HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-23, Page 1Lucknow has
new reeve
Following the resignation df former
Reeve Herb Clark at the end of June,
Lucknow residents now have a new
reeve, in the person of Ab Murray.
Reeve Murray was sworn in at a
special meeting August 16.
Councillor George Anderson has step-
ped up to deputy reeve.
The Sentinel was unable to contact
Reeve Murray for comments on his new
position prior to publishing.
titers k
pt busy
The Lucknow and District Fire
Department has been kept considerably
busy during the past week.
On Sunday, August 13 firefighters
answered a call to the Mayfair
Restaurant in Lucknow, to a flash
grease fire. The tire was under control
;when the department .;arrived.
On Monday, August 14, at 2 .p.m. a
call was received for the department to
respond to a fire, reported to be at
Harry Rruidley's residence at R. 3,
Lucknow. This turned out to be a false
On Tuesday, August 15, at approx-
imately 2 'pm.a person placed a call
Former Lucknow yyouth es
A Walton area youth; formerly of
Lucknow, died in a two -car traffic colli-
sion three kilometres north of Seaforth
late Sunday, August 13, 1989.
Goderich OPP :said Bradley Roland
Taylor, 16, of lot 27, concession 9 of Mor-
ris Township, Was .southbound on County
Road 12 when he dost control of the vehi-
cle he was driving, bit the gravel
;shoulder, then skidded into the path of a
awe a e e o i ae car, He was pronounced dead
on the scene.
June Godkin, 55, of Walton, driver of
the other car, and passenger Catherine
Hyla rifle, 0, a'lso•of Walton, were taken
to Seaforth duty :Hospital. Both
bad major 1n . . Mrs. Glanville was
tavansferrxd university Hospital in Lon-
don where she is in fair. condition. Mrs.
, ,
and Margaret (Athilles)'Taylor of 31..3,
Welton; two brothers, 'Richard and -his
friend Christina Crowley- of R. 6,
Goderich and Brian of .Lu lmow; and one
sister, Lynn (Mrs. Wayne MQDonagli)
Also surviving are his grandparents,
Roland and Christine Achilles of R. 3
Walton and -Gertrude 'Taylor of Seafarer.
Funeral aervioes were held • Wednesday,
August 16, at Duff's United Church,
Walton. Interment was in Brussels
requesting the department to come to
the Puddy/Wolfe residence at R. 3,
Lucknow. Once again this was a false
At 3 p.m. the firefighters were called
to a combine and straw fire. The owner
was Paul Frayne of R. 3, Goderich.
At .:6 p.m. the alarm went again, this
time taking the firefighters to the
residence of Peter Edisbury of R. 5,
Lucknow, where a grease fire had
erupted in the kitchen. The residence
received considerable smoke damage.
Mr. Edisbury said that most of the ma-
jor kitchen appliances and cupboards
will have to be replaced, along . with
flooring in the kitchen, TV room and
His daughter, Mary Jane, noticed the
fire and called Mr. Edisbury to the kit-
itchen. By the -time he got in, the smoke
was from the ceiling to about four feet
off the floor, making it difficult to find
the fire extinguishers. Mr. Edisbury
donned a pair of gloves that he thought
were real leather, unfortunately the
gloves were imitation leather and the
heat melted the material to his hands.
One hand received .considerable ".burns,
which will prevent Mr. Edisbury using
it for sometime. As the flames had
reached the ceiling it was necessary for
the Xire.wdepa t° to .cut -a bOle IP ex -
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Mr. Edisbw y said ;tt d ve
much worse and was trill his
daughter was -.not injured. Re said he
was verygreatful for the efforts of the
Lucknow firefighters.
At •9 p.m. on the evening of August
16, the department responded to a call
to an accident scene, east of Lucknow
on .highway 86, where a -car and tractor
had been in collision. The department
was called in the .event an fire should
False alarms
no joke
Last week the Lucknow and District
Fire Department received two false
alarm calls. One on Monday, August 14
at approximately 2 p.m. and the second
the following day, August 15 at approx-
imately 2 p.m.
Needless to say, Chief Bud Hamilton
and members of the volunteer brigade
were distressed to think that somebody
in this community has so little regard
for the department and the safety of
others in this community.
As Chief Hamilton said, "what would
happen if we are out on a false alarm
and a legitimate fire call was received?
Somebody's life could be in danger.
In addition to the worry of personal
loss, there is the cost to consider. Each
time the fire department is called out
the cost is charged to the municipality
These firefighters are volunteer; that
means each time they answer a call
they . must take time off from their
place of employment. While they
generously give of their time to fight
legitimate fires, they do begrudge the
waste of their time when some irrespon-
sible person places false alarms.
Following the second false alarm,
Chief Hamilton contacted the Kincar-
dine OPP, who are investigating. Plac-
ing false alarms falls under the
Criminal Code, and a person or persons
lound :guf ty of cls a face me*
t; mien •:tw, i do ` ]il
k.. ,
A highway .accident five kms east ;of
Lucknow last Wednesday evening sent
:.four people to hospital and ,resulted. in the
complete destruction sof the two vehicles
"The: accident occurred at approximately
48:45 p.m. on Highway .86 .when the west
.bound 1986 Nova driven :by ,Marion Rot
csanis, :age 16 of` RR4 Wingham, crossed
the center -line and Collided head-on with
a farm tractor .being driven by Gerry
Selent, g6, of RR1, Lucknow. Ile tractor
Tolled. over ,;and. came to rest on its aide
as a 'result of the collision• ;;Both. vehicles
sere totally dyed in. accident.
gotsanis was . taken by istnbtalaneeambulance to
the • and ct Hospital and
,mer erred to ,a London hospital
bs .and
g. The,two gait s in the
car, `TanaKotsaniS, It of. 4' ice,
ant .Joanna flus age . of Leaden,
were also 1 n' to 'tireiiTh, fi.bospital
for treatment.
Solent Totstri for (nor injures
atAYa teed oR6Macent.
ifineartline .'OPP ate.' be {:scene
tough loo bar es were°ta id in the
For trAorethan314011AUteil:last.
evening, Tare dui►
.R.lnnble frown* Part Of the Vot
ung at 19;21 Pam, the Moon
the earth'<s ehadow as it P` -across
"+y and by 10410 was in l eel
Iollowiing the S6 'minute toJpe, the
retreat from 'the Sew bto am
hour. 'Conditions . to 4hServe the lunar
.011pse were -Mt perfect in this area and
lla ny residents vent the evening on
lawuchairs watching the
i• s eclipse seas of particular note due
to rim; .duration - Close to .the ,gym=
the .of minutes ;,ie .dura a
nar diene• , ,the fact that the full
.n ,p a '1 the very -core of t
NOW ata dist :of raorne 04,000
idlometres allowed for the mai.
range ,of shading and colour variation.
S •
It's that time of year again - time to
make plans for the annual Miss
Lucknow Fair Pageant.
The Lucknow Agricultural Society is
once again asking :tor the co-operation
of local .businesses and organizations in
sponsoring the lovely young ladies who
will vie for the title of Miss Lucknow.
Anyone wishing to participate in a spon-
sorship is asked to select a girl to
represent them, have the contestant
complete an application form, and to
:provide the contestant with a sash com-
plete with your business name. Applica-
tion forms should be completed as soon
as possible and forwarded to the Queen
The big evening for the girls will be
Saturday, August 9 when the crowning
of Miss Lucknow will take place. The
lucky winner will represent the village
at the Fall Fair on September 16 and
will also represent the Agricultural
.Society at the Annual Fall Fair Conven-
tion in Toronto in February.
The climax of . Miss Lucknow's reign
comes in August next, year when she
competes. for the title of ween of the
:Fairs at the CNE in Toronto.
Any girl planning to compete must be
between the ages of 17 and 22, single,
and sholdd .:reside within a 15 mile
radius of ' know. Contestants will he
judged on :the basis of personality, ap-
pearance/ interviews, awed) and overall
deportment. -Contestants who have r-
ticipated An the petit on ,before but
who were .not crowned `mss ,Lucknow
May enter again.
There's not much time left so be sure
to add your contestant to the bevy of
beauties right away.