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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-27, Page 11
known 1_ Aedthe:PrOvitlee' Jien--bf 1 lgtetele;,, 2-4t1ich rage anatarY:10 lzstriti%cAlamiture ato ;Made, zweliaeelar lAterpreted-the 3iriorygabisimidife1, This:pittlifreerkelletitien-isAterY , 431e, zbetAittyou tnow, ,important volleetion iaidier,:011r Abatismatasseathir seenibylheileblid?" This Tenormousand-vidaable :collection*, Amused 'here fin'the :County uttebives. DurmeldvalmolleetionAs stgatizedinta • specific „grospiws`Ao anidte it :more. vesiible loltielablic_andlheseRreepb44 are 06.11ection; .Tatcards, :Newspapers, Land 'Transfer .Copy Monks, Mderenee 'Materials: Historic _Library, Prints .eagravings; Idiudeipal ,and 'McMinn 4 Miudithe. Vhotwnwbic 'Collectijon --eontaina mb3tagrapliic :prints and :swathes, -Ain+, .types -and sambrotypes. 7.Subject 4geqgraphic indexes Ylo 'these :.photos late to the -member in '.the tArt, Melding Mown. Me.titrehives'Aiold:a ;collection id 4; 4Yroximately.140 kvaidefints, .are ieither ofBruee :or :hear le leointtyvostmait.Meyairemrinswed'zigi muirjecLandgewrobie...4ocation. We .also 'retain Ea atolleetion. :most • rowdy Inewpapers, room iOf which _boxed :and IsvailEdgeAolthe msearcherl :County :newspapers Tare 'enileeted inicrdihned ,annuAlly. •The. hssafrrangedlahave2on immanent loan, 'themitire '- pledinnArtahe" tfor ..the -Mangy :of Bruce. Mese ; ileatberitonnd ,Ibotiks Alontidn a11r movernmentatitboriztidlandlransaliticati InAlievoinity..betwem21351-aiktus7.ah4 :copy Meeks %were 'mitten An I:sequential itder; ;Abet isAbelirstssitrylreeithel* aill. tether entries isp5to dilemma 7reeent 46110013100,-§e• II si 61,tiet Imititoor: - LAIL 4"malaimilisitawe 'Inte we Ma 2 liOniii1WMNY ZANANANt Afit WATtil *KOS • ••••••••••••......, 14111MiallS1.4111$1,4$4401111111stitiliglilliekikligt 0.1111101* , g. ....... 4**414, MoltiNilit4.1101140**flOM Olt . - , n' , • 'It... *. ., • . i!.. •..,,,,,- . ,.. ', .11, k...,. ' . ,, - *It . • s - , • ;,... --, ,../ e,, "Um, .4,..., Rom, tA. : ••••••,• Jaannadien •nEabthe AionAmiand,dligyalremysttagtm• mejteienmee Anti* Arai ves .ontains ia-tavide mune iAlanumentatirm -relating Ito in 16.unenin :and. Znunty creaearrili.The rinateritdalambeetiyanityjeit; An vtderthat itheybe liatiLily. 311.ennstantotheilitlasenaLis• "Izapyancl2theae-materlids Aire:for • :Me only. jimeA3Berlizebigamtatkotoomoit the Museuxn, there are About 11700 vesfr�nthe iBth, lie andenaily llitkeenturies•IllinEndlleCtiallavasJormet fedlrom3tevestiviivatelgilleetians, zwiillAksiAbcixidies-At/theTiitliettel aflthathg/illbraties• aktiesi 4tlaaaa3indArXtalmeAdooAneltlina 11111111111b, FETmiazEIR —15 =Morn sprwing of Rund-tvp and other ets Van figr tprires lbeirlsatalegatAIIMbers "The ,Artilbere XI -At Words 4TtilittusrT asairos awi+i Wit 1 ..u(ofc4341110411 masttl.forci>jitiWt(quaitty anti pp yiells n &Toms OA 6100 trimly OrYinsf soil tato Mil. 29S0(14 1 i) u ONO 441127 401110,115#11 100 .t1. A " •e•-••-•••••,utgia, •. • • .4, • • 1 1 3