HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-12, Page 121 a 26. Help Wonted Page 1Z-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 12,1989 lL0114 pi" Deadline a Mono at 12 noon 1. Articles for :Sole TRY C &.E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.--40tfar STEEL from Its Quality Buildings - Fac- tory Sale. Must Sell! .Quonset 19 x 9 x 20, $2,029; Model "S" .25 x 14 x 40, $4,175; Straightwall 30 x 10 x 34, $5,499. Prices in- clude endwalls and more! Quantities are limited. Call today. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1400-66895422 (24 hours).-23bc 3, 19 INCH BLACK AND WHITE televi- .,.. ns; Quebec-heater,=(tined, size)_,ill;.,burn wood or coal $75, 23 1" x 6" x 12" pressure treated wood $98.00, oil stove suitable for cottage, 6" regulator pipe, 6" insulated chimney, 1-200 gallon tank, .also hardware to install $160.00, 2 electric fencers $25.00 each, 2 corn scufflers, 1 is 1 row other is 3 row, all items best offer. Phone 3955257. 26-28nx Stainless Steel DISTILLERS for purest drinking water. Buy direct from manufac- turer at discount prices and save! Water Purity Systems, .537 Brant Street, Burl- ington, Ont. L7RIG6. 416-639.0503: 27bc New Technology to Canada eliminates RUSTY, -SMELLY, BAD TASTING WATER. Purifiesyour.Entire Water:supp- ly for only "pennies a day". Eliminates the need for chemical iron filters and .shock chlorination. No -Salt required. For further information, write: The "RUST BUSTER", No. 56380 'Tomken Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1K2. Call: toll free 1004873423. Sales .and :Service representedthroughout Ontario.-28bc 'PULLER BRUSH -For catalogue send $3 -(refrmdable) to: St. Gentry's Importing, 1093 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, B.C., V7P 1S6. Representative enquiries welcomed.-28bc How to travel anywhere in the world for free. Two methods described in this fac- tual report. It's true.. $2. "Spendthrift, 616N Young, Winnipeg, Man. R3B.2S9.-28bc PICK YOUR OWN RASPBERRIES 1/4 mile east •ot -;Benmiller on Hwy. 8 Open 7 a.m. -6 Days A Week .524 8024 : 1'. 1, 1; i ,r,.,, , ,. , ., ,,, ,„ „ .. e U i a BUTCHER SHOP :LUCKNOW 528-224.2 Bruce Packers Head Cheese Pizza Pops r%b ick 1. Articles for Sale FASHION RACKS, slatwall, outrigger and accessories. Call 524.4894.28tf ONE USED 11 h.p. 33 inch snapper riding lawnmower. Excellent condition, reasonable price. Call 528 2102 or 529-7417.-28 RIDING LAWNMOWER and push mowers for sale Shetier Enterprise Sales, St. Helens. -28-30x SLIDING PLATE GLASS windows (no frames) - one 26" x 36"; twelve 26" x 42"; twenty-six 20" x 36"; also two pair -black metal decorative shutters 14" x 42". Phone 524-437L-16tfnxe DOORS: One inside door 30" x 78". Phone 524-4371.--16tfnxe ELECTRIC Pallet Lifter, Stainless Steel Freezer Door and Frame. Open To Offers. Phone 524-9211, 9-5 p.m. or 524-4240 after 6 p.m.-16tfnxe i4ANDCRAF'1'.E1), new, white pine lawn chairs. Cape Cod style. $90.00 each. Call 529=7421.=tfnxe BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28 x 40 $3,986; 40 x'60$5,450; 46 x:90$8;900; 60 x 120 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-6684338 or (416) 792-2704.-18bc STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Sellebra- tion" on Quonsets and S Series. Payments, lease or purchase, we have a plan for everyone. CallFuture 1-800.668.8653.-22bc ACORN Fireplace, as new, never lighted. Golden/copper enamel finish. Also, piping as new, fire -proof corner floor stand and wall protector panels finished with mat- ching Z brick. Complete .$175.00. Phone 524-7901- after 5:30 p.m. 20tfnxe BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands while supply lasts - summer clearance - we have limited steel left from our largest spring sale ever - PARAGON STEEL 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours) . 25bc '5. Cars for Sole 1985 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER. Chocolate ,brownexterior.and interior. Ex- cellent condition. No rust. Power .steering, power brakes, power windows, air, cruise, many extras. Asking $8,900 certified. Call 524-9211 between 9-5 p.m., after 5244240.--16tfnxe 1978 DODGE ASPEN, needs .some body work. Runs good. $600.00 or best offer. Phone.529-73$2.-25tfnxe 1978 MERCURY COUGAR, air and ;p.w. Good condition. Certified $1,750.00. Call ;395-3288.--27-29x 1973 MUSTANG ,MACH 1, 4 speed, must sell, $2,400,00 firm, 1975 GMC 1/2 ton, 350 automatic, flatbed. Ready to certify, new tires, etc.'$900 00. Call 5294274. --Ox 1913 PLYMO J'i 6 i n A 771 . -`E, ,2.;2 L motor, .autn,.u�ti('. i .1 St ng ..as is, opa'n to offers, �a a dal. Call 305 -28? - --28-30.x 1984 NEW YORKER, fully equipped, low kms. 1984 Pontiac F'lero,14speed, stereo Tete earsingreatcondition.liest Offer. Call :5 311.- ax S. Cars for Sale 1981 PLYMOUTH RELIANT in good con- dition, certified $1,000.00, also a 10' Seafleet with a 50 h.p. Mercury, $1,000.00. 1984 Trans Am in mint condition, loaded, can be seen at Strickland Motors. Frank Alton 529-7218.-28, 29x 6. Trucks for Sale 1976 INTERNATIONAL, 5 ton, takes gas, with 20 foot box. In good running condition. As is. Asking $2,900 or best offer. Call 524-9211 91-6 p.m. or 524-4240 after 6 --p-ark-23thrze 1979 DODGE VAN, 6 cyl, auto, p.s., p.b., carpet throughout, 83 000 km, $2,100 or best offer, certified. Call 529-7598 after 7.-28x 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc: 1978 SUZUKI sp 370 enduro. Good condi- tion $400.00. Phone after 6 p.m. 5291-7607.-tfnx 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Camper's Trailers CITATION, General Homes and Nor- thlander dealers. Previously owned tent and travel trailers. Also, add -a -rooms, trailer accessories and parts. Fisherman's ° Cove Tent and Trailer Park, RR 4, Kincar- • dine. Phone 396-2757.-19tfnar BONAIR R.V.'s & Trailers. Utility, hard- top, tent, fifth -wheel, travel and park models. Also awnings, add -a -room, air conditioners, trailer -hitches and ac- cessories. New and used. Large selection, low prices. Royal Trailer & .R.V Centre, Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343-2122. 28bc • 10. Pets for Sole TWO MALE, blue -point, Siamese kittens, 6 wks. old. Phone 529-7382.-25tfnxe REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for sale. Excellent temperament. Puppies can be seen at Fisherman's Cove, site no. P6 weekends. Call Bonnie Cassidy 1-746-0932.-27-30 RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK male puppies. Excellent family dogs. Phone 8.81.0886.-28, 29 11A. For Sale General HAY FOR SALE and STRAW wanted, square bales only. (519) 343.2336.-26bc 11C. Wonted to Hire SOMEONE TO COMBINE 33 -acres of winter Canola, standing, call 395-2475.--28 11E. Livestock POLI.,ED'CHAROLAIS BIJLL, 2 years old, good calving record. 'Call ;5284592.-28 43 ACRE FIELD of hay for sale, 10th on. of Ri.:nl.oss. Call Bob Cummings 3764213.-x28 25 ACRES ,of :Stab axed hay. Can 395-5212.-48 Z RG R3141O1JN98 ° :LES of hay, no rain. 011113 ai1.5.28= 11G. Form Equipment 12' MASSEY 36 swather, with bat reel; ex- cellent condition; always stored inside; $3,150. Phone 1-482-7306 or 1-522-0468.-24tf 11H. Form Services LYNN LOWERY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.-42tfar -BER G T ARUN. NT cleaners, manure pumps, ventilation equipment, hog equipment. Contact Lloyd Johnston, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395.5390.-3ltfar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Starline belt feeders, conveyors, silo unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip- ment. Custom belt lacing. Repairs. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851.-42tfar 14 ACRES standing hay, St. 'Augustine area. Call 523-9256.-27, 28 1 14. Vacations COTTAGES FOR RENT Lakefront, super clean, fully equipped. We also have FAMILY CAMPING with three way hook-ups, boat. launch and rental, new washrooms and showers being installed for 1989 season. SILVER LAKE T. & T. PARK, 12 miles east of Kincardine on Highway 9. Phone 395-3330.-19tfn CANAL CRUISES on scenic Trent -Severin Waterway and Rideau Canal aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR; private staterooms, all meals; free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7.-28bc 17. Apartments for ,Rent lk ONE BEDROOM heated apartment upstairs. Phone 528-3045.-28tfn j25. Wanted to Buy WOULD LIKE TO buy a used Basinet and baby's change table. Call 395-2475.-28 TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experience re- quired. ' MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1800-265-3559 Cambridge and London.--50tfar "WANTED" - local representatives (full or part-time) to market exciting new technology. Video presentation virtually sells the product for you. Earn up to $35,000/year (parttime). For a +complete information package - call or write today: Aztec Industires, 6380 Tomken Road, Unit No. 5, Mississauga, Ontario L45T 11(2, 416464-390.--28bc MAINTENANCE people needed to cut Agrassand clean swimming pool. Some ex- perience in painting, carpentry, electric and :plumbing an asset. Excellent wages for the right person. Partt the and full- time needed.Phone 5244343 and ask for Paul.-- 28