The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-11, Page 16SW, Page 19—Ineksow Sentinel, iviednesda, Oet.lser 11, '1989 BARRY W. REID'B.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT •Auditing *Financial Accounting •Personai & Corporate Tax Consultation •Personal Financial Planning sManua0 St Computerized Bookkeeping •Mortgage & Amortization Schedules 306 Josephine St. Wingham, NOG 2W0 Office: 357-1522 You'll Find It At.. GODERICH KINCARDINE 324-6901 396-7012 SPECIAL OCCASIONSI *Party Hats *Balloons *Invitations *Plates *Party Hats and more LS -5 We're ready when you are! Use Our The Lucknow Sentinel has a FAX machine in our office that lets you contact any other FAX machine in the world — instantly. Send your important documents, statements, contracts, legal papers, etc. instantly. The Sentinel offers you the service of the FAX for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first and $1.00 per additional sheet (and the long distance charges are free within Ontario). Our FAX number is also your number, so if you want to be reached instantly — we will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. INSTANT FAX as last as the phone For more details call 5282822 Henry Clark, president of Branch 309 of the E framed, inscribed photo of the 1987188 All Stevenson, (left) and coach, Greg Hamilton, arena in honour of this hockey team. (Pat Royal Csmadian Legion (centre) presented Ontario Pee Wee team to manager, Doug (right). The picture will hang in the local Livingston photo) By: Amy Austin and Heather Askes Kindergarten October is certainly going to be a great month. We have already learned all about The First Thanksgiving and are looking forward to our own Thanksgiving feast. Halloween is .also in October and we are looking forward to .the crafts and stories for this special day. Elaine and Marcella celebrate their birthdays this month. Grade One Mrs. Bell's grade ones have ac- complished many things over the past two weeks. We enjoyed bringing our ..parents to _Open House on Sept. 27 to share our classroom routines. A big "thanks' to our volunteer moms and grandmas, who are coming in --each week to listen to us read. We love this special time! Laura and Devin have been our "Special Mes", and were good leaders. We made the October birthday cake this week for William K and Clayton, as Clayton is moving back to Florida. We hope to have him as a penpal. We are now studying about Trees, something we are very thankful for. On our walk, we collected many seeds from different trees. Grade One/Two We ended our -apple unit with a fan- tastic apple tasting day. Thank you to everyone who sent in apple treats. Con- gratulations to Angela Bastin and Mark Kranenberg, for being chosen as our new Super Stars. We wrote some great stories for Thanksgiving. We all agreed that we felt sorry for Mr. Turkey. Grade Two/Time Grade .two/three have enjoyed many Thanksgiving activities this week. :We especially like the story about Whiskers being invited to the Thanksgiving feast. Whiskers was allowed to sit at the table and wear a bib. Be also remembered his best manners - to thew with his mouth closed. Have a happy, safe Thanksgiving. 'Grade Three/Four In grade three/four we are continuing to work on our Bear Centres. Many of us are reading Ber-enstain Bear books and then -reading their favourite parts to Mrs. Inwood or Mrs. Clooney. During the week, Nathan, Nick, Tim and Jason presented their "Bear" puppet play to the class. The class would like to welcome Chad Sellers who comes to our room from Bridgeport. We .hope you will enjoy life at Chad! Grade Four/Five Another exciting meek in grade four/five has come to a ,close. This week we started our Language Arts Unit on Mystery and adventure. We are reading through maw ,breath -taking novels and doing teeth -clenching Activities, with them. We are sorry to have to say "Good-bye" to -Coy Jones who is moving back to Florida. Grade Five/Six This Week in math ,we are rounding in the thousands and millions. in readint3 ,we are doing a poein on wolves and have questions to ;mower about them. We are finishing our ,environmental studies page and learning about Canada. PS INSIDER Grade Six/Seven This week the grades six/seven have started a swap shop. That is when we bring things in from nature and trade them for other things from nature, for science. In math grade six are doing graphs and grade seven are doing sets, and venn diagrams. Grade Seven/Eight The grade seven/eight class had an ex- citing week. Some pupils went to the soc- cer tournament, and did well. Also An- drew Johnson, Tom Morrison and Chris Jones, went to the bus patrol training program. On Thursday, some members of the class went on a trip with the nature club. Grade eight had a history test, and grade seven are preparing for centers on Community History. Grade Eight The grade eight class is about to begin two new units of study. The first is an English unit that will dwell on media literary. Here we will explore media literary. Here we will explore commer- cialism. The reality of T.V., and the coe- struction of T.V. programs In geography, we shall consider man's need for power, and how various interest groups might react when hydro construction begins. Library The Library is a beehive of activity this fail. Grade eight just finished an ex- tensive animal research project. Grade seven students are starting a pioneer unit this week. Grade four/five students are doing centre activities on the "Economy of Bruce County". Today Kindergarten took home a book from the library. Remember too, visit the public library mom and dad. - French We have had an interesting week in french class. The grade fours are learn- ing items in the classroom. The grade fives are studying ,articles of clothing. The grade sixes are working hard to complete their old french books and are looking forward to starting their new series. The grade sevens have had their first major test. It is hoped that their success continues throughout the year. Family Studies Thanks to cooperation between the Pinecrest Nursing Home and grade seven family studies students, the "Adopt -a - grandparent" program is now in full swing. Grade eight family studies students, with the help of Mrs. Lash's Kindergarten and Mrs. Bell's Grade Ones, have embarked -on a program to gain practical "parenting" experience. Nature Club On Wednesday, October 4, the nature club went to the West Wawatiosh Conser- vation Area, to- build our birdfeeders. Before we built them we talked about dif- ferent birds and their calls. We also played a game called "Bird Mating" and it was fun! We also watched the birds in the 1)1race:tem. We saw chick-adOes and a ehipMurik. We made another type birdfeeder. It wao made of a pine one with peanut butter on it, then we dipped the pine cone in birdseed.