HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-19, Page 1360WcflI.d MANAZERwithzdirottlaario!tisig requiredlodevlopdietrIbilltientempany_of went °partiton Acatedes •Awavapiper distribUtion, Ayer :delivery, and 'main preparationvorvices.-Locatildininert beautiful nuttloorrecreationiuna4leseto several eities.ttompassationiuelaryi ex- tensive Amato, ,-.,prolit citiarrlag. iRe location asaistance Pablu libingger„ 7/be Ilecord lbws, 33ox 458, Aknitti .:011tar1o1C7A 4T1.11341134/21---111bc IIABYSITIEltneeded, etill-3311-1009:-19 _WWING114M.---AISID CT:Com- anind*LIvingAseociat' ioninvitesapplica- lions for -temporary 'till tme Night Counsellormdil (Nov.23;33119).silsoaPar- mntTzettime Tight ativorkiare 'rpm. - 8t3Ozan.Plea3efor- -ward :covering letter and resmne ly Wednesday, July .26, 1999 to Marian lbaidrienthll 'Manager, , 297 wardStatox1042-Wingham, Ontario, WOG Ed - 2W& -2r 127. Wonteri General WANTED _a good .upright piano. Vanda Guichelaar 395-5868-.49,30x j28. Business Opportunity :S17-ELUIMIGS -Majormanufactur of atructural ;steel land irreemineered -requires Local4grait "Sigh in- comepotenlial.Aggressivegotgettersonly -.need apply. Small investment. 1.00046684361,428bc GROWYORM 119$___ebaitmat s :home. GruarantealmarketedourlessImv investment. We train! "Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Mini Ecology (1975),3311 1,.Smithville, -Ontario LOR2A0 (416) 643g4251; Alliston Area (765) .4354463; North may Area (705) -776-70114,-2913c -ldiesiaarn4q1bialia000fronithomopar1- timemaldnuiftlbardiets. Vallarwrite: ItOTTNTIFM., A3ASICIIMS, ,16410st AvenueNest,'-:Toronto,'OntariolinVifil7, (4.16)-924e1961----29bc 'DIVXJ3SIFY YOB, MICCESS! lExcellat ackionservicefortoningAsinniogratteau- Irsalons.MmlopeanaBodyliVrepainterna- ..:tionakdetoldfies ancltightensatift tissue andaltbi.- aseddnternationally. Summer specIIbeforeAugeStlith)onstarteritit $1095. aL. Mazketing - 'Tour .R•isittess • Vonneetion.-,.29bc Major attributor; madded to warihoilse • 41.4111" .'lairbions, ate* and -establish liomepartyandilirectsales cocsidtallo- ns. (604)15741127.-49bc NEW: Anmpportunittlasar- -rived -for anyr,person fletween i98in- jnfonuataon;contactLAZA.,106, 359147 4tire- VaigarY, Alberta rT2T ‘0E2.-40be INSTRIBUTOBS 'required immediately, TaistAvitins -nOMPAPY,ilew to -Ontario. terbal oath 27.16pportunitylto: iirortived on the 110or lir o4dy $O OM Witerrila-4:29be ',....,1••••••••••.1•••••••,.7...",,,••••••..."••• mtaveinwrior suntlrONIVAUNAGEIWOICKS IliffsROVEMENT11401 VOWNSHIPIWITORON EAIXDIENDERS,:elosirmarkedagto mordents will be received at the Bora. Townithip 'Municipal fice, Vain Strei, Ripey, Ofltai'io utttll L4i00 ,o'cloak locallime on PRIDAY,AUGUST 4,1N9 for the construction of Ithe 'Hamilton DrainegiWorkiimprovement.ltisdrain is1ocatedinLota8, Osuid 10, Concession 1, iluron?Township. The work consists oftholollowing major items: Aipproximately 1100 m open drain _construction -,clearbigandgrubbng devlling a/spoil Each tender to :be on theformprovided and accompanied:by amertified chequeln the amount of 4500 payable to the 'TawnshipofBuron:!Thetenderdepotdtvnll :be heIdas II -performance bond imtilthe projectis substantially, complete. Lowest or any taider mot =mum* ire- cepted. !raiders „shall -.be opal to -accep- tance for 301laystromthexlate of closing. Tenders tim subject to the 1CourtofRevi- sion..and to .Ontario Municipal Board ap- proval &the:project. Plans, specifications, and tender forms are available from 'thet &Lice rof the undersigned. WNERIN MATTLANDEIIEG -SERVIOESL1ED:- 449josephineStreet Nitgham,Digario NOG2W0 'Telephone : 357-1521-29ar •CUM IMMO alid alteratkins, realitslable rites. till ,Rath Ratite' 4194141 ordrnp livat471 1Poisleyttnet, 0 SEE •OS FOR YOUR STARTER, alter- nator, generator and IngolitOr tends. Albrecht Alto 'Electric, bath of iribitechureb.ThoneS574406.-attnat MOMS REPAIRSD Mantle, mat zeolite°,grndfthers, Araildmottials. ',1141tEE Pickop ;mid d&iverycan I* 41T011ged. Agnew Jewellery, Gift,zilikirses Wear, Lileknow,41154532.---29 IN. 'Personal IIAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 43441001 or Valkerton11814955.--40tf Looking 'for MIMED TO MD Videoli??? We have the best selection! Free catalogue: NewWave Video,23541155Paric Road,Dept..-CW,Richmond,33C. VOY3C9 ormall (604) .29045101.-19lic PREGNANT? _Considering •Adoption?? Caring couplemilingto legallyadoptyow :child to ,give tim/her Love, Affection, Education.Lhathe will need. Call collect after six.7054374083:-29bc 1,31. Serviw Directory SMALL EQUIPMENTRENTALS - iawn and garden, :concrete, autonintiv, mov- ing, painting, cleaning, sanders„power tools, inch more. Doupes -Equipment Ltd , 3ani1esEast,of Bincardin' e on No. 9 _highway. 39546115--42tfar THILSSILEFBIGERMIONA Appliances _Service.Depandeblemepairs-toldimEdras and models Of major appliances. Phone 140874)062. .42tfin• N AND ;Appliance lier- mice-rehlaltapPliancespESardiforyoutus- 7-etappliances. -0.11 laiclmow .f,Appliance Rentre,4384946,-4ifar 1 SBR Grant AirDonald, ,illipley; Menace 33allagh, -Teeswater.:Licensed. Auctioneer, Sales -Of -All 'Types. -Phone :Ripley 1954353, mswater1924170e-4far MANNING AN ,AUCTION? No sale too nbigorteolimall! ValllillrualMer195.5082 or,41.1.11 lialdenby 3954142, Licensed Auctioneers.--Iltfar. "Me BOW 'The Best Andltopr Mee Base George h Wekling ;and Machine Blzop.L.t RA. 2 Auburn, lant. Jlus. 12947212 1781 ul 4 VoinfleACC./Cgairt *PtioTinks, i119,000 Ott* ,F4itn791400090,4***Onents ARA roagottah 441104M11 Z5.-14atize-ltrErotitUors---- ' NOTICETO WM+ iicr INTHEESTAMEOF VULLIA,MGEORGEROSS ALL 'PERSONS toying claims against theEateoftheabovernentkmed,iate of the VAlage :oLlawlmow, the County of 33ruce,"RetiredTarmer, otheil on April lth,1989,are1equiredtordeproof of same with the mndersigned on or beforethe .29th day Of July, 1909. After that date the Executors will pro- ceedtarlisbibutetheEstateliavingregard only to themlaims of -which they Audi then have tad notice. DATED at Vingham, Ontario, this 5111 daylifjuly,,A3/19119. •TRAWFMWMILIsiltl/AVIES lionlimmiantario _ Bolicitorolorthelizecutors 36. Announmrnents .AT CLASSES in a starting soon in if demand warrants it. For AM 1 . . moreirifonnationvallDebbie129-11120.--.29 NATIFY GREEN MOWERS Apologizes loranyincombythuiphone linesteingoutMondayesda.V.Doci- naS.uelserington,-19ar 128. Auction SAP CiikalCanNIMOIXIMISAANTIONIk.o411 be Iseki-fer ANNIE tr,C. IMIXLAW I JottakSon.13.1ostiVow000sifrArsol. ce.1,110141cottoolimpwoisosoliY900 22- lo 1.9roorAtostletlaltooloniklil cookl. SATIMPAX.• AMY 2909 1213.0 MAC Ion Jlotttwitext Novek• Jvian Tworloroiseriefeweitionvootwtt 10111.04 Alactionoor 4117,20.9 `"' -VANC4R 1WORMATAN ; 1.11411VVE (VAX AMT., 10.11.mmooadowsuriesiitbAxsocise met.004000140kr~issfossi Lutom90$4:4-444hvidsfpwiv4"0.fiNethof ,n4,11,o4pfkatidockwripiAngootot 1110139DAY, 49010 staftinpflit ‘,11).11:08410. Tonktakf-moolitowooth. tiP.4.0/00.• WAlii.40.0 -Talowstar, 392#6170 ANTI o MANCE !for GLIORGE WRAITH FARM tritOUIPIPAInt Situyiloy, August S.. 1.110 SAO (41.1h• SUMP V-4111144 tlielit $ APPOOX. 11114101t5 12 MCP 1011101PLUID121111NOWS o Ovorlebirlowifoileiffirooritioduillos largo yoservioorsit Aif Vitiogo- liquiproOnt. AUCTIONNIR: Gordon a Iklndloy (519) 529.7625 itorlooro Information George Wraith • .(519) 324.7331 Full Mathis In next %voiles woppor. 1,39. Educational MRAWSPORT DRIVER • ; for class "A" licence. No everience nece_spri.,_ „Proven_ job placement :Parka institute of Profes- sional Transport Training, Guelph. 14800-185-7173.—.7bc 2109 guide to study-ut-hcane cor- repondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air con- ditioning, •Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetelogy, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) /63 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-1300-268-1121.-21bc Learn Al3CTIO at the •Southwestern Ontario School of Alio- tioneeiing. Next dass: October 20-28/89. For informatbm contact: Southwestern SchoolufAuctioneering,33R5, Woodstock, rOnt.214SIVO. MO) 537-2115.-25bc YDT111314 satarts -.2roCtinitt)r Try& Driver ataining. 1978, :PI stealth andeance =WWI* daytime, everiOg and steelianillcairses. Comae Yee income tax ,deductillie 14100-16511400-Vamb- ridge,-27bc Adult 110ME STUDY Diploma programs. 'Over '30 courses including: accounting, business, legal/medical secretary, travel, nutrition, clectrortica, Andes, Unlink. •Financial Asaiatance. Job Ziacement. Free Brochure. .140D41641004, 24 • bours.-26bc 40. lost &Sound .1=1,ATAINSMENBALLPARK, Tiers- , -day *veniqs, July biadc IV* banded *Il glove, • bathing Ault anti towel, and -in green Iiirtfle berg, :call 129,0000-49 IMO ORQEMY IIEEDAD Fpr ;$ i 410 vale Ma* lib, (neutered, 401 Ilito0. *W$ SIM* Or, 44 'Ontario 444. 4 En9099M911,0 JUISTON41014WW1 /Odom ,Katttleen, ,daughter • Moto, IRA A, Zinwfimo Aid theAO Imbomioustoitsvossfoingovvo 4110.0000', fikoni* Afifici9 Veor$0400,19400)114Pleiolhe,w0400 oremliy-,S111.0.00****1,Vniild (Viturv14 44404,05 Moigt 40 4 PO. 4 ow* .Will w in 14147.-4* .TheehIkIn�fTb 44g31 whUdacel ortiboOng- r'Ogrclii0941100,-0 i!