The Signal, 1936-1-23, Page 3f4::a 11a, Goderich'a Progressive Merchants are represented in The Signal's Advertising Columns Read their announcements sad shop where you are invited to *bop. .rte ,adtU.,.,c w ...Ir. Make Your Dollars Go Farther by reading carefully the adver isemeets to this Issue of The Signal and noting the wenheelF'•_.c}k;Rtl,4m'Altber-�ve►d• Merchants. THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00» LIMITLIID, Publishers The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, Accident and Meter Car ittsauRANCE Representative London Life Insurance Co. Office :-Masonic Temple, West Street, Goderich Napa ,dill, Manager.Thi.a , GODERICH, ONTARIO, ITN" CO -FINDS MUCH- =', BUSINESS AT ITS FIRST SESSION Pradidal Oorerpa ISt Demme A11 Property to Be Taxed for Mnni- *"Mithsditiftee-Othet New Regulations from '. pi Machines -Proposed Road to ldeptrles under Diacuasion- laseraace ami Real Estate Dealtiaies, Provincial and Maaicipal Bonds PHONE Y4 :••••: GODERICH. Geo. Williams & Son DOMINION. PROVINCIAL sad MUNICIPAL BONDS mo‘ -.inset, Aulamalile General Laureate Amin OFFICE, NEXT Irtnt Or COMMERCE Phone 53 Gellerkk vrltltlnw, getti int the game The couMil 1'ostelethwalt the rink and 'Rave Moser v+wstloa, to give Ilght now bring up, and the Bulletin 4o. of Municipal proposals r ou tax arrea totthe tutor MOW ar tpe" harbor some weeks ago.' URSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1936 the rink ank D R } out paying o klot . Biset Another ne It ��et titwo eittzens have pertinent "lot v► `76r vrbrrk they did that the P `ti 'fit bilk the chief attested that be U9 - mitten Act ae It has beelf enfor` ed Lorvuomey fruw had not engaged anyone. The coon the town to many years, according to infurmatl0U elle under the direction -of Deputy the full ratea. conveyed finite tea Bret regular stades of tbp Friday night. Two letters were received, outlining, doing the flames wes nut entitled to of mwwy la be Welly, the new regulations decided on pay, mates for rel 1y the Government. Hitherto the The treasurer's report for the two led for the tows has paid in to the Outarlo Trema- weeks following Dec•emlrer 16th, 198•';, nutauou um ury fees uu the taste of the number, was submitted and referred to the ; ages, class of work and so ou of the finance committee. The sum of' The is [u b� The G various employees, and If any of them $21,439.21, less a butane,- of $24.81 is what pragT sustained an ase ldeut, be war compete tete bank, was expended In cleaning n lustaW •5(-a sated and paid by the Ontario Govern- mauy matters at the end of the yea 1 hours at the went ou a basis decided on by um The tax collector's report, w'b 'and barber bused. - wan sent to the finance committee; about It. Curler the new regulations any ease showed collections for the mean?, of I artsiag trom_an accident wilt be re- December of the following amounts: .4:;3110; l 11.41 ; 1 1'nmpensattom Board will adjudicate $9.7'_; 19 1, 11641; 1 ;T4!771 usual, but. the town will pay the 1933, $293.31; 1934, $$41.0N; 1935, n council at its Reeve Turner, chalrwan of the fire mutwithrtaudin year, committee, decided that any man who r es a last voluntarily and without belujdellnite- Our ly engaged by the chief worked Ta sub- Tnx bills ar 1 For Sale at Port A:bert M7reTf " reecTtel C3tTaljtf tang 52 x 209 fee( H>t'1)RO ('0NNECTiON --Also (lou -es In Towu - al'TO, ACCIDENT and 116E iNSL RAM W. J. POWELL PHONE 292 GODERIC11 Use The Signal's Advertising Columns A long lett Wmkervtlle 1 kw Wad. against the 1 Affairs resin advisedthat (Clef' at the momenta Heads School Club red to keep order. e that the window laet leer dressing room ask. Xembsrs Ot Victors' IL wit 10 be IM48680 'treed. en the Department s outlined the new Interest payments Tbe letter was filed of the conned. ax Notices rture by the De - pal Affair, deals of oecurky:g_ ..taLLst. .--prealdent for the 1930 term. .is. lu future 1 Other officers are as follows: Vito- eud tax against presidents, Mrs. IL Jabnatoa, Mrs. A. • e of all property, -Shore;'secretary, Mrs. W. MacDonald; Dor general rates. treasurer, Miss L. Johnston; corres- exwwent or taxVending set•retarS, Mrs. N. Young; t.sht'ru granted. .how what amount yr..vWed in the estl- 1 Hie will rate lee. .1 multiple ut the t.a was submitted Each program this year will be In highest to each 'grade of those writing Cumlauy aal_Ml, charge of a committee to be convened I on the recent "temperance study Ing made tuward.f by nue of the mothers. '(. course'' In the county of iTuroo. Thee`_ Rev. A. C. Calder Speaks I nettleare In order of merit and their Rev. A. C. Calder addressed the papers have been sent to Ottawa for Club on"117ie Ineislble Things of Life." 11'rovinciat n.mpettrion: Meanaz reasoning and Imagination Seniors -Muriel iaatr, R.R. t; playa fir greater part in our lives I [,ucknuN ; Louise Kelly, Wingham; than we realize, he said. Memory is June TayLrr Jambs St. Se; Pieter.: the foundation of knowledge, and al- iWren-often-.regard memo;E work as dru-tentrieaffze iM value In laW. ¢sari,."- --"- -' ",„.e. _O Beloit Igoe, - Bev. A. O. Osliti illpisb At the regular meeting of Victoria Home and School Club on Thane:lay Last, the report of the nominating committee, placed before the Club by Mrs. W. F. H. Price, named Mrs. Robt. preaa secretary, Mrs. J. Iiuwe ; review secretary, Mei S Palmer ; convener welfare committee, Mn. F. Riley; con- vener social committee, Mrs. M. J. Ainslie; conveuer ways and means committee. Mrs. A. Taylor. BOYS AD1QT THEFTS Small aeer_ok Admit Breaking and Miming A little b y.. habit of always con- fiding in his mother was responsible for the clearing op of -a - mules u1 our break -nus at Brussels dieing the last month. Four boya between -the ages of eight and eleven years admitted their guilt on bring questioned by authori- ties on R'rlday last Their names were dlseuvered wben one little boy told his mother be had stolen nine cents, with otber boys, after breaking Into a drug More. Members of the quar- tette entered a bake shop on three oc- casions, etealtng money, priutdpally "coppers.,, The amount of ca•b stolen was about $4. A pencil and flashlight. stolen from the drug store, were re- covered. • ra • . .47 BIGUTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 4 M'S 100% UNSHRINR- $/iirts and Drawers SIZES 36 to . 44 Special 89c A OABMENT OR $1.75 PER SUIT W. C. T. U. NATIONAL TEL - PERANCE STUDY COURSE Following are the names of the four M. ROBINS Agent fur Tip Top Tailors *boas 384 Goderich ►� - cost direct from 1ts owe funds. . 119,451.71, a total of 810,933.10. We departmen The town will be expected to file its 'pm; blot Machina solysstlon of regular payroll cowering employees on A. 11. Erskine, county treasurer, slur of WI public worts, cemetery and parka staff, wrote advising that the county council of Wlndeor A firemen aha others. There will be uu has In wind the placing of a tax onualities legal entanglements, tbe board in To- stat marblees. It. L pred opos. that maimed, and runt., making tins+ -dc, laiuns. 1 the drat machine in any place of boar til p - The l•dblk toittti.-..uvulas ;.--i.ro ite°'ii be -biked -31x, with a ao n-ATit em straight comes under the *awe ruling and it tax on all others. The county wished I Mayor Ma. - was pointed out by councillors that to advise municipalities regarding its I It an accident occurs before other pro- Intention In order M give them a -1teltjou can be arranged the town might chance to pass similar bylaws, as become levolved in heavy lows's. - Si -minty jurisdiction does not cover The-lawv"O1• Hanover, [deed with • t.,wna or viUages. the same iltuatloa, sent 1n a resolu- 1 Moat of the council appeared to be I trill• con,lde r tion which It asked the sural council is favor of the suggestion, bat decided to support. polts(iag -out the untelr- l to watt and see what actloa the eoun-' • Deas to municipalities of the new regu- I ty takes on Its own proposal. The 1 As otnllal u latiou and protesting to the Govern 1 apeeial committee has the matter in Hoe- 'hind 4 meat. hand. ibe • Governme lief that the folly constdcr dtlon which tire trouble• f the t'rbvtnce. Special Prices --ON— Rail Sleighs DOUBLE RAIL sumo -.-T—, --IPMUI THEY LAST J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer Hamikes Street, Caloric"' PHONICS: Store 880: R.s. ase their in the ware - Fin• water, U M re w ill tel them reeelved from the owners' Assuele- thelr grievance' Tmrvffrbr 3f _ frau the action of compelling the eou- idlatlitlrs W the Parents du not *Tway* realise the er the 1933 City splendid pork tbe teachers are doing ballot! Act. ,Many In helping the children to understand resulted, the 'letter the higher things of life, saki the assistance of other speaker, who claimed that if we could asked in haviug have clover po-o ration oat. lectsouL, the chu a the home, life expressed the be- ! would lot raised to a higher plane." r ought to be care- I Mrs. el)' C. Cott, past president, was ■s It set forth a con -.1h1 ebae of a brief buslnea* overtop, possibilities of fut- k-& --wM 1t was decided to make a very municipality In ' nation he special committee The special committee will conaider the matter at an early date. It was bated out that. it may be to aeeure employer's Liability lnsuraace to protect the town, and tae opinion was expressed by many that the cost of such protection .would be greater than were the tees charged by Workmen's Com*ltlmtion Marg. Manielpal Prisoners Another new regulation emanaj111g from Toronto Wei that which provl that any person arrested within the confines of the town of t.oderlch shall ire considered a municipal . prisoner until such time As be has -appeared before a mastst7$S and (lean com- mitted to jail. During such time the town .hall pay the cost of his upkeep at the rate of 73 cents per day. This notification was received from the once of the Sheriff. The correct deenttlon of "municipal prisoner" -i. lett In some doubt, bat the above M believed to he substantially eorreete-- ytrmery the maintenance of all prisoners while awaiting sentence has been a direct charge on theesnnty. Plenty .t'There wee wee mach business before the council. Prior to the commencement of the regular meeting, Eire Chief George Beacom was queetloned regard- ing ston-aaembers.of the fire department who assisted the firemen in fighting floe blaze In the C. C. Lee shipchand- Two letters were read by Mayor as Income tax leaned by the He atatt.l that be worked out cipallties now come taxes; w The 11 the The wrote t - ' W vs to send In Its membersbip„gee and tersend someone is the eeawntfsn aeon t - be held' The poblk worths committee vas asked to -deal with the proposal. " The Astisclation elf Korai Munici- palities also suggeslld•that Goderich ought to become ■ manlier and named a -fee. - The finance eserrolttee will deal with the. matter. The Department of Agriculture sent information regerdlig the provsalons of the Weed Control -do and the spe- cial committee will ttttmider bow these affect Goderich. Thos. R. Weir, * Stretford. sub- mitted prices for a miw supply of dog tags for 1930. The tpecial committee will decide on Oda s model. Jotrn Oswald, the vet. surgeon who did the work on t1R jafii Mees during the fall, wrote Note Woodstock seg- gesting that nor If a good time to complete certain s details of the work, but Councillor Cralgle the council to allow the work to stand over until a mole favorable time! The council agreed Law Aessunta The finance cooteittee will deride oa the renewal of the town's subscrip- tion to The Muelpipal World, and a communication the Dunlop Tire and Rubber Coupiny was sent on to the fire committee A number of ■c- oounta, lncltaffnt ' 'sr from the law- yers engaged to • re for the town's (Oontinud on page 7) ILacEwan from J. Albert1 the aet're- of the Ontario. Masons' Hon. lane suggested that a fee of 13 be forwarded for the weneral upkeep of the organization and the other dis- eusaed the convention to be held In LUzLllias .sat Jane and asksg toe aog- gesilona and poaslble invitations from a more centrally located city for the February coavemtlon. --The finance committee met both communication*. H. R. Long wrote aiTll Anti- inn M- vance of $200 ma the grant' to the pub- lic library. The flnance- QW 1ttee was elven power to act In the Matter sad -H_ will also Iry : -iii'a34e 11900 to the Collegiate Ieatitete board Ike the sett of !'hist tpar7. The Ontario Municipal Asrodatka suggested joining and In a letter *ta- nned the shams and objects of the or- ganisation. The finance committee *gala will function. Asks Refund L. E. Ilancey In a letter asked the refund of two sums, 87.60 paid 1n 11134 and 13.130 paid In 1985, on road oil assessments on MS residence on St. Vincent street. The public works cNlmlttee will enquire into the claim. TileSalvationArmy in London wrote requesting the usual grant to assist to the upkeep of the Reserve Home there. The finance committee will look Into It. The Marine hockey club, through their secretary, A. D. Doak, asked.for police protection for their games at the rink. it appears that at a recer4 game young men and boys gathered In front of the rink threw snowballs and Ice at patrons and made themselves generally dlwagreeable. After the game commenced they nnade their way to the back of the rink and forced a _4. FREE TO ANY FARMER Th. Royal bank has booklets, prepared by competent authorities, on livestock, POuhry, and Writer Systems. Many farmers have bund these books interesting and helpful. The book will be glad to supply a copy of on one of these booklets on request, free of t go. THE Tr tli' ROYAL BAN CANADA - i :' :R atuall • • • y., t 0. FAITMAN, Tax $10 to• the Goderich welfare board. ;*There wilt be an oratorical contest In March and April for the toys an4 girls of the school. was received from A abort program was prestmtod as of the 'Mention of follows: Violin solo by Donald Vick - err; vocal solo by Miss Leah Grlff; tap dance by Maxine Kelly xylophone solo by Helen Wilson. The actom- pautst was Min Forster. . t Ontarh, to collect diplon to that cat- ion Govtrnmen Ise provision would bj fbose mini- ng their own lu- be compensated. will consider ASK WAGES Only one case was on the docket ' -before Magletrate .1. A. Making os Thurwlny last. Two men, en -workers In a bush twenty-one utiles from 1 od- Kenneth (leen." ZIon 8 S , .Granton, erf.'h• asked for back wage- allegedly ‘11 -4.*1111117-oa. Ererjeik_ Iatt7Z'fafm 'T1f"46S.8i- James St SS Exeter; Merlon Pooley, for himself and a partner and James Zion SS., Branton 11.1(.1: Margaret Marsh, Wtngham ; Alma Skinner, Cen- ralla. Jnnlors (10 and 11 years; -Ann Morgan, Thames flood SS., 11.11. 1, Qall: Norman -Mundy 'tented S W inghaut ; Jean Brock, Zion 8.8.. Granton, 11.11.1: Neil Jones, James St. SS., Exeter: egtutl--Nolo Perk -Ina James St. S.S, Exeter, and Dither yawn, Ilracaileld-_._ _ Juniors 18 and 9 peers) -James Moakley, Itepttst S.S., Winghem; Er1- mi Jaques, Zion S.S.. Granton, 11.1.1. 1; Betty Allan, Brucefetd : Marjorie Zion S.S.. Urant. "1C -R. 1. Zion S.S., Gr ton, has woe the shield given by be county W.0 T.U. for the third time, having had 100 per cent. of Its enrolment writing on the temperance study course. Nell claimed x128.1 The cow' w•as adjourned a week. — "It 1s doubtlees more difficult to make souls g.srse-atA'p than tees.- -Enid Ludwig. 81LBNCR iR GOLDEN Politician: "Congratulate,mr-dear; I waif elected:" ^ - - - - His Wife: Wife: '"ITnneetlyl'"• Petitlulam: "Why_ bring that up?. •dtcoteedtetl oa4b 411` NACVIS VICKS COUGH DROP • , ,Issiati .1 19111W -so `Have' YOU taken advan i• NEW RATE&�i Goderich Maintains High S l ding .Among Grain-rece' ' ng`Ps Statement showing grain *hipped by veasel from Fort Witham and ('ort Arthur through the Lake Shippers; Canedien Ports Wheat Oats Port Colborne 12,400,$11 1,552,57(1 Montreal 9,400,701 1,503,951 Kingston ., ...,,, 7,792,382 719,003 Midland 5,6014.461 8,27 514 Gader1eY » ..» 5,937,096 59c5,206 Toronto 8,400426 518,736 Port McNicoq »,,, 8,309.242 107,940 Sarnia 8,503,101 131,011 Prescott..... -....e 2,981.445 Owen Sound' 1,1(34,8:38 775,972 Tiffin 1,330,0.30 Sorel 1,006,5/19 15,070 Quebec 870,005 165,268 Collingwood 372,790 Depot Harbor 246,000 Walkerville 91,650 flea ra nee As.-- . _._.,41910l_pWMd. August let to a of navigation, De- cember 10th, 1 00,441,298 9,420,748 in the shove statement It Is ahnwn that (loderIch stands fifth among the Canadian receiving ports; exceeded only by such export points as Port (7olborne, Montreal, Klngstnn sad Midland. it stands eeennd among the Lower i sire dommalle palnte, et - crawled only by Midland, where there is a .notate Papaclty oL . 1vt mUUot0. bushels. • Be rley 745,402 1,761,910 612,627 13x,942 Zt1,ON2 122,722 90,000 287,040 30,861 04.220 90,510 Canadian Flat Rye Total 37,01) 110,000 14,833,839 214,051 48,756 12,990,487 9,118,912 9,009,917 74.7!0 46,000 0,892,854 40,Irct 4,181072 8,797,182 8.084,112 8,190,004 491 2,075,882 1,830,039 1,189,474 1,128,769 872,790 94(1,000 91,660 4.158,S*$ 3711819 294.291 74.620, 472 01 tate 198,8(2.309 bushels of West- ern (lasadise gale shipped from Port William and Port Arthur between An - Fist let and December 401.11. 1986, 54.2411,57e buiMle wont to American Imre ports, of whkh Buffalo alone resolved 54,811.e16 buahela; wh Uuk. encrocate 4moNUM Jtost cana- dlas elevators was 74,825.472 bushels. lees e _ TELEPHONE CALLS? • Already it is apparent that telephone users appreciate the advantages of recent changes in Long Distance rates. Will YOU bear them in mind: - NIGHT RATES on "Person -to -Person" Calls Calls to a particular person are now available (on all but short - haul messages) at reduced rates after 7 p.m. Hitherto, discounts have been made at night only on "Anyone" (station -to -station) calls. The discounts on moot "Person -to -Person" night calls are the same in money as on "Anyone" calls. WEEK -END RATES rates will apply all day Sunday am both "Person -to -Person" — - and "Anyone" calls. This means that the lowest rates for either "Anyone" or "Person -to -Person" calls are available continuously from 7 p.m. Saturday to 4.30 a.m. Monday. NIGHT RATES on "Anyone" Calls To pointe where the Day "Anyone" rate is 50 cents or less, the discounts for Night calls are reduced or discontinued. That is, some of the present 25- and 30 -cent Night rates are increaaed by 5 or 10 cents. These diaeount inducements to call while the tide of traffic is lower are replaced by the more attractive Night "Person -to -Person" and Weekend reductions. This is the fifth important revision of Long Distance telephone rotes within the past seven years. In both social and business affairs the new Week -end and Night rotes offer you a broader service at a lower cost. Ask your Long Distance Operator for the new rotes. H. 8. GRIT, Menage, • G • is .,,eG «y:�?�t... rYB • `,S,d6 .... z., •t 1 T$1)a t! • i.t cools r.'a•_• vt�are-rw eaw"^"s...