HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-19, Page 14Zts l'Age_14-4410.10101PiSsitimel., Weditelailly„-Ady 19,-1189 46.1nMemoriam IMMESH AshleylDawn„ Ioviagmemoryntatiear ttaUghterimdsisterWhopass4klaway July 19, .1184. Thingswefeelmostdesplyarethehardeist things to say, 'Dearest ,ASbley, we loved Youin-a vetyspeciatway.lfwerould Wive ione lifetime with, lone --thwasinlhat Avidd comeirue, Medpray_to:GodzWithall our zhearts for yesterday:and you. „LIM • .always Mammy, -Daddy _and Mustin. -429 'SWUM loringmemoryafGeorgeBrytkeElliett, ilearhusbandandfatherwhupassedaway _nine yearsago. July -21,. eiallingleaves,theyeamiliPtr, 'But lovingmemoriesnever tile, 'They live withas,inmemorystill, Not just today, butalwaysvfill. Dearly lover:Land sadly missed each .day byerIeandf»nijly,Ray, Noreen, Jamie and'Graeme,429 ST..A1VIEY 'Two years agothatsad_day, :The one we loved was called away, .Goci tookitimhome,itwastiswill Rut in our _hearts the liveth lxvinglyrememberedbyzWifelnlu,:fami- ly.andgrandebildrenz-Mx -PARRISH Inlovingmemorynto TIPar, grandaughter, Ashley Dawn who -,passed away • 5 years ago, July 19784. 'Treasured forever in our memory, Deepin cm -hearts- youwilLidways stay. Sadly missed by Grandma -and :Grandpa 1ienry9 r47. :Card :of Thanks I/AWOKE Me-wish-tothankthefollowinglusinesses forrememberingnsortheaccasionti our 25thann:iversarywitha,beautif1i11.amily lieepsake Moly Bib1e. `Cliff's Plumbing andlieatim,.1Airlmowalomeillarctware, ithnbuchThaimacyjaciaimalistrictiCo- op; MottgoineryMotors;:bitinxneVilkige Market, lieDonagh Insurance and Meal Estate, VOW -1Favorite -Things, •Viilley Green Flowers and Villits'Tire :Service, Antone andDelores,-49x Mc*CONNELL I -would like to say thank :you to 13r. lEtekasiakandthesttifftf theMinghamand District liaspitallor the :wonderful -rare twasapatientlhere,also forthemardscvisitsandzgetwelLwisheal ineceived,T1orencelkeAnnelL-429x IRWIN Liwcadd likeAolakellis opportunity to thank -the -JUIN ,tfithe'lutinanv_Metlidil CentreforthexarelrectivedleforeMJ. ,arrivel::,Speciallifanksto:Drand thestfLow4thlklorAf ,Victorialiospital ortakingilueltgOOdrareafus_110101=r • stay. illany ithitnIcsAeoraw larnilios and Itiondsforallthebeatititailliftsaardsand kirageabaresmwroceivodisinve:Ta:,:was bornZYour:t0111nessainloariogitill -notte jOrgOitten.-..Tbankirou:onmagain. Jamie„IiindeneatartTa 19s -MAP(1 li/olzialitothailltiboblionioglusinewes .for ',Matthews lieepolce ,-;plitte; Mildred Ike, Tliffs 2flUrobiatg .,and -attain, ,laticoow Some Hardwaie, Mantatibs PlaarnaacY;JoucknorrecovNlYtantgomenr 'Motors, .tatekoow- jUge Morket, M61)ongb inaurance and Iteal astate, Your Itavorite 1Is, ValleY :-Oreen :.:Flowers and WiU4sZe!SerVice. *Your -kindness Willaiwis ,renkeraborOd• POITY;SVSTIVA. -1,MOWARKY Sincere sc_thanks ad .appreiaUoz to ,..,exery.00& who: ile:tioglix:reiroorObereil-Aez PlItAentifi VitigtialkP* I dknee 1 Jape :returned g0ret. ,4,4,2tc 111ACLICAN Once again 41halak • Ton" 4oall Who veneMberad :me 'ziltfth towers, Valls, --viittsandphoneralls-Whileinlospitaland aince romingilome.Tharalmsolnuchloall those who aetit 7:food, it was 'really 4p- ,prociated.,Aapeciadthankstolteld!sZor- iners*11 nitbileadersand-meMbers for their lard Avork-fin_ftloiag Ithe :Perennial Sorders. Marjorie:449x MAND= WelviShloispressmrawretiontothe ownersandltaff of_theiollowing-Luelmow busirtesses for the lovely„keepsalte _bir- thplate given Jayme ; 1100frs Plumbing andReating,21meriimbactesPharmacy, luelmow 'Comp, 'Montgomery Motors, iicknowVi1thge Slarket,"MoDonagh . In- surance and 'Real-F,State, Now 'Favorite Things, VEdley Greeralowersand Willits -Tire :Service. 'Hwy, Pam and Jayme.---19x ALTON We zwish tozend ourzincerestregards to Mrekasiak, :the Laclmow Medical Zen- ” tre, and the70.13. muses oftheMrugham flospitatfortheircareandinterestbeyond thersilloftbityi.and alsolothosewholave tememberedas-cdth cards, Mowers, vitits ,etc.Sonjaand Cameron -.—/9 148.tomina :',1vents ratilTS kW 13ingo41;50aprizemoney -.$40011rJaitkpot togo,atSalffordltalleyluilloteverYThurs- daymight I 1 i open 6:30pm33ingo7:30 pm,-4.11tfar 0 I : 0 S :Monster :COME ONASAFARI -The thristimiltefonned:Ctutrehislosting -vacationAlible,schoolahningthemeekaf July 1448 dronf.!9 am. - 11130 eam. for .thildrenages4M.Please 'raillformorein- formationz52843111tor.3574181-4649 11 TWednaiday;a019' to4 • • ., .,;1•4 (1 A Ilia Ituestllorahlesiguers -tither communitieslainpresenttheirinterpreta- of.some of -the rlasses the floral designsection formw Augustflowershow. "A _Salute to -the Movies". -Please show yoursupportbrattendMg.--47.2kw . VIARMIZIPAIITY . Mimi, to attenda.:: varty :supper at ki,641 giervie Baited ,U1y25,57. •Adults1allOomderi23300,-48,19 atiaIMAGEISALE SaturdaYfAugust12;10amL4-panchome -oflackiticQuire aluronsAutolVreckers) 111.4 iflhIes OflarelanowictMileiti. „ rest4pamsored rocoodsLorOverseas-:adopted !Waldron. -ealt39*2617.-i2*32 ItARUSALE 134Statifer-Stazurtilture„,loveSeatirchairs, :c1othes,m144we1ry,-diathes,,'pOts andlians, something ter :everyone. :Rain t5'r 'shine, Starting Priday,,July.21,', otp.m. toritimdng Saturday. 20 OPENROUSE.INRONOR -OPPRAINICSOLLIVAI4% 111TIIBIKTRDAY itesday, July 15, 1149 'IrOM 204 m. at -Country Road Lodgemon. i2Ahffid. AI are welcome: -49 19THANNILIAL CRAITTPESTIVAL Lucknowarena1'r1day,August4, 12noon - Iftp.imiSaturday,AuguSt5,10a.rn. Sponsored by the Lucknow Agricultural Society. --400,21 Tt,.411/11LX:CONCERTAT-LIBRAltit -Merrick Jarrett will be at the lacknow Library„Fridayvening,_July.21aripan. to entertain :the -entire family with his music. Admissituf $1:00perperson.---.19 ThUNGANNON'FAIRANDTAMILY AY Aagust11,.12,1afeaturi*Borseand Anti- que 'Tractor Pull, Mee! 3313Q, antique car show, loyahow-and sale, tiancesrmidway , arm Avrefitlingand -much more. Zonwlete listof eventsin August2 issue Of:Sentinel. Ponta° :1« or tickets call ,29--7432 or 5294934,29, illiaNTOOMMYAITI). soilts to INONMIAND Alu:sondifclosintiorslotth Avesbranni. r12,59°,11kri, 114.4014c.iniC010111. 1404,1,241.4,4mtestc10 DAIWA laclmowandDistrict Lions Club, Dabber Pargo,averySunclaytight,incknow Com- =Indy Ventre.Doorsopen_6:15p.m.Bingo at -7115 :pm. Air :conditioned, wheelchair accestible. Potential prize board over 43000. 41,000 jackpot on -44 rolls or less. '-$500it1stgoi--41nar MELSEttiCT iiONS -Annual ;beef 13arbecue;Smiday,Iitly13„4120--71=Lat -itheitip1ey4luron:Comples.Mmice:$7330, atthefdoorl&t10,midezq2l3i5O,-4529x If 44; • •to ;co si - A-ugustl, 'Eampdtes $74500, s featuringthe • a, Fang- ly,33ox10,13elleitiver, Ontario NORIAOlor call: (519)1284767-26bc W.0 ONICOUNTYVANTLEKAWS 11BEFIMAPIDDANCE SeaforthandEomMandWIlentre,Modnes- Any, Ibly 16, mullic by Meetirwood, liarbecuei5130-- 77a0, imicketsmoniper- Ann. :See y.our local -threctoror call 4874186,4829 :(0 4TRECIWARDBALE Multi2anillryardllide,lat.,Ady22,„104, Egin 1St., Toast, TOW laiekriaw ubbc 14-e;,28,19 ,AIWIRJALBAZAAR ANDItAIMIALE aoldRroWerian-lalurch, aulY:22, " VANARIAN, Sluttluy,ltdy"211, T2,OOOper arload, ts, 244057, Iwo >Mom fi24411140.-48,0 OUZO' 01160,?Wheeler w,;"29 0.14. Ihose Iplanotog :10 r • sio0 lotermitio t 11Rwer 000every .10,ttict990- -Groat :Min* And diner 11040 ',toil RI�.,teettg, 90 militates froth .Toronto. Modern 2,and 4 tiedrotorn ,otottitges, unity teach, . 1WO' waterfront. to per week. Smyth:tad :es, R.R. 4, tiattings, Ontario (705 , ; , 11. 10 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Searching for ek hero Somewhere in Calmat's there is a truck driver who deserves special 'recognition. The salvias= forthe trucker who will be ns 14- 14thannualTiretoneNationtd Timm Nominations are sought for a Canadian professional trick driver who has er- forrned an act Of bravery or heroism. The person or organization that nominate the wthnerwi11Te1ve.a00cbTeWard. 'This awardis endorsed by the Canada Safety Council, The Traffic injury Research Fimmdation and sponsored by • Firestone Canada inc. Izuckers xeceive no "recogni- tion for their =selfish acts vithieh fre- quently avert serious accideiNU-audisave many Jives. -Chances are a profeasional truckerwillbethefirst onthescene dining aroadmishap. Theminualreompeiltion, to °recognize this good samaritan, focuses public attention on the many acts ,of travetyperfotmedbytntekdrivem," said T. Wayne 'Mitchell, President, Firestone Canada inc. By making this award we are Terwntring the inherent attitude towards atifety in trueking flans, and Pirestoneinitsownwayispromotingsafe- y in the trampottation iminstry," added. 'The 1989 Firestone Rational Truck liercrwElrecetveal1;600caftilze, alTIP allvenseepaid weekendfor two at a lux- ury 'Toronto lotel, inclutimg first-class travel arrangements from anywhere in Canadaandapersonalkophy, all -courtesy .OfFirestone,aswollasaninscribeditolex wrist -watli, conrdiments the Rolex Vattirtompany. The Truck Hero will -receive these :awardlatthe:Ontario:Tnaeking Associa- tion "Convention tinting held in 'Toronto Islovenber22,16and14,1111110. Vitale be judged ihy a panel al jules,inelsidiwrojaresentativestunthe anatikagetyrouttell,lheiTrafficiinjury lieseareb Yuuudation, Yireatone ,Vanatis nc.andthe7ratokingJadustay. TionainatiooS,companied_ 11 MeWIRWeir ,104p14)10, W4nesa I -AVOW% Ithutild Jsentto:_LISOM,'OPUnatia SIWPOOK11, iBlvli3- lawA, ftWeltrie, EK10 :04. 'The *et of tirmery paste dudng the year, ItanesionattwitilriverP,V000tla. Tor Oniote rOntOOt MOWS ,:eonfael the Valga fotety Voikoeil r bEirotooe -Callodaloo. Ilisniogtioos Joust 3)e megetves1 di,o- &ober 10, o. fArylvoinwor, *ant MJssPjjn Vol Ormiktd ;tis INA 9