HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-16, Page 3JVliIe
ine tCiub revitallzes
1BY MIKE cvimuseuArr
The -physical:work As 4ust stattingjor
the 410 =an "-crew tIof the Nine LMite
Steelheaders fNMS) but their stream
rehabilitation project, underway ;An the
..Lneknow area, lutsen iiii the works
for morithsays the ,group'spresident,
Bill Smith.
'The 'ifledgling organization is still An
its first year of operation and their
work, whieh startedSatmday, along -the
Anderson Creek is their ''first
"We're trying .to :improve the spawn-
-Mg beds by constricting the :flow of The
stream (which.makes it run .faster and
cooler) and cleaning the area," says
"We -want to 'make a _good nursery
habitat .and _improve the whole system
A considerable amount of leg work
had to be done before work could start
on the stream. Besides coordinating
plans with :the 'Ministry i3f Natural
Resources, Smith says it masimportant
to get -permission from farmers in the
area,.to work 4111 their land.
"We've - led 'very good luck with the
:farmers An this area.17hey have said me
:can work= their limdmftlyno.probkon
at all," :notes Smith
"Inthevast,lishPrman iregporming.on
land and, being ignorant to :the :farmers
bas.been a.:probkmrbuteverything has
gone well for as."
:NMS 1as Also :been :involved with
katTheThrt ,Albert fiSh ladder, in
ooperation '-With the Maitland Valley
-Anglers Association (MVAA). They
,bave Assisted With the strippb3g and 'fer-
tilization of . eggs.
This -Saturday NMSTmembers will be
working :at theladder filling in snagg-
ing holes, enhancing :the substrate (bot-
tom) and treating .pools.
For ;their .help -at the ladder, MVAA
:donated 40080 :fingerlings to the NMS to
be released up strewn. Additionally,
more :than :1300 _male and female trout,
were taken from the ladder and
transported to "the :upper reaches of the
"Were just starting at the top and
working our way down. This should in -
'traduce 'fish to an area where There
haven't been very -many in _a long
time," says Smith.
When this summer's -.project is com-
pleted; Smith says:plans. for next year's
work is already :being planned.
"There's a 'part of St. Helen's Creek
.that needs to havesome heaver dams'
torn llown and .there are some :logs that
need to be :removed," he Axplains.
Earlier this summer there 'had been -a
noticeable garbage problem at the fish
ladder but garbage pails -were 'set up
and Domtar donated a Johnny On 'The
Spot, says Smith.
"Yon -.don't aft too much garbage
aramd.there :anymore. It has been pret-
ty clean," he says.
Village to become active
• • irimrpage 1
posting program in accordance with
Ministry of Envircmment :funding
Council mill encourage :the Area
Recycling -Committee to purchase a se-
cond ,collection vehicle to serve the
.village of ,t• ow .,as *part of 'Mese .2.
Mill Bates
Bylaw 12-1989-mas passed [setting :the
mill rate for the Village. The -residential
mill rate for public !school supporters is
57'.53.0, compared to 1988's 52:768.
Residential for separate :school sup-
porters is 17:548, compared to 52.648.
The commerrial rates -respectively in -
=eased from 62.080 .07,682, and 61.940
to 67.763.
Lueltuov Satinet iVtdoesdity, August 1169 110—Page
1-mcknowlsA9lh mmad 3aniftVaStiwi1
proved to ran '.-suectesthil. /..Atten-
-dance was tip by 400 for the two 'day
event As :heavy mains came downprior
to Triday's 12 moon opening.
.Most ,ereers reported brisk sales
mhile ,spectators :commented on the
quality and 'variety of -cries.
afairsliea WI. catered on Triday
the ladies .;of thegiicitltural Society
,satigied ',their Appetites on 'Saturday.
'The three .7major winners were first,
Mrs7-WM. Tartish,R.3 Lucknow; se-
'cond, Marg araemer, 'Walkerton; third
Joey '1100gina, 11.2 llolyrrod.
?Many of ;the crafters donated door
lor, tuyi
Weputsoixi Liege into
"bin Andrew
Lucknow 4284725.
August 20 -
Ito:know Vatted ,Thurch
1Peiticer: *of. McF_ariane
Aeve Maatiane
Ital(10,5 AT:10100 Adol.
;,;priaes. '13he Almon and zWinners mere:
Ilowidd,BettyMoncriefiVoiderieh; Bale
w.T. • • -, timid Todd, Point Mirk;
Bruce -,Co. Tartan, Margaret Boudrot,
Kincardine; Mary .Lou 'Cameron, -Betty
7.11aneca, -Ripley; :De Boers, Mrs. -Ram-
say, Lucknow; and Bruce Marren,
-,Ajax; .Madl'herson, Lillian Abbott,
Lucknow; 'Rutherford, Lynn ,Alton,
Lucknow; Wilkins, Lou Jinn *Caren,
Guelph And Marie "Wilfong, Listowel;
tEckenswiller, Sandy Wayland, ifincar-
dine; Waster, Elizabeth Ablaut, -Eit-
"thener; Rome Sweet atone, Anne
Thonipson, Winghatn; Heu1ston, .endra
?union, Whitby; rian/Pbell, Sonia iron -
111 ASS C
riPAULMIN 104411
MX,01411010 ',003.1.74
4,040411EN210N ,411,04710
100110W ,zfarnow to fin.h, excalient
20.0 ACRES --„pasture,.:Vnines 1.wp. „well
411M - 100 Acres with ;,•06
3:bedroom .briokborne.rodrtern ,larrowtoe
shed Ashlietdlyip.
1:416,44CRESAmsture, 'men ...lonoost ,spring
,ormiek, igAores bardvaeo.lepat0;00.
lijhoehgeorinororooKottororlIWW.Mi004.0. • .:
:52 .40t0 ACM '0.10.011:VS,
4.`t:W .i.49SsaftOrii,,..1440P •
.14010,t0W. -.:Abfigirebrn "A00,wift j�pt,
..0.1nroinmoks100, fruit arso.s,409*04,1000t
GaryMeWMnney ileft)andBillSmith,oftbeNineMileSteelheadandSalmennthermen
gronpoaretwomembers-Whaameompletingrehabilitatlanworkalong Andersontreek.
nedy, Belmont; Bt. Mary's C.W.L.,
Margaret Jam ies on , ckn ow ;
Messenger, Kathy _Howald, Lucknow;
Koch Calico Cutters, Kathy 'Todd, St.
Helens, "Doom Sutton, Lucknow; and
Meyer, Casandra Irvin, Wingham.
—Forever against the Jaws of nature.
—Which -contradicts itself.
—Whichcamiot stand:examination.
—Which 'cannot stand the light.
—.Which cannot stand occasional defeat.
—For long which is based on pretense.
invites *vet:Ame e
at Wiartorea Blue Water Park
Aug, 27, start at
0 0
free refreshments
0 0