HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-27, Page 7Intreleenannaunced' the acceptanceld wpm's:tette „1.118 _Cana alien _Crop Drought Ansietance vgram. Me dine for field razoms is ••Oetaber 111119andiskticulbusl ems Dctoberlith, Apiseids .are more „effective c. VOW or an so area le*. 'The address for further -information or its is: ,Webater, Secretary, „Ontario Pro - Amer -Review •.Conmiittee, ',Agriculture Canada, !104450 _Speedvale Avenne'Vest, Guelph, :Ontario NiH 1Y7 - telephone ,•51947530. Mit Balton, AgriculturaLltepresentative TO Plow • Or 'Not To 7Plavi? Part 31 Last week, we looked at why we Luse the moldboard plow. Now rd like to :discusssome alternatives, and the Situa- tions where they may fit in. -The intensity of =age :required depends pithizally anthe mil -texture, and to za lesser extent an previous soil inanagement and -cropping qaractices. A light, sandy soil :can temanaged with mo rnflBge without Lsecrilicing yieki; 'toattempt:fluisonsleavy *Twaddle r sty to -saythe least. As the .rjay con- tent of the sail increases, the porosity decreases and the sail strength and .suscentthility to .compaction increases. 'The plow is Jilutr to -remain the most cmnmon tillage implement on the -farm, and ona elay �i1 it is still the best choice. :On erodible mins, !however, the .converstional moldboard plow leaves the soiltoaexposedto mindandwater. 7or- innately, the plow can le modified- fair- ly .eatily to leave .some :residue on the suiface. Metrash comers can Temov- ed, and plowing ,.11epth reduced to leave some trashparlially turied. If/Imre/sur- face 'residue kisrequfrthemoIdboards 1 . 11.111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111 can le rzutlaidi, or removed Idtogether. Thisritainsthe litingandainittering ac- tion tot the plow, while reduting the tur- .Mrigaction. Another roptban is to replace the moldboard ant Share with 41 'mite sweep, or a speciilliy atessiwd ltonserva lion point". 'These are meryaffective, :but they will 'change the -draft Of the plow. SeverSraither pieces �f istinipmein are available today for primaly Mae. The chisel p]ow or 4fsiileaver" works well on most soil types, provided it is not used when the soil is -too wet. It is *quipped with -either twisted „shovels, whie.h turn and shatter the soil, or wide sweeps, which work the -.entire width d the imple ment, but :bury very itttIe'residue. A less ...'popular implement is the :offset disc. it , las the advantage of turning up fewer atones than the anoklboatx1 or chisel plow, and it is almost impossible "to phg. It does, however, tendlo tiny -more -residue than the Chisel plow °Fedi tillage ra. clay soilik-necessary to -expoe the plow layp-r to frost action; it is 'very difficiflt to achieve an acceptable seedbed il these :soils are plowed in the spring. Lighter textured Is, .however, can he ..leftarttouched amtil spring with little detriment, and -this 'las the advan- tage of leaving -tile residue never intact ,vver the winter. Which ef these,.systems wiU mark am -yaw farm depends tan 3)31MY -tip, -cropping isystem, weed equipmentavallable, etc. If -you are :con- sidering ,Plisitim your tillage :system, 4Iive aisa call,and well toslappyto help -you evaluate the options. ,11 '1;9 t:4111. WCKNOW Si DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Dab Ingo Lucknow Conununitv Centre t Sunday, October 1,1989 Tina 1ardner Liicknow Zeirna Alltrocks - leeswater 1258. ea. 'Potential Prize 'Board *MO. Jackpoton54 r.alls. •$500.mucttgo. ?ingressive tS3Q3fts 1125110 Mall opens nt *30 *an. Bingo starts at 713,44m. HAPPY 40111 ANNIVERSARY Oct. /1/49 89 Stuart n'itk Helen Madennan HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY Joe Thelma Van °soh 1 influron realtiVACL. tedileatitn- aidtraininginTiffice will Aquila amid prepare them AO -reenter the modern liffice,enviromsnit. '11eprogram, Which isiree ±0all liar- thdpants, is 'achedniedlo Ihe first Twee:kof. e. atleafotthMistrict :Thgh Sitioolaulthis /Dratted toward ;people who would like to work in -,.today's ;'.'butiness Zealot -requirefuptto. date vougmter, ac- counting sodaecretarial skills. Mere are two phases ;to the program. Participants wllibegin ;by attending Classes seals& Ifoir?.comuinsantiltheend of.Junuary. Classes composettentirely ref/Idles.. Z1-,, 4 64 4 ' I I I 4: / 1 then enter co- operative education :placement where 4noinitviI1lmontinuelintilthemidilletf Arne. The motinal daily classmn program wlllconsistof lour r lieffralatian falitwillik es • • .- standard . ion:Oder . • iniatitive le „Iliveded With XIdetO anature women With modern Office skills as potential •• doyees. 'Although the aIMPloYets • 41 'mot be -required to finn- aUy participants during this component, 'they 3tillthave to axinmait lime Ito ',training -the -student for their sperific,j0b. 7ransportationcanle =ranged inumst cases and the hours Will be somewhat fleXible depending en the needs Of the participants. If -you are intereedintipaUin the progriun as a :abided %or as an templeyer please eafl Setforth District 'High :School* '52741110 ander* forDeati Vin 4,41t. 371;0104 & Bran& ihespooseivocoolancwin ciaidnisas San. Dot. 7/Nrin tmoknow dosiawinamiamaniammimm Students ifindistry euCh ..as .WordPefect, Lotus; ,eed'',Hdford. Zak' low -.AS tutic-lbe,computer APOS,LIFA: 4tolicalle. Von- . Veva** 41P- , Arid *owning, 1 Iteiltiucithon component • 'fbegitrietttheend.5.0f town -tisf arirs:thelee .„„Y to ;*U .thue.for diaeiion, au tlY 'The Immunity (sends its ,conjittattila- tions -..to Mike end "Debbie -32tointne3r of lunberley ten the 1;arrhai1 of their daughter Brandi liernineo -011 iepteniber 8 tin Abe Maine Tonerid in ' wejghipginatT9ths 2oz And 40,00 f t ark nd:Henri and VOIDIER-5111 SHOWEIMES:IMAY AND sitrwRom AT WM met 1100 PM liONDAYr0 ItitiRSDAY AT SWAM MACH EVF.I.ING al:KiN -MOMS JOHN CANDY i. rs Sfl. 29 (OM 6 4- prri rim - Thurs. fifin, Andrew 10100arthy 4Jonothan ',Silverman Venlig may cheTs fitfe pi1.t. p8rty1 b 1 7