HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-1-16, Page 81,4s. .:47*FARMOSSALE 'See OODZZICH KARI'? MOMS -*Arismawwwwwiesetritriglir - - , 1111Orkeea, Ib., 10c -15c: ducks, lb. ik alise-lac dressed: horns. lb, 10c - Ile. Part Block A, Township of Colbonse, about 162 acres. Frame house and bank barn on property; about 35 acres of apple orchard. Drawee US, STR.ATFORD, ONTARIO • Eggs sod Butter DOM per dozen, 15e- 22t., butter, dairy, lb., 23e; butter, creamery, lb., Lire Meek Bacon bogs, cwt , $7.76; beef, Ib., 5c -654c; veal, Ib., Se; lamb, 11)-. 70-8e. Vegetables Potatoes, per bag, $1.20-41.25; tur N. 8. Fnips, per bus., 20c. . Bank= hale a Grain lard Boma. It htirtilair156F0 543- 111r=int" buck - rein many people who are over- wheat, per bus., 32e -34e; oats, per drs:rnilthelr acesants. It preys op has. 23,-46F; barley, per bus.. 33e - their 'Inds when ttwy have to return 35C. 1.soapy cheques -N.S.F.r It worried Flour and Feed one lora' junior to such an tartest that be took a letter down the poet et Ice addressed Halifax. NAL - Brant, 100 -Ib. bag. al 10-41.15; shorts, 100 -Ib. bag, $I.20-$1.25: Meet- toba flour, 100-1b. bag, $2,85-13.15. Greves deil-the tour things necessary us ltiff asold quickly; opera the bowels, combats the cold germs and fever in the system, relieves th• headache and -grippy" feeling, tones up the entire system Ar all Droggists. Ask for Grove's. They're in a white box. THESINAL Mir DD Darnialle sin Wainaday fee Car aid Kobe Permits Residents of GoderIch aud vicinity did out fella More at last-minute Christmas stepping Own they are do - ins just noW.: Wednesday': was the last day of the open atop Sur auto license plates and, to mak, flatters worse. A. R. Clin- dor, rialto 'inuiectur of tbe Marine Departmeot„ brit In town with an *f- acer of the11. C.M.P. checking up on those who have neglected et refused to purchase radio licenses. Tbe lots' car liceuse issuer reports the usual stampede of ear owner tak- ing out new plates at the teat minute. To date about 550 have been issued, t number 11 onty goognarter of the registered number Those applying for 1936 license plates and renewals of permits are asked to have the forms attached to the permits Oiled out, thee doing away with en unnecesaar, delay and assist- ing the Inger. tioderiek license plates this year, white letters and numbers on a black baekground, are numbered from EH1378 to EK425. Radio lineage Issuers were not pre- pared fur the unusual rush occasioned by the arrltal of the iovestigatora, and were sold out In short order. It estimated one hundred licenses were gold yetiterd ty. One Isi.0e. who vistyrhelato ben Mt dhow tretnat f5frio,e. ellItch9, Prilive-a- be- lated dibiter.* ;-- A. V46 AN DERTO-N TEACHER OF .L.1)1arza---Sii _tinttLNIUG Journilaigns) le piece In The Elmira Jlgtte(t recently told bow a lady down there bad been hanging a wtodi in her yard on a windy day. In 'Nome Manner she tnanages1 to clamp ▪ Leek of her tres-es to the line with 1111thra pill. Try as she might aka Waesse-hanwit..wait -ORGANIST ST. GEORGE'S CHLTR011- LATE PROFESSOR OF MUSIC I'l.STER PROVINCIAL COLIMGE AND ORGANIST' TO LISBURN CATHEDRAL. IRELAND. Over 500 Semesters in Toronto Conservatory Examinations. 20 Pupils oecupying Positions as Organists and Choir Leaders Studio -53 Trafalgar It. • Telephone 472 ARE YOU GETTING PLEASURE OUT OF MOTORING THESE COOL DAYS AND FROSTY NIGHTS Stedelbauer's Used Car Wrket CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A NICE COMFORTABLE CLOSED CAR FOR AS LOW AS $100 Your old Car taken as part payment. Come in. Rouse -44611 Gara KINGSTON STREET • GODERICH T110 reminded its Of a Mb mishap which befell a local woman. It was shortly after she came to town as a bride. She received word Sant two of ti -r neighbors would roll her one afternoon and so got all thired day a up to ress•ive the visitora. Whine ale ent at was waiting she decided to rine •iiervice. • few trerrowele-and-Lbtrag-thent eta - how," - to air. ily-elected The front door bell rang just sa undsg, she hung the last piece on the line • of the I and hurried to admit the guests. • C.12§Wf# .bastats.„ att. oopziucH. ONT. &4. - „- Mrs. DA). School Wagazine thout a Nam Here It chance to how you go Harry .1, published ulna. wh!,,h poetry, and timely topi atantial mak who au Just send els! What? Why. your $ Blow? Well, here's et It. it of et. Augustine, baa rat edition of Itta maga- daToted to tictlua, art, snappy articles on Ile is offering the rub - rue ot$26 to the person in best name for It. r suggested name. and arry yle Augustioe, Ont., dollar t a year's subscription. to H before Mare" 3Ist, WM If your suit - nested havoriir'Ibit 'WM-14 awarded tbe prise. Copies of this edition may beWile toted at local news stands. In this, the tirst issue, Henry Jai bag given Us opinions on two timely topics, "SterUiation of the Unfit." and thanes's-- Crime or Virtue.* - -- If you like humorons fiction, reed "Who Said Fet?" by Timothy Day. Mende Du Ns!. of WIngham, has two gems of poetry. "Frosted Window" and "New Yee'. Thoughts." Victor lomeeten's epic tale of the Northland le entitled "The Curse." Spare is liateed to tell of all the worthy Ilters.i'e to be found foible Hug fib Ably lifirszitie. MASONN LODGE MASTER P11111e-0.nas. sou of Mr. and Mrs. Olivet,. Rhyme of Burlington, o Ont., formerly ef Goderieb, has been installed (tett' R. of Burlington Lodge, A.. F. &..M , •••- • MAF'EKING Kingebridge. See TER'S HILL The two wonlln seemed to he highly 1" Graee HILL, Jan. 14. -On Sun - attendance was prea- 4ay and divine Seedily a short 'natal- wIllik-held for tbe new- er. er the Y.Pg. On ry Mith, the eacrament, irtiPpee will be observed CEULIN r . . OnT.--AUTHI OMOBILE TS . t eadFinder Please leave word sk SIG- NAL omen. ''' .1) USED PIANO SAW. „....,-- PNUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF °P USED PIANOS.-Suca well-known makes as Heirasnisn, Nordhelaser, Mz.r.-.....7. A Rieeb, Weber. and others. at reasonable prices and terms. Write HEINEMAN & Ca, 242 Dundee street, London, for further particulars. No obligations. • te . , lith4.41(M.P' ,- • t ....,NriJAVAretot.5t is,..V tift..J%.*,t s• -•-• t•,..:r .. 'AMU' l'!:"'"..L'Is'. ..e.;--.+4+e•is UNIT OR FOUND Pint Woman to Hold This Ofiloe tr./Standing Oommittees Not APPoint•d • 'fie patine school board broke all local precedent at its initial meeting for the year on Wednesday night by appointing Hrs. D. D. Mooney chair - Mae for 19343. Mrs. Mooney is serving her reeved year on the board and ber Duxes for the position has bean cons- inented on frequently dartas Ma Pitt year. Owing to the absence of two UMW bars of the, board,- all Bootlaces hav- ing failed to qualify in two wards at the recent tbection, those present -de- cided not to appoint the 'standing com- mittees for the year. It la hoped that LAIRD IW THANIta the vacancies on the board will be filled by election before the end of R. AND MRS. HAROLD G. Ml'R- the month. NKY wish to thank their mail', It was decided to hold meetings on friends for the kind expressions of the first Monday of each month, at sympathy tendered them at the time 8 p.m. Mr. G. L. Parsons was re- of their mad lose In the death of their appointed public school representative infant son. They also wish to ex on the Collegiate 'matfett board for press their appreelation of the many I. W. mos•rxrni. Ow year 1935. 1, beautiful ebral tributes, and to Mink J Chartered Accountant Mr. 11. Shackleton was appointed those who -So klotfly lotted can for Rif Illatarlo street. Stretford, 0ntar1Ij amused at something and made theirVtore ill rhe homes of Mrs.,. I. young new_ I Wilson aa. Mrs Reg. Fuller were Mrs. visit singularly brief. The eons .r ‘%11.4 4111itc. meet at thm unex• I Robert Medd all Mora. Thus MeNall plainside rudeness, but when abe:and tittle ow. Lobble, all of Auburn. glaneed out of the beck window events' Mr. Gold's. \.wton is much ins- ! proved. thing as ttxplained. Just a short time before her mar -1 Y. P. S. Annual Masting.-On Thurs. tinge she had had a beet with typhoid ,day evening ir . animal meeting of the which had caused all of her hair to . Y.P.S. elks h.:A. The annual report 'fall nut. Willie *be was waiting for was read by Terreine Cox. It was re- Natakenilt-illto wreet.lifingre' athewilgr. kgAn'dhettserell$140:12 thatdarin"': thtlictiepni..vt ybattfir. IllaTaahe 1 clamped officers were elestOd (..r 193d. a. "" Of) the clothes line neatly alongside of her newly washed tOa km.: iiimenirr ipro..,. _ I I 1,-. Rev. R towels was the same wig. _ I 1 M. Gide d l' 1,7!: ; oreeldent, v I ryl eskira i nip. Ra illihs:.164'reenr: Veld representative tet the board on the the funeral. (needier irstbrook. McLeod public library board tor the years -titeiFMo.- ptERI.0.Es....8,4,_44_th,,,Toronto. Ontario.) ' reran Principal R. Stonehouse reporininidi attendanee of 86.87 -per emit. i_Ar.r()u Avis D - • of Igo pupils during St4811611._. THRAPIST average attend 'nye of 34.84 out ot Goderieh, Phone %.41 1,7"'VrrEUTSAft'VVeRGEON= AIICTIONKERING THOMAS GUNDRY, OODERIOH. LAVE EirisPIR AND GENERAL P A (TIONEER Telephone No 119 Sales attenhed to anywhere and ever' effort made to give astisfartion Partners' guile nraes-4lscounte4 9 -CENT SALE -or-- Stationery Large Business Ppds . Fold -over Pads 11 Letter P Envelopes IN LINEN AND MUM PAPERS Coles Book Store Goderich Ont. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 11125-7-8. DRVGLEEIS PRAMTTIONER -- ----4-r- r enrollment of 367. Equipped with eleetroinsi .gnotts rtir the ligIveiiity of Tr -. PrIneipal 11. Shavkleton of Central haths. Electronic electric treartaaggis. reaaiiluitae and Outario Veterinary College. (Alike at T '1'. hairlotty's, Hamilton school reported an average of Ill1.7 snd rhiropraccle Chronic, (Kesel. ,, ,,,,.,.... 443, ...wo.; night 2.0. out at an enrollment of 213, or 857 and ne vo fa re 114.414 Ugly --•I .'''''. ..'''' .-.....-- wWw061,4,-._ per cent tendancs Otnee hruies-4,-tail sad • The. Victoria Home and Shoot_clult- to Ji--14.912f.,1"*Aor14,1410 $ svroterefferfftg te avatxt fiiiih'i-FiFnse uninv. MEDICAL of A. music leacher the schook.a in. „niy. or eonsoltation may be her 1)#. Y. J. 11- r°1480Cris 1"; 11.1. ler ...._.. Both the Women's Institute and the I by appointment. NOSE, THROAT. Central Mime and 84.11001 Club had Monday and Thursday at Mitchell • bate House Surgeon New York pretiotedy made the same offer. TbeA NtTRINIIN Ophthalmic. and Aural Hospital, ate matter of the appcintmcnt of • suit Resideneesn'il .1/V0-Corner et 'brunt at Moorefield Eye Hospital able teacher was laid over. Reath street and Britannia roast and Golden aye .re Throat Hospital, .t. Ira. given permksion to bold a bridge PUB! IC NOTICE I supplied. London. Eng. Eyes tested, glasses, The Victoria Home and School Club hnt the hoard hopes that the practice jINNsUAL MEETING. Telephone 207. irs.-the...ktadwqractscr_prinm of the whord. • , 53 Waterloo Street 8., iStratford. The annual sseetiag. - - - - t Next visit-Wedeeeday. Februagy lot holdhag oldie entertainments there n I MacKay Hall are available. will not grow while halls aitch as kb ladnstrial sad Agrienaltutri: 8Goadeleell;111.19t tram 7 p.m" to 7 p.m.on ThursdaJ The Ontario School Trtisdee* and will be held In the town hall, Goderich.lilt_irca_ry20, at Bedford Hotel. _ Ratepayers' Assoclatinn wrote asking nu mosday. ismiary 20115, 19(16, at the +hoard to forward a memirership 1 2 tau fee of 810. This I. an Increase from HAXET L. SALKELD. President. C. E. GROVES. Seeretary. DUDLEY E. HOLMES, $2.. and the letter we. flied. 1 l The 1 i Barrister. Etc. It - . i 46 MINiON" CANNt kW* Cox: NI erbium .k0ex :seem •4 sou; tree .$r. mei, : q afsst. lashes Woods : a -.1 t ..reanInt: Verna Har- lin: chalrinan lbw .1 committee. Verne tis LEGAL . , matinee present were ea. Ilea Johnston. John Cott. Mrs. P. n. Mooney, Dr. J. A. Graham. Harold i THEcomity Counci: for HOG will be . , si.rettonneOffice-4"53nurt House, tioderich.. S. • , FIRST SESSION Alf HURD • Illnekstone and Rod Johreton.; I held In the rout. -1: Chambers, Court ' nOVGLA 8 R. NAIRN, House. Goilerieli, Ontario, commenting eft COAL BUISINEEIN AS USUAL ' Fur-sley. January 2stis. et 2 p.m.: Oflice--Ilaniliton Street. Otiderldi. Ila rri*ter and Solicitor --- t • ch-wr--Lee-s---humnir-imppirtc-l'ounctt wilt hero session until -Friday, Tetel34-6-ii-e- 511 - -- " --- . - menta for the rebuilding and restoek, 11.1. • All indi;Iduals or deputation* desir- ing of his hardware Aare, which was ,d4cdroyesi by 111'P a few weeks ago ing to.address.t he Council should 1501113Successor to J. L. Killoran ot11) F. R. DARRoW, flAREISTER, NNE the meantime he 1. carrying on his regular busInens will not be inter- Office -The Square, GoderIch. y e i a It ce a business as usual, this part of Telephone 97. ofo,• booms, bees. *septet lPtaL ruAli seem_ _n_ts_;_i_o_r_iiwaiticiiii hands not later N than Monday, 27th. a FRAK DONNELLY, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Ete. !for grants should be In the Clerk's J. M. itunt:ttrs, Office--Hamiltoa Street, Goderbill 4 County Clerk. Telephone 232. , ' 4 I t Ise fire. BRIEFS Hata& Arthur Circle of Knox _eh Liit Illam's (lib Annual Meeting. -Tb• inteed bolding a silver tea on et Vat- Orsteeteh Townithip Men's Club held entine's Day. A choice Bolded pre- - it. *avow .tint Tuesday night. gram will be elven. After seTottenal auf-rises a short hurl- The annual euchre and bridge of the THWW"11.1W1O1r1V1111'hetet-In wirtetr the- Timm -ma- nor' assn. , treanrer reported disbnreennente ef jautp-wilLbss beld in the Pyibiaajlal $130 aryl a balance of 515 Mr. Colloge int rpec, oa.8rlday gwegagg, Ja Charles Y , was named chair- nary 34th, at 8 p.m. Man and Jae Sterling seted as v the election of the 101- 7.:74" °Mani for 1955: President. Aram Betties; •Iceprealdent, Jas. Stirling seeretary. Ray Cnx: choir - sae et t1 Program committee. Wit- mer Barlow; iginrts, Fred 'Elliott; made, Peter, Tsang: 20(181. Merles t. T. Elliott: de- - retard; treasurer The retiring PrANTED.--PRACTICAL NURSE. Mott. thanked the itt Apply BOX 7, SIGNAL OFFICE, or the splendid co opera- phone 2n0. him during his preekleetki _rnair..ito.utDasktaalsrrnis.-.4x.stuva..T.E. ng will be held on so 28. home (two in family). Convenient location. BOX SRO, Goderkh PO., or phone 337. Your own selective of any Combination. STANDARD QUALITY Tomatoes CORN CDUIMIT EST' No. 254 Tins 17 -as. tiss 4 r:2! • 14:.trc.i.fIsses tins PORK ',BEA Ns-cLARJr1 Tram 329 KETA SALMON re* 1lLOC PUMPKIN Quality3t''25` rs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••esommm••••••••••••••••••••••••• GLASSCcrek?tsii4s. Pure Seville Sat 25` Marntalade ORANGE BACON FLOUR DEVON SLICED XXXX QUAKER BREAD 25c 911-1b. Rag 10269 11.1111N'e I ZEBRA 14 lb 6_ MUSTARD Tin A Stove Polish tile•••••••••••••••••ens•••••••■••• • • • • IN SPECIAL MI Oranges P93c i T DOZEN simy Large Head LETTUCE °C • Tin 8C Diced BeetsGLENWOOD L.. Choice No 2 co tint GLENWOOD Chou -0. Nn 2 41 Ms salwars CHOICE Turnips ▪ ("Cap No 2 so tins 1.,0, own selection of any osnhinition Carrots DICED TOOSE: TOt10111111. MOW I ' tied' OPT The west Tuesday. 111Itor Mr -4)n. Radhl A to Mr. A the 5401 'nate redl racket fr acutely digs wear celved wt No don will (recur thee main her to 1,.,10 and correct them. Our bestObenks to Ner Atkinson. Yours trnly, DOraliAS BROWN, Chairman foderich Radio Aseociation. caNC41- MEETINISIS Editor s goat Dear siik-4 noticed In your paper that the piens is not sliewed In 'some meetings of the council, such ft* 'eom- wlttee of the whole," and others This terfalr to the taxpayers and pevor isoo dews the council PIpPri tbe by make :1 fair report 5.ust 16:;+, ....1 oceshis to all meetings. and no4 WIDOW wine is being done? The et..../ should rememher they set' tbe ser..gge of the toxpoyers, doling their htedathe, wild we have a right to know wild they are doing and trying to do, thee we would be In a poeitIon to know taste value. wookreuggest the previa nap their rights'. stilles4 all meetingi, and If in attempt 1. MOO to ma them mit tao taxpayer. rate that Moro respOn sible sr., vet not They are our ger, tinito snrtillaOritri not do tmainena In • which may lead to sus - eh Interest tinge ere held In other lint the bow knows what 1. The council Monts know hoes and we eipect the • eorrect report, and It gives amass to an mosso FOR SALE OR RENT LIC OR RENT. RED BRICK SOUSE on Oameron street. Six burettreerne-skIl MRS. PEARLW 11401-Abaise - HORN LONGMIRF..-At Alexandra bospitai, fioderieb, on January 13th, to Mr and Mrs. William Longintre, McDon- ald street, a daughter. WANTED TED .1. MEIN WANTED FOR RAWILEIGH If of the Goderich , Itontes In N. Huron county. Write tion 1 wIsth to express 'today. RAWLEN11 CO., Dept. ILL n oor appreciation of 210 -SB -A, Montreal, Canada. be has put in to ellm- terferenee. The horrible I TRANSPORTATION WANTED. - bleb radio fa& wafftred I a Would like to get into toach with winter haft practically I person mating trips from London to nd programs can be re- Ifioderich and return. Telephone 213 mfort. 11111INT.-0011FORTABLII- -81E- roomed Niko; three piece batb. 'Trafalgar street, between North and Victoria streets. Apply to M. W HOWELL. !SOUSE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY brick house on Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange. for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply at SIGNAL orrIcz. 1•OR SALE. -100 ACRES ON CON, is CESSION 8, Colborne township never.---Nrer r Good location. Bank barn; frame acflIbentir; $raty wales. Terms to snit porches/A- ID. FISHER. R.R. 5. Goderieb. her minor interferenees time to time, but with nble gone it will he Pall FOR SALE. -BUNGALOW ON Keay. atreet. Red brick, good eon- dition, seven rooms including three- piece bathroom. Hardwood' floors throughout, modern lighting, 'dorm windows ali round. Easily heated hi furnace. Double garage. Extra lot with young fruit orchard. Sacriflee for quick sale. Apply 47 Keay' street 1,IAYS HAYM---• - Barristers and 80120111111 Office-ilamilton Street, Telephone 88. iesT-117LET7- Barrister-and Soli -- Is Life Building, AdelakhrlISIE torts Streets, Toronto X_• Telephone Elgin 5301. INSURANCE. LOANS. 4 illicKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INIBUI/e ANCE CO. -Farm and isolate. "s town property insured. Ofikers--Ales. Broadfoot, President, Seaforth; James C,onnolly, Goderich P.O.; Merton A. Reid, bib forth. Sec.-Treas., Sestorth P. 0. •. Directors. -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. Seatorth ; James Sholdice, Walton.: Wm. Knox, Londesboro; Alexander MeEwines- kaytb, RA& Li -Geo. Lena- hayilt. Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepper. Brucefleid ; Thos Yoylan, Seafortlk ft R. 5; Wm. R. A rehlbsid, Setsforti, R.R. 4; James Connolly, GoderIch. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R No. 3. Cl ton; Junes Watt, Blyth: Miler Ilb• Eachern, Seafortb; John Murray. SO - forth; Chili. r. Hewitt. Kincsrdiss, Polley -holders can make all paymesb and get their cords reeelpted at Op Royal Bank, Clinton: Calvin rates Grocery, Kingetou street, Ooderlek J. H. Reld's Gr•eral Store, Bayfiebil. A TAXPAYER , et* Save Money By Prepaying Town. of Goderich 1936 Taxes AMOUNT tl TAXPAYERS MAY PURCHASE TAX PREPAYMENT Rgovarra A. Al FOR 1938 TAXES AT FAVORABLE DI8O0U11111 coirr anytime in Jan. Feb. $ 9.73 $10.00 50.00 48.80 COS f COST COST COST 1 le Feb. 15 Mar. I ts Mar 111 Apr. I te Apr. 15 May 1 to 15 $ 9.80 $ 9.84 $ 9 89 -- • $ 9.98 49.00 49.20 49 45 49.65 Prepayment Reeeipts must be presented along with 1936 Tax Bills during the first install ment period. • Bank interest is only 2 per eeell._rafghase pima tPrepayseet Receipts early and have rat nosey earning 5 per cent interest. JunsINepants will be alltreed 4.1-4.1•0 - 4ISSIBIS "1.41. I.41 Neil R. MacKay, Tiit couedo‘ iF . vttialfit1s<430` TOINIVI ilalitartr ff%Cf.±.4' . _ --a-- ' ^skr, 'war' , WIZ