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Details ,of the 155 million Red Meat II
Program 'promised in the provincial
budget were announced at a 4helburne
beef and sheep farm last week by On-
tario Minister Of Agriculture Jack Rid -
.dell. The Red meat Program, introducer
in BM as a five-year program, was
designed to boost the [quality ,and produc-
tivity ,of the beef and sheep 'industries.
The rerPotkannounced Red Meat II
Program has been developed to further
the advances made in the industry in-
itiated by the original plan. In introduc-
ing this program, the Ontario 'ministry is
committing to the 'enhancement of the ef-
ficiency, productivuty, competitiveness
and ,quality assurance of the red meat in-
dustry in !Ontario by offering.programs to
the farmer .on farm business, production
management and nutrition research.
"One of the key components of my
ministry's strategic plan is to improve
Ontario's competitive position in
agriculture," Riddell said in announcing
the details <of the program. "This new
five-year program will contribute to fur-
ther advances in competitiveness and
productivity in the livestock industry."
Theannouncement also fulfills another
recommendation of the Beef Marketing
Task Force Report, Riddell said. The
erJULICE11 r Task—f—orde,-Triade-fili- of in-
dustry representatives, last year releat-
ed recommendations for improving On-
tario's beef industry.
Xey et)4, ents of the lied Meat fl
Program include: product ,quality
assurance programs supported by
laboratory analysis and additional inspec-
tions, the inclusion Tof meat goats, and a
farm business management association
and analysis. program.
In addition, research dollars have been
increased to $6.5 million over five years,
•up from about $3 million stated 'in the
original Red Meat Program.
Red Meat 11 was developed through ex-
tensive dialogue with representatives -of
the beef, sheep and meat goat industries
and 'their organizations. 'Producers will
continue to ,be involved in the develop -
anent ofthaprogram details -through pro-
ducer advisory vonunittees., Committee -
members 'Will be announced, by the
ministry in the -near fUture.
ces new Ite
The progrsun will be targeted at beef,
veal, sheep and, for the first time, meat
goat producers. It will ,encompass genetic
evaluation programs, technological
transfer programs, preventative herd and
flock health programs, nutrition quality
assurance programs, a farm 'business
management association as well as
research to ensure competitiveness within
Lneknew Sentinel, Wednesday, ildy11, 1019—Page 5
Meat Program
the red meat .industry.
"Thanks to this initiative, Ontario's red
meat producers will be better equipped to
meet the challenges of changing global
market forces and will continue to .pro-
duce products for changing consumer
tastes," Riddell said.
More than 80 beef and sheep improve-
ment dribs were established across On -
tario to provide weigh services and to
sponsor educational meetings and filed
days to demonstrate new ideas and
Further details on the Red Meat 11
Program will be available at local coun-
ty agriculture offices by September.
Helm jeins Implements Board
Lucknew's town Art Helm joined ether members of the newly -formed Ontario Farm
implements Board at the initial meetlag of the board remedy In Toronto. One sf the
first tasks of the board, under -the direction of Minister of Agriculture Jack RkIdell,
Will be to conendt with miens ,segments of the agriculture industry in order to draft
regulations wider the Farm Implements Act. In addition, this board will be responsi-
ble for developing an administrative framework and regulations to meter the act.
Members of the board include, left tolight seated: John Kessler, manager; Carole
PrevosteGration, dairy lunser, St. Albert; Jack Riddell MPP, snail board Adman
lied Leeds, Denlleld. Standhs left to right are ?Inbar Dedr, Ontario Farm
1' Board; Art 'Beim, imarimipkomits maatiadaur of laciumw; Dam
beef prOducer, Moonbeam; Are natal grainaad-iaimed craps farmer, Bransaaville;
'Frank Clarke,, *dainty liana *gleams alealeref lkaalsieek; Bib g, lar,
$ems disitibutar,Waterford; mad Ilayst-Xellagg, a dairylarmaerlravaltortIlipei.
T,.,,.. .
, .,
,., .,,,,,,, ,.,,, ,
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