HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-23, Page 9Lifeknow Sentinel, Viiilatitki 'llietdeseendents of MurdociLand .Thmal&MacDonald 1n Z39 'began Abe amintezrapted /tradition ofsmeeting .every year Ltoimnew and -strengthen Addlamily Ales. ThiSvictare shows •clairmemherswho were in Attendance at that. 4'ront -row, ileft to -right, Mob:Simpson, Marion 1MaeDonald) Minton, Jessie A. fMacDonald) Jobstone, .Jean MacDonald) West, Itertha Ma- I • • ) 'Taylor, :Catherine Iblad)onald) Andrew, ‘Sally MacDonald. Ma& :wow, 'Move Macl)naidd, 'Idarigaret ;(Modernism) Meliernark, ModerickMacDonald,lienneth-MailDomddjFindlayki i)Marahmidd,,,i''FiMlay Wan) MacDonald. APzesent lmt :absent Irmo Ilds :photo, °Isobel Wan Madkonsild) -Cowes, Elizabeth MiteDonald) Word and _Louise MacDonald. (photo •submitted) .,43n2Satairday August 5, a Aare -crowd gatheied atzt he !cedars ,,of -David Mac - Monad for,ftheAlOth anumal Mad/maid ”zeunion. .succesSful ',sports :program was .con- ducted ty:°:Scott and -Doug Agnew. -The -z-esults Avere as fellows: :girls and boys, five :and adder, Alex ,,MaeDonalcl and :Graham :Cook; girls and :boys, ,six to eight,JessicaTookandBobbieampson; -13, Adele 1Andrewand JefrpaveY;ilaesandmen, 14and rover, Bethany:Berkhaug And :Doug ,Agnew. Graham -Look won the .bunny :hop. for five ,,,,and iirlder; Jessie Cook and .Mary Joan iAndrew4he rwheelbarzow,lor4girLs sixtomine;;JeffDavey,and 'Jeff Senevy, ,eight And under; ,Jordan Andrew,AndllathanTArguson, mine bp .13 'Year,oldbOYS; VendiferDalton :Mary Simpson , Aadies. -I4And over; Jim :Siinp- aonadMikeavey, :men 14and over. .f.the -,sacknrace, liristo /Aerial!" ,and Bobbie:Simplon 7.1ms:for:girls and boys, ixto -eight; •Tylithy :Dalton ;and •<Sbawn Johnstonfor:nine to J3, and Jun 1Simpon for -men 44 and over. Balloon loss 'winners were Jason MeriainantMrin JOhnson,,and in the ,se- condleat,UthrSenevy,ard Jeff Agnew. ,A,,boun 1-11Ottandleef-larbeoue,and votAuck dinner was -enjoyed. ,President nate ',Dalton •eonducted the lassinessateetingesavereawarded-Ao youngest meMber, ;Kelsey 'Agnew, :slaughter bf 'Scott and :Brenda; most TecentlymnaTied,..DavidandEEvy Situp - :son; iadyAttendinginast Tannons, d;mostivandelfddrenvreaint, 16 <for Boband loan Ammon; Anani.atten- Aing Mest-zeimions,TindlayMaeponald; travelling the larthesteMaeDontild, Tort ''Nelson, A .miantes Silence was .,observed ',for those,:clanmeMberslieceasediathellost -year, Mrs. .14.ffilan 'Simpson and 'Miss Amie MacLennan. RonourableAnention merit to 'Bob arid MarySimpson, -velehraing-ItheirlithAn- niversary and .„J7ssie <Johnstone ,.on her 86th :birthday. :.Jessie 41ed ..ieveryone in AmazingTGracean&entertaine,d,every.one vtith-reminiseenees;efibelirstillaedOnald Reunion. 43.43, :DaltoniaouredIhe ',crowd ,iwith IseveratSc011ith.10% Salle.Alleetiugvoulie itlose Mith Later :in the evng the •McDonald elan aLong with friends And illeighbours AttendedAldanceiftfthe:Conunintity Un- 4474.ioyhigIthelnusieoftiorl:Ountsmoor And hs band. 1 <•Please,give generously RRY W MI *CHARTERED ACCOUlkiTANT • 3 13, 11949 .LeAuditing Financial Acoounting oPersrmal -Corporate Tax Consultation c•Personal .Finanoial -Planning .Manual -Computerized i3ookkeepirip -:•-fulortgage ti Amortization Soneduies Josephine St. Wingham, NOG 2W0 -Office: -SP-1Sn -HEART • AND STROKE 'FOUNDATION 30F.ONTARIO FOR TODAY'S KIDS Back io CJas in CJa.sF, • P" ran WEEKLY SPECIAL ' "."" SNOW "•_42L IT_ and WINTER COATS ty, how, zt, AweUC off Cf, ertd 4L• I:- . . tat 4 -7r- 7t Bob Shder's ewest Book latoseasteamaimmkobastoismooThitito TO IGNITE TOUR MIND 01111010114011Milligalt,0111100.11~11.0010,1111010.01k0.010 FROM "TBE RADIO -OGRAM "LET$THINKFOR MINUTE" 11101.0 Volume -014i UiSeUer 1101011.10/4.1010~00MILIMWROOMMIOAMINI 'VOIPPletelY NOW (content Atikitossosamosoomitimfokoti~fitigoppikop 2., A AndABLE '• 1/4 9 90,817N14,Y inGrf 114111VOPYIVIAIYFAMM TUCFV14140,WIN0011191,0 rhestodork c7sur wiintone v 8;899901 Ske-,St4901) voknipcm00*Imigkov..$0,000„-T4e 0,tolielvA1voc03 , The ifogaWisie News The AVA494911,44:r „4.101:119.96,,,Inc4er's (odojek faugartlis* Apter) , Xing's woOP,41*.ii in 41yth 1111 &The Saga.