked for, to be in by Tuesday, March 10. e salary has Lsaamt. at 1Sfiff a year. - rar-the music instruction eau dropped owing to a misunderstanding. T ib4 boi'rn understood The Rome -glad -- School Clubs had decided to discon- tinue their financial contributions to- wards the Instructor's salary, but the clubs have stated their willingness to continue with their assistance. Mrs. Melvin Cranston (formerly Miss Brace Jewell) was added to the list of supply teachers. During- tire extremely' cold weather. of the last few weeks, members of the local fire brigade drove to Central s,•hcol and clopped lelc•les from the my, Are Here .GOT THE PAPERS, ANYWAY eaves, to avoid possible accidents to D. 11. Campbell's dog meant well, children playing In the grounds below. 1 I/tTn_I.L .1e-caumsai j m ster considerable • Tl.. 1u,.r4 deelcl •d to present. the men ezzie them ! before the curtain of MI vl word in of the program. which ertiseihents, ^peaking duo between "i. • second part ineenvcnienee and embarrassment on with II each for the job. included a Wednesday morning. The terrier Attendance and banking reports of leorlce' (John f pup, out for an early morning tun, my the last two months were presented dlmber. But It is a waste of life to o< of rust and it now try M climb Mount Mver el," be said. number of mothers present. Ism from a coati 'Bow about the nouataintups of Rev. W. P. Lane wan the gust rune perfectly. lie is hiving dlHleuI- sts•aker and the Club was grateful ty. however, In calculating thy time um_the unusual dial. - It is, understood that the new *te- flon, when completed, will be In Charge of W. A. Craig. ate Uke m CurnlaliX ad. cha to A to Bat the papers bed -not held, ; • tie press long before Miss Fitt Rance spotted the word and claim a box which marks the "This b a lilacfor his address. pointeng out that..a Amax of the life of a man who climbs sense of reaponnibttity for mankind lie mountaintops of the experiences was one of the chief reasons for welt of life to gather something great from c'rganiratlnn' as the Ilome and School OW. rink -rum -rumis the mountaintop of disci- Little Catharine Snider, donning an pilar. The season of Lent speaks appropriate cap and apron, sang vtvidl the possibIDTtbs which come "Peggy ('Nelle" and a pip o duet to dlseQtjaed !tie and an abundant p� MDs•" The speaitr claimed that chain tet- te sweepstake and gambling erases were the result of the "longing and yearning of lives which refuse to live by the law of discipline. "The real cause of the depression was selfishness and greed, and the fin- al answer was from Jesus Christ in his Sermon on the Mount. "Where we fall down as a people teamIs on the mountain of discipline." "The next mountain top is the one se prayer and meditation. When the whole future depended upon one de - 'dam, Jew s retired alone to the tits, ;..1'' and prayed. The thing we Med above all else is the ability for titration sod private meditation. seed not necessarily be a physical tato or,plll-merely some place to alone and in secret -where we may to come into the special coalman - God grants between one soul and ewe. mountaintop of transfiguration" said the speaker. There la only one eat listened with much interest to Mr. was dealt with by Mr. Oraw. "If Christ and He is as many-sided as hn- J. S. Platt's tale of the early days of re asincere in the matter of iia- mans are varied. the salt business in Goderlch. Mr. Probably 'need if we are conertentloua In the "We listened a few minutes ago to, Platt wax brought up, as one might I tale of a pa I of meditation, then the time the King of the Brinell Empire and Say, in an atmosphere of salt, and was mid-air during a CLUB ENTERTAINS One of the most successful social evenings of the season wise held at the- played he played by the Misses Bar :re Thom- Marine (lob on Friday night last, eon and Kathleen Logan was enjoyed when a euchre and dance party was by all. enjoyed by more than 150 persons. Twenty-one tables of euchre were pant DAN 11<cIVOR, M.P. played, the winners being Mrs. E. Craig and Reg. McGee. Consolation Member or Gnaws House Pre.dtee m awards went to Miss Esther Murray Knox Church and Wm. Sproul. The prises were A large congregation at Knox Pres donated by D. M. O'Brien. I.onch pre - A church on Sunday morning heard Rev. Ian Mclvor, M.l'., and min- ister of First Church United, Fort William, Out., preach a vigorous and most interesting sermon, using as his text the words of Revelation 21:13 - "On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; A TALE ON SALT and on the west three gates." Referring to his text, the speaker J. S. Platt Gives Interesting Re'minis- stated that It appeared to be simple, retiree of Industry in Gederieh but that one could see greatness in It. it reted theabundance and sin licit and manyeddedness of Christ. pared by Steward Bonny was served by a refreshment committee ander Ken. Mars. after which dancing was en- joyed for some ars. Solos were sung by Hrs. Mamie Sutcliffe and Miss Mar- garet Young. There was only a smell attendance preeen on Monday night in response to the P 7 call for a meeting of the Board of "Regardless of race or creed or col- Trade. ('onsequently net much bnsl- or, there are three gates open to wel- nese was transected, but the talk drift - come travellers from every 'direction," lug to the subject. of .alt those prea- I A TRUE of chocolate'. lin Friday Morning's was as- a letter - from II. C. Lawson of Cliuloli Ifurm Miss M mri72fL ,\ ii ti �t town t, who pointed oat the wron�iy-apelled- word slid also gets a box of chocolates. The ffr'si nfilose on the earn! mall routes to claim the third tori of cho- cotates .Pas 'a+s- Joseerl► Wilsoe -ef It. K. No. 1, Ooderiei. Responses were received from Luck- nee- MY Tie nonk to Ex south. and one was received from as far east as Kitchener. r' There is another misspelled word in the Opportunity Days advertlse- minte this week._ Another chance for our keen -sighted reaaera: AT THE WATERFRONT The elevator is working day and night this week unloading steamers with storage cargoes. TheDonovan was. warped In to the leg on Saturday and a cargo of oats was removed from her hold. On Tuesday the leg dippel in the Ontadoc and lata night the last (elf the cargo of wheat was unloaded. Today work begins on the unloading of the Royalton. Ice of almost unbelievable thickness, was cut at the harbor to flee one of the boats. Al the east cel of the harbor the tee is n'lorted tui be nearly - four feet thick. 1� (?) STORY codas when,. after seeing oply a others have been listening in all parts intimately associated with the Indua- ma of Ude, we shall Dna that bf the Empire; and we take from that try from his early boyhood. lie hits etas a place for us among all the message different things according to frequently been urged to write a record and purposes of this world. our conception of our King and ac- I of the Industry in Goderich that might y, there is the mountaintop of cording to our conception of loyalty be preserved for the future, and it and love. its prototype is to him. Similarly we derive from Calvary. 'if any man will Christ according to our approach to after Me let him deny himself him. Although there are no two take op the crowand follow Me.' " things exactly alike in God's creation, speaker gave sevetal stirring there is only one God -only one Say - flung daring his address, which so supplemented with interesting geltedng word Illustrations. you would make the experience see meetings real," he sold, "come be Fester 'Noon able to say, 'L climbed the mountaintop of love paerlfce.' That Is the only quali- ties of anyone seeking to climb Is ry of God." Leah Gift sang "My Christ the Cross." BANRFIlL MR. DOBBS" Thursday and Fr'idar next week. nest opus or Iha Theories Rome School 'Dramatic Club will he ted at MacKay Hall. it Is a et comedy entitled "Tine Bash - Mr. Robbs." The play to a tisa- ne swhk'te which shuttles back ..pd forth betwe'ew the loveIlye.' of i.Jihe wealiry Rabb memos, ono hash jet the ether hold. See what hn p. wise two wealth• young mom w eight at ono botet M four yawns see en athlete, ono a "owlet)! • Mee a "Delayer.. !teach" and 1 •ligavle Ther. M as r tour -yet there is enough in the heart of Christ to reach all our needs." The nearer we get to Christ, said the speaker, the nearer we get to one another. As we get closer to Christ and so closer to one another, denomina- tional differences cease to seem im- portant. It is not through the cate- chicsn, through ritual, or baptism by immersion, that we enter the kingdom of God, but by the Father. Emelt de- nomination may observe its awn forms; the ways of entering the kingdom are assay -what matter by which gate the traveller reaches the city of God? "it does not matter whence we mato, whet the perulierity of our type of ala, there is something for es In the heart of Christ awd He offers it to usif we come humbly and rerer'eat- 4• seeking (7hrlat with all our hearts and mule, there will he no disappoint- ment" The choir sang the antiw•m4 "Bless Thou the ford, (1 My Soul." and Mr. R B. Walter suing "Lead. Kindly bight," as a solo. Tbs service was eosnmetsc•sd with the raseptioa by radio of the Wats message is gre'ttly to Ise hoped he will do so. in the meantime. his stories of the beginning of Oalerlmh'm moat distinc- tive Industry are highly entertaining H. well as instructive. HORSE TAXES PLUNGE Rescued from Harbor Waters by Met Cutting Ise Considerable excitement was created at the harbor on Friday last when a horse owned by Lou Maskell, on being frightened by a passing locomotive, plunged wildly and, toppled from the wharf to the water, dragging a light sleigh with It. • The sleigh broke loose as 1t hit the water, and workmen who were Cutting the ice about twenty-five yards out from the pier coaxed the frantic horns toward. them. A rope was fastened aroused its neck, and when the beast worked its forefeet op on the lee it was choked by the rope until it floatek after which It was dragged to safety. although not without consider , able dilSenity. The sleigh, which floated. slop woo remveerd. It was fortunate the ICs had bees eat away at the point when the horse made Its eight -Mot plunge; otherwise It might ham been killed and Ma sleigh saasbad in the drop to the Mi- teten-unci lees, II reel by thi Durham of ich was1j,froaen In be key gable, a 'local merchant hands u' this earful. ('an you Leat it? .- '1 don't mind laving people charge goods with Me.- he began. -"We more or less expect it tiles days; bat 1 hate to have someone pint one °ter on me. Obe time a man gave me a •cheque which turned pill h, have decided tubber -like tendem•ies by fhe way it bounced halt out "t the teller's cage. I never forgot the man and always kept the cheque with brie. u tap-dnncc .election be Maxine Kelly, i and a piano duet by Kathleen Logan and Barbara Thomson. The program m,n -lode! with a skit entitled "You'll Have to Ask Peppy," in which "Sam Fusebutton" (Frank Clark). a bashful swain, prevailed over_hie timidity before' "George'Lr mon" (Fred Rows) and won the hand of his daughter "Emma Lemon" (Mary McKay). Other memnh era of the chorus Bernice Ilogarth, Ruth Schaefer. Alicemfr, McGraw. Noreen Sproul, Doris Wil - Ranee -Betty- MeffeHemna Ann Milne, Bessie Glidden, Jack Tnf- ford, Jack Lorenteon, Herbert Moody, George Booth. Albert Gentey, Jack Barton Accompanists during the cv tss were MBarbara Thomson and Mr.- H, N. Livens. MMs Thomsen, president of the Guild and director of the %how, was master the trouble of going to the post - Slice for the Morning paper. he dog was passing Drennan's pool room when he pied a bundle of daily papers tossed in a corner. The proprietor was not around, so the pup picked up the bundle of papers and headed home- ward, successfully evading all those who tried to stop him. Mr. Campbell bad an anxious. few minute, trying to find the owner of the papers after he dealt with the dot. tral schools. The rcport'of Principal R. Stone- house, of Victoria school, showed an average attendance of 318.16 In Jan- uary, or Kv.12 per cent. of the 38:. pupil* Penny Bank deposits were 88 $114.. In February the average at tendatx'e wan ;119.57, or 86.27 per cent. Penny bank deposits totalled $81.87. Room 7 had the highest at- tendance percentage, with 04.28 per -+'eel. -January. Principal II. L . Shackleton reported 213 on the roll at Central school in January, with ab average attendance of 177.8, or 83.39 per cent. Penny Bank deposits were $77.56. in Feb- ruary an increase of five pupils was reported and the average attendance advanced four pointe over that of the previous month. The figures: Total on roll, 218; average attendance, 189.92; percentage, 87.2. Penny Rank deposits, 153.28. Room 4 had the highest attendance percentage, with KNOWS HiS RIGHTS --"Rowdy," -the white terrier -eased by a Nelson street boy, knows what a good pup is entitled to and knows how to take advantage of a situation when It melees. Bert McCreath, who de- vite for a local chain store disco?. Beed this - a week or two ago. He was delivering groceries one of those mornings when the snow was fresh and very deep. The plows had not been able to get around and the hand - called to the platform when the last sleigh, loafed with eatables, was number on the program had been ren- I heavy. \s he trudged through the,92 per cent. In February. tiered, and received a bouquet of flow- drifts, head down, the pulling got behalf of the Onti& An adtin vs-esoresetns'iyeroh ' ywc ett1'frtwt newnrwt,--oniy Teel -the Society's appreciation of thTeel- rover that he had a passenger. "Row - dent's untiring efforts in the produr- cly," tired of plunging through the tion of the show was read by Miss drift+ Into which he sank to his body !krona Bell. with every leap, had climbed aboard ere from Mita Ruth Sehaefer In heavier and heavier. - Passing for a FORT WILLIAM M.P. Rev. D. Meteor and Wife Come from Ottawa for Week -end Visit Rev. Dan Meteor,. M.P.. mad Mrs. Melvor, of ..Fart William,- 4>it�_>•t1rn. guests over the week -end at the RIs- w•t hone at Snitrrl Heights. Mrs. \fc'ivor is a niece of Mrs. Samuel Rlsset, a daughter of , the late Peter itiseet. who iirt•d here before going to the West. Mr. McIver, who is minister of the - First irntted church of Fort William, tris elevtesi in the linnse of Com nnons In October last for the Fort William riding with a large majority over Hon. i►r.'Manion. who had represeimte•+l the riding for several terms. He 'weepiest the pulpit of Knot Pnrbyterisn c•htirrh on Sundny morn- ing, giving n vignrnns disc•nnrse which revealed great, pintfnrin ability ne well en a sy-m{aths'Itr nush•rstendtng of hi„ emus' -erten. "Just the other day I 55W him go past the store and I glared coldly at him. At that .l dant my attention was distracted and I inked at a puddle of water in front of the rapidly re- treating scoundrel ' My Icy stare froze tine water •nd the man slipped and fell heavily. I looked daggers sit him and quick as thunght seleeted the straightest and sharpest one as i whipped the cheque from my pocket. Using the ammo principle as small toe* with elastic hands and ink balls, i fitted the dagger In the rubber cheque, drew. hsek and let It fly, pinning the man down by the cunt tall". it was an easy matter to get him to make the cheque good." he eonclnded. "Rut how did the man get freer we piked "Well." he replied. "i'm a peaewohle eeongb man sad when i got the cash my game softened and the warmth of it muted the Nee. The mei gat up and walked sway. "1 still have the dagger," be re- marked. as as afterthengbtt. "1 oso it to open Isesssa" nasi was Calmly sitting on the sleigh, enjoying a little free transportation. A I -FAP YEAR BIRTHDAY Audrey Jelin Barker ('Tlebrates Second Birthday in Eight lean Eight year old .\ndrey Jean Barker, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. 11. T. Bar- ker, Hineks street, came into her'own on Saturday, after four long years.of waiting. On Saturdiy afternoon she - had a real birthday party, the maenad in her young life. Audrey Jean Is believed to be the only 111th' girl In Goderich who was born on the 29th of February, tint there- is at least one young man. Of course Andrey Jean did not se - teeny miss t,irthday'parties in the in- tervening yearclii* the rotating world gathered up enough extra lime for an- other day, but It did not feel the same, celebrating a day too soon or too -lane. as convenience allowed. Birthdays are important days in • little girl's HR&j.TH 0! THE TOWN life. At any rate, on Saturday Audrey Quarantips tate Commieg*esllee DM- Jean made up for the last three years. ramie to lie Sdtetllyiletereed v't'The dining -room at her home was On Mottdiy afternoon, at a. meeting Iprettily -decorated with golden 'daft - at the town hall, the member. of the dila and lovely tulips in soft colon, Board of Health swore their loyalty pink being the predominant tone. /fi and allegiance to King Edward VIIi. •big cake with eight eandiek era The oath was administered by F. G. the table, and candy -filled swans made Weir, J.P. -pretty favor's. Dr. J. R. Whitely. MOM.. reported 'Eight little girls about her own age there were Bre cases of scarlet fever celebrated with Audrey Jean. and and one of measles in Goderieh in they put on a little program for the February. As It had been reported young hostess. The number, were as that fever quarantines were (wing vlo- tiled, the assistant sanitary Inspector was Instructed to nee that quarantines were strictly observed. The minimum gnerantlne period for scarlet fever in Oodericb Is footless days. .% report from the laboratories of the little girls present were Adele Schram, Department or ltealth of Ontario at Beryl Sanderson, Evelyn Rreckow sad London showed that a wimple of lees Joyce Hidden. liken from the harbor was of "A" in addition to being tart on the s ornam, called In 29th n -nary, n with Inst Meg emnllest aesssremest taken. lions of the Barker family. to begin colleetiatl tmrsdta •