HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-20, Page 181 • Auction Sole AUCTION 'SALE fleGISTER Allan 1:1. Miller Auctioneer Tuesday, September 26189 ROY PEPPER 1 corner N & 2 corners W. of Dungannon. Thursday, September 28 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 1 Corner •W. mL E. of •Mildmay Saturday, September 30 JOHN SPTIZIG 1:13:1. #1 Cargill 41. To Give Away DOG, half beagle, half terrier. --38;39 46. in Memoriam CAMPBELL In loving memory of Don, who passed away 'September 18, 1986and son Bob, who drowned April7, 1979. Both lovingly remembered. May they live forever upon the acres of., memory. Wife Marjorie andall the family. -28. 147. Card cif Tilanks HORTICULTURALSOCIETY The Horticultural Society% fall fair com- mittee would Mite to batik those who donated guden produce and -plants to sell at the booth. Thanksalsotothosewhogave fiteir time toworkat thebooth.°Thewimier of our Photo contest was Mae Hunter.-38ar. BUSHELL Sincere -thanks to Drs. and Nurses and staff -for their 'care and to everyone for :cards, visitstflowers,phone calls andhelp giventome m any way during my stay ,at Kincardine Hospital. Edbert.--18. =DM We would like to -1.11anit Ffsignibr -and friends for their viSlts, 'flowers, ts zuldvartts while we -were in the liospltal and since we have 'returned home. A special thank you to Dr's Bourke and Neal and the second floor Imrses for .,a11 /heir ,care. 'Your isindness will -not he forgotten. 'Debbie and Brandi, --418x. LUCKNOWLAWNBOWUNGCLUB The thank you iniastweek'spapar should have read Lucknow Community Sales Barn as maldng a rash donation, Xnechtels Village Market and :Holyrood General Store as making merchandise donations,-438nx. 148. ,Coniirm Events KNIGHTS .OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo42;500 PrizelnonaY -44,000 Jackpot togo,atSaltford Valley hall, overy:Thurs- day,inight. Doors open6z30p1n. !Ingo Its pan. -18i& _4TOPS Got,some =wanted pounds you'd like to 10807'Mo:can help. JoinTOPS (Take -Off PoundsSensibly). Ilfieetuuts areteld each Wednesday inightfatiletnthe 'basement of theLuelMOW-TeMtHaIL-For, more infor- mation .call.Pat0.5284231,-418,302c. BRIDAL-100*MR A shower for Mart RYnard, bride to le of Darryl Irwin, son of MaryandAllrwint011 Saturday,:, fttftber/IlatIrtiltiilnited Church Ashfield At 'Everyone welcome. -38. NILE ITN D .CHURCH ANNIVER- SARV-sariticoSePti24, 1!.:,!,vat 11:00 Guest Speaker Rev. David Woodall of Clin- ton. *eclat music by the .New Life angora -48. VIIIMEN,ROWPON AUCTION Allure invited toA.ORQ September 29th at AuburoVonlinunitYliall,b4p.m., reserve tickets at 06.412$9, I10.00 (children *AO. Anetion,ittarts7130 -manYartiolesand'.ser- Vices murt be sold. **floored by 11-8 1'1 on of the Ottistian 'Heritage PA Y. Pa* 48. tomIng Events voiviviieCOUNflriBeiVihiNG Will -start Sept.28 at 2 pan. New members -welcome. Phone 5284942.-48x. 1 SQUARE DANCING The Huron -Bruce Swingers Square Dance Club will resume their regular season at Brookside Public Sehool on October 5, at 8:30 pm. Beginners come out for a free night of dancing all welcome.-438,39xc. INDOOR FLEA MARKET sponsored by Dungannon Agricultural Society Saturday, October 14, 14,2 p.m. annon Agricultural Hall, vendors wanted, call 529-7390.-33,39,40,41ar. LUCKNOW TowNsr COUNTRY CLUB will meet September 25, in the Lucknow Legion hall, Pot luck meal 12:15 p.m., Euchre (prizes. )-48x. FAMILY DANCE Whitechurch Community Hall, Friday eptember 29. Tiffins Orchestra, lunch provided, $5:00 per person children under 12 free. -48,39. DARTS Fun -night at Lucknow Legion Wednesday September 27, 8 pm. Anyone interested in playing darts on Wednesday night is in- vited to come out and participate. Everyone welcome. -38,39. 1W1D1) DAIIBERIIINGO • Lucknow and District Lions Club, Dabber Bingo, every Sunday night, Luclmow Com- mtmity Centre. Doors open 6 :15 p.m.13ingo at 7:15 -pm. Air 'conditioned, wheelchair accessible. Potential prize board over $34000. 41,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500must go !---tfnar BLYTH LIONS 'DABBER BINGO, every 'Tuesday at 7p.m.Blyth = A ct Com- munity .Centre $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over 41,00%00 in prizes.-43ff. HOLYROOD PLAYSCHOOL - Tuesday mornings 930 -11:30. Everyone welcome, phone 395-5826 or 395-3288 for more infortnation.-37-39. IXWTEEBKEAVJSTORYHOUR'' Wed. 4:45 - 11 am. Ineknow 'United - Church:For:more Information -caul -Gladys 52873338 orHilda 3574688,--27440ar. BRIDALSHOWER An invitation Is -extended to idl toattend a shower for Loralee `Howes at Ashfield Pres. Church Saturday, Sept. 23 at 2 p.m -47;38. DUNGANNON ON PASTORAL CHARGE BEEF BBQ„ Sinday Seitterriber 24/89, BroOkSide Public Scho01:54 m. Adults PAO Childreni-12-$3.50, preschool - free. Advande tickets hone 529-7451 or 529-7931-37,38xc. TRURSDAYniGHT:BOWLING A notice to all howlers that this years league will goroinence'Thurday, October 5 at 11:00 pm. Sharp at Lucky Wood Lanes. Any bowlers interested in joining our Ladies league Are wilted to.infonnlme of theAxecutive As soonaspossible.Mithelle Weirat1234530,1ami Allawat3954728 or Debbie Gammie at 529-3219. Come gm out fora great season Tolluni—i37,38. rREGISTRATIONFORREAVERS OUBS,'13130U1S AND VENTURERS ,Thursday 'September. :21/89 'Parents meeting at 710polleitistratioito,foliow sPotairsinthoLuelmowTowo AssiiVEDOMGANNIVER8Aint The family of -Charlie and ',Ruby Mac- Donaktirwite you to Attend A:receltion theloceasion of their parents -AO wedding AnuiveraarylonSatirdar'Se*Mbert30,at- 4.P.In. in LitteknOW. "Let YeurPreSence be youtgift." • WOMEN'S. FITNESS CLASSS 'There is Still time left to ereglider for. Activation or Stretth andIone ,'classes at the Ludmow -Complex, flease .call 529-3252 or rI LES-DMIMPRIDAY, SePteMber- toile by Mkt Country and Of the AO's, at the 00 • Ltleknew Sen 1, Wednesday, SepteMber 28, age 17 YOUTH DARTS Any youthsages 1148 interested inplaying darts this year please registeriVionday Oc- tober 2, at 6 pan. A fun night of darts will follow with regular play beginning on Oc- tober V. For more information call 528-2431.-38,39. SINGLES DANCE Saturday, Sept.23, White Carnation -Hall, Hol Dancing 94 "Norm Dunsmoor". No jeans please. -38. KUM - CLARKE ,Julie laytm Clarke, daughter -tif Leonard ;and Wilma Clarke of Lucknow and Douglas John Kulk, son of john and Helen Milk, of Ashfield -township were -united In holy matrimony est July 22, 1989 in South Widow Prethyterian Church, with Rev. Allison Ramsay officiating. The bridal party proceeded down the aisle to the accompaniment Of pianomusiciff in- .10Wliffr We_ k1 i and 'britlesamtiffs, Lent* Bell, Aster of the bride; -Shia 'Gibson, rattan tit the bride; Darlene Kulk, sister tithe groom and Shannon ,Courtney, a friend Of the ;bride. Flowetlifl was Angela Bell, a 'niece Of .the -bride. 'The groom's atten- dant% included best man, 'Brian Dreonan, a 'friend Of the groom; -ushers, -Willie Hendricks, friend of the groom;, David ,Gihson, cousin of the:bride- Greg Hackett, cousin of the groom .,and Ray Cunningham, a friend. Riugbearer was Jim Jahn Kulk, the .groom's nephew. 'Musical pieces were sang by Leonard Clarke accompanied by Wilma ;Clarke, the :bride's parents. An antique John Detre tractor tide awaited the Rev, dyweds, '.tinulks to John and Helen Eta, the groones parents. Dinner and ‘reception!, Mowed at -the Lucknow Com- munity Centre. Wothexes Institute .iearns where flower names originated The September meeting of the ',Lucknow Votnetts Institute. was .held.SePtenther 12 With 'Celia ,'AitObison, Stella Tilbrook and Ant! 'Midis AS 'hostesses. Vie ;meeting .opened With an Autumn :poetn by Edna :Young. 'The rrOlIcall was answered by a local industry. The 1111031W of the last ,meeting and ,cor- Tespoodenee were Toad by Edna Young, Mrs. Tilbrook presided over the grain of the meeting. '1Viary, .Mae.C4illivray read a poem followed ;,by the motto 'history of flowers which was very in- teresting ,to ,hear low :many of -our flowers ,received the (names AS we fknow Ahern :today. A sing -song of 'iamilar :songs was followed by the topic Of lumbering by , Mrs. Aitchison, which was very in- teresting and ve. The meeting e1osed with the *eon. .4, DESCHAMPS - TAYLOR Nancy Lynn Taylor, daughter of Alice and George Taylor of Lucknow and Mario Deschamps, son of Pauline Deschamps of Ottawa were united in marriage at the Parlmsinster United 'Church in Waterloo by Rev. John Ger- triage on Saturday, July 22, 1989. Beverley Foubut of Barrie was the Matron of honor. The bride's nieces, Julie and Tracy Foubert were bridesmaids. The flowergirl was the groom's niece Tara Gervin. The beshnan was the groom's lhother, Andrew Deschamps; the ushers 'were David 'Gervin and Ken McDonald. Karin Gabler an Ken McDonald sang a duet accompanied by Sarah Kelm on the guitar. Dinner and reception was held at the Waterloo Inn and was attended by friends and relatives from Lucknow, Kiacartline, Whitby., Toronto, Barrie, I• Kitchener, Sau- ble Beach, Dundas and Quebec. The con ple are residing in Kitchener.' ,.• 44 11001ELEY -- HAVKETJ A little tit Al the ,west came to town When ,Heather Marie Hackett and James K.Hockley ezehauged wedding vows, ,00 July 8, 1989 In the Lucian* tinned Church. Their parents are Helen And Erie Hackett of '"R I, :Ludlow and Edna and Jim Hockley 01 R 1, Inubdall, Alber- ta. The ,bride's attendants were sisters, An Holman of LLondon and ..Bonnie 4)s- , 100,4 'iloneknovi. A Aim, Usti Osinga, Acted as :Pallor ,,bridesmaid. The groom's attendants wee Roy Anderson and ,Gerald Olson of Alberti and Ray Hackett of Lucknow. 'Tyler Holman acted as - ring ibearer. -PAO% the ee.remony, !Kevin Hackett ,1014 Together an Take nIY aeo*P010011 1)Y Dean ,Voof ar , was „ and 'oar** driven by Ant MeKay escorted the cot* to the 3foneknotti, Coiuinunity Ventre, where i reeett#0followed. On their Morn toAlberta :another. 400h ;:1)Ittee, They ,newlyweds everyoue forIng their frday 44)*Plete. tic 4' OA Aw: