The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-23, Page 111k)
,„ .,....,......
....., ,.......: .
Julie Nicholson ,was teaching survival
teeindques to <ads gimp during lessons at
the .Lucimow .pool last -week. Here 'they
are in the huddle position. (Pat _Liv-
ingston photo)
by the rules
These young swimmers on part of the
Maroon „group, and ander instructor San-
dy McIntyre, were learning the front
crawl. (Pat Livingston photos)
.BLYTH - in October, the Myth
Festival •Art 'Gallery ,will Offer :quality
art classes forinterested people aged 12
-years and older.
"The tart4allery mill -.hold ,thesexiasses
on leizenizigs Miring Abe ...--week,7providing
..cviide -variety of sypportunities in Af-
ferent -media.
'The „gallery is seeking 'qualified ,and
-experienced teachers. Proposals for
classes which :may he one evening or a
series -Of evenings,. together with a
resume should he sent to the Art
Gallery Committee, 'cio Mrs. 'Carol
McDonnell,..33ox10,3313rth, .0niario,•NOM
:Submissions <-5he -revivived the
:Art :Gallery itommittee. Watch :for
-detais .on .art ;gallery classes in Mirth
.later :this fall.
F „ : ,,,, !( ,, t
t ,
, :„, „,
e Tax
• Benefit from ,the se.emingly*ver,Ohan9ino
tax iaws!
learn 'how to prepare your lawn tax return
with -oonfidenooll
11 -Help -others:prepare their tax returns.
"Enroll today Dta.ssos 'start week of 1: 11
Fr MOTtrifor-maton
2441858 Imes. Ao -Thum to-- 3
'Ohms locations: Illotleis" Vorrantine It *oit
" • r • ",r. • .1.1,-• • • • •••••
LueknowSentftlei, Wednesday, August 239 19813-4age 111
ea r itn„ „A, s
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brace and their
sons, Traverse and Michael of London,
were recent visitors with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody.
Dr. and Mrs. Iman Moharned and
their ,sons, Miellael, Adam and David of
Toronto, visited during the week with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P.age. Mrs. Page
and her daughter Catherine Mohamed
took Fred Page to London hospftal for a
medical check up.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillispie enjoyed a
'holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Baldenby at the cottage.
"Tiuniiy Linton of 'Kitchener visited .at
the .Linton tome here.
Mrs. AlexPercy has been .a patient in
Wingham and District hospital. We send
get well wishes.
Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Barr visited at
Aurora with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barr.
Mr. and Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller will
have their family, friends and
-neighbours over, it being the occasion of
Weir's 85th birthday on Saturday. Home
from the West are Mrs. "Yvonne
MacKay and friend Terry of Medicine
Bat, Alberta; 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
2alotoney; Chanta and Lea Anne of
Fort McMurray. Congratulations Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Bushell, Rachel and
Whitney of here, Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Thompson of Kincardine Township,
Brett, Allyson and Robyn, Mr -and Mrs.
Glen MornMgstar, Lindsay and Andrew
of Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Gillespie, 15 'd and Angela, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Page and Jamie of here
attended the Gillispie Reunion at Bar-
bour Park in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mc Farlan of Kin-
cardine spent an evening with Mr and
Mrs. Jack Barr.
fain. 2011I1 AleDnUalft -Slant
With lier szer Mrs. iilskie
33lootiffielthat PILAW.
Our area wasgain-sharked VII Satur-
day anoniing-tolmar Of a2 car accident
by 'May Soyle
at Holyrood intersection, Mrs. John
(Joanne) Rodgins with others in ber ear
were proceeding on Bruce County Road
1 and coming east on Concession were
the two McEwan boys, sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas McEwan jut at the in-
tersection the cars collided, all were
given medical eare and all released but
Joanne who was still in Kincardine
'hospital at time of writing :this. A
scarey experience for all of thein. We
WKS Meeting
The Kinlough Presbyterian W.MS.
met at the Church for the August
meeting with Mrs. Don McEwan as
hostess. Mrs. Lorraine MacPherson,
president, opened the meeting with a
welcome, a Golden days poem and the
Lord's Prayer.
For the roll call each member was to
name a missionary and tell about her
work, business and correspondence was
dealt with.
Mrs. Bessie Maulden had the devo-
tions entitled "Now is the time" Scrip-
ture were from St. John and from Cor-
inthians Mrs Edna Baklenby bad the
program on South Africa and read dif-
ferent articles from the paper on the op-
pression Of -the black people. She Show-
ed a film strip of an African girl in her
struggle to get an education. The girl
got to England and finally succeeded,
then, she returned to South Africa to
help youth groups. Erlma closed her
part with three African poems and
Ars liessieMaulden read n,poem en-
Catilill.`41ieisrMaitaen. Mae Alai* libtaigi
was 'V Matter ',Let Me Valk with
Mee". Thecoiwtesies and atimnits
GIC Rates
Witireglmontop,presiOont-pfMInteQp. Ltvl. *please0 tpn-
latince itte AM:ointment 1413410 '0400*s Real•,-"aelate :Pleprehtotive,
(who ‘bas joineci-p,urAinpotilee9fflOP • 43170 43,0-.$1,1(.42,(3ASfully ..940Aecl 01 the
-criepesAary*xamirlatipne-eetpotrby the Real ';.E01010 130.einee 'Weiser Apt -119W riiCen$0.1p trade ;in 411 types ,of Real .;Eetat.t3 •
islooll*npwn,,,havin9 ' 1139 rea ter thepastnioe years..lie
is -looking •.4,pnio,K1 to .Aervin9 ypo in 41 ypor 1304Etate nee0§.
(mu .4ro AilinKinkof..34409.9r ftlew,ppropt Vra0 09§09412
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