HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-20, Page 1614. VqccitiOra Enjoy a Southern USA toast, ima beautiful 4 bd, 3 bath SpaniSh Style villa. Elegantly furnished* completely stocked wilinens, dishes, glasses, full -appliances,- etc Spec- tacular view! Contact Islay Investments at (805) 063,8621 or write to: 800 .Garden St., Suite IC, Santa Barbara, CA USA 93101-1599 for brochure and rate schedule.--38bc. VACATION DELIGHT Prince Edward Island, 16 acres including cleared :land, trees, fresh stream andpond. New 1428sq. ft. main floor rancher, full:walkout base- ment, 3 bedroom,s, 13/4 bath, open ameept, kitchen,livingariddining area Asking on- ly $75,000.00 Larry.at52443111ormore 17. Apartments for Rent BACHEUOR APARTMENT suitable for a -mature person, available October 1st. Call •528-3931-46137,38ar. LUCKNOW apartment for rent $240.00plus hydro, ,appliances -included, 'Call 14024391-48. I 18. -Houses.for 'Rent FULLYFURNISHED house to rentforthe winter -months, ,apply to Box 59, eh LucknovrSentinel,Mox -400,Lucknow, Dn- tario NOG.2110,--34tf. 3 BEDROOM MMILE-homeinthe coun- try 8 :miles east of Kincardine, 19 miles fromMydro, phmt.4275110 :per montliplus heatandhydro. ReferencespreferTed, call 3954320.-38, .24.,Wanted to Rent • .W715 t.a.;„.1,74V.,,Ir5IFillgt;;',Rtr..c5771V7A;47...50-cariaRakIkak ;45, . 126. Jleip Wonted EXPERIENCED EDITOR, and reporter required by multipaper publisher for newSpaper in Inuvik, N.W.T. Editor's salary $26,000 -$32,000 D.O.E. Reporter salary $21,000 $26,000. Good benefits •package and growth opportunity. Resumes to: Managing Editor, Northern News 'Services Ltd., P.O. Box 2820, Yellowknife, N.W.T. X1A-2R1 or Fax (403) 1173-8507.-48bc. LABOURERS for year round 'residential construction. Renumeration as to ex- perience. Phone Clarke's alomes 395-5454.-37tfar. BABYSITTER wanted for 2 children, ages '6 and 2, Brookside area call 52* -7126.-37,38. MATURE RESPONSIBLE .adult to bahysft, 3 children in my home starting in October, Phone 528-2644.-4738. ATTENTIONE s ONMENTAL SCIENCE Recycling Coordinators hitern,ship Pro- gram (R.C.LP.) -places unemployed pro- fessiontds in .mimicipalitias to work on recycling projects. Candidates must " be -eijgab1etocoUectorgim1ifiedrecipientsof Ul. benefits. 11.C.I.P. increaserbenefits to$363 per week. This ism shrmonth term _position. Candidates Should possess a degree -or iliploma in 'Environmental Studies, Chemistry, <Siology or -related. Liumedforpermanentemployment good. For 'more information, -contact ctillectat (416)1904226:-.0.38bc. VILLAGE.is seekingoutgoing persons forlift operators, cooks, _clerks and :other -;ski season positions. Send resume- Synghine Village, Box 1510, -Banff, AB TOL SCO--68bc. PROEESSIONAL COUPLE need quiet, MICK BUCK LAYER'S needed in rnral farmhome, (naland)-forone tothree Buntsville:rairRandy Nickinson Masomy year rental. References. (416) . (705) 789;6901-48bc• 534-9116.248. 125 Wanterioiecl OLDER v eor 9! I I ka GS ;-and marks -nf -.Art. effleption:KartMearns,Mox 0 ( 765,t4/62.34bc. Ont. 1A 416) ft Pi 11,WIUST liTATCHES Eatons VALiCehttfrytUb - Auris Ter- langidm-witiSt wataltlirillpay$3,000* up for this .vratch. -Also wanted, old Molex, Patek, :Phillip, Carber,lliovadorVarlierim tonstintine, 'zor -any other tigh Iradezor tomplicatedmrist matches 4(mens *010). Ca1114I.6,165-7240.'Write:13.Valsh,409 A IdutualSimeet,Toronto,144Y116.--#37bc. • .19141 9 126.Hel lillfonted START"' AY!ExCitingrasigans !In- dependence! tExtralVioney! A free °sample 1nel Call :us„-c011ect: 416-6329090/8274660. 'CHERIEllorae TashiorahowsEst.,1975,-28be. WANT MONEY! Vint to have lurt! ladiesiour "gnetLingeriellonieRerlY ComPanywantsYDIJ No.deliveriesXarn 125430 ;Plus per :hour. Seen an Donahue Show. Ttillipart "tilne'VOMUOns available. Cal .44004654541 , or (519)2734308C. sPersonioroneralizedSt011ic -relatedtintieslan-Amodernt 450 -sowifinith 'enterptiltie. Muettodepemiat)leand 'motivated. -.Experience not -neceloar4 -required. RILLTIME:OPPliltnItirrY1 A.011'.J31$10Ma 1704 'TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED -- Get ;ryoutOaes'IV9icetteettitlantartte :Imd,largeatiniiiiiiweentm-testrackittatt ,enryilittonday.',"Tax-Ilekluetible,meeketid - courses, .job,nssistance, Tno experience-re- qinred. =RV OIMS TRANSPORT 140654559 Cambridge and lAuidon,40tfar IMIGHAM ANDINSTRICT TY Living ApsoCiationinVitesapplications for 1 -part time -night staff and Ipart ihne support worker, scheduled shifts and weekend -work. Everience and amiduca- tion in -Human services:Forward resume toiV.D.C.LA.IMarian-Baynard, Box 1042 Wingliam,lantariallOG2W0bpSeptember 23, 1989.-18ar. POthJI RY ,NIANAGER requireti Starting November 145/89.‘"Good sedan', -could Jowl to a fullitime job. Vali: SUNNY OliAL1WAL 29.3 ASSISTANT 44XENAMANAG Ice' 'mak imam 1.. 1336.4.,_ I the ‘P LRECREATION7m4E0Toit f; ....,44,14estinns in -:writing'10 be 40:1* 'f . *WOO tO ;.Seseretwy • AsueinioN4,41 xena Board Box 40, Luolutow 1040.0 pm.* fotPtealtiber19 , • ties- ty 141)0,00r. For sue Wrs*ti�n r ' Lneknow Sentinel, Wednesday,' 128. Businois Opportunity GROW FOR IT! 'MIS Raise haitworms at home. •Guaranteed market. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Represen- tatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) R.R.1, Smithville, Ont. LOD, 2A0, (416) 6434251, Alliston Area - (705) 435-7463, North Bay Area - (705) 776-7084.--.38bc. OPPORTUNITY! Part time/Full-thne! Training! Traditional Rawieigh Products! NewGolden-Pride "Formula For Health". Call Mr. Tobin 1 (514) 3424212. Write: Rawleigh Co. Ltd., 348 isabey, St. Laurent, Quebec 114T 1W1.-48be. BOOMING LUCRATIVE Burglar Alam Industry. Earnings =limited. We show you how. Full detailed video information 47.95 to Estate Guard 102-5512 East Hastings Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5B • 1R3.-38bc. tember 1989—Page 15 29. 'Tenders 129. Tenders TENDERS are being aced -Red for pain- ting brick at the Dungannon United Church. Please forward -sealed tenders . to Bob IVIcNell, R.R.6 Goderich„N7A 3Y3 by September 29, 1989.-4839. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW FUEL TENDERS ladled 'tenders "clearly snaticed al to contents tosupely ,011 andeervice 'fur- -inaceatFinihcillviilllsereailvedbythe undereignetunt114100.pm..;13ctOber 10.19119ffor Ike -1911949901season. lowestorsanylender notnecessorily accepted. WHITCROFT, CLERK Box 40, tutknow, Ontario NOG -2H0 VILLAGE 'OF.LUCKNOW - Sealedlendersclearlynnerkestasto contents will b. 'received Aby the sonderikined until 4100 pim.. Oc- tober 10. 1989 -for the 1989490 'sLseason. lowest °rimy teradernotnecessari- ly accepted. VILLAGE OF ,LUCKNOW B.M. Whitcnoift, tie* Sox 408 ludcnows Ontario NOG H0 5284539 COUNTY OF -HURON ?)410:tatiot) ,foR Truck ANrAtier - Tires SEAM) TENDEKS-ori forms and in envelopes ,available from the office -of the ',undersigned Lwl1I bereceived unti I 1400 locel -time -on: • T14URSDAY,11001tElt12,1909' -For the ,followillg: 1.'Quntation foe 7fruck 'Tires :.2.1140PlatiOn :.-forcraderlites The tendermtnecessario ,aCVePtO. penis B. Merrallit. uroti.-08104.triOgitr ourt liOutie 4 e.rkMnt.NZA TENDERS CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OP HURON Hulk stipulated 'sum tenders shall be received by the -undersigned untir12 noon on Monday, October 30, 1989 for the Huronview -Home, 1989 Renovations for OfvfAf. Plans and specffications are available from Snider Reichard March Architects, 145 Columbia St. West, Waterloo, Ontarto upon deposit of a ot00.00 refundable cheque. The owest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Mr. B.G. 'Manly Clerk Administration The Corporation of the County of Huron Court House Boderich, Ontario ' NTA 1M2 FARM FOR SALE lboTonntnedit Tkogoonstlon, vinPowor 3cilo. Offers: E. % lot 23, •Concontion 2, West Wasvanosh Towniftlp, Huron County. tocartad 71cm.northsvast Of Auburn on a gravel road. Approx. WO AMMO Of ,HarrIston CfayLoarn and Silt loam with 7.5.oenis.svorkabio. No buildings. NOTES: (1) Offoorshouldiso mashy ontorwo ob- tainable on Toquost *inn oily office of • A cortitiniill.penit iftni1;000A0 muss acCP113PIMY like-Ofer- farm ,,Cnot114flomoration, Attn: 21 lost Street. Sotto 4203 4103.711ox 135 Thodorkh. Ontntio 447A 3Z2 loinphone No.: $194244331 dr. 30. Employment Wanted J ZEXPERIENCEDmanIooking forgeneria faularm 'labour, plowing, harvesting ..ete. Call mac days or 392,6683 ,evenings. --38.39. ONTARIO =MIMED INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC seeking employment in the LuCknow, Clinton, Vino. ham, and 'Ooderieharea-Vew pipe fittjng, welding, Tesidentiat eleetricalandiarm'eqUipment experience. Reply to D. AtkinsonirGenem1 ;Delivery LadknowiOntario.110001.10.-48. 31 Service 'Directory 7r: • BMIK14001441 VkariesV. Vtilbert SOAP r40, WOOPOr BOO Farm 0691170,90, ,BOSOments AO rixiericts • 4571 Jo 7” lt �utv1400.117541.00011 ;REATIPSO f1,311 'or'Pttvitto vO,wins 4