The Signal, 1936-1-23, Page 6--e.vt,7104407.74 767-""•0'
0 -Thursday. January 23rd, 1980
-teetiC"C5s t.
4.0 040.00
rs' • -It'"7 •
Plumbing, Heating
The Letter You Haven't Written
Repairs for all makes If
stores of &roam •••*1
ProunA_servim sad resmenible
t gent ree'DDOn94 syrthe.7,filefEatl 0111e ..,...,
By ,e. W. B. • ' - -
me Stlibtford Beacon -Herald bad a
touching thory some time ago in ooe of
its issues $bout a man whom It awned
Old Arent, who came to the puotoffice
day after'day, always hoping to get
a letter in the children or the
grautichildreu, but went home empty-
handed. Ms wife dead, bls children
all alove4itivaf, he-leit slums ie
little place OD the edge of the town;
; but his toalblinees would not be minded
If the bier of his heart were ap-
peased wi a letter, newsy and afire -
John Pinder are far away now, but who forget to
• Donate, mem the boys and girl* who
write. iis frames excuser for them
w II 117 P. 4). Meg
end torefailly sends the weekly paper
of the old home place to them to keep
them posted about everybody they
know around hest, lie expects that
"1,01111114161 TOWNSHIP AlUDIT°118 one day tkere will be a letter; but it
Township auditors are said to be seems 0,, lima, and it is so disappoint -
losing a lot of sleep over %be new bui- lug to In. dismissed at the wicket With,
let's of Instructions issued by the De- !"Nothing.' •
litftlealtt-at..ktnel.0141....)114111!!_.(or That pathetic picture can be mottl-
es/Ms of 1935 books The auditors plied. - There is a great bust of people
axe required to verify arrears of taxer like Old Archie waiting for a letter.
seat year, examine treasurers' and A few iinae would put sunshine late
collectors' bonds, also Insurance; and a grey and gloomy day. A letter. tont
are expected to comment on bow the if it were badly spelt, and wretchedly
township affairs are condocted, types written, wattle be meat and drink for !
of bookkeeping and work of otecere many days. There are son. and daugh-
These are a few of the =slur items._ term everywhere.. men and women,
Township auditors are paid as little boys and girls, who have been saying,
.na-$21 far tbe wor.C-auttlis-inostsgerlistaggr-write a letter -10 ao aim
to ne wore appointed - before- timedhalla- ade• not dose. The hetes-
tln was issued they have cause to think tion Is good. But a road paved only
that they will earn their pay. - Intentions gets nowhere. That
letter ought to be written before it
is -too late. Too late! did I say? Yes,
mixed-up and well-meaning as-sayoneAid Archie, or that somebody else, may
tese."-Ilenry A. Wallace. be missing at the postottice some morn
"Moat a the rich people anryunt
.r Yee see't le earelom met cold. They
am grid* develop into mmedies -
. . . much moss merlon. At the fine doe
. - . as '• has what it.. • to . dee :-
cold quickly and electively. At ar-----
Drugggsts. Ask for Grove's. Theta
in • shag eta.
Business As Usual
lug, and someone may say casually,
"I game Old Archie pawed out last
night." That mother, who would not
let her hope die, as the seasons came
and went and the years made her
gray, that her boy would write use of
Meer times, and thus bridge over the
disigreeable gulf that had been made
in the family, lies down upon her bed,
alas! to die. The boy In toe tai
tent place receives the telegram to
say. "If you want to see mother alive
you will have to come quick. Sbe is
unconscious and rapidly sinking" The
letter has never been written and it
is too late now.
The writer and an old frie.od, chat-
ting together about another dear old
mutual friend, who had poor health
and was getting old, decided together
that they would send a long -overdue
letter to the shag friend who was far
distant from them. That doubleheaded
letter was written, mailed In one en-
velope, and sent full of cheer and
goodwill to the far distant one. A
few days passed anti a letter came
from the will. of the friend to whom
we bad written to say that the morn-
ing the letter came be had passed
away. It came too Late.
When visiting in England hearty
three years ago a middle-aged lady
was ushered into my room and was
Introduced- as a sister of t &Hid of
mine who was in Canada.--iklikkr "If
nothing had happened to bine" So
she put lt Did I know anything
about him? Had 1 met him of late
years? She and other sisters were
alarmed at the dead silence that ab-
sence of letters from Adult made. It
was my pleasure to tell this lady that
I her brother was alive and well, very
much alive, had a lovely home •nd a
Ang family. He wee doing well and
wag well and favoraby thought of by
s of people who knew • hha.
le the 11
nitud if
In and
Don't op
the very
be pleased
at our d
a car, and
that loomed
motor mad,
Is being
came in
hisi few
as putting
days and
Now get
start in'
time. too
going to
thing go
want to tell
r about. it
$5 • boom the
e yes laugh. the
Jell cry. The sites -
lie. They don't
Han cat and the dog
• of potatoes.
tblng to write
yobs to Write
es mount oat Is likely
Aunt wkia they would
• A man was killed
week MOW bit with
at mu/WU
Frank leo,
Flulay ret
ten days' v
We rest.
Pickard has
of bealth.
We are
Potter is a
being con
The pr
Mrs. Fred
Amery pe
school se
exerelme, wi
cipated In b
Walter Je
011910 P
/silly be was &Wino do what he was sung by
considered to be an Important piece of T. p.
work for the upbuilding of the King- math, tit
dom of God. And so on 1 went, trying I charge of
to fill her hungry and thirsty mind, day,
when a
lint why had be not written? They present.
hail had no quarrel. She and her ,Itov. j.w.
older sister had written last Surely 'a poem, ..
he hadn't forgotten when they were wee read
-how Edna flutter
the older sister had mothered him the comm
through those tender yeare and when Mr. Herta,*
he was frown and had decided to go After the
to Canada had materially assisted him peat, too,,
and had felt the wrench his going bad I ewatima.t. w
meant. .It was eleven years since he I whitmor,
d written, eleven iong_leare; it by mai
was almost cruel. Would 1 stir him I ma Potter as
up on my return? I would; and I didlag was
!Ile had meant to write It was a of a lump
shame he hadn't. He had no excuse. I This week'is
It was just cheer letting it go. I told 'direction et
him It was nnhrotherly to gay the
leset. I Is glad to say he mended wk.&
his ways sad since then ha. be.. to monthly
is. the verFietieb-eoncerned sisters. w&.
A lady of our aquaintance received I at the h
-le- ,--# letter from far north British Colum- I dent. A
hes from a woman on a farm there a Mrs. W
Nile Owe *no -The writer and
OM written to were old schoolmates.
'hey had not beard from each other
-- -1111L--Aler velum They had only recently be -
Chestnut and Stove Anthracite, Pocahontas and
Domestic Lump Coal. Alberta Lump Coal
from the Foothills of Alberta.
DISCO -this wonderful Coke with the gasses left In IL --
All orders given prompt attention and all the Coal is -
weighed on the Town's scales (your scales). • .
s. Lee
Sunday Afternoon
• •
Ooderich, Ontario .
'Follow me,' the Vaster said;
We will follow Jesus:
His word and Spirit led,
lotamus. ,
• • - .4.
mere waren LIM
or is =ix
lit 1500e and a
way tbe dog -promise. 0 Christ, that "be that fol-
shall have the light of life."
MO elation who
001 of the howls the
mi how, imams ne
or tams lbw ev
od isk act yaps: sad
_ , hai hese • hog
Mee 1 writs. lost I'm
estwese and Mt *vete-
odd this is data 1
tow much....7....*-
Jan. A -N. -11t.
I E. Teo and Else Ada
:ad Tuesday from a
cath friends ti Toronto,
in that Mrs. Albert
enjoying the best
at Mee
be around again after
her home with a lame
naive of the
!Inger the direction of
peasented a tine lair
during the Sunday.
sa Sunday. A short
veltatione. was parti-
ie.tiers Milton McCool,
!Aden Oilddon 'sad
in4.41‘,44119Yrtel. Mew_
* dal&
Mtn EMbee-11111e-
7-convener, was in
II' C. meeting Last Fri-
ed representation was
iiie opening hymns,
seri led in prayer, and
s for the New Year,"
lie chairman. Miss
04 which were given by
an interesting =wiser.
a discustion, au appro-
uled, "Speaking of It. -
:tikes by Miss Gay
pleasing solo wig sung
• • •
E. LEMON IFORkk_1•34
tiatign Temls-Rbsous lbolkon Helpers.
lame Pamags-llake 11:1-11. It ft.
Odd= Teall--Loihs 3:11.
We are reminded by this passage
that diecipleship comes before apostle-
ship. Peter had been, for at least
some usontha. In the company of Jesus
-• learner in His school.
One day Jesus was compelled by the
surging crowd of hearers to step into
l'eter's boat and from It continue His
discourse. Afterwards lie told Peter
to resume his fishing, which, to the
experienced fisherman, was a useless
command. Had they nut just returned
from an unsuccessful trip after an &H-
aight on the water? But Peter's loy-
ler-add-hke Williagoele--fo try again.
11448liallgsalfilalaellffide him quick -
Re sure of this, that Peter would have
turned lvdeat ear to any other voice
than that of Christ It it had made a
I Ube command. "Nererthelvas," said
Peter, that is, not because of success,
but in spite of failure, "at -Thy word
I will let down the net."
look at the result of this obedience.
It had In it not Mach of rbeerfultiess,
nor, perhaps, any faith, but It was
tor with a pooled frown.
obedience under trying circumstances,
The merchant lifted up the cover of
and AA Mak 1,04,Cri) the -box and beneath It were -a nein-
rm -111.--faUslr• the previous her artlay. drawers, epek with a title
night was not unforeseen or near
printed on it. Pointing to one he ries
ranged. Christ was In that failure as
in Chinese letters. "For businese," sad
much as in the success that followedr
pressing the sides of the little drawer,
it. Ile saw those 11-hermen at Biel
it suddenly flew open, and printed on
work in that long profitless night, and
\ZAN .....tE31111a81111044.41/6'
poor and unfortunate. He was told
by many people to get the help of Lee
Poy, and the missionary went In
search of the great merchant. Lee
Puy gladly helped in the sLinhsief
the sew hospital, and while itmen
ing built tie and the doctor became
great friends.
Many of the Chinese in the city bad
told the missionary doctor of the
strange box which had been left to
Lee Poy and how it had brought him
great wealth. Some said that it bed
beentilled with gold coins, others said
that it contained rubies and jewels of.
great worth, but no one had ever
inside -of the secret box.
After the brothers had lost their'
wealth, they became jealous of Lee
Poy and once tried to steal the pre-
cious hot that bad brought him se
many riches..
The mirwiesegy atteaeWondered Bost
what the kea-marliairand- once asked
Lee Poy about it. The merchant
showed him a square box made of
sandalwood anti told him that that
wag the strange inheritance
bad received from his fattier
"But how could thit bring you great
riches?" asked the doctor.
"By making me lire right," auswered
the Chinese.
"I do not understand," said the doe -
it wrietl with suc-
the bottom were the words. "lie bon -
empty nets, It was part of His gra- noes affairs."
He meant they should bring
trick eet. above everything else, in thy btud-,....
(lieu. purpose to. _teach them tb
m they could do nothiudg. felon inilde were the words,!
of measles. Nunn Tent, bas.beeerhe
a ttetsdauce.
A very succemtui *octal evening wait
held In the United church on Friday
• Scotch program in the hail oah°147-7--
Ths-whinenh- institute at*
arida weals& Meioses weissamk
Rif ammo ems --
with um of
Men's Clothes
Come in and look over our
flay ago-tha very beat
Nverything that's Dom in
Men's Wear at this tints
of the year,
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
d ,"
things. The wonderful miracle that...41. -kernel" that thy frCenil Is thy
Jesus performed that day was the Di. !other. treat him with kindness and
vine assurance that itemefortb their ;3111tienr? and, "I've sit, he loyal."
life was to be spent for The third drawer was labelled.
No more fishing on the Lake of Gall. familr" fra-U1 ICIWS- doctor
read "Ilere Iles your teed tree.
and that with Him they could do all „ tier
lidister__Igithiglassilor- lee: henceforth they Feld ion sight i.e.. cherub k_ yews (40.••
• area
.rompantst. The !beet- and day to rave souls. , "This has been my guide" said the
with the, singing 1 This miracle taught Peter also a
'timo -b•Dectivtion needed lesson of Divfbe Ouruipotenve.
g wig be under the The eye of Jesus -could reach the
EisriMi Potter, social depths of the Sea of Gelilee; Ile
knew exactly where and when the ash
WA. Msettat.-The would De found. Could not their JINGO
ig of the W.11.S. and read the secrets gldes braM
-COAL YARD AND OFFICE AT THE HARBOR- . apse aware of each other's location
---,glow much pleasure that letter
Phones -Office 22. House 112 Goderich
krougtot. It set the bells ringing in
the heart and memory gladly tripping
- "get down the years. It Is hard to
estimate the good that letter writing
iaad receiving actually did.
SALE PRICES for All Week 1 down some time and think to whom
It would be well If we were to sit
a letter should now he sent. There
are a number overdue in most of our
experiences. Perhaps It is someone
whom in a tiff or a more serious break
JANUARY $igh to JANUARY 31st. Quantities Limited
PASTE .2k, 1St
Lb. is.
wow Norway ride
Syrup liePie
Le, 119e
Chile% Nerve
Os mod les
Bueldey's Bronchitis
40e sad 75e
Horehound Candy
2k lb.
75. and VIM
A.B.S.C. Tablets
III for lk
Lyairs Tooth Paste
Asssoblis Tablets
I dam
49 ...
- - $1.35
Siosn's Liniment
Poem* Teeth Paste
Mears Cereal-2Se
Zile, Me, 75
For folks suffering
from bad cough;
bronchitis, whoop-
ing cough. croup,
throat and tonsil
ailment& Sybilla
tieshen Raw*
brings good
suits for IMO
backs. It warn&
Lauder's Dunlop's Campbell's Wigle's
Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore
we left bruised some years ago and
no word of beating has been passed
sinee. Or it may be that there is
some lonely old soul whom you used
to see as you dropped in to ring out
a cheery Good -day! that you haven't
communicated with at all since you left
who would thank God in prayers for
yon and the letter you Rend. Did it
occur to you that there are fallen
brothers and sisters who might get a
lift on their drear outcast road It
someone wrote them a friendly letter?
Perhaps there is someone you have
thought of in prison, say, or In some
imprisoning, discouraging circum-
stances, you said you would write to :n
order to cheer film up Well, why not
do It? Do It now.
Don't mind If you haven't superfine
piper or a good style, or the education
that makes a faultless letter. Re-
member a thirsty man will drink from
• tin cup or an earthenware pitcher,
say insproideed vessel to get Use spark-
ling sisal draught on a hot weary day.
He does not look around for the con-
tainer of finest cut glares
Start in and ten them what Is Ip
your heart in your own simple wsi.
If It is to an old acquaintance, babble
about the things concerning you both
Remember it is net the weather nor
WAS held last Thursday his selfishness, read his impetuosity
Mrs. S. Welters, preal- and his cowardice? The eyes of
program, prepared by Peter's mind turned in upon himself
vis /red, Mrs- Fred and he cried sinful- 'ss.
Mt prayer, made in Ignorance. was
sever answered, • Christ did not de-
part from him. Thank God, lie knows
when to refuse a prayer. On the con-
trary, Christ gave Peter something
more than forgiveness., He gave the
eMployntent to him which ensured his
-pardon: -rear not, from henceforth
i_thou shalt catch men."
- Chapter 5:27, 28. -One of the most
conspicuous instances of the attractive
!plover of Jesus is promoted 1IC thins*
verses. The Lordlikt a spell on 1.4A
a man with low alas and earthly de-
sires. (luta drevriMil irresIsilblr-
imperially, and Levi'4lelded in a mo-
ment. The Lord came by as Levi
was -seated in his accustomed place -
the receipt of custom. He spoke to
him bat two words: "Follow ate,"
and "he left all, rose op, and followed
him." Here we see the power Christ
exercised over the mind, the will, and
the affections.
We know very little about Levi, ex-
cept that he was a Jew, a native of
Galilee, and that lie was • collector
of the Roman taxes. Now for a Ro-
man citizen to become • collector of
the taxes upon the Jews was an of-
fence to them, for It carried the con-
riction constantly to their minds that
they were • subjugated people; but
that a Jew should be so far recreant
to the honor of his country and to the
feeling of his people as to take office
under the Roman government for such
a purpose, it carried the conviction
home still further. Did such a man
become truly converted? The first evi-
dence In his favor was his change of
occupation. The business in which
he had been engaged was not an honor-
able one., He gave It up. That
meant sacrinee. The publicans be-
came rich In collecting taxes. It
etook grata to give up such • calling.
He forsook all. lie came right out
and identified himself with Jesus.
Ile became concerned for his fellows.
He made a feast and Invited many
publicans to it and there made a pub-
lic acknowledgment of having quit his
old life and begun under the leader-
ship of a new Master. All of these
are sound proofs of true eonsersion.-
Condeneed from The Sermon Bible.
• • •
The Secret Hex
By Freda Graham Bundy, Cowley,
In far off Chine, a rich Chinese mer-
chant had died and left to his three
sons all his poelestrione. To the eldest
he gave his large rice fields, to the
next son he left his mat boils. sad
his business, but to the youngest boy
he gave only a small box, Instructing
him to use it whenever he had a de -
Morton to make and In time he would
Demme a rich man. The elder broth-
ers latighe4 and teased the young boy
about his strange Inheritance.
the'llimyopnertimwiboy.'sb"nass•P°71 (grfolTwthaaPt wasard
became one of the most respected and
wealthy merchants in the city Tbe
elder brothers had wasted their time
anti their money and were sew poor
A missionary doctor clime to the
great Chinese city and wished to bend
a hospital, where he might treat the
pill. ad Mrs. Elmer Potter
fl Vtee. J. W. Herbert
and Mn.
led Is prayer. The
rePEld to
new yeask-
h a thought for the
they MacMath gave
a reading, " for the New Year,"
and the Berl teams was read by
Mrs R. tter. missionary talk was
given rs. a. alters; a story read
by Mrisillorwe iarsis; a ItelnPerank•D
paper was given by Mrs. F. Potter. and
a -letter led fze • miedesary, bliss
Sybil Ostirtw*, IV Mrs W�Itofi After
doe repont of the treasurer, given by
Kn. W. --lee. meeting was
closed Mith the ritirping of a hymn
Mrs. laded Yee, president of the W.A,
then teak (-hitthe gathering, giv-
ing an lime which was appre-
elated. Mrs. Trewartita, secretary,
read the mined*, and numerous busi-
ness topics wet. thoroughly discussed.
At the core ladle et the meeting the
hostesses, Mrs./ Lorne Jervis, Mrs.
Walters And lies W. Yeo, served air
which was muck en -
wing Is the list of
the year 1938:
President, Mrs. S.
Meet, Mrs. Eimer
secretary, Mr& E.
ndlne, secretary,
press secretary, Miss
treasurer, Mrs. W.
convene', Mrs..0eo.
conveser, Miss Elva
W secretary, Mrs.
Missionary Month -
John Mulholland;
ter; assistalit plan-
flower committee,
r; envelope steward,
or the W.A.-Presi-
Yeo; vice-preeldent,
secretary, Mrs.
treasurer. Mn. Fin-
ttee, Mrs. D. E. Gild-
mittee, Mrs Finlay,
S. Acheson.
appetidgm lu
joyed. The
officers thosen
For the W.
Potter; •pecor
Mrs. Wee 01
list her 'Mac
Yeo; tempera
Male; sterwar
Proctor; etre
Wm. Mullion
ly secretary,
pianist, Mrs.
lat. Mrs. W.
Miss 101.• Pr
Mrs. A. lion
dent, Mrs E.
Mrs, Fred
Bert Trewart
lay; flower co
don; buying
Mrs. J. Porte
5."" 25c
' 25c
lobs SC
144b* Pkg 28C
6 IN' 2Sc
4 Tim isr
A Itie,17c
PHONE 116 or 216
PEAS No. 4 sieve ."*"** 10c
COCOA 1-2 lb. tin 19c
RINSO Large pkg. 19v2c
SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs. 25c
11CM-H2TENING 2 =TS 27c
MO SNAP ti lik
4"4"- 23c
PECIAL MUM st orriesT
Rog. DOwe 2-6. The RIM
PH. 44
....-ArMianmaigasimgtgga. -r*"
Chinese. -Whenever I wondered Just
what I should went to my little
box and it told we what was right,"
WHITEHHITRCH, Jan, 21. -Miss
FlOretlet• Purtion emelt the week -end
et the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo.
Tiffin, of Laneside.
Me. -and. Mem .Weaterp
toned to Drayton on Wednesday las:
to attend the funeral of hi. aunt, Mrs.
John Cunningham.
Word was recrtred here on Saturday
of the death of Mn. McEachren, wid-
ow of the late Rev. Ronald Mer.ach-
, formerpastor of'bite-
chniellererobyterian church, She
leave, Is mourn her one son, Ronald,
to whom many friends in this com-
munity extend sympathy in his be-
Mr. Reuben Tiflis has been under
the doctor's care since lase week, whom
be suffered a Revere heart attack.
-Mr. Eddie Moore and little daughter.
Rena, are suffering from the measles.
Mr. Stanley Todd, of St. Helens,
addressed the Y. P. U. of the United
church on the subject of "Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Marti° entertained
a large number of their friends and
relatives on Friday evening, the time
being spent in cards and dancing.
Quite a number from here attended
the annual meeting a the -Agricultural
Society, held In Wingham on Friday
Mr. Stanley Irwin. son of Mr. and
Mrs.'Hermon Irwin, has been seriously
ill with pneumonia, following an attack
44.400 .01
• 144,
Hydro Store
Electric Stove
Quick - Clean - Economical
and cool to cook with
The Signal's Clubbing Rates
Save You Money
The Signal and The Toronto 13Iobe WOO
The Signal ar.d The Mall and Empire $600
The Signal and The Toronto Daily Star .57.00
The Signal end The Toronto Telegram $6.25
The Signal and The London Advertinse.....- 40.50
The itiotal and The London Free Press I • 1-...-ersve.•Kno
The Signal situ' The Stratford Beacon -Herald $5.50
The Signal and The Family Herald and Wieldy heir... $210
The Signal and The Canadian Home Journal $2.40
The Signe] and The Canadian Magazine $2.40
The Signal and Toronto Saturday Night 114215
The Signal and The New Outlook 811.40
The Signal and Canadian Home, and Gale!~ it3.25
The Signal end The Catholic Record $ass
The Signal and MacLean's Magazine $240
The Signal and The Chatelaine $2.40
The Menai and The loronto Star Weekly $8.25
The signal anti National Home Monthly $2.23
The Signal and Woman's Home Companion 0.00
,The Signal
ir 4 - •