HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-09, Page 5DOWNTOWN 'KINCARDINE ON,OLIEEN ST. SUN. AUG. 13 15 • Weather perndtting. in case of rain, sale will be held In the stores. Queen St. will be closed from N. Durham Market to Lambton St. Any BIA members, crafts people or ser- vice organizations who - wish to participate contact Corabelle's 396.2100 or Maureen's 396'2929. 0 Faithful Sentinel reader does "remember *when" Editor's mote: the following letter was received from a former Lucknowite, Gor- don McIntyre of Richrnond Hill. Mr. McIntyre is referring to the copies dOf advertising included on the editorial pages of July 19 - "midsummer sale of dresses at B. Pearlmanfs" and July 26 - "street dance and bingo under the auspices of -the Clansmen". The editor is very grateful for Mr. McIntyre taking the time to write with his "remember when". Dear Mrs. Livingston: Indeed I DO "remember when"! remember Mr. Pearlman, and his store, as -well as his daughter, Jennie and son, Morris, whom I had the pleasure of teaching in the six good years I spent at Lucknow High School. When you followed the July 19 "Remember When" with your ,July .26 question about "the Clansmen", I could mot resist the temptation to reply by tell- ing you that I am, at this moment, wear- ing a ring 'With which the Clansmen ,members, presented me when I left the Club to accept a position in Sioux Lookout. So you can believe me, I trust, when I say I DO remember the viansurieni I have told the "story" of the Clansmen to my fellow Rotarians - how Dr. W.V. Johnston founded a "service . club" in Lucknow to support the idea of building a hockey rink, drawing its first monmommmaininsaimmon ME EDITOR 11111111111111111111111111111•111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111 members from his Sunday afternoon •class in the United Church, plus a number of community service minded business men in Lucialow; how we col- lected some $7000 and used that to per- suade our village council to .build the arena with a $20,000 debenture. Those were exciting days in the late years of the great ,depression. A recent statement by a bank manager Rotarian said that $7000 in 1937 dollars would be worth bet- ween $70,000 and $700000 in our present dollars! But I remember the "service club" at- titude of such persons as Campbell Thompson, editor of the Lucknow Sen- tinel; of. Mr. Agnew, village clerk - treasurer; •of Bill Schmidt, village jeweler, who was certainly involved in the "From the Clansmen" inscription on my ring! It is still a pleasure to read the Sen- tinel every week, and to note that Frank MacKenize (also .a former student) still makes the front page of The Sentinel in The 1Cirkber_O! the Marten; with former school colleagues of Frank - Miudie Fisher and Mary Boyle. Indeed I DO "remember when"! Yours sincerely, Gordon McIntyre. - West Wawanosh to pay initial fee for road super's certification • At the August 1 meeting of 'West Wawanosh council, Deputy Reeve HamiltonSeeger acted as head -of -council in the absencelifcReeve lCranston, until lapprazimately'4.9 van. 1when 'Reeve Cranston ,resumed his :place. Bill Robinson attended ,council and re- quested ,consideration to giving ',him per- mission to perform any landscapmg • (rehabilitation) 'to bedone hereafter at the St. Augustine pit, so that it can be done in conformity with his own land. Closer conummications between Robinson and the road superintendent were agreed upon. Council voted in favour of W. Adamson and :Son Contacting being ,paid the -sum of $1700 for blasting, 'priming and vain - ling the garage roof. 'The road superintendent was authoriz- ad to proceed with the -reconstruction of concession Toad &7, „at lots 2243. 'Cowell Toted in favour 0! :paying the —initial $150 fee for the road superinten- -dent's application for ,certification, protid- -ad that a daily log s commenced lutd maintained from :hereon. 'The Idecision to pay the 20 percent shortfall for subsidized children attending the Wingham Day Care was deferred to a :later meeting. lthe4buildinginspectorwasmithotizect to issue Itermits to Wm..Shetler 101' residence; '33ill Sproul for a Shed and ,John Stryker for a -porch 'enclosure. 'The by...law levying a ,special Tate to cover a tile drain loan in the amount of $10000 was given three readings, taken as read, properly signed and sealed as number 749. Council endorsed the resolution of -the Township of -Howick to petition the Government of Ontario to enact legisla- tion requiring all chemical companies to provide for the return and 'recycling of pesticide and herbicide containers. Clerk Joan Armstrong was authorized 'to investigate the availailility and prices st a steno ehair, table, shelving and.mat for the 'office and. council than:then. Hurqn *County weed inspector Joe Gib- son is to•be contacted regarding the land that las been neglected ,and mow is avergrovm with Weeds atpart oflots 14 and 15, ,concesSion'10. Next canna meeting isStember5. cia 'Thacker tieit) ad Kerry LeUa*dLb* yellitiatly at it* AO* hyDen cooketo0 ( V :$4 ,iVAW 10lid 11�y t 4Pfkr :J$ +01 • Mat 44 - • pg•••••••066.6.616.~66,06=04‘066606.6666,06=1•6664•4•0616•660666166160 6464i60•6411666.6.6666krati0060kodoir 616411.21L66066bosidiiir deo T.alelSnOW Seittbielt Weditieeday, A •••••••••••••••••• egasses.. 1•11.•••••••••0 0.90.1•10,0 IIMMOMPOIMP.M20.1•11111.1111111000•MD 411101•M0061•1111MMOWQ 1 1 110 ow COO Liesgitlill *WOO _) 011,• 161 111%14;iti--. (7 4r /411110,116. ...12,•,41%Vi.-101simk. A •01:P. ST Clcicb e e read •flu arei Use Our 3 The Lucknow Sentinel has a FAX machine in our office that lets you contact any other FAX machine in the world - instantly. Send your important documents, statements, contracts, legal papers, etc. instantly. The Sentinel offers you the' service of the FAX for a cost of MOO per printed sheet for the first •and $1,00 per additional sheet (and _the long distance ,charges are free within Ontario). • Our FAX number is also your number, so if you want to ,be,reached instantly we will receive your messages for WO per sheet. FAX as .fast as Ole phone For more (details caU528•2822 P4.� 1 Ada. 41161M At. 4116A.