The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-06, Page 15lAteknowSiatinel, Wasetidery,
tier 41 1igt,A4PagtTh
You'll Discover ..that the
Best Bargains Anywhere Can
Be found Right in Your .Own
Backyard and Here's Why.
FnmiIy and friends. )7gatheredlast Sunday
.to Lshare :i.fond memories with -Frank
Pentkmdlon" the occasion dot ids lath .1bir-
thday. Frank, who is well mown in
Elwyn Brindley Was bruised and
received a ;pulled ligament when he was
:hurt on a machine at work this week.
Speedy recovery to you 'Elwyn.
Dawn and Wayne Tucker celebrated
their 12th anniversary this east 'week.
Summer 'visitors with Colleen and Ir-
vine Eedy were Andrew and Matthew
Ott of Kitchener, -Tim Maly of
Mississauga, Erin and ,Jeremy of St.
Marys, 'Frank Eedy of Calgary, Bob
_Hedy from Mississauga, Meagan and
Jennifer -of Mississauga, Martha, 'Peter
and ,Joel of Stratford.
Congratulations to Martha and Peter,
who bad a.little boy, ,Joel in January.
Visitors -with -Vi iand _Leonard Brindley
on 'the weekend were Peter and _Karen
-:Clzetien and ,:sons:Stephen and -Jamie.
Dungannon :Agricultural Society.bad a
-meeting-ion Tuesdaymig ht 4o „discuss:the
:Days. Wayne ''was antiderlpreiii-
rdent.:andl)uane aiivett -Ivice7.:preSident.
-frank 4*ntland celebrated bis 110th
Abittbday on Sway :at
•Senior 'Citizens.
"..Cazivassers 40111 belcallingoin
non and area lover the And two Tweeks
,i. :, ,i.: r, ,s
0 1:: •
Trhe40th -.Culbert :reunion mas,belthou
Sun 'August27iinXiungannon,at the
.SeniorVitiz' en Centre with *the atten-
%lance rof 44.
',Pot luck tdinner -was held at 1 p."m.
'with Laverne CUlhert ;welconling
everyone 4Harvey Gert °gave the
prayer.. Aaninute's,,silencedwaslobserved
for Ease !Marie OUlhert of',Regina :Aand
onesno longer with °the:Ian:lily. itwas
voted onAwing 'the -reunion ler 19Oin
'the ,.,same „place i,on :the Jest ::Sunday in
Augustat 1,pm.
the President Laverne Qulhert ;bad
the business. `The ,,executive lor 1990:
Pastvresident - Igiverne Culbert; ,izoresi-
tdebt -'1Tom17,101hert; ast ivice;gresident -
George Errington;'.liecretary,:treatuirer -
Fergu$rms hold
The .14th ?Annual, FR_Won family
nic ;was, held on July29that.Uons
PojntjJark.'Therec*r_erei, 1\prelellt
Attats,i*Thi 44,1A1ltdren. -The,:ciainittee
fin,Vbarge,-Was,MatteLlAdJDon MCKen-
Mr. nd Airs. -Vien -Versug90 And
• Y0,0442e the thet d Paij1and
LBunny ',Uilrtis(tarld ,'„were firstat
the;IPtenio• Lester Feru�on iwd the
!dog* lAirthday,.,and en and,ouven
'FOrglia9n anniver-
sary. F.040frng the TKOs-and,,CCI)tefts,
a. sieliciffils„pot1uck ,RPPerr:wsg,i4ersted.
144111411* And LROY, *WOO
,.$13y e ,FA1111111949 to be •cor
•"Otee k,f4)1% AVAt.,yer.
4n 'Iii 4/1010t101" mute
ilencowas ed i11,4**90 Mid
Atm cferogen who paedAWAY -this
Dungaznionand area, insisted his picture
he wfth Ids living :daughters, (left
to Tight) Pat Gibson, Elizabeth `Brooks
and ID.una Carney. Congratulations
'Frank! „(Pet _Livingston photo)
You're more than a customer
To locimerchantso you're also
a valued friend and neighbor.
You share community interest.
it's good tor the economy, 'too
Much of the money you spend
locally is recycled back in-
to the community thru taxes.
byBonnie -Hodges
of September. Give ... To Give Rope.
Dungainson Senior Citizens
A Card Partywas held on "Wednesday
evening lvith 14 tables. Iiigh lady,
Evelyn Errington; low lady, Helen
Russell; Itigh man, Bert 'Russell; low
-man, ikon Culbert.
Eappy Birthday to the _following
August birthdays - Tom Culbert, Gordon
Schultz, 'Gertrude Park, ITed Bowers,
Marie 'Park, Isabel Kilpatrick, Omar
Brooks, 'Cecil P�liock, _Lloyd Walters,
Kathleen 'Glenn.
Congratulations to the following
August anniversaries, -Bob and Irene
Meridiem, ',Wand Marie Perk, Eimer
t to preaxegiater
yscbx1`SepteMber :n
and TI from 1012i ttheSenior 'Citizens'
'Freedom nis11 Avbat •you Ate
1 ,
liappiness :is liking what you -do.
e • on
Ritchie;Violet !Sports - Lynn Oliver;
lam* Area - Evelyn•Erriagten. A ean-
lest -guessing 'a jar f jelly „beans -was
won :by Mina 'Mulder; 'Oldest bKly -
Evelyn r2Errington; U1dast man - ,Prank
,Pentland; iatekraair - Dorothy ;Ziegler.
A ',draw Avastmadelowdifferontartides
paying for the ciwbulers
Violet :Ritchie, Traffic -Pentland, AEarl
'Williams, J enoiaHaslip,"EivieiMerldey,
all 'rrington, :Eldon VUlbert, ',Wendy
Vitale, Delores 'Culbert, Dorothy
'Williams, 'Evelyn .Erzington, Clayton
Steele and ',Reeky Culbert.
There ,-were not ,children :to
•bold aports. A rgjft Yids .given ,to tbe
bewlywds ThzfrotliY,iand Tsar]. Will**.
14 h picnic
It was moved 43Y Lester Ferguson and
tsecoaded by Nan des .that
by Oven ttol.the Ralik Itoitrd. Next
Mar's ;-p4gxote ,1011 „be 1-,he1d ,on :.the 43rd
SaturgiaY jri July,At 3 pm. At Lion's
.Brooks celebrate
s‘insu moo
vjsited :over the w.. f Jiere
brothers 4411 ,,and Ant Win
ifred Pera,m41101,19catin JI.Otilefofthe
tar0,0b,Aunilyrothering4et Silver "144e
40.4t1 Ars. Fred Page ,041471_01
hone ,-ftw'Tormto ,,Where 'they 143'
v01 Dr- and Mrs. tinonlviphamod,Apa
We, are ;$1w rinri ,ffliVn j horne from
iinine ,wbereile had surgery.
Service Is Very
mportant, Too
Your satisfaction is the 4t1
:concern of local merchants.
Should :problems arise with
a product you have purchased,
yOu mount tin,Iotral'mer-
hants10 "stand behind"
wttat''they set -They want Io
\i.:,1(trep yo.0
as a good customer!
Whatever You Need,
find ii Locally
Savellme, gas and 'monay
<ft:buying close to your home.
Your needs and the needs ot your family are vasily met by local
-memhants there's -no 'rea-
son to go -out 'of town.
ail right *ere. 'Quality
/7-• products you can count
iff -on from local merchants.
?1/4rici Evetykdy 'benefits!