The Signal, 1936-1-16, Page 7..rWit,a•
Countyrid District 11
Mrs• Thos. Holden, ut old sad Ile had lived lu Ula village and district
oeteranerl resident of Exeter. died at all his life and se a carpenter had
the hose of tier daughter to Stephen !built or worited on wort of the bulld-
tuwaahlp, January 0th, In her seventy- Ings In the rvrwunky. lie is crell-
thyrd year. lk*w*ei was burn tu tis- rm
ted with havlug teenier(' a greet I
bore but had Jived In Exeter fur intim-nee on the development of
the past thirty yearn. She Is aurvlved the cowutunity' Ileis survived
a and
b7 ter h»dband and five atomicities. .,Iiia.IRtte bIl.twv-
Rev. G. W. Sherman, pastor of ('lin- nue daughter, swede -tweed him by some
too and Auburu Baptist churches, le years.
Married Life
still ruDAaod to hie hose raa result ruetalnrd
of We fracture of hes leg lir. J. .t. Woods. of Hanover, aged
while bunting hobbits un I•'rlds7• Jan- MV eott rill! active. erlrlrrstett the els.
nary 3rd. Mr. Sherman was hunting I teeth-Itnniverwery Orf We marriage to
the present Mrs. Wrests on I1e'cem-
Lure of
with a party of friends near Loudes-
[pro et CM byre and was 41r}aeed ashes
be stepped on au upturuel furrow con'
coshed under the snow. He fell. snap-
ping the bone starve the knee. He
1reF7ra1Lw5 -r.A
the trtebratlon was that be
Ctrs. Woods. is e
in s eond wife, he hav-
ing Men marries to his flat wife for
wU be lucapaeltated (or route time. some yearn before she diet IearinM I
In Mount yureeettwy are still talk-Itwo swell children. Mr. Woods was
int about the part) Mage) by four i again married, thin Owe to Kmiva Ma-
trart/etsu to the bosh town tall.' A I tilde Warden. In 1/175. 1t 1s plaid that
bottle or two •t rubbles eicohol war inters Ir the mils known care oftit
the iu splrattoo for a tine tight among 'kind In t'anadr.
three (re the men with the fourth yell- I Net Mere Lesser
lot eneoumgtmrltt. Chief l'(nxetrhlr !Meilen has harvested its crop of
Flynn, etfor al rru the emcee, became. I lemons for this year. I[ proved to be
the target (err all three. lie wan Rat a large (ear ■Id has lad considerable
ting the worst of It when ielp arrive) tupa
wrprr pNtl11ktty, tato people re
send the drunks were put under luck 1allaitrg that citrus fruit grow so fat
std key. During their party they want I north. Mil Clue Doerr was the
• ronr+ltientble distance towards wreck- NNI p(wt+ru Mw
of the on "on -hard,•'
lug the Pn'P r17 of the aand i 1 eoaitwting of one tree In a pot. iSut
Opausi some months in hitd r" Vuldah"b. tlw fruit, r huge lemon, became so
Clerk IgM heady that it was weighing down the
branch x1141 host week it was picked.
Henry Strung. for the past eighteenIt wrlglrrtl seer taw ounce's, which
yeah clrrlt of I'nlarrnr township, trklttg , elvpn"•
rr4 to e that Canada eau mire
Mimed rteent4'. the resignation Sti th , trustee. in a biL war - i .- -
the IOAa surd• was u lir. David- Tuugh. et •- the
Pictures like this
lose inter -
1T wr2 necessary to cheek hack
over vital statistics or do any re-
search work to know that thousands
of new babies made their debut into
this world during the past few
months. In tact. a lot of tables were
born yesterday.
How many parents have taken
enapshoa of their new arrtvals? The
chances are that the majority have
been so busy watching the antics of
the little rascals that they have
completely overlooked the (set that
babies have a habit of growing up
and changing right before parents
fond eyes without their seeing
least be prepared to maks LIN day
a week a picture taklag day read
then watch for that pactaremaking
opportunity.. nae above
A picture such as the
1s quite simple to make wick the aid
of three Photoflood bulbs providing
you have • camera with as 1.4.$ or
faster lens.
Place an ordinary floor lamp Mang
three feet to the back so. to tbe'itt
of your subject as shownln diagram
above. Floor lamp "B should be
placed as shown in this' diagram
on timidity. leeway s 1 n• e A Little 'rough Arrives .. t about five feet away with both shades
ii aw ra to l,IIap a c ung ' tilted upward so as to throw the
1 1 the light directly on your 11 jeict Yea ---
Yr. wetted ser W atld to have tgp ds rx Setead stag. le receiving the contra- ya. Y!u-,--
br of W Ur tawashlp during Whitlows' of his friends. word having ; change -in a MM, dlapodtiOa. looks should have two Photedsdl
hW term of Mike beet received here 00 Tweet*, that a , or actions. --. _J. ------- lamp "A" and in lamp C1aAams owe Chased ilittle Tough had snivel on the eorue•i Cutethingathebabytea7dotodsy Set the dlaphrat>• d filed_'
The stilt
and h e sof over
the iter roast taking OWN. In the .r h.l may be completely forgotten by him shutter speed at 1111 sf a tiff
reit stilt vary r1u-h up.a1 over the In !peals. out., whlalr Is Mrrt Tuugh'r 1" tomorrow. A snapshot would pre- Focus the camera p
elncdwg W:Ibiiar7ft oml -tw Omit -Me.boasted f err mete /ewes_- _ -
__ _ w ee- that little -babe gesture for ' your Photoflood bulbs.• p e -
sad st t Brea y 'LINE. esti claim 1r erten utIrhof Ion 1►aluu+ t:of th Appri.
- pie -
made flat yususr[ inton'r114 -la - but shsr 41w reite.ut uf. tJwrw- -yeara come. Of coprse you want tttlt Toudhav 602'
nd there Yost
high re-htssl rusher this bee been , many Bo -caned 'record" picture* el aw*'fl (11"1"1 to ttrunYa•m of the tom•gthe youngster but tor the most part with a slower lona y
it 7 and that the amount of bort- changed, though the Gsa,dr try atoll flashlight picture with
make an effort to snap the baby when Photoflash bulb. With
bulb you will seed 1
lamp. Place your omelet
et miles Qpllg akeect ail set It for
"time." Wtttlia arm -11
your side, place a p with
the shade removq• 'isle the home
light bulb and r•Allka with the Pho-
flea of
Thursday, January lath,. 1g16-7 •
News of thFarm
Notes and Comments on
• Agricultural Topics
Registered ('uekerela
Poultry breeders wishing to Improve
egg productiou and egg sire, and tour
lower the cost of pruduetkru and in-
o-(-res*e the revenue from the poultry
tloti should secure registered malts
W +1yr _to with Angie lestedkug hent for
the ironing breeding season.
Being bred from pereuts which In-
herit the capacity feat high egg pro-
duction and large ones, registered
earekereir posses* the breeding nct•er-
oary to increase the ejg production of
any thick and to emir* egg rate as
weal. Sher these cockerel* •rs bred
frofn mature retinae &Mr ere- - ----•
by 'government inspectors after they
!lire six months utd, the buyer cab rest
1 assured That he 1a getting bird's p00-
1 seaming good constitutions and abun-
idant vigor. Hegletered cawkereho may
Ira secured from poultry breeders in
•every PretTiit in Canada. =
. .
Mail a normal welgbt la reached. If
plenty of green feed le available, about
tour Pounds of mixed grata per sow
per day is usually ■ufAdeut to keep
her to good condition. When nursing
a litter, the sow 1a ted all she will
clean up.
This amount will von from six to
_ lit d tet •
The grain mixture for the sows var-
Warning from England
Canadian cattle ralters, at least
Brophey Bros.
Atubulance eervtre at ail hours,
PHONES: there 120. Ras. 217
les at Owes, owing to the nature of flu
feed oD hand A ratta(aek ry mixture a
omelets of equal parts of ground oats,
ground barley and mtddllugs. The
barley may lea omitted for sow's In
good -cua(ikltttl- gait
mineral and protein supplements are
provided, 1t should be omitted Miring
the last mouth before removing. The
nursing sow should .receive at least
too poutds of eke:so-milk per pound of
grain or fish -meal or tankage at the
rote of eight- per Sent. of the ration.
Mangers •re always p rrvided for
winter feeding ono Ire rwrlir be rate -
of about two pounds per tan) pounds
of lire weight per del. Closer bay 1s
supplied In racks. If potatoes are
fed to brood sows, they should be fed
only sparingly during pregnaucy. At
this time 1t la advisable to feed Ash
meal at the Wee of about three per
(ant. of the ration, if no skim -milk
bo available. Bone char and salt •re
each fed at the rate of oue per cent.
such as might hope to export animals I „t the ration et all time*.
to the United Klugdum, have recant- I • • •
ly been waned regarding the shirr
meet of : stock with any mrttilrtloas('lever and Grass Seed
in the ears. Aceording to" a decislon I Eastern. Central and Northern On -
of the ermmittee which administers loots): , The movement of
[lie cattle fund frotu which payment growers to the treaty was detldedly
of suleddles uu lnrwe-fed beef tattle I slow- during Derwlxr, Buyers are
• is rade, no animal with a punch hole • casette'. owiug to uueartalnty of the
of any shape In any porlllou In the market: j4lssr•-are •IMttt tt(tibie °jee
ether of half an inch or more across. thew
a r r. ,..
pounds of- -s+weet-- rleser, -3.11011't leer pound ' mad. clotfeF 11) to
sad -408000 Pounds `altelfa. 1i tu-.IeC . a w 15c;
seed front
Dern done jurtifks eta continuance. w1t11, us, Ill -Deem Tough Appel 1 ye.
Iteptrw•utatlrrusr have preen made to the-Walkerto« Herald -.nines.
Mtnlater of NatWest Revenue at Otto- Berm Asseelatisa that he has toes to play with. Snap
we - ---- -- -- Puhlk TIISraT•tt's tIr
Late Mrs, C. A. Yehell. Exeter. Hensel) and Brussels a D eture or him when" his tiny little
J0w4 Stahel. widow of the late Ches.have formed themselves late the i hands have a "strangle hold" on his
A. Klntcul, of N'Ingham, diel at bee -••Hurn -Perth Public Libraries Antoci- chubby toot. You will cherish that
Mame there on Sunday. Januar) .tar anon.. for par p-rpo0,• of sole•ling nletdre in years to coni:
' Ili there
„he 1s doing something;
Sooaer or later be «111 discover
_ brief Ihne,w. I►ect'asoed• wbu 'woke hr 11r adult ncnr-nctkru class In.s baby t e hi the ant
toflash bulb. Now tLe shutter
wa" In r save a iidffAlr the 1}teelsv►a+ee4 ►WF T' -a.r.
rarkus towns. It 1* expelled that by smile; the first time he reaches out dour cameri sea n i eur• are weaned. A three-year rotation o[
in East Wawanoeh and lived in the
rerefer ail her lift. With her bus-
laming the honks from town to town rent for the Photoflash bulb, which
his little arms to be taken from his 1 I rape. Data naedlel, and clover Is car -
ill f vivid.Instantaneous Dash led 1 the hog paddocks and OitaHer
or one
make a
aid of a
the one
e a table
k edgef tl
J, R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and Embalmer
AU calls promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Goderlch
W alter Dalton
Iluron Old Boy. Graduate
Ooderlch Collegiate Institute
13510 West Warren Ave.,
Telephone Oregon 8568
timothy and 42,000 of Canadian bliss
grana- The demand (onti[Imes good
for alslke, fair for red clover, alfalfa
kndCetnastlefsRir ' °l annd Paper for ._. _ "• -=
,twee` slid"_ttAestiRy. '• -
.re • 1
-- - w ere M the
ed i lacer, 42if.000 pouudr of Present prices paid goo
tiraderange as follows for No, 1 grads. -
ray snip 1u tot of the u to d11m uo, of &lathe 300000 i
-►xtetding' (tali an io/4r-sr- .masa 14 if UIWJP 1 pounds
11A+ pay when cold for bent. , !pounds of timottry-, sweet rioter S to d5Ie: tiniot►7 2 to
411 It has !teen occasionally --meted of mixed erecta.- --
Ftp some -_beef tattle which have suf- } pr►cee ofered•-ltrowere maim as col. 31,4e,.and ( *adiin blue green a% 15 -
from that -bite in the ear are Ilowa: For reel eve il The i ipg 4e eneetrl-rnt:lr
stm4rhaw'a`-district, 8 to 1Oc per LARGE FAMILY
potted fur, country run seed; In North-
ern Ontario, tic ten No. 1 ; ,la the 8t. I
wreace tonsekve-' 11- to 12'c ; in the. Madam, Springer Whin Horrors
zr+t: 43e. Alfalfa !tern. Hound
mad not qualify for the subsidy. This I the hlnpton-06610ra district, 10 to
s . 'For shrike In the -
anndtuq High Commis- brei . II Peterboro r n - Pimples. len Monday night Frank El -
seed for tanadu. seeeedi; Northern Ontario. 10 to Ile for ttott's lean-ye0rold registered Springer
-Ceeteaed Breeding ef Breed Sews No 1-...11weet clover In the Klugston- 1 alrnlel went one Metter. lwaring twelve
-et 2c for country run Popple*. Unfortunately two of them
At a .seer r'
letkton, N.1S., the brood sows" are fared. in lite 1 tl mother's housed in portable cabins all year ex- I
(epi for a period from a week or ten
inlays before farrowing until the pigs
the ear, will he eligible -for the
with deformed ears as a result,
will be •tnadvlsable to prepare these
, -auryoii-to the Old 'Country. They
min be slipped, but squid probel•+e
a veneer Newer pees 4.eenee`r'
fiLast week a Mound owned locally was
lutea has been anadinfttsd through lite tic lvilte, y pro 1 d Lindsay dile reported to have had a litter of eleven
) of the l'
11 to 1lc• fon country run t
St. wrenee Voun
2 to 3c for No. 1. For timothy n the
ton -Oshawa district. '2 to 3c for
y run reed; la Northern Ontario.
2 to 3e tot No. 1; In the St. Lawrence
(counties. 3 to 3%e for No. 1 and In the
w give a lower Ottawa Valley. 3 to Sc for No. 1.
band she moved to N7uglum In 1[101• wider rtrrflatkm will he aerorrd i crib; the first time he pull. himself r O° O Ser Ottawa V ley.3Ontario: aA tuwpara-
bat husband ihelw raced her in 10'S`I up to the side of •chair and then hit of light. Immediately after the flash provides a (-optimums supply of greeu .
Tlw carkotr Morales «111 be mit-limed dose the shutter of your camera.
hat tour daughter. •ml our sea sur try • central <OtaAktew what (rook. _-drat step- By all mean. don't tail ford in fee huut•th summer. The oh- ttrrly large quantity of +reed has sive- It.. buy, shirk it is shined, will en Yom will get a lot of too ut of eel In feeding is to keep the sows In' ready moved from Rrd«era to the
a 1 1 b to get a picture of his flat excursion
taking pictures o[ your baby in jeet
thrifty condition.They ahuelld not trade, although thorn are still av'al
r be allowed t to become tau at or of alslke,
rove to be a real tree/are chest of , thin. If they are vary th n after r t rtpgxy of
!'mad Helfer , able them to Int -reser great y t re ear to his "hlRh chair".tu john the family °
Ms.ks ml thMr *helves without , for his first meal at the table I years to come these picture will r f Lou' some 7:r0 qa) Itis. of red a user. r 1
to the ontlsy of any unit.
Mak It p Drme jomix or better yet V I ft ole i pounds of alfalfa 175.0(10 CsE The Signal's Classified Cd ae
IltttragR7 Drtagty- lrtaded I mwwwwis• Start todit - i Vega are weaned, they are _rod weell1550.OW otswee'clover, 4...
w,,,e the weight•ot the
is INdy during the night.
Eight of the remaining puppies are
beautifully- market In brown and
white, but two of them are pure
white. Mr. Elliott believes spurts will
appear tater. however. Thr tire of
the pipe is a registered spaniel.
Mr. Elliott Anted that The litter is
tar from being a reonl, as a St. Bern-
ard at one time In the Elliott family
had fifteen puppies'.
• Aehtte d township's pair of young
.hortlsorn deers whir•h have been oro- aikItnR
k. 11 to both >mflAtr' atlsF itrnaa'a • {•Pl+r - - --.
to be matebed in e•ffrr'tivetee try the }te•pi+rrts from at. Marys indicate that
heifer owned try a farmer living oo the a fatly of that town inadvertently
eerteklrt0 of Arthur. Thy heifer has been I helped ilea poultry fanners a few days
for the
haat two lSlr paha eggs awe n
In nervier
u 'Srw and a art•. V i water.
cess • I.45 of the farm work. Wets abs h decided
this ee nity ri
hauling the shnnlbont, drawing the We family in their
lanais into mss M ow,Md other ( Wedding
at all times and ready for action. At TO
dos arch year. This year r e'
M mace two of her eroc** I SCHOOL REPORT
lar. She safety
DeR^tii g• S. O. 1, C10I.BOR
Aalrs with one crock ami placed it
Ion the flew at the bottom of the steps. i Following is the report of S.S. No.
When dee-ending with the second crack 11. Colborne. for the tall term
lace heel (aught on a step. To save I Sr It' -Harold Ashton 0170. Charles
similar chorea S tWe T -g famlllar
neighs • 1 °d ` sof Pant Castes he Orme. of hue. i
Lifelong resident of the smith part
ef ter county, 1'aul torten diel lu herself air IPL thecrack fall. She Watson 57. Charles tont61 (fir, Mar-
CxMre on Soar. . January .'nth. 4n his fiat htwI the 11ow(rnt hers -It In «slit► tel Lr cs57. tw5, Fw1Rar Stoll fear, Btet-
aprteftfeta year. Mr. Coates lived on ping phinq' and landed with beth to i eesa en 55, Felgara Stool 5. Sibs'
.- - -ala fart In 1nsbip for mart/ Years lands plunged to the bottom of the, don 0fina r 44.
and ' was township tre•rsumr for a j Arst emelt- The mime sale Miele now , -
Wag pe`?fild in surto es"Msl tea his f thes.t 7t ` . J* IV-J)lflrahaU 11nwler 4370•
Thomas Oaatt" n Come Sr. iii -Marie lamellae
as Fowler 74.'• 4leipaea: 71/r and lire dttirart Scott
-Alpe ilietlleiir Mtir= F lr7i land son of Kintetw : lir: atfd-1111rsear'
`„-. 17. Whit, , old Johnston, of Lie -know, and Wal-
If-- Ail+iri`1'b4 oa • ° _ 1aca. at hums. )las. Sa .8ntt41Mn
els l tstiTa •Iwre,aljne 60, 147gTn of Wrotham, !flee- Conn's Mater, also
I I1)lrc it retired 1 Who
Exeter tad i een•stel himself 1u civic Mllellw Jahns- Brother,' of Embower
affairs et one time tieing chair-tPiS-Ure wool • eater against the
man of the pool' utilities commission.I Omdlaotl Thresher Co. of Sarnia whish
widow -snit owe daughter sur- Iia of tnnwMnlr
rte Intermit lo
claimed that the threibier
ayrppatb7' tA,
Wed January h. 1Ci it Mrs'
Will Conn, of theekth con.-1-opu et
Kl.Mery eeiebraten; the forticllt aniMe
vercary of their •weelding. In the
afternoon the members of their lame -
Mate family gathered to have tea to -
Tether, the following pra.ent:
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston,, one and
titer.-ltube,, Mr. and Mr. Ittrdie
iMmpeuu sad four Ihtle-fib
c1•. TYev
harped them tam tear much for ``ler 5t1. I ems yri,,'nt. Atter the Isr011 10na
Iirnhen lost an old and valued (Ott- w tractor which the Sarnia Aro ad p parity k gelding supper, Ire! Edward a itrrwegfit to ntea rimer
Iteatb at Edward Nosier
PaaT c
h Willisfe I1R 1 Mr• Johnston Conn
f SM•R T lrsae'1 away I f theUnited abate. In 1. 1 John l.aroullne, ru.Ileut , proposed a toast to the bride nerd
nam was mar t
nose- frit justified In eharizlnR. John" 1 mu
sen w
pro Jamrar7 (►tfi• In his 146th Year. Rum The made
nus claimed
that for GrorRc Turtun: Rtrtsl: Verse Heave. fair. broom to which Mr. Cello-- ably re-
-- - I' tp by tIM duty w iii( •n V 1
i Iiruthcrs elnitnel ilwee WAX no drat;
lea tractors toed exeTtt*ively f(it
theirOR "PILES"
r farm 14rrierws. Thr Sarnia court ruled'
life ft reamed ly `stood 11 t several other elmillar yews
y , j in favor of tin• plaintiff*. it 11' nudt•r=
0 II Ria IE 11r
.l'er Ta.
Arrow Bus Schedule
heave f:oderivh.
dully S.45 a.m.. 5 p.m_ atenderd
Time. for Stratford. Kitchener,
t;lrelplr and Toronto.
Arrive Toronto 2.30 p.m 10.45
p.m. t+
('(mnell(ma at Clinton for 14n•
don and Killea reline
Itineraries planned to all print'
In (7anadn, United States
and Mexico '
_. T. POW Orem fume 1V4. W. lie
11. Litt, Idler lint M. 111
Central Ontario Bus Lines
N•r on roil. 21. $1""1"1- In the t•retaiuc tasty •eigb-
Ihe1RL\F: w"fttlSTlr.R. Teacher.hors and old (Mende 1,1 the family
1 gathered and teent;a happy Uma In
rrwlulsm•nt chat, singing• cards lied
Ilan, -trig. Before the gathering brokei--
Iup. all Joined hands it Trod t1N' *Ida!' •
rumple and sang. "lull/ 14ne gyne
Wl[ITF.l'llt`Rl'H, Jan -•13. -Mr. aad
w1M ,,r•t• ,•rat of the ',egresses. (lgrs John Moses wed featly spent
'ninth of A. L. Cartwright Mr with her mother. Mrs- ('hurl,
known re+ld,ut when. A. 1,. Cert. -AM truer +«r • Tm slay, January i; to
SREnt:81 * 1t1't'1 rnme..'';*'i -4 , Mr. and Mrs. January
1'aal ('o 's 1uru1 8AM4', p•1s-*si away ,to Marlin). of East Wuwauosh, a
au Friday. Jens any' ltyjh. ikweemea-:-1'3-LL
I was Isrrn In 1lnllett township in 1477. daughter.
1111• ears twice nmrrlel. • In 111(M6• j Mr. J11IIN•$ Falconer was able to re -
Ito Elizabeth aeohr, end again b1 11121 turn hose trout Wingham hospital oil
to Fanuc it. 111114*. Idle first wife I Thttrsduy last••
1 Sunday -_
('lintare snRerwt the torr- orf n well- iieflsll:
dire] h+ 1ir21. in addltian to IoM
O Mn",
wide .s _hr.. ,. tlowii u(L.11i._dim
T1(.raa.e N: ,t-4i'trTs't"j,a.
fat home. two danght. i .1CuTTi h+ x•ms•m.•-
to and Herb in Kltehrnrr. and n hut -
then and two "dater*. one of whom le
Mtn. Wm. Andrew of Gosh -rich. 11e
Ras a Liberal and a member of the ,
I'nftei ohnreh. internient wax in
Clinton cemetery on Monday of tAkt
week. Many beautiful floral tribute' ,
gray,• testimony to the mestere• in which
he wee held•
Thieves entered Smith's dreg +tore
let itrn*sels on Friday night, after i
smashing a rear window. end rnn-
Ianeked the place. A. for ns could be
Idie-fleeted at 1114' time two flashlights
and two fountain pens aere .trier.
I along with Ill In "liver from the till.
1 It we. the first time In n month pnt-
1 iia otntloned here were called upon to
Ilavestigate a theft. Provincial Con•
efaMe P. R. Meloy and County (son -
stable J. Ferguson •re Investigating.
\1'e tongrat°late Mr*. James Met.4'e.
!w le celebrating he eighty eighth
beadle 71tt fie.•.
-hutch 114411117 spend few years from
ROMA Daily dia Illeeld-Wide toastructive New. la
Om Christian 111•14one• PublOshbof •10c1447
Mem Ware al ridwerivtles te tho IrfIffliffts• **PIM 1111010111P IMP
or 1141' amt, Mr.
W.M.S. of ilrlck
the first meeting
Met ;Pe, 141111 11 r•
alai "F -or They Are 7.ny Good Fel-
'liner matte tri.1140--
(8(1111151n11y ectend 14•x1 wlsbt's for
moil) mole heresy seek!= -'naiU-^
-a rias.
)Ire. Thos. Rebirews Priers. --Oil
1 Tlurr•diy la+t there 1(10ed sway. at
her home an the 11111 ,opeesslott of
East 11'.w11110Sb. Ener;, dusts• Kendle.
daughter of the Tate far. and Mrs.
Beadle of \tfeat R'ite,inbah• and 1a'-
bo wrH ,1.- Ii l T'r- Iwarn• The
m dtabete *tt'bad been
of the year with Mee. !ate ,to perform her lie..•hold ditties.
meeting there thio Label enjoyed her New bar's dinner at
;r_erin•s home. On vein day ereslpe-•
M1 her elm -
Mrs. 1'1+xs al+loll rut orae -- -- f•'• '^'
ter spent the week -sod with her par- dttton qu►-kly Mnama w us Of a'
r•ut•, Mr. and Mr-. taugr+tm, of Itlp• (q1 it't and retiring dfxiso•i °. she was
ley. Mrs. tongs..+ returned lion/e l rA • vett by •Il member twh o loos Iter! ehnShe
from Kiicardfnt• h a severe
on Salim.- 1 d a worrier in the tl",M•ih-_ "lte'r els•
dal night. atter a severe opera-
tion. tor. Rev. lir. Tnwnrud. of Beiernce.
Miss Myrtle Beecroft •p•nt the weak- lied charge of the funeral berries at
Pti1t at the h • of 11r, and Mr.. ('(•(•it t e house g,ii dnmrave o friendsnod
Wheeler, of Morris.
Tin seven children of Mr. and Mr*. Motives eathrrel to ley their las
tillnite to her. 1)urhlc the service.
Herron Iattftl who have mettle. a lakl tap )Its. 1.10114' Wightman aI'd Miss Mary
with an sane1 of ellqute are all up bear sang. "Ss Vett by lirae4.-.
now and getting well quickly -11.* leave* six
Mrs. iest4'r N'nlruner, of lildea her husband.
--•.pial---- - • _ - --
1` •
.amu,.....- .,.. ._.
following important changee'uias Long Minaret* •
. 1leleepliodu Kates arc non Gs effect*
NIGHT RA'CES on 66 Person-to-Personr'Calls
Calb to a particular person are now available (on all hut abort•
haul rneesles) at redifced*ratefs after 7 p.m. Hitherto, discounts
have heenPllnatle- " one" at_elie t-toetation11
Atli l._____-_
Cells. The disc
Cuirmos, spent Sureley at the home of
Mr. and Mro. James Faleoner.
Mrs Henderson, of looweresan.
Mr. and Mr.. George. Naylor spent
a dav laot week with Ur. and Idea
It. 14. ,Naylor
1).aah er Nu. David paretee.--The Frank end Clayton. IIP410141P4-fl 1.101'
funerat of the late David Farrier, who labe elan leavee two ',tethers. John. In
for the twist few months haso resided sarikatebewan. end George Beadle. et
at the 'some hio eon -In-law. Mr. John Asthma. There are five ithrtdchlIdrea.
11. )(Awe. of Litekno*-, wat. held' on Mon- I Relative' attended Die 11111nersi from
der to liethel semetery Rec. mr. ' Clinton, Anburn. Crewe. Morrie Wing -
paltry to the homily in their hereave
Writ J. 1) limo DP wow well kaown We shell never memos 01.11t
la•thin commuany. haring Heed ea eapacity for pm, the olessed peter
faitia Ming RAW. fer many years. la ,,of Ood will never 11.•••••• 011T mind
sr. emus le Hoe , in the village for siawl heart. a• kmg ass se alartok , tram
n friends 1n pelf -de -net lgareh.
entla,--- who were Charles,, of Weet Waut nosh : George
and Calvin, of TilleonHerg; nese of
'Westfield, and Meem ond May. •1
Wine; Man three daughters, Mr% JIM'
Tbotop000. Tillsenbarg. and Mar-
garet and Huth. at home. Two mama.
listripeoe. of 1 AV know, took the nervier
at We bonne. and RAP' Mr. Wright, ef
IR. Helens United etenree, the serviee
lit the cemetery. 110111111•41 hie wife.
Night tritest Will apply all day S lay on both "Persott-to-Person"
and "Anyone" calls. Thig means that the lowest rates for either
"Anyone" or "Person-to-Peritta. calls ;ire available (out' ly
from 7 p.m. Saturday to 4.30 a.m. Monday.
4.0* -e- NIGHT RATES on "Anyone" Calls
To points where the Day "Anyone" rate is 50 rents or less, the
discounts for Night calls are reduced or sliecontintwel. That ist,
some of the present 21- and 30 -cent Night rates are inereaaed by
5 or 10 centa. These discount inducements to call while the tide
of traffic is lower are replaced by the more attractive Night
"Penton -to -Person" and Week-ctiol reductions.
This is thisfif sit inoportant revision of Long Diettencip telephone
within the poet seven years. In both social and business affairs the rte*
Week -end and Night rates offer you a broader service at a lower rod&
Ask your Long Distance Operator for the new rates.
la a