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At the general meeting of the
Maitland Valley Conservation Arthority
(SIVCA). held on August 18th the
Atithority!s Awards. for Conservation
were presented to five individuals and
two grouRs.
The awards are presented -annually to
recognize local ,conservation afforts.
'The goal .of the MVCA is to.
preserve, restore lenhance and sustain
watershed soil And •water resources,"
notes Authority tatiarman,Bruce McCall
of Brussels. .414 ei y this is a task
that :could never be accomplitthed
without thecooperation, assistance, and
support of the residents, and various
groups and organizations that make up
our conmnunity. The Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority certainly
-receives this support and we very much
ar•preciate it!1'
The INCA presents two levels of
awards, including Conservation Award
Certificates to recognize .and encourage
noteworthy contributions, and Conserva-
tion Awards of • ction, to recognize
longterm 'conservation work.
'The Conservation Award of Distinction
was presented to Bruce Shillinglaw, a
conservation farmer from the
Londesborough area. Conservation
Award Certificates were given to Herb
Clark, from hucknow, Murray and Roba
Lobb, from the 'Bolmesville area, Car-
man Kaye of Minto Township, the
Huron County Blaming and ' ' op-
ment Committee, The Ecological
Farmers Association of Ontario, and
Gary Boyd of Ottawa.
Bruce Shillinglaw was recognized for
his extensive involvement in soil conser-
v.ationin Mr= County and beyond. He
was one of the fast : 01. - in this area
to recognize the need for sell conserva-
tion and to work to . .. de conserva-
tion tillage practices.
in 1980, as 64. -"vs. : of the Huron
Soil and Crop improvement Associa-
tion's Conservation Committee, he
helped to initiate the Norman Alexander
Conservation Award, to focus attention
an the need• for conservation. He .was
also instrumental in 'the orgaitzation4if
the .BurorrSon And Water int and
lister the Joint eftrimittimal Soil .and
ater Conservation:Program. Reserved
'as Chaim= of the �•iA :et in 1981.
Luelinow Sentinel, Wednesday, August Set 19130—Page 5
Thraigh his work an the various
organizations Mr. Shillinglaw has great-
ly advanced the use and tittered in soil
•conservation in Huron co.
Today the Shillhiglaw farm .uses a
wide range of conservation practices in-
d.uding notill Planting for the entire 620
acre farm, windbreaks, woodlot
management, and erosion control strue-
tures. A large number of trials test the
response of various crops,to no -1111 plan-
ting, /and fertilizer rates, to name a few.
Mr.'Shillingjarris now serving as the
or the TeclinetOgy Assessment
Panel, a committee Of- -farmers,
apologists, economistsnd afttension
advisors, for the Federal GoverameirVs
SWEEP program, (son and water en-
vironmental tsihancement program).
Berb Clark, former Reeve of Ludlum
has made many contributions to conser-
vation in our area as an Authority
Director, representing Luclmow, and
through his career with the Affinistxy of
Natural Resources, where he served as
a Conservation Officer, and the Fish
and Wildlife Supervisor at the Win,gham
'et office. As Reeve of Luolmow
Mr. Clark was very supportive of
Authority work in the ivillage. This work
has included flood plain management,
reforestation, erosion control, &hales
management, and flood plain land
Murray and Robe Lobb have been ac-
tive in adopting a number of conserva-
tion practices on their farm near
Bolmesville. - began using conser-
vation tillage Practices 10 years ago
with the use of -reduced tillage. Today
their farm uses a wide range of conser-
vation practices, including notll plan-
• ting, erosion control structures, and
windbreaks, and woodiot management.
The Lobb's have also undertaken a
number of plant variety and residue
trials. In 1988, they received the Nor-
man Alexander Conservation Award for
their conservation farming efforts, and
hosted Conservation Day for the Huron
Soil and Water Conservation District.
Over the past six years:Huron Ootuty,
throngh its. planning and devekmment
comMittee and Stiff, has -provided the.
MVCA wIthconsiderable assistance in
ineserving.the remainbig wetlands, and
other immures ands in the watershed.
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Technical and financial support has
been provided to help the Authority
prepare reports on the location of the
remaining resource lands, including
wetlands, headwaters areas, flood
plains, and river valleys, in each
municipality. The County has also sup-
ported and promoted the idea that
municipalities 'should protect these lands
from further development through their
secondary plans.
Carman Kaye has been quite active in
conservation through his involvement
with the MVCA, and as a private lan-
downer. He has been an AuthorityDirector
representing Minto Township for the last
10 years and has sat on the MVCA Ex-
ecutive Comudttee for the last five years.
Be Iras:,eterved as Water Management Ad-
visory Board Cliairman, and as Authority
Vice-Ciatm= Be has been involved with
the reforestation of parts of his property,
and is now imdertaldng no4ffi pasture
renovation trials.
The Ecological Farmers Association
of Ontario is a grass-roots farm
organization that shares many of the
soil and water conservation concerns of
the INCA. This organization was form -
on efforts
ed 10 years ago in Grey Township. To-
day they have over 800 members and
worit across the province to promote
farming practices that sustain soil and
water resources. They do this through
seminars, farm tours, newsletters and
conferences that teach ecological farm-
ary Boyd, a policy advisor for the
Federal Government has been of great
service to the MVCA in problems
related to the management of the Lake
Huron shoreline. Mr. Boyd has a wealth
of education and experience in the field
of coastal geomorphology which he has
freely shared with the Authority staff,
and directors. He has conducted
seminars for directors staff and the
public on lake shore problems. Much of
this work was done en his own time.
Gary also promoted the idea of under-
taking the Lake Huron Shore Processes
study, which the MVCA is currently
participating in.
The public is invited each spring to
make noniirration for these awards. The
nominations are nviewed by a commit-
tee of MVCA director.
Simpsons welcome grandchild
Corn on the Cob
How nice that stalks
So .green and plain
Bring kerneled ears
From planted grain.
To hold by ends
And eat revolving -
So buttery, plump
And menu - solving!
This _poem was written by Mary
Louise Cheathankof Decatur Bffikis.
Charlie and Mayme Wilkins, Ed and
Dorothy Gillen and herb and Marie
• Wilkins visited on Sunday in Port Elgin
with Howard and Gladys Carlow and
Harry and Grace Wilkins
The commimity ivnidd like to send
cong, retaliations LtO ...KevIn* and (rattly
(Simpson) Cook .on 'the arrival attheir
third rbitd Kevin David -Alexander, born
at Wingbam and District 'Hospital on
August 18th 1989. Wee Kevin is the 23rd
by Kee Webster
grandchild for Bob and Jean Simpson of
Killian and the 12th grandchild for
Graham and Mary Cook of Ripley. Con-
Wednesday visitors with Finlay and
Margie MacDonald were Margie's twin
Pat Murray of Gros Point, Michigan and
Peggy Heffernan of London.
Recent -visitors with Rhetta and
Marion MacLennan were Harold and
Peggy Jardine of Harriston and
Ithetta's niece Marion Leech also of
Sunday Adaltors twith :Sam and Betty
Jones mere Barley And Eleanor Bath
and Lisa 0f Barrietsville and on
Wednesday Betty's aunt and uncle, Joe
and Edith Le,slie of Granton called on
September lith - 23rd
Lucknow Branch 309 of The Royal
'Canadian Legion has planned many events
for members of the ptiblic to participate in.
No eApwlence necessary - Fun only
— Beef B.B.Q. at 0:30 p.m. fallowing golf
11:00 am. games and ball for youngsters
wh�e parents ,golf
— !Golf 81633,10. - $20.00 person
13.S.0.0ily - Adults $800, 12 and under $3.00,
4 anti tinder
To register for golt call Jeff Taylor 5284910
BALD. advance tickets only - at the bar of
contact a legion member
— :Dusk- flreivorks 'tor the young and the
young at heart
MON., SEPT. 18
2 4 p.m. ANDY BUFIGESS, ',KINCARDINE DPP wiii hoid (open
*louse 4r) Jubilee Hoorn on *Imo Stoppers, Block
Pa,, Dru Awareneso, Dperstion Provident it
'Operation itiontititAlon.
7,-9 pm -Alcohol andother Drug tie, Abuse & Dependency
by Youth Addiction Services- A young man recover
ing *Om *OW it Other ,drug *cidictiona will share
tie personal story -
URS., SEPT. 21 :ttm,- SENIOR 001RE 'CARD PARTY 2 P.M.
'SEPT. 22 -- St60'S DANCE
ittcloetsavallable tram lovion members