The Signal, 1936-1-23, Page 7esaseireifiefessashede -we .i County and District Zurich and distribt have been ex- junior Irot•key team. One of the young- periencing a mild epidemic of scarlet stars, 11111 Jewett, got a couple of fever, resulting in the clotting of the slight cuts over the eye in the last Zurich r•hool last week. It is not ex Teeswater game. The term handy - ' that the condition will become man, "Doe" Hcuderson, patched him " trksax-42.t? w4th' 4Rlarr'A 'i -p"tt3 itVZ t'frarmatorat style, MU Wag Meat to aoe a graduate physl- token by i!:.•• :ural b:,:r3 of eesish to .)aving the w•huol closed temporarily. The village of Lusknow has decided that it will not pay the hospital charger of indigents tulles., they get their treatment In either Waltetton or Kincardine hospitals. The village es (onlributiouU to these biotite._ boas and feels that they ought to get any busincea going. Toronto boasts of having found a live cater -011a • disporting Itself in the open • few days ago. l.ucknow, not to be outdoor by the big city. reports the same thing and claims the greater "honor" browse I.u.ktsuw Is • much Alder spot and the hardy little erre- tare was crawling over the snow. When the trip chain of his windmill snapped, Jus. Speckly, a farmer in e:lma township, who has probably lit- tle desire to repeat the experience, climbed to the top of the mill on Monday of last week and lashed the wheel to the fan. A tierce wind carry• lag fine clouds of stow lashed at him as he climbed ted kI persevered heW the job was finIIDZ% 'Climbing down. too, was difficult, but be saved the ma- chine from clashing Into gear and tearing itself to plows. Of to Florida • Mr. and Mrs. John Joynt, of Let -k- now, left • few days ago to spend the balance of the winter In Florida Mr. Joynt has recovered from an Illness winch kept him bedriddet► for many weeks last year. Het*ay !'Myer Injured Defoe'11IF�',.' et" ffeaielf, -stat hockey player era the Seaforth Beav- ers, will be out or actio[ for 5Amt weeks as a result of having been tossed out of a motor car when It skidded on the icy road near Kincar- dine on Tuesday of last week. Fos- ter, in company Clth other players, was on him way to a game lu Kincar- dine wises the accident ocestr'9.•- elan after the game, just as a pre - mutton. "Who pa--11iM?" asked the real "litre" when be maw the bona: made. dressing++ and the boys are pret- ty mad at the slight on their pal "Doe" Henderson's work. The Winghs Costa= = Oiee — SVlsghaus t'hantber of Commerce protested, early in the mouth, against the closing of the customs office which hitt been located In that town for many years. A letter sent to Hon. J. It . Haley, Minister of National Re- venue, asking for a reconsideration of the closing, elicited • reply front him to the t'ffect that the Government was closing a tonslderable twmber of such officers throughout Canada where the business done did not warrant their being kept open. Mutes action had been reeotuweedd In the Interests of econ- omy and of itieucy by several impar- tial tribunals at different times in past years and the Government was now ghltag efart w there recommenda- tttrbx: - 'Mee' Minister titter- stated that he felt sure that Wiugham business men would appreciate and expect the department to be run on the same lines as r sueeitiolruT"huslneee enterprise: A deputation of Wingbam tenderest men its to premed to Ottawa to see lire M i niste, Clhe PICTURING SNOWFLAKES SNAPSI-OT Cu News of the Farm ..••_ Mary 23rd. I9Aa---7 Ontario and selling at afoot Pet ton at Fort William. _. - ••• Winter +.rt Courses Veal 111lseessful Five hundred and fifty -Wren happy Notes and Comments on and enthusiastic young farmers left Agricultural Topics Guelph on Friday afternoon for their I. widely scattettd homes In Weatere Ontario, after two weeks of strenuous The Axe for Two-l'e•r (Nds study, recreation and mutual inter - The faun flock keeper is rarely if course Oitt the winter Agricultural rt courses e eier justified In keeping hens longer than to the eud of the second laying Thirty -ata still remain for two weeks elealb�: our weelit poultry short without �' tl. 4n Vitt" continue Jong without a death ingest that cora cvNlrse au seriously tutu prolitse•-40-4e--ea.eahfai- t�_tbi completive of their three mouths to have flock sueestera that. have laid shortcourse In harrying. rt la makos-i. numerous eggs for three or more years, a Edda total -of 050 registered in the • • • short cOurees this wiper and at least I Mlaera1s for Heats tarty or pity more attended these classes on certain days, returning bone A. hes needs Unite in the fermi of , caul settee sad nut _xlddatertnL. 2t ally oyster shells or ill) per cent. pure lime- The different courses and the num- stone. If there is too much magne- bar of mere teTt-in each -art as slum in the limestone, It bar the same follows: Horticulture, 84; forst me - effect upon the hen that milk of mag- shanks, 313; animal husbandry, 179; nettle has on you. That Is why It la epleuiture,-4e; ysultre, 96; dairy, 57. better to feed oyster shells than ground These figures itelicate that the farm limestone, unless the limestone hall meehanies course was the most pope been tested to dud how much league- tar and this was probably true, be - slum there is in IL The oyster shells cause Iu this course there was more also contain some Iodine and other of the actual practical doing of things minerals from the sea. A pound of than was possible in the other courses, salt to each hundred pounds of mash out - During the two weeks most of the is plenty. instruction was given by members of • • ' the College faculty, but several out- ride specialists assisted and some out - Eastern and (ventral Ontario: About standing speakers wore brought In for ingie addresses. Among these were ninety per r lion. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, Dr. C. T Cur - Telly, director- of the Royal Ontario Museum, Dr. E. S. Archlbuld, director of experiment stations for the Do- minion Government, and Judge Joseph Wearing IR .iNndon. These students tame in tett-Ty-live Ontario counties( Those counties having the-lacgeet-fUMber of students were feel. York, Wellington, Lincoln and Middlesex Perhaps the moat ontat•nding fea- ture of this short course period wall 1111' - ram- eeiing..,st aaUsfactlout and delight among the students Eipre,otons of approval could lie heard everywhere and all the time, and the most common statement was, "You bet I'm coming bark next year:. Brophey Bros. THE LEADING MINERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night PHONES: Store 121- Res. 217 0ODERIOH Home Guide _..__, in Lifting Heavy Burden of Colds Brings Better Control for Colds for the Family—Easy to rouaW A GREAT HELP TO MOTHERS Much of the heavy burden the. Bolds: impose upon Canadian families can now be avoided—with the help of Viers Plan for Better Control of (olds. This practical home guide to fewer and shorter colds has just three simple. cut one is believed to breve resulted steps: from exertion caused when his car L Te Help Build Resistance se cads got stuck In the spew on the way to Live normally—avoid excesses. Eat church. lie was la les seventy-fourth simple food and keep elimination re - year. lie is survived by his widow Solar. Drink plenty of water. Take and two sisters some exercise dally -outdoors prefer - Get plenty of reel anti J. IL Tyermaa Dies Death came suddenly to J. -B. Tyer- man, one of the [rest -known eltlsens of tteatarth. when be posed sway a few u.;uutes after entering Northside United church on Sunday morning. January 12th. Ile had suffered a beart attack last summer and the prea- Snow storm snapshots need a wide lens opening and a dark• eaground the picture. preferable., the fern- 'YOU want to take pictures these winter months that you will be Wine sex. Have her abaft 15 to 25 proud of, watch the snowfalls and feet away and let her wall mut- try for a photograph that actually fled up to give an add�•al touch to the wintriness of no. shows the falling ing flake., and agblizzard Now for setting the era. The for one representing the bllzit•rd type of storm• kens should be torn building hat on your _ You may shoot and shoot into a With box type outfits swirling snow storm and the flakes toctta cameras just themselves will not show in the pic- ture, io- Jena opener and cit tare, but it you choose the right sort oa will be ali of snowfall, the proper background latereating even if and the right distance, set the focus fairly bright. The c right and give the correct exposure, QTm should record -the c you will get a picture in which the satisfactorily, althou curtain of tumbling flakes is vividly sensitive will help en portrayed. on darter days. For The kind of snow storm for this is one that occurs wh•dthare la wind, and when the temperature is about at the freering point. Un- der these conditions the flakes usu- ally come down large and fluffy and hence individually are more visible. The proper background is impor- tant. Since snowflakes are white they will not show very well ex - against a dark background; so take your stance before a dart shaded building and not more than say 50 feet away. If you are much farther away, there will be so many flakes between the camera and the building that the picture will show too many of them overlapping each other, as it were. What is needed is a distinct record of comoaratively ' a few et the multitude. Now put a little life interest into the scene. pet some one In dark elothas into 3. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Ensrarser AU calls promptly attended- to day or night —AMBULANCE $f�. PHONES Store 335 -- Resii .365W ltamilbon Street, Oaaerich cent. of the hay crop is ut esti the ,,. S mill _held -by theowers, the demand a subiett..•-yr belao...xe'eedtttgis • peer A few cars other set are being shipped to Toronto and to e largest the Maritimes on official- grades. The e picture demand this month is expected to re- ething *low, y is only Prices for timothy No. 2 and leis -- type of t tures in the St. Lawrence counties are quite-- -dots 45 to 71e, and In Northern e super- Ontario $10 to $114. In the lower (It - 'little more tawa Valley Nu. 2 timothy hay is sell- ers& with ing at $5. In Northern Ontario the re should I movement to lumber auseielfilug camps yyua-yam..price re nominaL SootiuV,'estern Ontarl "trout IH' per cent. of the to mrretal hay crop is still held by growers and con - elate mostly of No. 3 grade. Most Gang War Walkerton has a gang war ea its hands. Some days ago trouble of an unidentified nature between groups o[ school children developed into a real der$' un'`t]R IIiT tee (born' _ _ -1. .---Vytsuesol is especially 2. Te Help Prevent Mazy Odds At the first warning nasal irrita- tion, sniffle or sneeze, use Vicks Va- C4JZr• _uL' ecb nys- and plenty of bruises and skinned for the twee ■•d upper throat—where knuckles remelted, while one little girl, �t colds start. Used in time, Va- am innocent bystander, was practical- tro-not helps to prevent many cold's— and to throw off bead colds in the early stages. 3. Ta Help End a Cold Sesser -- If a cold has developed. or strikes without warning, rub throat and chest at bedtime with Vk•ks Vapoltub. Va- pottub acts two ways at once: (1) By stimulation through the sin, like a ly knocked out with a blow from ■ club. Ma-traa under the doctor's care for severed days. The police bad to stoplbs row acid it was amid that t teeag va*e6i+. —wadi• WRY Web and getting dangerous. Janet as Geed '1tile Rin ardine merchants is the atatse line carry on a certain small ultice or plaster; (2) By IahaLtlon alioant of business between each otter of Its penetrating medicatedvapors, A abort time ago one of them used a direct to Inflamed aleptesagrs. ewer twesttolve twit piece in making a purchase trop tie other. The 1st- Through the night. this combined wa- fer ter discovered it ' ane remembered por•poultte•e action . loosens phlegm, where it came from, so' the neat ttms soethes irritation, helps break tonges- he had • purchase to make he used tion. it on Ms friend. He too spotted It The worth of Vick* Plan to ethers and remembered and back it went has been demonstrated is dialeal when next he bought something from trots among 14,702 people—i ether proved in everyday home tee by thous- ands. hous-ands. What this commonsense. medically sound Plan eau do for you and your fancy can be pruned .only bz trifid It. You'll find full directions for fel- /owing It in any package Of !gig' tro-nol or Vicks VapoRnb. double lenses, the • Deno matter thaM•s rib a • speed of 1/25 second. II there is a slight wind this shute* speed .not entirely "stop" th*pakes but I very slight movement will tend to show the flakes all tie more deli- I farms have increased their live stock !Moir The flakes that Blow will be and hay and straw are being used those that fall within $ distance of rapidly. Excepting a fair. demand for good timothy and timothy mixtures iv storm can also be caught atT',mire an— other type of winter stempicture movement by truck will be restricted that will fairlymake shiver to this month. rant Ontario hay In look at. Theep picture .1111not show meets is still finding a math/0•M individual flakes nor lbould it, it ronto. There is no present penyou want to produce *realistic pie- for an export trade, tunathat looks like a roaring bliz Prices to growers less freights to yard. The same etpelare alleges- terminal markets are: $5.:,0 to $S,:,0 thong as given ter the ether type of for hay of No. 2 to No. 3 timothy mix - picture will do. Y tures, and $2.50 to $3 for wheat and a few fiat from the lar swirling the Deo market Is r at present. Har Amer within trucking distances to Toronto are greatly reduceO Walter Dalton fTNDF.RTA/i is'R Huron Old Boy. Graduate (loderich Collegiate Institute 13510 West Warren Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Telephone Oregon 8558 Shave one-half pound of hard soap into one gallon of soft waterdao d boil the mixture until the soap en remove it to a Sate distance from the fire and stir late It at once, while st�ll hot, two gallotda ne (coal The result is a thick, creamy grnuilin. Dilu%b thin steek mixture -- with tea parts of soft water, and ay- ply pply ea a spray or -with a brush, belatf- careful to work it Into all erecta; err Aces, and joints of the building. th any of theee'wprsye it is notes--•-• . nary to make two or more applications at Intervals of a few days to destroy the mites which hatch after the first application. The liquid may be put on with a hand spray pump or with a brush. Cleanliness, fresh air and sunlight are cheep and effective pre- ventives. a . . ('leaning the Hen House When bens• -are - infested wlib lloa Is indication that the pens need clean- ing up. All litter should he removed hurateketekl ewseerseallea nd r _ defined suits--kot- wader a strong wrap or lye. When t' Ma'1s !rie spray the Interior of the hoose with a solution of sine part crude carbolic acid and three parts kerosene. Then, a good whitewash containing some erode carbolic acid should be applied to walls and furnlwhines. A good kers- • ;4 JOHN pILDER ee • W do 4e leg ala_al going new own�Coimeu Fin IndtteMtes 4tiir. At iiiYt one new lo- duatry ought to Ire seebnd this year. He had read In the rs of other efa jpwni aecsu�iog t�he,� did not see why utec ti r enols if _. (onttcfrior Brows rtes that (Continued from page 2) press reports from other towns, if ex - interest! In the matter of the claim amined, usually 'bowed that the in - against the United States Fidelity and dustries they were, boasting about Guarantee Company, were considered. consisted of pleepri new clothes - The firm of Fasken, Robertson. Alt- (-leaning establs maita or some other thesis. Pickup & Calvin submitted a similar desirable wt OMB plant. bill for $322.91 showing details, while However, lie was I. tboeMg1t accord a detailed account for $190.43 was re- with the Rite and telt thtte coun- (rived from D.-Ik Nairn. town solid- ell ought to do all that 1$-could.__He tor. would like some prsetielli aegg!atba wenttothe finance coin- regarding pail Industrial to M ill• mittee without discussion. _ rated in the Artcrafl,- ping awe MAK Bead '•feted that lio cls i a tIIpR- -- a,...........,.wt:. 1++1 Tong- that, (ee}Beea-ae3tf and (aiRle Mayor Mac eveeed with the kits and said that. eisile the coun- cil and the 'Hoard of Trade had tried for 'tome years without success to bring new employers here. the ceuncil ought to do its very best thk'year. A motion sponsored br Councillors Baker and Hneklna, ts the. effect that Neill R. MacKay be retalaed as tax Ms neighbor. it is said that the quar- ter uay ter has Lamed back and forth repeat- edly and, between the two. Is fulfilling au the function* of. a perfectly good coin. Professional Jaalees- Professional jealousy me the part of a Teeswater pbyeician is being re - wetted by the kids on the i.ucknore . lye 'fee, C�-' "r- .7'�_— Arrow Bus Schedule Leave Gederte4 East -bound. daily 5.45 ■.m.. 5 p.m., Standard Time, for Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph and Toronto. Arrive Toronto 2.30 p.m., 10.45 p.m. ('cmnectlons at Clinton for ten- don and Kincardine Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, United States and Mexico o- CONSULT LOCAL AGENTS - 5. T. heir. mast Ischmei MIM, M. IN i s utt tame rale, w tit Central Ontario Bus Lines TORONTO Nature has perfections in order to thew that the is the image of tied .altr[ee , to abeilt.t at- O°ll y•otuddenttion for the Agars and - hltlttes of others Is' merely • gen- eral definition of tourtcvy••.—Emily Post. -We )ne reading and travelling be- t straw. ' Noris -Western Ontario: Clover mix- -cense they are most delightful sub - JOHN — Aldcna Huxley. ttar'es are plentiful in Northwestern gene emulsion le made as follows 'lltutes for thought. r e - "5_ gul►aitted a motion that the details concerning the proposed roadway to the north side of the harbor be con- sidered without delay. Councillor Iluckins believed that surveys had been made la former years, notably in 19M1 anal la 1933, but that the stole matter required sot�_l:snttgbt- There were two or Skath ways down to the harbor and the coat Should be conflict- collector sod moviegoer for the year himptve that they were fhtensely inter- eles had indicated to 193ff with an Increase la .salary from him$1,000 to $1200 was referred to the veld In the -proemial. The Oaten 011 finance committee. ' and British America Oil Companies councillors ot''t Brows and Creek both interested and want -pate moved that the matte, of publishing for a tramper plant. a booklet advertising illoderich and The Imperial (Si Company wouldfor distribution amort publicly agen- have erected a million -dollar plant there In 1920, said CouncillorHucklns, This was tarried. If there been a road.d.; dee,be left over for IbS time being. Nowof Councillor Harkin, lipologlsed for course, they were established on the Councillor Bomber'stbflteom, the tat- totherheIr side and theirinrepres to extend.ter having been trails Toronto in thCr plant on wpresent aIyote. connection with the lement of an Councillor Brown asked Mayor Mac- estate. All other bets were Ewan, who was Mayor In 1929, If the phut. — Imperial (N1 had been turned down by Committee the council in that year-- ----- The finance commit reportedhas. "Certainly not," answeredthe May -Mg pissed a $I0,flO0 d on the tax t or. it they had wanted to put in r collector, Nell R. Ma T. with the mIllion-dollar plant down there they United States Fidelity nd Guarantee Would have built their own roast it Company. The bond as been sett n Councillor to the °Rises of the i Intent of Mute lksundllor ('ereminded the t..0, Affairs for its Inspection and cot►rtc II that there was some doubt as to approve'. the ownership of the rand in question Thr pltrls?Ic breaks mpmtttm rcrom- dnd no one knew just what could he metslso the immediate construction of done with It. I concrete foundatlm eresewalls at the Demands Explanation 'freight shed at the dock to csirry the Councillor Hucklns asked permission floor askevl for by the Goderlch Salt to read a portion of an editorial In i('otnp•ny• last weeks Signal and read that put- 1 The e',anMlttee is asked to buy six tion dealing with the record of the trains- ,t inger Mans to be erected at the jnmtlon of Kinistor, Ellen and Victoria streets PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Jan. 20.—Mrs. M. Cunningham, who resides at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Crawford, celebrated her eightieth birthday on Sunday. January 19. Her sons, Dr. Wallace and Horace, of Walkervllle, and Bert. of Toronto, were present. Miss Ethel McKenzie, of Knits'', spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McKenzie. M•r. Howard Quaid, who has been visiting at the home of his parents., Mr. and Mrs. J. Quaid, has returned to Kenora. Little Joyce Stewart, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Stewart. is 111 with scarlet fever. Mr. Elmer Draper, of Nile, spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents. Mr. and Mn.sWm. Draper Mrs. Thomas Dougherty Is reported to be somewhat Improved in health. V. P. S. Meeting —The regular meet- ing of the Y P.S. took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Junes McMillan on Jenstary 17. Rev. Mr. . Pomeroy is condueting a Bible training course, "Climbing LIfe's Highway." at these meetings. Sweet merry is nobility's tree hedge. d'oriolanns. .tySePs" BOW TO "KEEP EDUCATED" Reed Folly die Werid-Wide Caa•treesi.e New. to THE CURI1sTIAN *d'IRNA[ MONITOR ,. Iwteraasioad Daily V.aaass•per tit see .5 eM .••.1•aau..• world •... ••t s.a w a.•t••S Moo ew ••••••I. aa. Ye ter ••t.•••. TM 1••••1'.a.r•'- •••• .5 • • on ow 5.-.W res ee .fi�w a— — d Hm Roe —s'-_ -.. Ct.rt.tian ar•.rne• Publtahhot ewes, (ser, werw•y ate_S. Seamldaaret.u.reta 'lame anter ray e,harri•arw le Thr (hrif.n !•tam,. Ynnww for • •.reef., of I r d le • menthe N ld t months $2 et 1 mnneh w q leerc tertwatM wasaama• mews: r year 0a, • t Pismo 1 ase . e4•. ./arm.. a •.,•.,,,. t ,t t.nre•.«....- la ma ems •• a.ePstt e • town treasurer nd ending with the words, "Judgingtrom their comments, it would appear that this is rather a dlsapp intment to some of those who asked for the audit." Councillor Huckin* said that the editor of The Signal had asked for an explanation of a statement made at the nominative) meeting by Deputy Reeve Turner and he now declared that he expected the editor to explain whom he had In mind when he Wrote the words quoted. "Let him call a spade a splde," he demanded. "I'd like to know whom he Is referring to In that editorial!" He explained that he wanted fair play In prows feports and called on the Mayor to aswlsl him In securing It. Mayor MacFwan wait he would he glee to help. Sometimes, the press, beteg human. might he In error, tut he felt that they would he glad to re- port all meeting.. fairly New Indnstrimi Deputy Reeve Turner rote to state Iatee into any lama I that In his opinion the ceased ought aloes eta �4.t 1patl► — i. k ' Lease Park Howe The cesneetery sod parks cvonmltter have leased the Park Hosts to T. M. west F. M. Turner for three years at a rental of $20 per mouth for the frsl Ax months of each year and $3141 per month for the final six macule. The eerie me* for three yeere and may be renewed for • further two years on the written sgrveetne•nt of both parties. The fire committee reported : -As no satisfactory arrangements have been made with F Mesheeke for the two oPeotslhand tires. and tubes off the fire crack, we recommend that he he re- quered to return thee tires and tutees' to the are hall or to pay $10 fit them. . ttylews Lovering the hank credit anti the payment of the O.W S.R. 'wink were passed at the meeting. r,. RIND TRDI GUTS Thonghte there are hist to he t ra ff • end epi r Will He Smile When He Applies for a Job? IN JUST a few years this smiling lad will start out to make his way in the world. But will he smile when he applies for a job? Or will he be handicapped by an in- firmity made permanent by neglect? To-dayhe should be and will be a patient in the Hospital for Sick Children. His future health, his future happiness, his smile over the many years to come, depend on skilful treatment by doctors and nurses. If admissicn and treatment were limited by the amount of the fixed grants made by Provincial and Municipal governments, he ,,md Countless other children would suffer. In a sincere effort to serve the best in- ' Wrests of little patients, no needed expense is spared. Everything necessary to effec- tive treatment is provided. But this mean: that there Is a •deficit each year. e For the Milani yar, we must raise 170.000.00 to meet this shortage. We aiik your help No donation is too large, none too small. Every gift is welcome. Will you please consider this as t per- sonal responsibility? Your gift will earn everlasting gratitude. e Send year donation to thug Appeal Secretory Id.450 Radiographs made by rise X -Ray Department last rear, repra- sooting 1.112 cues requiring this service to guide Physicians and Surgeons. Arts HO, e HOSPITAL f012 SICK CH I LDRth •wr+eraa no CHILD T # - e T aT o Q f-1 T t� ' 07 cot_1_-eGe• s • •