HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-16, Page 4iVVIdiode, -Mauna, lie
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Thomas lliompson — AdvertisrigrManager Subscription ratesativance:
'Pat tivingston — earterai'Manager
• —Editor
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After 'ituran MPP 4ack Itidskill was 'replaced last week as -the
minister of !:A-gricultura lend :food, he spoke of the accomplislumants
-he is most proud of: 'the -tripartite 'red meat stablikation program
the -family ihirm interest -rate -reduction plagram and his ,involvement
with ,itnproviements to MI1213 insurance.
tahsts-tobeavertaaked, 4sawineer, was rtinvfetit 4hat Mr. Riddell fign-
proved the profile Of 'Isis Ministry.
last's +ace it, aorkulture is not ritigh on the „priority list Of most
1203011e at`,Queens 1 -Park in Iron:alto.
L'faninarszare aspected „to pay -4digh interest -rates, ascpdpeannt is ma-
-pensive, the weather is always a ,:poiblemand 11:anadians vaunt itheap
food .prices. 'Theme are fruit co fwOf The pr ins, vat :fanners are
always expected -to %deliver -the goads.
Mr. Riddell "nought ,with ihim a :wealth ,af experience and paper.
tise to the portfelio Of agriculture minister. He was so secal,
nonsense pelltkion. At 'the same lime -he ntabitcshved0 timporaus
schedule which meant he was seen •and ,heard. JAr. RiImove /he
agriculture industry the publicity it aoudad and sieeervedl.
:Some ,may argue that Mr. Mitidoll did mot ,,,jika :Ammo* toiaentifit .01be
agriculture industry, but Whet pOlititien averaelassall prob—lerns. We
aunt -remember that -1.0MAT Beed to work with a 'Melted Jaudget When
the mak' ;:focus Of 'the provincial government •is'ilecidth and Miucation.
,addition, hlsmlflhstry -tiapondsmi lhearWiranntental I/rabbet=
by introdutbm load Systems 2002. !This prOject WH1 attempt Ito
alintinate.sp to 150 per aentOf,altenticals .aased ,son amps.
,politician sannot Akeadi i1t iorUII peolifie,.Aust Mr. rabbi& I ter.
his £b.st This.isi',axeriatillfied tby *is :,four i! years iAsOMAT
-minister. 'lour ,quars in one sehhmt -past .is c 4annoricnible atilionfo-
llnent ,-for any politician - lust alkl,former •licaeling Minister MVivo
,vHisonk who AVM ,Alber01 si r. .iiirifortionatitily Icor
her, Ittwe&sutotheri4terr gwilith,anded Amer ambitions.
ton 'illieweitesorld).
Rambler recalls1.
outh einfilOYIllent by 'Pat tiVingStoh •
ing the new .einners as to their ability tO
bandit The job.
-Gettinga part tiine job at that tint
wasn't all that easy. I recall my teusita
Hazel, who was ,alreatly wroliting 'there,
putting in e good wo1d for me, but after
that it was up to me to prove myelf.
As I locik back? 1 believe that this firg
job of mine finally gave me some ton-
-fidence in dealing with people. Intim
you will find it hard to believe, but as a
young girl 1 was quite shy around people.
II was even known le faint when having
to give a speech in school. What a
ference a few years makes.
Wages were Aaround a $1.00 an hour and
of mese we got our own tips from ap-
preciative customers.
Acouple of years ago, Mr. Pixit and I
dropped into Perks for breakfast, while
visiting in Brampton. It still has the open
grill and the booths looked the same. As
I sat there I recalled the numerous miles
I had walked working there. It was fun,
but most importantly, it was my beginn-
ing in the work force and a most
valuable learning experience. Of course
back then, all 1 thought of it as was a
job with some money coining in.
The six young people featured in the
student employment story more than like-
ly feel That way now, but 1 know down -
the road they will 'remember their sum-
mer -employers and whatever they are
doing today will stand them in good stead ;
in the future.
In* Wetk your roving reporter -comb.
ed the ',greets :of tlowittovvia Lueknow
search for Students 'employed by local
businesses for the summer.
As I briefly talked to six young people,
my Mind reverted to the days When I too
was a Student VW worked part time in a
restaurant. It was :at open grill type
estsiblishmeit loesitethon a busy corner .in
.dowiltown-trampton, where 1 was *rafted.
l•Enown as-'Peries 'Family Restaurant, it
catered mainly to leech time -crowds,
after school crowds and .in the evenings
the young people gathered there to enjoy
their cherry cokes and french fries. `Mew
a night 1 sat in The front booth watching
a retain yourig man drive by in his priz-
ed car, wondering how 1 could get his at-
tention. Ili/laity did and tave held his at-
tention for 21 years, tut that's another
My attire included one of those
waitress dresses that buttoned up the
front, a cute little matching apron and to
complete the ,outfit pert* little cap,
that was ;attached with bobby pins. The
colour scheme was yellow with a soft
green trim. To complete my ensemble I
donned a pair of white canvas runners
(waitressing is a killer el the feet).
These uniforms were provided by the
owners of the taisiness,mul it was up to
as to,lteep them :clean and misp looking.
I remember the cook who tad a
memory like a sponge. We milled out our
orders to :him and 1 „met remember him
ever messing up an order.
I remember an older lady that was in
Tharp, when Air. Balton ,wastft around.
She was likea mother -10 all Of as , yoing
girls that worked there, always rase, -
PS. Thanks to the interested reader
Who kindly pointed out that my spelling
is not improving. It sure is bard to be
i[Proto The =onerous Tespeases the Ras -
feel ,editor is reveiVlig, it %toad 'near
that a owed =Mbar lef 'readers eAryllac
;Memoirs ream= llohartsSeott -of S. .7,
Luelmow stibmitteil 1s *tare if Ajobt
laqie,steers bolo** Ito YosterMoliat of
Lap were *Wed y taw& in
July 4919. The desd nirnsJs all lay sear
a small -cherry iree *here had one
for oloalter.2lie free itholvt4siigs of hav-
114g 'been Ibit by lobe Wising. /an sad
Stay 'Thomas sud lawny caddy an this
'10 years :age
ugust Ai, J919
An ,organization sweating -.0 ucknow
.._teinperance.workerswasJek in
room of the Methodist 'Church :on -Toes-
day evening. ,?Attive
workers was ..:forined, And a Ndgoto.us
iuppitygn Ibe-carried on.
to ;;L,i. 1101e0Owzthis meek .."
tow tthe -iSitU4tiOrte,7Prgalfir.'
M*s Money w1UiuI knowOj. 1er
Uailels In,letratforlf•
;351111Ws-,:all.:1001.10Uar•flitis-**,: —
wjtb Inapy ..other :towns,
prevedling -conditions, the 'Vowel' ,feels
that it is -doing 'fairly men
'The Luekuow 41411 Atom Added to Its
laurels on Monday ,evening 1when it
I:Ideated the Loehalah team Jay_a more ,of
440, AndlAtere ,is-fuotbmg „Slow About the
Loaholskiboys. .&WwliatterY
win 41111,4faCloefin AllillgaMshaVe zeOrne sin
40 -nip; go
lAissistM, 1149
Argaa Vlock,Aifiliginotakti .71* fiat
work in install* /9for„tinler Lin
3then -the Rase ,Of the
fiel Ins -At An
feet on
-mast -
k lace t lee quare mith
f-.7,01114$ ligos four .by 14*
-gift* ,v111 Uwe
,A444s, • It isa
nd IllaVed -An 1the
1part of. the'41.C1c 400
trpl,'0140 s',operated
*IRS -not yet beep
As wall A -manual:aeon ixtarsi 10 feet
.by 4 feet has been installed 'by the „some
firm. This has -been .paced on the front
end of the -pliDary at the r.east *at
c.25 years *go
4uust MA
See 21/Y '''.81e101111401: 'That extensive
lenovatiOns„hasw beenmade to the John
SiaXIMIde 'Awe** 'Vicarage 4,100#: with
new Jighting givng.a pew4001E49'14e VW-
nr ofampie11-40,1-Imisok• Upon in
stallaUonof a,new wjndow, work 401131e
is i0310***, **Woo
-4,11)* ir.o!re 'SS
-definite when ,be may
146117140, WOK
nguelft years :105441, 19°79
Farmers after tornado -
Fifteen ‘asbfield (farmers took a slay from
their fielcls ;at a inlay time of the year to
*elp with the ,olelinnp IP (the WOCIOStoeli
Orc,a, 'following .the tornado Mpg Y.
9r,ganlaosl bYCAleto WW1, Ins** Of
the Ashflols1 fieflorAtion of "Nitioultnre,
the :temp worked n the foro of
iiow401,41•10olleAr '940131 entre, four
MOO 11,9,116041-9f Woodstock.
ii,0001101.1310011 .of
It Street and
-09110.1410.4911 .sewers 0!) *MOW
*PO 4910, 0413 re;)).(Wr
t 4I*4s roxi this pgar4
-.404witloo,NO 'rtunw down. The
4010.* thisyOr is
$90 isithe
-ronigi, 9r As :available.