HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-19, Page 3,BREFs ay Members of the West Wawanost Township CounciL meet on July 4 for their regular monthly imeeting at the local Municipal Building: Under the ,zdirec- tion of Reeve Coin LIranston, council members :discussed a Avide range ,of items including day care subsidies, sports equipment and the removal of a sidewalk in. Auburn. Following the adoption of the minutes, a delegation consisting of Jane Lane and Joan Mowbray appealed to council to consider contributing the 20 per cent municipal .share of subsidizable children from West 'Wawanosh attending -the Vingham Day Care. In the past, this por- tion of the total has been contributed by the Town of Wingham with the Province of Ontario making up the remaining '80 per cent. - Wirigham recently made it tnown that it is no longer willing to pay the 20 per cent for out children using the fealty. Council agreed to seriously consider making this contribution and directed J0811 the Day are centre requesting a cost summary of the 1988 municipal share for West Wawanosh children. Next ,on the agenda was an appeal by Crime :Stoppers of Grey Bruce are seeking the public's assistance in the in- vestigation of a Break, Enter and Theft which occurred in the city of Owen Sound, Ontario. The Owen Sound Police Force reports =that csometime on the weekend on May ,20th of this year a break, enter and theft 'occurred at the Georgian Sales and .Bentals ,bnilding on 2nd Avenue lira& • The lbUilding vas entered by the ,culprit(s) Ibrealsing a small window on the.north aide of -the buildiflg. No Other damage occurred. Once inside the building the laulpifit(s) appear to bay.e liken their time .selectively vicking • through • the varions aiticles available. The culprit(s) stole .several hammers, two .acetalyne torah sets, and eight (8) MAXIM battery powered drills. The slue of the articles ;taken exceeded ;$2.100. k to Allan Webster on behalfof the Dimgan- non Bantam Boys ball team for a con- tribution towards the purchase of proper equipment for the team. Following the presentation, council moved to consider making grantd available to Minor sports groups geared to youths and children 18 years 'of age and younger and' authoriz- ed a grant in the sum of 4250 to the local team. In a releated motion, it was decided to send a letter to Lucknow Recreation or Bill Hunter •commenting on the "shoddy" treatment afforded local teams with regards tin proper equipment, play- ing times, et . The road superintendent reported to council that the road department would lift and remove the old sidewalk where it is being replaced in Auburn. This would be done upon one week's notice from the trustees. Just before the payment of general ac- counts in the Simi of 830,416.70 was ap- proved, letters from a number of Dungannon residents with regards to the t/waer Outecummi-- ty were received, noted and filed.. The meeting was adjourned with the next regular meeting of council slated for August 1 at 7:30 p.m. e er RIME 14800465-7137 PPERS t -js dixtlieval the ,culprit(s) left the iby a back door and 'over a fence at the rear, a vehicle ,may haYe been need for the get .away. IT& culprits) have not been identified, nor have any of the ,Ystolen articles been -recovered. If you feel -you can help in this or any other ease, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce are willing to pay a reward up to $14000 ler- information that leads to an arrest. Call CRIME STOPPERS AT 148004854787. You Will, not be asked to identify yomtelf. 'You Wiul dbe issued with a code number. You never have to testify in court. wilES•ifira °Vairiellr "gm* 111111. lauwSeaPW, WedlIrdllyt July II, 1130 --Page 3 AVLOYZ 2anclicattin.9 Zimitzti RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS R.R. 2 Lucknow (ENTOIRY SALE cash St ,carry Items only 529-7247 25 - 50% OFF IN -STOCK PATIO FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES 25% OFF SELECTED TREES & SHRUBS INCLUDING: AUSTRIAN PINE HONEYLOCUST GLOBE CATALPA FORSYTHIA CORALBERRY EVERGREEN STANDARDS COLORADO SPRUCE PIN OAK WEEPING MULBERRY SNOWMOUND SPIREA LILAC CRANBERRY VIBURNUM 25% OFF SELECTED PERENNIALS 5O% .OFF SELECTED ITEMS INCLUDING: • •••—•,•,•••••-"••••—",.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0,1-,rva•• • SILK PLANTS FUSCHIA BASKETS RUSSIAN OLIVE CEDAR SEEDLINGS -----CMISIVAS DECORATIONSVARIGATED WEIGELIA YELLOW DOGWOOD GOLDEN PRIVET HOURS: Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Closed Sunday p , 1,,,. P .1 • , , 1 .,1. Zarb year, the Inuniber .,Of Liquor Licence ;Act .IiiolatiOns increases dramaticallylinthe :summer =Whs. stunmer, more than '72:000 throes were laid iznareas, of the ; pro- .:Ithe Ontario -Prolti* ,icialVolice. Most of to charges relate to 7 the tillegel -constunpition of liquor in Ames :LIther :than licensed ormAses or Tibet of :residence. The term cflrefildence"..jneludes tents on ,Oalnpsites or beats cOrittiOet'llet iracilOoni,*estinoord or ed up aft .• they 644 "Broken bottles create danger for *ids When they cut themselves .on the glass at the beach and on the roads. But_ a more aerious, problem occurs *hen .people.go. l'"°0 after having few *inks. They're g• g'l their lives at etok;":fiaid' Sgt,'Retir .144,1140tees• illegatto drive or have, care And control of ..41% motor vehicle with lopen - bottles Of .alcoholic beverages. 'People should not go to the'boch :or park With .411cA1xklic beverages= We dee* r_thOse citho do so to he /a danger, not Y.' to thnse1ve, bat° Other peo- :Not„•• • qtagi is the 00011 VU*01.4000 ,a1c0001 a ViVblein This till, bring your crop to the experts at Cook's. we can handle a broad range of vehicles at 6 convenient locations, making crop delivery fast andeasy. In addition, we have 12 licensed white bean -satellites. Our cleaning, and storage facilities are ready to serw you. We offer co 'five prices, plus rnariseting expertise to help you get the most for your crop. You can count on the people at Cook's for fair grading, honest weights and friendly, personal service. We've but ourreputatiOn on it. Division of ParriSh St. Heimbecker, Limited ,i-lensall (519) 262-2410 Centralia (519) 228-6661 -Kirkton (519) 229-89f36 Walton(519) ,527-1540 ,Amberley(519) 395-3601 Atwood (519) 556-2292 Licensed White,Bean Satellites: seeehweeth plencoc GrainA seed company' Ile6ontSMICOC.Platict CekOperative Bothholm Er...111,ainefarm5td litmWsvineOlomelanct Orainint ), IlaghwooddiMrOiaSthroeder Milling Co ,Doplin; ImMirt tce1MlIUt1. Agrwodri:rOitZni:Oe Patin a SeAl Company* Maud,: Mactrom Gralo MihvrtonelimnoCkrotis 140* l'a0111; C.10.flat” Omin *tat VOttipany* StouOille:St.;141wrOltv Corains Immoni '110(on Orikki Iik'yator* • oontiO)IrOlutroll,-60 imenedealeA1M1 • 4nlivilkItto(tammiticpaMmt alempu.• Part nithe Cook's Crop input 'Ram (fromiefttaright): Tim Hiltz Atwood Plant Foreman 3 years with Cook's Brian "Buck" Glanville Hensall Assistant Branch Manager 14 years with Cook's Jamie Hackett Kirkton 'Branch Manager 1 year with Cook's 4