The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-27, Page 14I ' at's hol z, back? A -Study of radar whiele accidedts 4c, ,tuntig 1n Sineardint .01V 'betachrnent ,earea hitt* imist ihree year s Itat reveal- , -*11 iitaltiblg fatt,Which shouktarivince even 'the most •Stubboni person ef f•the value ;Of -wearing a 4W telt •Of -the seven latal accidents itt- vga1nIg87, 118,and so far In i19, six JIM Of *ht ,vidtims were ./Ibt wearing a !seat telt and :ene was 41 ‘oyelitt. In her words, -only one victim was wearing a -seat telt. What* telding you 13ack? Itinetadint OPT' detaelunent with to ittlielxiblie In notice that seat telt en- 'foreement will he ane of Iheir lop priori- ty initiatives as of now. Fortyfourenehre-playirsAndasometuti latl,bevardTpartyisponsore&by.lAielmow LejgionarsieW2191.1astweek, on WitbMellon Meek. Thirolissiim-, the Jiolds suece Thecweek .of .,September 17 to 23 As Legion 'Meek And Mranch '309 inad .,:e,.A,12coneentrated,,,,tffortAbis -leant° provie something tfor aiiAges At -the commuatytto take;partin. 1vasamue- media -7:venture, made mostible ythe -beipand-waikafmeMbers Abe ,Aping to,legion 'Meek Tztarted Witimanixedotwo'zballicgOlttourney,in zAttiehAililiiifers,A:xperienefidandAind- verieeeed 'Ae011 mart. .'Re :aide ,vand 48112ei,%1210iiieS, races, ate. were made -Available for abildreirafithevommunityatftheaegion. Fallow* the i!grilf And hilthfl?fun Jinn,. -wonderful lbeef rbarbeene x.was xlevouredzby 105people.Aanini11mworks Aisidarwasthe-.12idnibudiois tforamdars LJi , / 5.5o.51,12a -The/.Vri) Autwn :FEarvest Bouquet. Aug -call or us :1404aY. ' Jr.9 Y' n owers ..-Latcnow,528:a3 . • 111v...oftra .*19.0$11.. , •--- 54 • .5 • ,reatthgueltzeleased--. llo 4ith their :manse hi It. Witt Tiv ingsianvitoto) activities. '14onday,maw:the And .the .ardine DPRIeesponsoram apentliouseAn :lheAttemoniraltiLififsnuntionmn • mime .Stoppers, Mock ,EPEnetifs, Awareness, .:Operation Provident and Operation identification. 3n v_itheeveidag, ;mignon mn _,Alenbalanid 'iJse, Abuse land Depdency • gresenteckbyMoithsAddittionlicsideestf ansud.• AA 7younj alsorlecoVer* '1Estid Atha:drLHfims AtolrY ' 55545i, likesilayeveninga,sbanquettwasbekLin Ihonourlifezegervieemersonnelircanitbis .area. 'An alegwat Amer, !followed Iv antertainment--was provided Jfor 1O4 guejas. Vann/3s And titers were Associate m 1the firantili 1.,441 • ,55 . • "15 5,. aiegkai Areas. meltre ?and warty mai; /tiered to area „seniors „mil ,7rluzsrlay lifternoon IdiewediadifiaAuneheonancrballoossile- ting mainland. ,lifinners meret/bigli aady, Muriel Muff* ihigh =an, Maris Ildathers; AowWy, MO Mahe= 'low mnam, Ti =bed; matt awe -33surds, and atirbld ICTSIPITIAr; f.raieWithOirS, rVidaettandaVES .114eveafjales Itayinond Alaggitt, lgois 7:411105.5 takint Airesairg ler the vocation, And par- ftiLtritim in *ilia bow vontests, limbo voider& MCI:nibble gum blowing. 2he8eavents were apen to the pate. rifiXeratiseidAnkingmart,Aceep mext year "Anl'unind. • wnships 5r5 ce Additb3nal townships are 110W ;eligible -for assistance „under the Canadian cop Mrought _Assistance }Program (1X:DAP) am xertain Truss, Ile':CLIMAPtislielbaaring assistance to tamers Imes as resnit ISM Aglble lama* were idea - lifted An the tads M1 FirabninarY Aida cin (order lo get payinedts tto pro- ithreers vim ;naffed the mit vere :losses. Me Mew lowniditz were identified after Ibuil jittld dinta Irom anntineial mrsikinsuranee affiees Aras *gamed and assessed. Yrodueers who may -now be coltiblP Abouldnontad agrieulintal =prawn- lady/it' he. litaffthere itiliste able to tbilldbem whiebtovnuiliipsamdcpme are iforaisidstanee. 76149POsilicers Mleeir"W 'lave iiot let ireeemed an Igedbmition /tan get sae 'tly 1Nd1ng oU ree1.4100-1674343 (Bain. -:7Tan. MN!). tom also Will be Idile totell pro-, timers mithether they Jaye gudified vrops in nevily e1g1b1e townships. $ ,55 1.1