HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-27, Page 3rIka og a-Thon set for Sunday •frame 1 sonality Q1111443101 fitness, are entered into the kennel training pivgram. Notviithstasfing the costs, the ultim' ate 'critical demands placed won a dog:guide zdictates the exceptionallY high staridirds -CVC places upon accepting a dog into the training program. Acceptecialogs move on to an intense nal tr "prograrnof three to six months, •one a stme-en-one basis with a qualified CVC trainer. Trained dogs are the mat ched to gi specific student, taking into consideration the :student's size, tempera- ment and style ioUlife. The student and dog grain together at the school for 26 days to begin to establish the bond that is so necessary for a team to 'really succeed. Follow up contact and scatnnumication between the recipient/graduate and the CVC training staff are maintained to en- sure ongoing success. Contrary to public belief dogs cannot read traffic signs, traffic lights, etc. 'The t ' blind person must know where be/she in- tends to 'travel. 'The dog guides job is to help the blind person get there safely. The dog has also been trained to refuse command if that cemmand would result tin danger to- the blind'person. The dog's attention must be on its master at all times and people are di.scouraged from petting a "working" dog while it is in harness. A 4 'working" dog guide is permitted in all public places. The dogs have been trained to travel on all forms of public transportation - busses, subways, trains, etc., and to work in congested areas such as shopping malls including travel on ,elevators, escalators and through revolv- ing doors. Canine Vision Canada holds one major fund-raising event year year - the Walk- A-Dog-A;Thon. If you are interested in participating pick up a pledge sheet from the Bank of Montreal or Lucknow Farm Supply and turn up Sunday at 1 p.rn. at the. Wingham Park. seat from page 1 regulations, that council had not voice in the matter. Nicholson construction wasgranted an extension ,of 'completion date for storm sewer work :from September 15 to September 29, 1989. A 'complaint regarding parking on Clyde Street was referred to the Bylaw Enforcement Officer. A proposed Recycling Agreement Bylaw was discussed and put on hold un- til after the next 'recycling meeting scheduled for October .3. A letter was -received from property owners an the south side Of Campbell Street, ibetween Ross Street and the river, regarding drains which handle roof and basement water. The matter was refer - tato the :la 140;1121gineel*,'.formOtretiedil. Communication from Wetland 'Vlley 'Conservation Atithonity indicated.that a new .application rnust he submifted for the Kinsmen -Ballvark chain iirk fence. Beth the anthority and the 'Village are NIFARD.171KRU On4PEVMS Great SaVings Or! These Used Cars& Trucks. Some dna Owner Low ;Mileage. 1989 FORD 'WAWA 4 door, air 1988 CELEBRITY EVROSPORT 1988 ONC.815PICK4OP 1907 FORD Pm PACK4IP 1987FORD'UlifPO4, 4 ticor, air 1984 BU1CK PARK AVENUE, 4 ti0Ors air 1.985 TOYOTA ORASMDA 1983 FORD it:4 19416 CIVY OTPN.PICK.UP iow01.11010 T1986'It4i0 OtTON;PICK4IP OM ONO 44 TON „ Atone„ 342 -..sAIL„,00'„Asossix: t -A A • * • responsible for ensuring that structures placed in the flood plain do not increase the pot • 01. for flood damage to other properties. Following discussion, council agreed 'that upon issuance of a "flood alert" by the authority, .the outfield fence will be unclipped to allow the lower three feet of fence to curl up should any debris be pushed against it by the flood waters. The annual fall pickup of large items by Floyd Milne was approved by council Winners of merchant draw Winner Of the free ,draw at the Tupper - Shit* 1-,13itielts f licknow, who Will receive 05 worth of Tuppersvaxeproduet. "The Lueknow Sentinel's winner of a silk, fall flower arrangement was‘Sharon Austin Of Lucknow. Luelmow Sestina, Viednonlay, September 27, 110—Page 3 Skating club executive gearing up for busy year The executive of the Lucknow Skating Club is gearing up for another busy year. This year's executive includes past presi- dent, Diane Park; president, Jo -Ann Todd; 'first vice, Debbie Culbert; second vice, Irene Dickie; test chair committee, Bonnie Kay and Jayne Ritchie; Secretary, Cathy Conk; treasurer, Betty Ross land directors, Sherry Alton and Diane Gollan. John Barger and Jim Goetz will return to teach the children skating skills, with the senior skaters lending a hand. Parents of beginners are welcome to help the children on the inc. Running a skating club requires a con- siderable amount of money; coaches must be paid, registration fees to the Canadian Figure Skating Association and every hour of ice time. The largest fund raiser the dub bad in the past was the booth at the Tractor Pull. With the cancellation of the tractor pull, the ex- ecutive has had to come up with ways to raise this money elsewhere. Ideas for raising money include selling Microwave Cookbooks, collecting Knechtel store cash register tapes and selling juice boxes. Parents are always welcome to par- ticipate in the club's fund raising events or lend a hand in some other way. Remember it is volunteers that make any organization successful. Kinette§, have eight new members The Lucknow Kinette year is in full force again, with numerous events scheduled for the next few months. - At the September meeting eight new members signed up and it has been whispered maybe a few more next month. The Kinettes now have open membership. Anyone between the age of 21 and 45 can join. If you are interested in learning more about this organization, the Kinettes would only be too glad to ex- plain or .have you attend one of their meetings, which are held the third Tues- day of each month. On September 23 the' Kinsmen and Kinettes travelled to Drayton for a family fun day including a ball .game. On October 6, the Kinettes will hold a roadside toll on highway 86 with the prceeds going for Cystic Fibrosis. Dona- tions by passing motorists help the Kinet- tes support the fight .against CF. The Kinsmen and Kinette Convention is October 27 -29 in St. Catherines. Upcoming ,ttyints,Ipt*The4.:Andiudei: Nov, 5 17 when the LutimoViecritiettee Will assist in the chartering of the new Point Clark Kinette club; Christmas bazaar in December and shopping spree The area Kinette dub plans to busy in the future. If you enjoy helping your community and would like to be a part of the good Kin family, get involved and join the Kinsmen or ICinette Club in your district. Kinette Club in Point Clark On September 20, at the Point Clark Community Hall, members from Listowel, Mount Forest, Lucknow, in- cluding zone officers attended a Kinsmen dinner meeting. The future Kinettes of Point Clark and area enjoyed the Chinese supper and witnessed installations of the club executive of Point Clark and District Kinsmen. Fellowship followed the meeting and we look forward to the charter night November 17,when the new Point Clark Kinette Club will be formed; sponsored by the Lucknow Kinettes. ,,F4110'w latleAtee atidl /VOI joining ,ftbe 310* Iadetteatub �f - Paint 'Clark and A/Strict ler a dinner and dance on their* Charter night. The Association of Kinsmen and Kinettes strive to "Meet their communities tickets. greatest Need," as they work together.