HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-20, Page 4• -t
PAge 4 ---0,LAteknew Sentinel iVednesda tenter 2119 IN9
P.O. Box 400, ;Luoknow,
Mario NOG 2H0
5282822; Fax (519) 5289529
Thomas Thompson — Advertising Manager Subscription rates advance:
Pt Livingston — General Manager $17" utside Canada $60"
— Editor S1400 Outside Oanada$58" Senior Citizen
Second class ;mailing reg. no. 0847
Advertising is accepted on the ,condition that in the event if f typographical error, the.por-
ton of the advertising space occupied 'by the erroneous item together with ti reasonable
allowance for signature, will not be charged tor, but the balance of the advertisement will
be paid at the applicable rates.
Service clubs and volunteers
inte al part of our co munity
itqs been said before, and it -will be said again - service ;clubs
and volunteers are an important part Of ,amy community! Lucknow
is no different that any other .snical townorvillage in Ontario. We
are blessed withiniany 'different serike chrbs and volunteer groups
of 'men and women Who make thIs iiiikrys of ours 0 better place
to live.
The ;people Who _nada* up our different service *bibs and Or-
ganizations have -many other matters to land to induding -;iferirs ,isnd
fondly. lint the active •-members give solfiestly 04 their knovilaillge
and 41m..
The EMI fair 'weekend is o prime :example cif sr group .Of people
working t.i.ogetiter as ia milt to laccomplith is mighty task. Many
"tours .0f planning and I�bourw, into making any -venture asuc-
cess. The ;latterrt �f Iast 'week 1110W 1111011theri Of the :Agricultural
Satiety working ;iaveningsand .trioys :40,set Anilfhav„; _arena In prepara-
tion for ;area ..alts to albiplay Hai& -;awitiles :;in 4ho fslit,
Have you ovary molly looked ist tire nunribor Of :exhibits that
Must be bridged. ;tit. giber of :events that are :offered :during the
weekend? it really boggles the mind, the amount ,�f Work that
must be occomplhdred in such o short ;Period Of lime. ,
Those ;same pecrple.:0111, Audi on the job mice ;the fair is over
GI.an up ;is also o anamnialh iaild
The aflame can fre-allid of .any group in this village that .401ces on
any prairie for ..betterment Of our community.
if you are an ,iattive menfirer or behind :the scones volunteer Of
any orgradzation that ;contributes to laidurow.- pat yourself i ;the
back - you idellerVIP it.
if you are:„or:oreisiber Of any of thews ,organizations, and -aro able
to, but do. not tOk. an 'active .part, 4aiik ;;;yerameif 'Why?
The ,participation „Of ;;residents ,and busin.sses is a must in order
for such -weekends ..to1ro.succeeifiri. The .i,number f antd.s or ezhL
Mors in the arena appitrani to be ;:lower
Hopeful)* this is not o Sign Of things to -toarso. ;lode of participa-
t1oncouid lead in ifuture :years to .the ;deterioration Of such events .
as the facer fialkfair.
• The satisfaction that can ;be Obtained 'from contributing 10 our
community no dollar yrikke. but it does have etnore meaning-
401- irairio, one that can he yours ;Simply by :partichlostirVI PL
Phot4grapher's woes
You all blow what a camera is - irs
device 'for taking photographs, consisting
essentially of a closed box ;mute
sensitized plate er film on which an im-
age is formed when light enters the box
through a lens or hole.
You all know what a photograph is -
its the image or picture resulting from
proper use of the aforementioned camera.
You all know what tphotographer is -
that the "duimny" standing behind the
raforementioned camera, who attempts on
a weekly basis to ensure that: the
camera is loaded with film; the batteries
are charged; the apertures are set cor-
rectly; there is no junk behind the
photographers head, when said picture is
taken; the film is developed correctly
and the pictures printed to perfection.
Did you know that most people detest
having' their picture taken? I am one of
them. I firmly believe that we see
ourselves ;completely unlike the image
that is captured on the film. You have
probably at one time or another looked at
a picture of a friend or relative and
thought it was a perfect likeness of them,
only to have them say, "I don't think it
looks like me at au:
We all have a certain image of
ourselves in our mind, and often we feel
that image is not reproduced on the film:
I adore that saying, "the camera doesn't
lie?' I will admit that what is done with
the film can affect the endproduct. I
would not hesitate to say that all
nevingiaper editors or reporters have bot-
ched film, either in processing or prin-
ting. Heck some of us occasionally forget
to load the film in the camera!
When all is said and done, the
photographer does not go out an an
assignment with the thought in mind, "I
am really going to get satisfaction out of
mkinrthis.perrn (gimp) lotik cnmimy
in this picture.'
Th, we go out on assignment with the
aim in mind that this could be the best
picture WE have ever taken!
by Pat Livingston
The result of your efforts often depends
on the subject(s) being photographed.
Still photos are usually easy to take.
Afterall, they are just that - still.
People photos prove more difficult.
Human beings tend to close their eyes
just as the flash goes off, or if they are
feeling uncomfortable their eyes shift - to
the floor, to the ceiling or out the window
or door. Group shots can be formidable.
If you have six in a picture, you can lay,
odds that one or more in each shot will
be looking the wrong way, speaking, or
moving. Group shots of little human be-
ings can be a nightmare! They, more so
than adults, have a hard time in standing
stffi, being quiet, looking the right way,
refraining froit scratching an itch or put
ting their fingers In places they shouldn't
be. And people question why I take so
many pictures an each assignment!
In this business we don't have the time
(I don't have the knowledge) to "touch
Up" - remove Those blemishes, bags
under the eyes, ete. Mind you, if you
have horns growing out of the top of your
head, I would attempt with my trusty
knife to crop around your head and
remove said offensive horns!
As a matter of reassuring those people
I "shoot" I always say blame the
photographer if the pic is poor, which
they usually do anyway.
So remember if the next picture you or
yours is in stinks, question whether the
photographer blew it or was someone in
the picture moving bis/her eyes around,
scratching, picking or .flapping their lips
in the breeze? See you in front of my lit-
tle dosed box!
Helping Hand
Special thanks this week to Mr. Home
Hardware for his expert assistance last
week. As be said, it is nice to have some
capable men on the main street!
AND i2th, nth. AND mike'
Do you remember when
(Sept. 1939)
70 Oars Ago
September 2, 1919
igitdoss Store Said Mr. Sam Bra
,of Minims Village, has said :ant Ills.
general store business to Mr. ,Geo. Ban-
inerman,,mho kWill take possession ren Nov.
lat. lwilir:Sraden has :had the gitdoas Acre:
for Almost 30 years, and the village wiIP
Dat ;seem thelsamevithouthim and Mrs.
Braden, should they decide to move
away. Mr. Braden has not yet decided
what he will do after giving lip luainea.
Vara -Como Vhampious TheCargil
Base Ball Team is now ,recognized as the
champion team of Bruce 'County for the
year 1919. After its iticterus,Eat 1stucknow
on Labor Day the Walkerton Tem felt
that it had. .a fair title to the
ship and And challenged the Qtrigilates to
home and bome,games; the 04400$ .to
be regarded as county rolooploo. The
first gone was Played at tlargill Where
the '00011t3r10011 loan Met defeat by the
very tone -aided >score of 13=0. The Walker.
ton boys .hoped to win that*, their lost.
poeition in the owe at their home town,
but though they tsave MO better *v.
ountf of themselves, hey were stiul 8kiut
.out co p1etly, the score being
so sears . ago
•.aoPteatthet-21, 039
eda PreveuUw DiAthevia
ojd injections -have proven nearly
100 ,per ,:efficient in .protecting
,.children frorn :diphtheria forlife.-Theae
4ijectionaare,safe.,and .quite .haroless.
We!propose in :,the
lown,41411.:oflogfiuxow on,friorponi,
September 29 from
These injections iare ,•free -and ;,Are for
children between the -:es ten rncnth
.and '10 ,Years....RAMO.tOf thiS ViUige or
lhrting tbeir children..
Three laketle08 .are oven ,;At .f:three
Neeek:hget*A1P);;;404Uieyore f different"
strengths ,r ••
ye -
at the-first,clinic on
fsecond and .third,40Jiics will
the votke • hours. 004)›er-10 and
OYetni)er1.10. :40bnaton, • Medloid Of-
Telegraphy and Typing 'Taught - Help
Your county/ by doing your part! I3egir'
fling October 2 we Will open a class t.
teach typewriting and telegraphy. The
past fewleav3 we did not encourage the
Of this line of Work, owing to
the the scarcity of posi-
tions, but War helps forced •u us we
Jod for any openings Ltfor !re aphelia,
Stiglenta ilecitimg to enrol, please call
as awn ao3 possible, to secure the COO,
so As to thave it memorized vihen ,You
start Orson Cana an tla-
tional Te1egrja
Years ago
:Is 'Oe Of HigIjgts Of
FaU Fair Prize
whinng hies are not onfinedto any
000 .area at, this year w10000 at the
knoW Fall rair came from Ashfield,
loucknow and Teeswater.
In the ider46 months 400 'Gerald
Y 41111,
** 10 :12
10 years ago
September 19, WO
Wiughain hospital board to take
nduistry is court - The Wingtiam and
District ',Hospital is prepared to fight.
loast week the 'lioapital board announc-
ed it had 'decided to take the Ministry of
Beath to court to .contest an order to
reduce the number of beds.
Hospital board chairman, Bora
Milosevic issued the statement last week
The action follows the January order ,o,f
the Ministiy to ihe lovingliam and District
Hootal odard to ,close 14 beds,
The board has retained the Toronto law
firm of Lan, Mieheher., Amato) and
Karquharson to act on its behalf in the
attiou aping the Ministry.
The :Ministry tried to force the board to
comply with the closure Uwe by deleting
$100,000 frorn the oPerating budSet. Last
month the board Claimed the soyemment
refused to pay bills In the atoll*. of
$000,000 for patient ore during April and
May. The iboard -said it would not send
the government Any further
There was no ,thdication as to what
course 0,401009n the board would in-
itiate against the vainistty.