HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-23, Page 6ya Vieaar' elmowe , W ae. day, Await , 1$89 Jack Needham's 'floral ,:design "Brigadoon" was most :deserves of the Champion Arangement award -last Wednesday at the Lucknow Horticultural 'Society's Mower show. The show, based on "A Salute to the Movies", included many :area elhlbitors who displayed :their green thumbs. Pat Livingston photo) h THE HURON -PERTH CATHOLLII KINDERGARTEN — GRADE i2iO.A C. Barents of lot Dethaftc:schoc l Agee hitdren ,who :are -mew to °Huron Comity may register their-7children ;on Tuesday, September :5, 1989 S 45 amt. -- d1130 .pan. at the closest local school ;KINDERGARTEN children need•to:be 5 years of,age on orbefore December 31, 1989. Please ;:bring -proof of age 'Mirth Certificate ,and 'Baptismal Certificate) and ,Notice of Assessment. Proof of immunization is also -required .before children may attend -school. RENG1114litERSION:classestarebeing ffered:.atSt.aMarytsSchool,13rxferich.Pteass con - 'tact ,Mr...Jin kMdDade,,Principal, 70 -Sennett. St. E., '1 oderich, Ontario, 524»9901. 'ST:'MAICHAEL SECONDARY CHOGLis;aCatholic: econdarySohool serving;Stratfordand ;area. To•ragister-newatudents, please ntoct Mr. :Dan -Mishap, Principal,Bt.Michael Secon- llary "School, FB `Grange Street, Stratford, :Ontario; 27140890. 'OTHER HURON O.UNTY AREA SCHOOLS ARE St. Joseph's School Mr. James #Mc:Qui.11an, -Principal :RR 3 Soderich, Ontario N7A"3X9 5297646 St. "Oolumban ,School sMr. ,Don :Farwell,:Principal -RR 2 Dublin, :Ontario NOK 1E0 345=2086 Our Lady ofMount :Carmel School Mr. Laurie liraftcheck, Principal IR 3 Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1NO 237-3337 St. Joseph's .School Mr. `Ed Cappelli, Prirn.i; al 169 -SeechStreet Clinton, 'Ontario NOM 1 LO 482-7085 PreclousBIond Soh of Mrs, Margaret I* ,P.rincip6I `Sanders ,btraet, lh . 769 Exeter, ':Ontario ' 30 235-1691 $c1 TUESDAY, S V.,Mr ,nes, `Chairman,;pfrthe pard 1 St P.i� , chool McDade, .Principal 70 L lett St. E., Gorierich, Ontario N7A 1A4 52449901 St. .Jar es School Mr. aary'Birmingham, =Principal Chalk "Street, Sox 100 Seafotih, Ontario -NOK 1W0 527'0321 'Sacred Heart -School Mr. Jim `Sterner, Principal Cornyn=Street, fox 9fie - Wingham, 'Ontario ,NOG '2W0 35714090 St. .Boniface $ohooi 11A r: ':I3.avid :Stiarpe, Principal Mary `Street, :Box .128 ,Zurich, Antario :NOM'2T0 - �236.4335 '''St,,,;MiclaaelSEC, NPARY Sobeol oMr. °Dan Eilihap, principal. `Gtange'$tro at ;Stratford, 'I ntario 'N5A t3P6 •27190 m rllifii1 in =TIMER 0419 9 ,Direotor-.of ation • 079i tie The annual competitive flower show sponsored by the 'mallow and District Horticultural Society was held in the Lueknow Legion Hall last Wednesday. This years Theme was 'A Salute to the Movies' fend this theme was depicted in the floral design competition where ex- hibitors were given the challenge of in- terpreting such movie titles as *‘On Golden Pond', `Carousel', 'The Colour Purple' and others. There were 25 floral arrangements in this competition and -Jack Needham's interpretation of `Brigadoon' was judged the best overall'. For his efforts, Jack received a gift certificate from the Dominion Seed House. Mrs. Jean Atwell :exhibit:: the best red rose and received the Red Rose Tea Trophy. Mrs. ;Elizabeth Dickie receives a gift certificate from the b , ongeed House for being the exhibitor with the second highest number of points. Mrs. Ilien Lemoine also receives a gift cer- tificate from Dominion Seed House for showing the best African violet. Mrs. Blanche Needham was the win- ner of the Beatty Ladder Trophy which is awarded annually to the exhibitor with the highest number of points in the show. The judge, Mrs. Margaret Reid, of Tiverton judged a total of 195 exhibits for this year's show. Mrs.. Reid took time at the opening of the show to answer any questions that the exhibitors might have, and to make comments on the showing of exhibits. Door prizes were won by Betty O'Don- nell, Catherine McInnes, Albert Lennips, Evelyn Henderson, and Ted Collyer. To further add to the theme of the show, Sean Lougheed and Jordan Andrew made popcorn in the lobby of the Legion Hall and provided it free to show goers. Although the popcorn was advertised as free, many people wished to pay, and the money the boys took in, they donated to the horticultural society. A nice gesture, boys! ded 1ss 1y-Iaw With Reeve Barry Johnston presiding and all councilllors present, the Kinloss Council met for their regular monthly meeting on August 9. After passing a motion to the effect that according to a sub -section :of -the Planning Act, no further notice is re- quired in regard :to the Armstrong rezoning :for lots 7 and 41, :Range 3, SDR, ?bylaw 9-1989 was given three readings. This by-law was made to amend the comprehensive zoning bylaw for the You'll Find It AL.. . Township of Kinloss to allow for a severance. Councillor Fielder voted against the passing of the by-law. Building permit applications were ap- proved for Paul Picket for an addition to a 'building and for Doug Morgan to replace a seasonal residence burned some time ago. Union negotiations with the Interna- tional Union of Operating Engineers, Local 793, for three Township Employees on August 2 for a new contact were not finished. FINISHING O i ES." AGreeting CardS c L,o" , Giftware & Bows •invitations 1NOTICE t)F PUBLJC MEETING Section 3 The Planning Act, 1983 f i Notice of olio Meeting Of The Planning Atha .ry Committee ownShip Of Huron -TAKE 'NOTICE that the -Planning Advisory 'Committee for the .Township ,of 4lutonWlflhold oPublioneetinoon WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1909 et 7:30 ;pati., in the 'Town of Kincardine "Council'Chambers, (Temporary 'Chambers Auditorium, 2nd floor), 707 `Queen Street, 1C1NDARDINE, 'Ontario, to consider ivarknisproposedamendments'toibe Township- of• Huron Comprehensive Zon- e 8y4Law No. 1142. The proposed amendments are intended to change various permitted uses, tleveteprnotitstandamisancillefinitionspresently contained in 13pLaw aw ONo.1142. The proposed arrroendmenitls are general in nature and would .affect various prppert es throughout 'the 'Township of Huron. ANY PERSON may attend the Pillblic &looting and make written or verbal rospr. n 9n ther'in auppprtor ,tn Aosition -tp the PrePOaerl Amendment. 1f Amy .person ryolldv 'this ',notice ddoes inn attend the mooting, the Planning kodv1eory pmmittoe Army "mooed In haisfher.aboonoe and heishe may not be antitiad`*,o woolorth,r voice of the 'Committee's proviedingo. ADDITIONAL INP , AVON rolstinvto the proposed Amoodmont van be vb. hainitd rom theiik000rootioty,PianninsilIotitoonomioDevoloperont9opertment, 20 Pa* Strooet, Walkerton, Ontario.' NOG IVO w she (hours of 8:30 sm. ctiki D .ou ,J,Alloixtayto Prey,oratethe Township r of erxicfpell l+edc'e °Office iTeilophette (519)190i7 5) DATED AT11 TOWN WkURTON THIS 2010 DAN OF AUGUST, 1909. • i lia".pby Depiity 'Director 'County 91 Orme Planning and 'EC0000.110 VoYeloserioot Depler.tmont OA Po* _}� *reitWAVInio ON ' e: 011041014702