The Signal, 1936-1-23, Page 2•� • 4� 3 -Thursday, January 23rd, 1996 THE SIGNAL Iry She 39»1 lanae once Isla mimeo. •/ 0•w.d400 weekly Mew.p•pavi ass•aa/w GODERICH CANADA Published every Thursday morning. yytibec'rlptio11 price $2.00 per year, 0.90 it paid lu advauce. Subscribers is United States wilt please add for postage. Mit SIGNAL PRINFIN(i CO., LTD. W. H. Rosentior, Editor sad Uarlaior are still far If Mussoli figurer that planer can British trans{ time to bring valley. Caught bet tM crackers of Libya and ):u ea, a small Brlttab army would ye dight chance •f king a am ' astut stand. Probably th is one of the reasons Britain has tested on French co- operation. Frepice always Lar large e ss 1b.1isbr+ xlhgar, may rt of those of Italy. strikes. he doubtless submarines and the Medtterraue• is and so give RIM a armies tutu the bili +attacked him only a few days before - - ;his death. - '� L ��'� The Empirl Bourse l? s .J with ...W -_ ,.{_+.._ u nfeigned appreciation of his untiring it the age elf 'tertydns Klee Ed-. devotion to his duties as sovereign, of ward VIII Is 01111`i[ eebelor, and his ooustant Interest in the welfare seems likely to_nmah one. The mic- a his people, of his human qualities cession is welt provided for; land of sincerity and kindliness and Ms surely the bead of the greatest Eo- maoetestattelM-afa.eer of p�iat ewer twai_V .ntltled t0 me expremions o gr at -the heart of rfi rllegerlre • 1 so the Empire are not more sinrerellian l I • { , • a_ 7. aaeary� LI- IOZaselll r:VIn- L11.1OI The King is dead. bong live the King! King George V bee been gathered to his fathers. and King Edward VIII reigns in hi. stead. With startling suddenness the sews at the late King's illness carne upon the world, although cable dispatches indicate that for some time he had been In a very feeble state of health. His nearly fatalrj9 ss of 128 had so undo , h rength and les- sened his powers of resistance that be mould not throw off the malady that Itali 1`• 4vlpple c . auritita.' w!I would omall co the Bed Befit. Would be enabled to ring in Indian troops. But the issue would be long in doubt and it is evident that the Brit1Th Goys ernmeut hada such poaslhIllty h mind when t1-wtd•sM-h p -who!. navy south. t The venture, too, is on a tctent- ty gandlose stale to appeal t++ usso lint. lie wants to be a second.Claesar and Egypt WO the biasing diamond in Caesar's crown N.,��- These events may seem _T$ probable to PWP3C tiA _Nit__411110111 continent, but trained otiiiei•fa Heel that Armageddon may be oaii short weeks away. are those thousands of miles away in The birthday of King Edward VIII Canada and other portions of :he great is June 23rd. While the adipid will British Commonwealthetherpeculiar of Nations. doubtless be observed as was the It Is a rather peculiar combination of 'birthday of King George, It 1s edt like- characteristica that the British people I ly popular holiday. The "Queen' birth - to displace the 24th of May as a expect of their sovereign. As the re - ' e day" is solidly established-Ii+i'� jC'an- t the Empire must be dignified, of ads. at any rate -as the first Imoii ay n oble and stately deportment in his 'of the summer mason.. public appearances -"every inch a King" Yet nothing delights them more than an instance of their King's democratic tastes, of simplicity in his daily life, of hta devotion to family and other ordinary human affairs, of his interest In the things witch the lowest of his subjects understands and loves. . The tows of Strathroy is out W bio - vide itself with a swimming pool for its citizens. The Age -Dispatch de- voted practically the whole of its front page last week to boosting fqt the idea. It is too bad Strathroy can't pack up and move over to Lake ll�elh.ron. 1'p here in the Blue Water elWntry These somewhat contradictory email -we have nature's own pool, and the ties Klatt George posseaa.d. r y best, right It our frout-tlsor:- - that Inspired both the pride aid the • • • love of his subjects. It may not hold any particular alg- And as the new King, who long'a�o as the young Prince welt the Lew of. mall people, takes 'up the wrapt.e erg kingship there le every resin to be - nee, but the year 1996, In addi- to being itiap -ream-is Mae a sari. year.' The muare'rebt et 1936 Neve that In the discharged the Ila- M 44. The "Forty-Niners" of Call - ties of his high office he will =Mgtui saw the last year that ;conk' the mol industry and courage ail rgwred, 1541) having as its Square tmaelleh devotion to the interests d root the number 43. The present _. __. . _ r ban. been set apart by many as the madam sad the Empire that were one of special significance. Possibly as aplendWly manifest mug. father, tete numerologists have an ex{lanat� King Edward VIII has served an for it apprenticeship that should fit him in • t special way for his duties to retr- •_.�_ • Home newspapers don't think much {{5S to the huge Empire that has Iof the achievements of certain town - _wows ep around the Britieb crows. He has travelled throughout the Em-Iships la keeping clear of debt and at Ore more extenmtvely than any of his I the ams time piling up n surplus. TI b dl t i ttltudr Who s few years ago, these tow:mintst did s ■r y a a r • r,. pvedecessors; knows better the minds,tat ' m the wishes, the problems and the abl- fleas of the various races and peoples • the e tar -flung Empire Ile is known to Canadians through several visits 1 municipalities who were proud of be - to this country, he is the personal I ing spenders. Now they are eujoj-Ing not go in for squandering their money they were called. Isckward by the w o ner of property 'In Western Canada: the people of this Dominion, claiming equal status with eters other pert of the Commonwealth. will regard him •. their King in their own right as markups no previous sovereign was. May his reign be a long and illus- trious, • happy and peaceful one. EGYPT THZ OBJECTIVE? It is becoming apparent that Bri- tain fears an Italian attack oo Egypt. As • British officer expressed it to an American correspondent, "if war comes, Egypt will be 'The Front.' " There seems to be reason behind the the fruits of frugality and ought to have whatever '-kudos" there is in It. • • • A news item in last week's papers said that a motorist up In Grey coan- ty was "forced" to run down and kill a partridge which refused to Sy at hIs nt approach. By way d corast, a Goderlr•b motorist, driving seethe out - ,p 'e» GASPERS -- ,e, By Ken Catto Spm, women rip what they sew. Times are gettiug better--penhasd- lere ape as tIng for a dime now, instead of asiebelli for a cup of coffee. • • • What the world needs today is few- er 1 and more profits. • • • Peopled today are cleaner. All the dirt is sonrentratetl in the modern nowt. r .4fbpal.tud bangs one hears these days Jetta few Nd► Year's resolutions lm' b .ken. • • • - 'lithe West made $399,1tet in 1934. ideas will probably show her popularity by means of a curve. ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, Jan. 21. -The mem- bees of the Women's Institute held ata enjoyable at-home in the hall on YyMry evening, when progressive metre was played The prisefor the. Way for theew by Mr. Jelin Alaabsta. ldwe ltd %mete for the dance that CoUd was furnishes' by the Craig orchestra et 8t. Augustine and by Mtwara J. D. Anderson and Chester Taylor: mala i MIN Ferguson, qui" d" a visitor with fieri cousin, vitas vert T5Llur._ - NILE NILE, Jan` 21. -The church 'services 'ir?tffe- lilt! tftrtte 9[et the end of February, with the Sunday school immediately at the_ clove. At • recent meeting of the Y.P.S. it was decided to hold their meetings alternately Sunday and Friday even- ings. The next meeting will be held on Sunday evening, January '26. Mrs. E. Seguss spent a few days Lest week with her daughters in Goderich. Mr. (;baster Pi& ts of Detroit, Presbyt Mee Officers Ila -Reports All Every January Huron Presbyt Presbyterian held its annual and every year frhe Presbyterian c hearty welroma lug dinner and waists to go it comes so always seems union. Friends each other tr. srteldessaireenser Newcomers are have a place a the family. The meeting 14th, was quit many happy the singing of lesson by Mrs. dent, in well the need of an for the menthe of the Kin "Youth faces a young boys tato este them le t Gospel. Jean nal." She t ehlld whose fa and, huplr g the child a Iter. The the rt Idlff?f map. -Howd he asien. the hack, 4 *ties. world.." they Ili'1rat. standing; , sec•o odti outer of'brayer; _iGod has pros Visited over the week -end at the home of Me. and Mn', J. McCann, -MrR- Brown, who had ben visiting her par-. ents since Christman, accompanied him house on Sunday. Miss Emily McGratten is spending a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. E. Johnston, of Cedar Valley. Miss Alice Pomeroy, nurse-in-trala- lug at Victoria hospital. London, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Rev. D. W. and Mrs. Pomeroy. Weseea's Guild. -The Nile Ladies' Guild held their first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. John Feagad -Tuesday sfternooa, with a good attendance of both members and visit- ors.' The vice-president, Mrs. H. Wat- son, presided. After the devotional part of the program several items of beahasas wars dtseaessa sea l!e las dosed with the benediction- --. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. C. l)ustow, Mrs. C. Feagan and Mrs. J. Feagsn and a social hour was spent. Y. P. S. Meeting. --The Y.P.S. held 1 their meeting last Friday evening 1n. the church, with the missionary coo - eerier. Carl Fipnlgan, in charge. After a hymn and praLr by Ma Cantwell. Isobel Girvis read the Scripture lesson and Carl Finnigan ye a short reading. -. th McPhee then led In ■ discussion on "Inequality and Its Results in Our Community." Musical nuinhefs were given by Messrs. Edgar Shepperd. Kenneth and Jim Parrish, and Ralph Brodie gave a couple of moathorgan selections. The vice-president, Harvey McPhee, took charge of the business, after which the meeting closed by all repeating the Mlzpah benediction. The recreational committee tben provided several games and contests. Sidi) with lea lebjective so that Interesting away, *steed a pre an appatia- goat Dace she Perhaps because ✓ librlsttiaa It ppy Welly re- tie have /mown the missies* re o feel theg, too, feel at home in • A y, January eying with its Cala. After 151, the Scripture ty, Qitoa, and of God- h;" od- I marks stressed of gratitude extension like said, Brian the aed edu- sp eading the the'ludlvid y ae a little treble to read it peace, gave - he world to pat was surprised at !d `ifs' to Itni rt Nm I gut the The township council met at 11 a.m. coming season. and also authorizing I twommeeemememy JANUARY SPECIALS! AMP eA DRAPERIES , ' . BATH TOWELS 50 -inch Heppe and heavy silk, in. the now Heavy Jacquard fancy absorbent weave pat- fubbw Bagdad we*ves. Colors greens, rose, tent( Rose, green. Size. 22 z 45.cap rust, crimson, etc. All new. Regular $1-•:-� ,,.$,,t:oG -January ha.li,Prif�l _- .-- $1.25 and $1.35. On sale, yard LACE CURTAINS inches wide, patterns. Tailored IOT7 *lid 95c ecru. Regular $1.48. sir •.+ .. FINGERING WOOL 4 -ply qualit) Scotch. scarlet, 1/4-tb. skein.. SHAWLS Regular $135, *soh TABLE CLOTHS Gre rliel$llthsr black. Pure linen, good weight and with neat col - 30c !tone, green, gold. 56 inches Re valuri�3 1 ' ,sr,"- �� -- "Bonnington�', 4 -ply pull -on style. Greys, black, browns, Ian. Kies 6 to 81/2.59 Regular $1.00 quality. Pair PILLOWSLIPS WCalhaw's+, of good weight. Snow white, hemstitch. Size 42 z 34. Regular 70c. Per Pair `Y January Sale FLANNELETTE Horrockses' 36 -inch best English lidaael, free from filling or dressing. Regular 35e. Yard 27 -inch Domestic white Flannelette11 Regular 14e. Yard t W. ACHESON & S&N= trs•O/�W�yN1�IQW.�I�Pp C((��UNCUS acials and fixing their salaries at the l 'PESTS Laa.T! J]F - 3fr - ramp as -lost -yeas- We OUP iii for souther is y.- -- It laws -- Bylaws Non and 6, providing for test at powers; what we can 'Puffer for teat of love.-Westeott- attraq OF , wNSl Ut' CY)LIN►JUNE 1 other is the ass's maan n -nn on. 'ro- e=t�dttun• out's*, tuwushlp rads this , an January 13th as per statute. Mem-- the Rawl and treasurer to borrow , mot1,1 ives kw hers all present, the entire r'ouucll of money from time to time, were both I your under- 11835 returning as a result of acclama- reed and {nested. e use of the tion at the nomination weetiug hefti- est. eld A considerable amount of tsars be- e N give mesas as December 30th. Each member sub- lag still unac'c'ounted fur. the collet: - The Eich fellow- scribed tp the statutory declaration of tot's time was extended on• month. g ld_yp�earlelae•e. The ,nU.Y•tur and treasurer were - rvork may prult.I ;ltntttellr of last meeting in 1t1= bonded by the Globe Indemnity C•om- ua M/erta were the ted and approved.pony of Canada. reg♦fits sere read by the All eommudi5lons were read -fair The folluw•iug bulls were ordered !various iscre 4 Showing better: Road superintendent's vouchers, , work In a4 depttbtpe'ss. The supply CUnr•il agreed to *Mate $K -h aid $101..4; Frank Mcliwain, relief ac- (secretary, Mies ld, of Goxlc•rlch, "f tkr Auburn public library.- fount. $2.'21 ; Joe Alton, Court of R, - j brought a v rs conceptiuu o[ Tru copies of The Munklpal World vision and mileage, $41.'20: Bank of were ordered for the council and of- Commee, collecting tales, $10.10: missionary w• !brthern d►ntCommerce.Royal Bank, collecting taxes. $625: and Northern i • whenof-Ma &a. I Mrs. Wm. Mellw=ain wits apia,inted s one from Mrs. l;ot)Jtrane, sed j to look after all relief in the township ret Strang Sac- for the year 1936. Members, felt The following amendments were rk seemed very made J1e Altus, assessor ; Wm. Wat- s the multiplir'ity son, collector; Wm. Clark and Thos. .hments of these the stared legacy of Clinton W.N of Clinton. Watson, Marr Shaw, Alden Allen, Mrs. Dealer. of 9alderlch. gave a Jonetball Fisher, pounakeepers. ;ee.eise but mprehealire summary „-- resatii kBylaws' No: I. .., 3-' ad' 4- T.,$wan Smith, rallied Wilson, auditors; Atlas WItson, mem- ter board of health: Geo. Fowler and $14.. i Jarvis McBride, sanitary inspectors: (council adjourned to meet Febrnary Archie Nrx•knlds. Need Inspector: Geo 11th, at 2 p.m. a- pattovd, Vim. (:ret o, M. M.8tranghas, WM. SALLOWS, Clerk. Wm. Thom, sheep valnatnne Virile •'c' . Municipal World, account. $30.33;1 Wm. Sallows, t•ourt of revision work. and division regirtraiion fees, $51.00:' Thus. Wilson, donation to Auburn purr IMS library, 5.:: Earl McKutght, repair work, p•2; Thos. Wilson, agent for Globe In&-iirnity- Winding Company, to theHorton, John Trish. ('ler. Walter, Wm.BL FPNGS was left to the Green. Elfred 1[trore, J. J Robertson ythit$11* "fit, The hers. rt blessings. to uurig tly E. A. Haskell, fence -viewers; Alen, and others. when they are rightly used. are onr time and our money. Thew talents ars cootinitt1 beans of the year's N, ,r or clotting end opportunities d__Odag good her remarks ',by saying. "Without pawned. appointing all the different �Fl--Lewy- Lucknow Citizens Honor -F & T Todd nothing can be dose: with Him all things are possible:' 011eers Imal-awed' Mrs. Lawson. of debater. -read report of Mp soadsatintt committee and Mrs. J. a Grit*, of Seeforth, in- stalled the febeeiog officers for 1936: Honorary presideet' Mr. H. Arnold, Hessen: president: 'Mrs. D. J. Lane. Goderich ; vi epregkfeita. Mrs. G. Macdonald, Clinton' Mrs. C. E. bon- sai). Clinton: Mrs. it R. Redditt, Clod- ericb: Mrs L slues", Exeter; eorres- ponding and rerordlhg secretary, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop. (lsderich; treasurer. T A Seaforth; Y W Ta. Smith. . secretary. Mrs. Wn, Young. Hermit]; C.G.i.T. aeeretary, Was 4t. Campbell, Seifert/3 ; Mimeos :Band . secretary. Mrs. M. Reid. 9ei(Inrth; -home help- ers' secretary. Y Jeekell. Pieter; • • library aid Mere a secretary. Miss Herrington, Blyth; Irome and wel- fare secretary. M . 13ontbron. Hen- Breeden of Grand Chadpion man: Glad Tidings etary. Mrs. E., Lawson. Auburn; ithememberahlp secretary. Mrs. P.I}erfleld, Relgrave; press secr4ary,ti. Keith McLean, Seaforth. The fmderith Signal West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliaacss, Fixtareit ♦ s. --- Electric Wiring of all kinds Estimates gives w appliced's FRAM WARIER Telephone 82 - Goderieh Offers You 111 skirts of the Saratoga swamp last Aberdeen Angus itaat- spring, was confronted by a perky Keay Prgsaft little partridge which seemed isetlded to dispute the right of way. The I St. Helrrta, Jan. '21. -Frank end Tom The nominating (:oderlelh man was not "forced" to Todd, with brought honor to this coca- Mills. Blyth; Mrs, lunutlty when their steer, Eric. sou the W grave, and Mrs. Ptavlse and the spunky little bird, evidentlytly ` granny were emote theltoyal Winter run him down. The car was stopped I Pair, ere emote of honor at a ban- Representative's the l'rovineial appreciating the courtesy, ruffled his fort given by the Booster Club of meeting is. Ottawa tri11 be Mrs. Lane feathers, stepped off the road sad I,IIckno on Friday evening in the and Mrs Thunlop. Goderich,„ and view. aatlhrd the car ranee away. I nruncll chamber. Mrs. Win. Young. Densail, Ret•linea-T • Italy las more than 300.000 armed , • , Over Otte hundred men eujuyed the meetings will he h. shortly after the turkey dinner provided by the Wo- Provincial meeting,' Exeter. Hensel! men in or neer Ethiopia and uearlr least week's sudden rush for radio tfi'e•n's Institute at Rett. and Seaforth no•ding in Reaaall; 100.00(1 more in Libye. licenses once more brings this "ami- The president of the ltrosters' Club, Gorh'rk'h. Clinton end Itayfleld Meet - Both Ethiopian end Italian reports • snucP' tax up for ovrnsid.•ratlum. There Mr. Robert Rae. as toast -mag- ing In- Bayfield 4shuru. Blyth 'sad ladlrate that Italian losses have been I j are taxes and take, and while nese of them are pleasant most people pay Andersen. Retire of LOcknow. The 'retiring ofikwrs was expressed and musette. Is Mrs Porterfield, Bel - n, Clinton. Ives • trivial, so far, and there Is little doubt that her armies could make vastly greater headway egnlnst tIN• black troops of the Ne'gus if Mussolini were I willing to sacrifice 100,00) men. That would he a small price to pay if the pmquest of Ethiopia were Imperative. Because he is not making the mere Ike. It may fairly lie 1144111.641 that 11 Duce has some other goal 111 mind. What can that he other then Kenya sad 'Tanganyika on the mouth and the Sudan and Egypt on the north? True, dlstancee are Immense and the diff" olties great, but it is believed that modern mechanleatiow has re. dared Meth to the point where the at- tempt might le made with a tett chance of ntx'crss. The enuntry indw-een Henan Eritrea and the Sudan is said to be mese easily negotiable than are the moun- tains of Ethiopia. and the same is be- llowed to he true on the eolith. Britain has fewer than 75,001) troops is Egypt. apart from the small /yap - Man army itself, and while she is fev- erishly shipping tiers men la, both Dew India and free Rome, bar farces ter. proposed the Mast to the King, ►telarave tnestles together. which was responded to by- Mr. Wilfred Appresiatlon of tee work of the four the majora}• of t that they are get It is different wit hand over just radio. .There do, thing In return f, some Canadian Government did hem with the feeling ting value in return. Ii the $2 a man mutt because he owns a -sn't seem to be a ,r it. We are getting tations now, but the almost nothing to clear sip the loll situation and the Canadian programs are neither mob better nor much worse than any tothers. But, a{wrt entirely frrim the question of programa. people disliked Meat to .tgric11lhin• w•as proposed by special mention nae made of the work wasMr. filchers'Elliott. Reeve of Kinloss, of Mrs. H Arm•'ri,,,,Of Minoan. Mrs. and a,, responses' M, by Mr. hIiit, Art,otd was ame r of the Preshy- 11111, ,'x -Reeve of Colborne. Mr. lien inial In the early Oh of the Foreign 1.060111, peeve of Haran. Mr W. J. Mc- Wo•le�y and Sher wnrkand Interest heel Kay-. ex-M.l'.. and Mr. Win. Stewart. Igen t,dthtlnoon� Thr toast to I,a-know and vicinity Ilii the Presbytery has I was pro eel by iter. Walter 1'n• a radiated thronghoel engthytery l p"s and has been I ...wee of strength. As leaven. of I,ueknow•. and Mr. J. (l. An- honorary president the Treshvtertd Is happy' to have,s. Airfield still I a sum- I lerscrn etltM 1' trplied Mr C 1 )I• wm Bron Geddes eostrilested two solos. I her of the exrcr.rly- The toast to Eric. the champion steer, sod io his exhibitors, Messrs. Frank Mrs Len.. of (JsCesttih, Was ap and Tom Todd, sows proposed by My i pointed to present ,the report of the rrd Mtoch Matbeahn, Reeve of Ashfield. annual mount no Sb. Preahytery. Mr. Frank Todd msde s hiving rrl,ly The aftern,,'.,, mewling, wile/ opened h a t' by Mrs. S. en, rimed with the est right from the start It's a amt 1)r W.V. Johnston. of Lucknow, pity the present Government could not jprewnte11 him with a framed photo- Monro (l�/ew. of11h lave found- a anistitute for it. graph' of the famous steer. t�� prs)er hylirre I Vis, let iwter a dbe eeatlron from the hangnet I A DRIVING TiP arsvrmpsaled the Todds to the Com- -'h' FawMst I munity Hall. to. Helens, where sit ! Imt with dine IKlacanllm' News) tat home ass icing heed by the Wo- 'lint. "-A Norwich motiltrist who does eon- men s Institute. I his orilthbolk- - Benito Mos - Heft it a real offer that will - says you money ... Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year rit rogef/Ice It r ht( and you will receive the whole 4 publica- tions for one year from the date we mein the coupon. Here is the amazing combination i ow 0Madsait's (IN bows)1 yr. ['Canadian 1 yr. Dnelerial Review. ...1 vv. of little teitedien li=skuve groat 11•014166.1106. ehl sear Our Guaratbie IS Yeti! This sesederth offer le avail- able to old ast new subscrib- era to this rewirpaper. We guarantee ths fulfillment at all magazine Pbeeriptions and you have tive assurance offer is ted. Re - extended for that this s exactly so newels will full term sit MAIL COUPON TODAY . rev lief of itmsazir checki este Publica- tion/ desired. Fill cad coupon carefulle Dedlemere enclose $ ... Please send me the firm magazines checked with • year's subscription least 3.1