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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-19, Page 12
1 26. 4ielp Wanted 7.114ge..11-4.zetagov Ividiegaty9-Aily 19911109 Deadline -Mon at 12 T10071 1. Articles fcr Stile 'TRY CArr,FURNITURE, new -and -used. Dial Goderieh, 5244231-.440tfar STEELfronEus -QuEdity.Mtiikkugs •;Tae- tory.Sale. ,bluStS6,11!Quonset .1.92x4-9-zc, 20, $2029;..Model '9E" 25 :x 14 x 40, .41,175; Straightwa1120,2x 3.07x 24,45,499.7Prieesin- oludeendwalls and more ! .Quantities i zrk t . . t •:,•a If • TAIDISIEZEIMCC;NOSPAN 140006684422 (24hours) -423be . Articles ior Sore STEEL RUILDINGS 'Summer ‘•Sellebra- tion" onQuonsetssiaLSSeries.Payments, lease or Ipurchase, we have -a plan for everyone. CallFuture14004684651-422bc MW/USED office furniture.135 .pluschairs,tables,storagefiles „data files, trill trees, room dividers.:IC.A. Hamnnuid Co. „Ltd:, kMoorefieid, Ontario (519) 638.3061,29bc 0 PIGMY GOATS, ranig turkeys, Jack TASHIONRAOKS,slatwall, outriggerand ;Russell ;Terrier ',pups and chickens. ..131. accessories. Dill'52441394-.28tf Fear 3574656---1920 4ODDIGIAWNMOWERand-puslunowers HONEY, mew 'Limp, filling 'customer con - for sale Sheller Enterprise .Sales, St. tainers, liquid or creinn .1f.e.ar ens -!2&30x piaries., 1113, .2 , 'Wiughain , Ont. 357056:-4/941 "F.TECTROHOME air conditione,r, MOO MT:Ws, just like new, :best offer. 4 e. 4 N Afa Azi Olt , .corgplete 4vith stones, armaments, -water and !charcoal, 'caliStevzstat19M54:--49 .SLIECING_TIATE: GLANS 7windows no Inams) .-.:1311626"At136";tweive26' ",nc,12". 7twetily,sixallr-It'26";ildstrAwojairblack matatileeorrilivethuttedaThr4V, = e 1244371,--41ffnxe 310ORS:13neinsidedoor20"n78"."Plione .524,43' 71.-418tfmte IECTRIC-Prillet 'lifter, Stainless :Steel IleezerlloorandTrame.20pariTonffers. ThonebM21.1,4&pan.•orl244240aftere .pim-altfnxe , mew, -white ;pine ..lawn :chairs. rape Lod stsde.49100 -each. :Call ,b294,42.111nxe 4,0 ; ' ki Di 3111GS-4itvntom28140 sues ;Albr11035,450046311100;900;i•601020 .417000, ESparlifildtherour2Oieetto 240!:leet.,_1illknow.14.0666443311.ior, (416) 12*27414.-4113bc PICK -,YOUROWN 34-alikulastigateritniNer an*Iiwy.7.8 13peni A !Weak STOVE,41-in- tiles wideiin -At1 moridilacr- n, c529Thj5 :after:62pam-,29 : fella 4:11:4 PAIIOSETS -4096 trizzimmze!Altreashowronms.:New lines inchides lvienzat :AND RAMAN. 111arehouseapcniTuaddaytoSaturday,;71 Ifing7WeatiForeatIlfAM21809zu• 4X0IINITireidaccommewPaevettaighted• kiden/copperanameIfinish. Alsoipiping asInewairevroOf eornerfloorstand and Twat protector:panels linished with mat- -brick eomplete:$1175100. Thane 5200901after5:30gm.--40ffnxe 13EST3MCI1NGRUYS-Savethousands whilesupplylasts-aummerelearance-we ;have _linked steel 'left :from :our -Jame spring Iside,Fiever -- :PARAGON STEEL i140046344991241ours).-45bc 3.:roaswe Sate IANT_itematarday,4111Z2WIllaan.--avan. IMEAGE Abn, onrountylkt2019thlain.:-Athaiad41 ivireet' 13railtiiide7•10.1200- ',ZotilL5r titithi% *0, Athep, tvi, 11ctuellO1tl ItemsoewtitylVater.forAgns4-4-19 tzarsAor 1•3:11e • 1,915 11HRYSIZR --JNEW -YORKER. VhocOlittOrmen,eitetiotandintetior;Ex- vellegvatiditioligiotadRowerlsteeting, ,:,poweribrakesaxeverldridowsairogruise, luakVestriallAstiatakeertitid•all ;0244211 'il)ettlyte,gtp :94,5 rpan„ after 12442400-40tftrie 19783MGE/1.65rEN, nods ;mole 't mot limosilood.z$00,10t-lor dna offer Rixoe1204/0.+20tfitse raltracuRYormt - 14;100 410100. 144111 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. 1970 SUZUKI sp 370 :endure. Good condi- tion :$400.0. Phone after 6 p.in. 12914607.-4f= 7G. 'Rec. - Compees Troitei CITATION, General Burnes and 'Nor- thlander dealers. Previously owned lent and travel trailers. Also, ,add,a-Toorns, trailer accessoriesandparts.Fishennan's CoveTentandTrallerPark,11R4,3Cincar- dine. Phone 3964757 :--441tfnar E. Vacations ANYITAGESPORRENT lakefront,superclean, fully equipped. Wk also hay*'MUM?' CAl4PING441th 'three way took.ups, boat launch and rental, new washrooms and showers being installed for 1M19 season. SILVER LAKE T. 41z T. PARK, 12 miles east Of Kincardine on Highway S. Phone 395.3330.--49tfn 117. Apartments *or Relit 10' SEAFIEET with a :.50 t.p. 'Mercury, f$100100.-Frzmk Altort529-7218.-.29x ID. 4;'ts 'far Saha "MUUMU) GERMAN SHEPHERD 7puppiesioraale Excellent temixrnament PArmiesrlarbeseenatTisherman?s,Cove, Siteno.T6weekentis Ttsrlillonnierassidy 1.--746031--2740 Mixeellent 1111.141190i--0;29 1113. Wanterrto auy -.ogs Y.hzme WED: Balt -driven gran 'blower in good•rimning :condition. Auburn (1 "rd. -north, 2 Miles east -Of 1/imam:ton, ,down read 'from George Smythe Waling ).-29;30nx ::ITE. 7.".. 0 k 4,01121DDSHARDIAISI3UIL,Ayearankl, ood-raivinglecord. 1a111234502.--18 f. 1r:t 4.400110.1MTD.33ALES2imothyAnd Alfitha, rammi.4 malii30547/25gifterivan.-49 • • _vs 1110. 'farm 1140 ipmerit irMASSEYAgeistheriitithiatcre*Ix. veleta Iatiatiop; ?always stored lus• 43;15045wae:1411243(SorieS 11+1. 'farm fr5ergie$ LYNN UMBRY:FARMY=6,4,51411).„ ETI 1iliinartliote, Vito* F 411,4your manure, land AO vain 4404 tIV- AttrementavetI1IMM5irlife01Arseg 411L41063)% Webide of1/9000 0.4)144r A.% I 0 '( comorre ONE BEDROOM heated • apartment upstairs. Phone 528-3045.--28tin 18. 'Houses for Rent HOME with addition, 5 miles from Lucknow, available August 1. Call 144511477,--29,X0 rr FAIIM HOUSE IsTORTH OF lacknow, available AuguSt 1st. Q11,395-563544$30 24. Wanted to 'Rent WANTED =RENTZ or4bedrocanbouse in nt maw laeknow. ?bone 521042 Dr :353.50613-29ar 'TRANSPORT 'DRIVERS NEEDED -Zit your Class "A" licenceat oldest andlargestiraining centre. Courses start eveg %Monday. 'Tax deductible, weekend courses, jOb assiStance, noexperience re- wiired. 'MERV 'ORRS r • T 240005059 Candiridge and :Ixtidoni-SOffar "WANTED" - local representatives (41 7part4Ime) to market 'exciting new technology. *Video ,presentation Virtually lolls the product for you. Earn lip to 41150904year (partAime). For a complete Iliormatiskpackage- caIJ or wilteloday: tatecildntires,63110 Ton*en Road, No. 14. .Mississauga, o LT 21142, 111641441100.-211be TUE 1110i0HA/il 4414D MTh= riden- taI thi osition includes •weeentIaI)IftWo*. m Hurnanfork% 4/141ityloworkwitit .Andlosolotthm loAlivelop II. I d! Ylowe orwaridwax* seilimolpriN4hmt 1G2 Wi • LNIK4iWO.Attn- Alowlifigiarifilo s_PYLF. dyAtly114, 411110040)414r 1,1-114“0414,1-1,......" tot .44010110140010104' AA I Ofigglik,," s11176:011VIRNA: 7:3010 r 1:1