The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-09-06, Page 13Martinikdirt Ate 7„ortheii3rUcertOUn- OtrIOW„the„Stiparatiatiateci 'Teathers----..of -Ontario-was.1agd -Nttgla-13 w ey. 'Highlight lof Abe meeting Wasiiam 7Ad- Edress by :Paul Martindale; „„'Direeter riof )..F.Aucation-forl3mce -„County.ileinwarted ‘michAnformat .ionaslie outlined „thelpre :sentluid lutureidavetion lof„-education 411 this -)county. „11e =Whetted that many rprogranttecisionslaremandated 'by the .rprovincial 'governizient Land :the local -„boardaind.its-persormelliavertheafficult andalemanding :task.2itiplementation. ltemostatattch-prrigramsmarresalt addedlocattaxiburdensinceliill:pro- yimeial Ifundiog Is .ainlikely. Increased iscrolment,T..adequate acfflties, moidern .equipment, =pert 'staffing nand car- -riculionweitingare lustsomeck.the cur- rentormeernsitirwhich ihe,:the -board and ;staff must deaLIleveitheless, :he stressedoncellericeligthe7Bruee 'County education s.ts second oi, .Withaucirleatures amr outdoor iedgea- Aloweentre,arieraLvand values program, inane native language instruction, a 33:1EIED :cooperative -aducation.prograin .andlrograms or adults „in •.contimring education. In closing the..achallenged :the 4groupntoishare,a Tort mttlleirreetirement 333r7WayneFFAlaten The :Bruce 'Giant ,,Area MeoyelMg • ., as . !continues :to grow: TheViliige ;of littaknow Jias -funnily 'joined the ',Uommittee. !Aild :interest ..2miong ,rother municipalities --remains 4uwg several digormatian.agessions -lave :been heId, or 't(*io'*o o.ot dordocialx.onoins T-Presentatitatilutv.elalstateeirm,.' *delta ltheiSaitharoptonAletarYA,64,- ' Jtheat*-• adaycare in Part 71FIgin, and If lateveralVomeres-Actititutessinttheiacea. 'your !:cservice ,ggraup, C1ub, school moiddlikeLmarezinformatlonlouaWslac- ttitties Areduttionizreuse,..!IreeyeliO.A),,lor a 4intsentation, Vince 1.contact 1Mayne 'Menton, 5Waste "Manageraent Lo !meditator, gatT8324008, gor!itlyour grwp lis:cloingammethingdo . taelhellEs, tpleasedetAnezknow. MeribomeieumpoatingAprogimmsturider- diaketrbylbeiliruce:Varnmtyllrealiecycl- jngXcmMitteeAmsdieenTcontimniirvery zsuceedithilly • 'Oil% cofltmue'zto Iemne in 'efrontimmeownerscwho apart Ao 'vreduce4Fthe 0.. Ot 4.,f waste Whith they p1ace bat 'the m1sIde or Lpoa1.:171t ilisArery lencouraging to aee iskifldf 5trponse- theartr fthank .to All leoppooters rout Alre, in cleludingttliassofithaboneamadelbodels. 7.1 kbaVe-aboidt.rseveral 101111s4rora intim& adothersAthompertifthattheyAm, ttheir;lontzto,zrgidtice,wasteliinaighT Awe clef Idaho toonitimeasibledliagierslor L-Wir jtilkattilllrettlhoding Ithat 1ieloth qdiapers,tare o Ioigertthe tobe,Liarge,.clarabersomeakeif t. roe ,s7,11rith111*Its0iillitz. are- tionnifitOngzlintirmeleros ;.?A.7011 i�llyW*It. the -1(tergettot, eLa .71 .1110n :ttof' striae u�e of fldasVerez Alektitipgjo.. • f Werakiktion Ys, ire toohers linie4cul-,ftpeitiaelnlilfeWONerVitierfof •IfttiCe--Ctitaires-A1MMY Ilitis Atatural !MarrarAirfsseletaithert00,72president dof iZI)iiittiet .120, ,lhe 7,000fities 13ruce, : erhrlaid Grey,c-wag:;MAitteriOnceito fining :greetings Ironn the 'STI' -j3. Senate land lie ripledged It-411ra* fencolmteringtlifficultiesAilth retirement iervensiosy.arrangarlents• I g :the meeting, :members 'present Totzerved,atIrnelot-memoriam for :three 'retirees wholiadvassed awaylloring the last year. 'WbuilfrP_d 'Martin of Mar, LWarleline MoNeill -of ehesley .,and Wargaret-Simpson Tivemswirretiredleathers „of theinst yearweite..presMA: 'ikitadaline Gowan sof Tara, Stan '.Mazar of 'Walkerton, EBob 4pong of Ilialkerton,- Jean Vennard Port Y-Figin :and ,Jean 'Vark JorTara. The raxecutive lin 'Charge Of Alie iudt nbusbiesslorlthezlasttwo year termthas :teen Irom the eyarea and includ- ed [president Melt :Smith, secretary •Walton Schloiff -and „treasurer 'Percy Vest. George Marron of Kincardine .was. ap- pointed lo lorgsmizemraxeculive from the itincardineriveitomarea for the next -year terin. e Wedielaity,iSepeogler* Brooks ttolehmte WilliVL?y Mr. Vid Mrs. 110Ward iktinelt ,Of Itielimoot111111 Am* yint vi8itors With Idsliaiidfather -Arthur naldefiby. -Cengratitlations ,to Mr. arid 'Mrs. teh 'Br o siks (Sh EiT on flOtlgins ) vioh o ce/ebrated their 25th wedding scmiver- stary with various evelitsrat Silver Lake. 'Wi wish thein in aim y 'In r e ,aimiversaries. Arisitnts With Edna and )May :Boyle were M. and Mrs. nib Collins of Lurgan and Mr. -and Mrs. Scott 'Walsh and John of 'Kincardine and 'Reiss and Sherri 141yerscough. The MverscoUghls -have left 'here and have .gone to -near Aimee. We Will Tnigs 'Ross, Sheri and their children, Simon, „Earl and 'Mello 'but witch them well in their mew r venture. We ',welcome our new -neighbours 'Mr. and Mrs. Sean Virgo and „daughter -Vanessa who have comae to the •Myerscough 'home. Congratulations to Mr. „and Mrs. Cliff Johnston who celebrated their „golden weddinx "wen _house" at the "Kinloss Municipal MAdlat ilolyrood on Sunday. Wrs. Stewart „Lane and •Joyce .and Bessie Waulden 'visited on 'Wednesday „Afternoon with Belle Graham at „Luckcow We extend 'sympathy to .11irs. .lvan ,MdFarlan rofithicardine and *innerly of 101a kiln ..lofAter tridher, MN. alltia Suter at :truce tee Maltell, Vallaften. .0 70MirtekerfsWil1erliati Ilis ft injured When4he was tralliPied IV tete. 'hope he won't 'be laid .np for too Ione. Mr.)..and Mrs. Toni McDonald went to '.1C.itehener „during the week Ackl visited with Mr. and Mrs. Itot 'Wang. We are sorry that dbNt %Shell is n patient in the Kincardine and blase HopithL Sympathy is ,extended to Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Melimis Myth and formerly of .concession 10 in the death Of Ann&s mother, -Wks. Gladys Dixon of •Durham. Mr. and Is. Ja- ek 43Arr enjoyed 'camping trip at Silver Lake over the weekend to 'help their „cousins Mr. ,and Mrs. iktib Srooks :celebrate their Silver 'Wedding .Aimiversary. Gordon '.McPherson of Stratford visited recently main bIs trether 33111 and Lor- raine 'McPherson, Mcilyrord.. Made Bloomfield ai Paisley, Nina iVielkinidd mid Massie gulden attended the Itimgaide reunion at the Wingham Armouries on Satmihry. Over '60 were in attendance and aii enjoyed a midst delightful time. Joan Bertrand and 'family d Simcoe Dmiater Tesearchtomesachemisity tvithancesIthe vity Owed otpralucts4hroughtioactivation —ntn. Enhiartc ts oe steoediorue withlioundup®for imPrnv0t1=nBistenc,Y mrasszoittmilitancetinntivateVituntlup inleveral Illipwronsonetstion rninproves Viciebility" Tilimellivisiarrovettmiltsatliirestarsonsistaicy. rjarni.EAPPlytetaitertodayfantl findsllit botEnhanaelanimproveour Ilimoliioarty01:profflartsiat, r'telzAt4cPandr.041#1,11,0Aarestij1ygOirmilenotk4-.0f i4149404:000)10.9Y Am ,iopp,NojfarEwilanyrg1940a:Inc,165 alfigi$19110Aer 'MOUNPVP AivairitPit"0,00009110k1-014409414FitoMfp ny -„Mpimptc.,gpadkIpm:411:Tailtered:4,Ser ,•,•tfia