HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-02, Page 25PlUte24-4AltklieWSINIthast Vigebtaidav, At1Z1119 Parishioners bid farewell to Rev, and IVrs. Ramsay _It was -good lo Lsee Jack 'Henderson of Brateelea Maven back in town Sunday as he sang _a solo in the Lueknou 'Presbyterian Church .at .Rev. Allison Ramsay's:farewell service. Ile'also sang following the diraierdmingthe short pro- gram -which was tele! to 'honour Rev. Allison and -Priscilla Ramsay before their depatture for 'Prince !Edward Island. Doyle Taylor was in mharge fthe are- livities and :called =the Male Quartette for a :musical number. /diode Madlienzie .and 'Peggy Beier son, 'representing the ladies groups, ...presented 'Mrs. Ramsay :with Honorary Membership Certificateand pin in Appreciation -for all °the •contributions shed inade in the morkaafthe.groups. 'Ken Laidlaw -read the address :from the congregation and Ron Machan presented :each of the 'Ramsays with a purse of nioney and all -wished them:many-years of 'God's richest blessings on their retirement. It was an anxious time for :the 'Ram - says as theingraTilson -bad zome-with-iitize --ii-to the moving, _bad to be -rushed to London :Hospital :by „ambulance ..Sunday morning with a ruptured bloodwessel in.bis :head and attime rof-c.ntin- 'gmas 'condition. Sincere _sympathy . is extended to lilophtunia Cameron .and other ins Lof the in the passing Of 'Ralph flameron last week. "Ralph was Amown tyalot Tflhe-yourirpeople fthe area baving-teen ;their school bus driver for several years. Jessie and James Henderson returned home to London with their parents John and Margaret after spending part of Ju- ly -with their grandparents, jim and Mary 'Henderson.. Lulu Stanley, Mr. And Mrs. Doug .Staidey,,LanyiandlloydBtanley,'Sharon Medford, -33ev -Tiallefson, Mr. -And Mrs. ',OLINDA:44812Z. AMile Juice liCKNOW y Mildred .1.331Th 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111.1111.11111111.1 _Stanley, LbitonSitler;Tvryla Connie Ilowald and C.Kayla and Cindy Stanley all _attended the funeral ,of Leonard Stardey at Lansing, Miebigiin Inn Wednesday. Visitors with Lulu Stanley laSt --week were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ifirtorron Saar - day and Mr. and Mrs. RJ. Enke on Thursday. Austin and Mildred lame 1pent last week ramping in Northern Ontario. Pat wasn't ,exaggerating on the hunger of the mosquitoes! lzwis Moon bas been enjoYllIg :the .company of histrother, Joe and his -Wife Fat of California. 'They arrived in this area July 15 and have also visited with another brother Lawrence in Khdough. Originany Iran Kitchener, Joe and Tat have lived in California for 38 years. They flim1R tome -un August -4. -Me visitors are very elithused AboutLucknow and its °residents. Harold .and Ilene Greer iattended the reunion for 419, '420.and 428:squadrons of the ;Royal Canadiait' :Air "Force June 16 - 18 in Yorkshire F County. °ladle there :they had the :pleasure of visiting, along -With many gathers, Hoy Vigars, mho was Might -engineer on the original Lancaster KB726, When it was -shot „down over inbre,nceimJune 12/13,1944.1le zwastlie of the :crew, mhichmas captainedlay .Art eyrie. ' : The Greers 'recently received word that Vigars diecia shorttime after atten- ding the -reunion. in:September 1988,Mr. •Vigars, -with other :crew members And ;their relatives, Attended 'the inaugural ceremonies for the .Mynarski Memorial Lancaster At liandlton. sOni. d;Cde 4 44 MAPLE JANE, 1 L. ClzocoArtte Milk fw,,URITAN 1841. Ram :,KRAFT, REOMAR, 0710.eZ 1 orDiET c-ola zwfgptirs lianiburger ,44* Niewr lions •1 ------ :rhioefilate -44ANTRY SPIEtf , 12V2. .Cornefl ileof --;;DIRCET 19 1Z)2. Pinetfjp Slices :fVERFRESH:2.1. fOranige jilice VNTARtO Ciecustbers ° 11, • Bev.Allhiceralwmaarsaveddslaresvell zserviee 4o/the fiLF Lo 41 t t I* lJie 1Aucknow 7presbyterbin -Lurch fastlikmday.ltev. andMrs.itimiay are retiring and *ill reside tinTrince:Edwardilalancl;Their address is Me Neiman Smnmerside, PEi., CIN Th. 1Patjaivirigatem photo) • Riddell barbecue returns The Jack Annual family barbecue, 110W in its .-sixth consecutive year, returns Again to the Agriculture ..minixttpr's farmt on Wednesday, August 16, starting at 5 -pun Attendance the Asat several ;years has neared :the 1000 -flikk -Riddell, who is the MPP for Huron .and the Ontario Minister of Agriculture -and Food, along -with-the Huron Provin- cial Liberal Hiding Association, hosts the -feast which features Ontario and _locally grown produce, Awl showcases a number 'Of county entertainers. The Ewer popular '"No Notes ,Jug Band" tram Godetich, the dancing McGee Sisters from Zurich, and Piper Rick Elliott of Blyth will be there as well As a grorq) of afters and dancers from the Seaforth area. Supper is being served from fl pan. to pan.,Iodide' the Wait Show stalls at t'ed30 pan. Cost is only 412 lor Adults, ;5 for elementary school aged children and free to pre-schoolers. Tickets are available 'from numicipal chairpersons throughout the county, and advance pur- chase is recommended. The Riddelis' Farm, known as “Dellbree Farms", is located on Highway 113, midway between Exeter and Dashwood. Imotz 2andca. -J11113 'COM t1te:1 LANDS-CAP,S r3:114T4arl'ORS 1:1-A.Ilucknow y 0 628-47247 -SPRAY-ON APPLICATION IDEAL TOR :ST EP SLOPES, LAWNS, AND INAODESSIBiZ AllEAS eXPENSIVE THAN ,soppitip -APPLICATION (.C.OMBINES .,SEEP1101=8,4/:ND 341ATER. *OP .411.0FulialOISTURE 'CONTENT 'TO *KOWA% RAPiPGLERMINATIPN 141YPR_QUEPINO AS AN .0.‘FF.PIFIPAPI1 ANP PFJLENT MEANS 00FLACRIEVINO A ,NEALTHY, 'POCK '1.44kViN -WE 11FF.,013 A lIENENSIYf !AESION 'AgilMicAg THAT .,1NOI,MPES A '61T.E 'MITI • LJNT'0.9.14,10,114.TATION: .:104044 OWE TkAN ANP WRITTEN !P.STIPAATE QUR1ARjEN *O_ENTRE CPRR PITI.Y OFFERS (SAYIKS 'Of -W fo OFF ''Sgior;CTEP Tnes,'stiovo$,ANP pARENNtAmo A$ 10- OP% 'OFF IN -ST -0( ATI° FORNITIARg AK) 4t,'-ceosfoRigi$ $1,-141;!..4!y„,..-,4;19.qp,,y4.4)01).,:p;:A 7,:01,4).544y V... P