HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-12, Page 10Iligele—;;LI011017 gertliMitiVeallititiftys,dy 124.09
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-Emegency _and 'trauma 'services in
tbetlith care Utilities -across .Ontario
haven.:givena$i87rnllhiOn1b1,t to
enhance the -quality and accessibility of
-emergency -services.
-Announced last moilth b3r Health
Minister Caplan, this ,Auklitional
'funding is part of The zgovernment's
province -wide -action plan for .specialty
health care introduced in Abe -recent
zSpeech from the
Mrs. Caplan told a conference of the
‘Tratuna „Association of Canada that „the
418million WilI-:ensurelthat apuility „care
andltecessary servicesareateesSible to
everyone IigIUtthe„Toevince.
"This additional fundirig," 'the
minister ,said, improve ..Ute
rtlimition-of -services ifrom the time a
;patient is plekod Up ,ty lainbultmee, ar-
rives at a 'hospital „emergencydepart-
ment and, When necessary, is tranSfer
red to a -critical .„-care 'trauma
Nine miilion *liars the funding in-
creaseislo allocatedifor additions 'to
„tatibulance services in '16 --cotrammities
that 'have experienced increased
workloads because ,of population
The 'remaining 49. million will be „used
implement 4ffuldelines to hep
hospitals improve -ellficiency „in ',their
limerpticy wards;
cltded,grafte neven'inew regional raurna
networks -to cckNintite Itigibrad hotpitil
beids -taid lerViceS -*mitre severely in
Jared patients get proilit-attetis to the
type of Spetialized health tare they
-itettablithed a -central provhicial
„critical titre %Mine for &etas in each
region, province4vide. flotlines will
eliminate the need for doctors to tan
several hospitals in search of more
specialized services by ettablishing fi
to-aditlator ata regional hotline tentre
who will have an inventory Of services
available. This will improve accessibili-
ty to 'services The firtt of these hotlines
will -men in liletro Toronto on 4uly '1.
'40 -expand province -wide Itandsardized
emergency patient InforMalion 'registry.
Renta cottage -forthe summer, find a bigger sailboat,
sell your cross-country skis, have a gamge sale, have
your Litt nastrung, buysome patiolurniture sell a
tillya red rpnvertible, -find
to irtyour ilmse? seti
„your- idlawn mower, your
stereolor a windsurfer, 'find a
weekend retreat buy an ice cream
to C*;
rvcT? 'for equipnlent,i'ndnfo
nod ,
,,.: :4.
r wn rryfarm
rabinetsell ktlecoy, advertise
service, Tneetatravelling tornpanior
iketsto nDutckor coriert, Tentave eatable
he tour& -;lind a studentto cut
dawn, sefi your w,shovej, buy a
greenhouse Rd, buy 111 lora :srlew
ncIgc1, tr&te4 bue for
archery lessonsjintlabl
"establish a trauma patient registry tb
provide data on type of injuries and
treatment methods.
The emergency 4lepartrnent guideline
is perhaps ,the most far regal,* of
these initiatives, and the ministry will
soon be sending <these guidelines to
bospital boards of governors.
It isexpecteed that imPlementation of
the guidelines, will ensure emergent!,
care is available at all times and that
emergency patients get priority over
elective c ant, Wit in emergency rooms
and upon admission to hospital.
"There zb little doubt," the minister
said, tithe ,gUidelines will help hospitals
improve the quality of emergency care
as well as eliminate unnecessary
baekup in their emergent" Vans."
In announcing the 418 iniflion funding
increase, Mrs. Caplan said that
,emergency and trauma services are
part of several 'specialty health care
,-areas Where her ministry Is concen-
trating resources.
Other health care initiatives -announc-
ed in this legislative session -include a
„province -wide breast -screening program
for .cancer, new • funding for car-
diovascular care, AIDS treatment and
education, kidney disease treatment and
care for mothers and the newborn.
Mandate Extended for
I have recently announced the Transi-
tion Crop Team established in 1986 will
continue its work beyond its original
three-year mandate. The team was to
investigate the commercial potential Of
new, replacement or alternative crops
for the .province, and has had notable
success identif-ing both alternative
crops all, market )pportunities.
The .team explores potential markets
for -replacement zcrops, egad* oppor-
, 'Utilities for "industrial crops" such as
essential and aromatic -Oils fragrances,
fibres and .alternative fuel sources. They
work with 'farmers and growl= wishing
to pal resources to develop lett ven-
ture marketing operations. They will
also investigate ways to encourage in-
novators and entrepreneurs to adopt
new teelmalrgy and 'business practices.
ascent thiliy byWoodsordon com-
missioned by the team .has identified
,bosc years and plums as possible alter-
natives for land which fis being con-
verted from grapes.
In its experience over the matt three
years, the team has identified the major
problem in finding new 411'00 is in the
matketins end. Tanners and growers
alike must tear in Mind :their
mutt be 4‘ 'marketedriverf", and
Atbaerlize to the theory -01,31Ustomer ;de-
71)is will necesaitate corers
tlkillseuch as Ideittigying and
viPurtur 110Velep-
et0,4001?Z 4114007 -
t Of*etor %rade lttandards and
names;id and 'Arabs 41irmty with
.Tbe'Itansitiop Vrep lam under
Imager Arthur 'Lou$hlon, Inv be
senelled by sett% (19) 7120.
• I) t•
ifield Ads
summer -fun,
rioEpiviotion 4 the iVitnotlimn
the 604 1tiAllumoil