HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-12, Page 4:Page4---.141tanowliaMtlati Weibtaids y k di I 4 mo.. Aek vego rnen • , • , ;P.D. Pi3ox 400, tucknow, OntarnNO2HO :5282822 Established 1873 irtiomas -Thompson Arivertisng (Manager 'Subscription rates advance: Pat .Livingston ,Zenerai Manager —Editor -317r :outside _Canada 4509° 4149° Outside:Canada:1E589ft -Senior Citizen Second class -mailing reg. no. 0847 Advertisingjaaccepted onlhe condtion that in the-eventof a typographical -error, the portion oftheacivertising space occupiectbytheerroneous item tggetherwith a reasonable allowance for signature, will notte charged for, tut the balance of the .adverhsement will :be „paid :at /he applicable rates. olunteer e I ..,. .40 ,:e a ,' h Call ASP `06-11 ApriD V:1 MEW program :Community 1:triented Valid% ZOP war) implementei in District which covers the =roc bounded 'by Guelph, Tobermory and .Lucknow. Ir -this immediate are, -.Constable Andy Mumess, of 'the 'Kincardine Eclimptactunent of «the OPP, is 3CDP ;Officer for -the 3villages 0f.Lucknow and Ripley. and Jthe -townships Of lEinless and 44uron. leAmstable Dawes is 7:.no 7:stranger 'to ..312011t tan= AresidentS, iiIytbhng address- --Aid as itiktidy". -The an of the !program is 'to improve the quality of life in our zonenunities. An -added zlienefit is the :police apartment swain lbesconiss .gpart of the community, not :just -the 'llpsy in ,the -cruiser". Rathr than Liming inthniciatedrisy -the pOiice9 the public :should -feel Iccnitfortable 'in letting an Officer (know of -their complaints. Andy -hos 'requested ,Avoiunteers 'to sit on aimensviittee to-roview -surrent 5problems in ,ithe ommuslity. Having -filersitifitad t'the problem the -scimmittee would atrive .towards finding a rsobstion ',that would ,evitark in -the :searmtsunity ;involvad, irhe-zonnllfttse wauldtconsist of thrste -residents 'from ,the mingfee .i.ucknosv and Minions -township, qthrupe -residents 4rom -the Wave Of RipI.yand Moron township rend Tonstabie Meetimis would dlie,field ovary ,two months, int.rchanging doetween .iticknow and Miley. the ,zinvitaltion -for -residents ,to ,:iroluotoor -thee to sit an'41111s committee bad Amen *extended ,earlier„ ,with little Friesetonse. Zoom on4Olks feasrely lisersoreJsix .siti*ensoot ,there interested in *weaving ,theAssality of 'llfst in Melt -lour asentiess01 ,you ore ,;interested tor *imply wontAvrther infonstaticon <call Ao. Oy cat 49643341 and yet ;involved! • 4 Oh, how times Change As Ilmare the memoir column eaeh week, rhave the advantage of reviewing okiSentinels on a regidar basis. Papers from 70 and 10 years Ago are very in- teretting to read. The manner of writing has changed considerably over The years. Quite often an attiele gives a good laugh or two. 'This week when 'reviewing the July 13, 1939 -edition the 'following article caught my ,attffition: Wear Tour Skirt At Might Length Hemlines mow are between 14 and 18 Inches from the floor Mxtrerne versions of The -school girl silhouette are mot for very short women. Nor for tall -girls who have flat, ‘straight - hipped, :boyish figures. The 'former type will find most :becoming --coats that bang straight from the shoulders and 'those 'eh are easy fitting through the trtid- with a small amount of hemline I ' Not 'for Short Women Wide, .swirling (skirts should 'be worn slightly shorter • than .straight ones. • owever, ..don't let all the current discus - on of skirts getting shorter make you forget the Tight skirt length for every pair of legs. Hemlines now are between 14 and 18 inches from . the floor, .o e young and your ligs are beautiful, wear- your clothes ..18 inches from the floor if you like. If your legs arentex- actly • -beautiful wear your skirts longer - without .any trace of self-consciousness (Whatsoever. Immediately after (reading the above •article 1 grabbed (a bigruler .and .measured the length of the skirt -I had on that ;day - 19 .1/2 inches from the floor. .O1, oh! The other skirt in the office ashr-ed 12 inches from the .floor. Another, :rah, ,oh! The was too short &that:be monsidereiltrazen i0years 6? :One 'was :too long -- woUld 'that ire conskierstimatronly 0 years age? 'Not knowing what to write about „This week, 1 'pounced on this idea and ed to go and measure skirt lengths of women on the streets. As it was very hot ,day, my ad manager gracefully Of- fered -to carry the ruler and do the measuring, while I ., recortleti the statistics. 1 consented, ,always keepinging in mind of course, the chance of a good photo. Most women when a man Ap- proaches their legs with ruler tend to jump, and I was sure I just ,might be able to catch a _flying fist on .camera. Me (surveyed eight -.Other women, "two of which would have been :considered too short and six of width fell within the recommended guidelines SO years Ago. , 'Me next :area to ponder was if 'the two, whose Skirts were too short, were young with beautiful legs. Touchy subject, right? .ancl one I'm -not going to touch. Mterall, age Is a state of 'the mind and beauty is th the eye of 'the beholder - so we're told. What I, as a female, consider beautiful could very well be considered ugly by another female. And what a male con- siders as a pair of :beautiful legs would more 'than If .u I " I fernales_p • view. Today any length seems to be fashionable - from eight inches to 29 in- ches off the floor. Most of us wear what we feel comfortable in "without any trace of self-consciousness whatsoever". There are added benefits to' the longer length - less chance of runs in pantyhose showing, skinny legs or plump legs are bending over can be performed without exposing all you are -endowed with, and you .can probably get away with performing 'that bah* removal chore tevery (other day! I didn't get al pic of my ad :manager getting punched out! FOR 7ir U \,'VACATICID1! DEFOREST, MAJESTIC "OR ROGERS It'ONV4)1UCED RTABLE ERADJO ?LAIS.ANYVVIIEE Ni Aerial. 'Ground or Visag-in ileedesi • 'Door Trattecta Centralia While `Caresing • Ruggetti rr. annpaet %Vatter. iro�f Wizkiah. • ,Light4Veight. •'Lekng Battery Life - sr New Hansiy Nape. ;FREE ilentenstrafiso et esy moaREst, MAJES- TIC ear ROGERS itleider Remember when? - 170 years sago July 10, :1919 Hydrotor'Bruceaud iblorth Oros -:Th 'response in Abe demand .f or -hydroelectric power Irvin the AssociatedMunicipaiities of IttwonAtudiiillee, niters: ot,the Uri° :iHydroMectrio Qomjmsson -have made 'commendable Iprogress in .the ,preparation lower stle.veicp- ment here. Portion los juste_en • receive.d that the 'commission jj1'Aro- ceedwith the:,Sa•nktVert -(SievelOPMetit Aches= ,,,,(Land Ithat ,..c4mbination with .Eiigenia, there J;se •10090 lorSOPOviereamalable. :,Vpon-Ttgospplejiton of thelaugeenplant,st`Tortgflgin the(com- miasion(rwilif(ibelenabledtalfiperateja work of ,riserving Abe ,and 'Ontario, .,a.nd,,,parts,,Of ,ond erYlattIVB -.Column - 3,4)ST - Cor IMaticer no.147834finder0,1Yileavelit '.Sentinel, office. 11111111.1111111.1111.111.1.11111111111.11.1111P FOUND - DriVing rug. Owner may have smile At 'The Sentmei office. F0.1.1N10 - On :the -road, liorth of LaCknaw, -a,ParCel,-ApParentir -Tnatellea. Owner 111.a3r have Mille-At'The "Sentinel office. ;0 "Ygilfs aago 4137 :139 .0$9 1;ells lake -OJorge -01..•"1/49oal Tagtsay Apansoptioxi nf -comillogable ,cottse- VelteejnItheciiglatliallfe Vf Abe *loge, Alas -xecently .-lven -completed, ,after ,:period of negotiations, byi.WhiPh Mr a:9. .133111, Jzoeenines .of the byekiww 'Wahle .*Company, ,,and jj0).11 !,Mr. 1:tecomes viCe.VeSifient. 'They ,30xe ow inicbapge of this „leading and long Oittablitibed vjliage AliChiStrY, And '))4ave takell 341) 'residence ,here. ,liariyDe.11,:as the ,senior -member of the firmislmown, 'has lad A wide experience in thehe furniture -busineas, And for thir- ty years was AAS00Ciated ,with the well krjown ,Bell 'Furniture 'Company At SoutbainPten• iliston Jack 1c4as Also been weli settoPle in the avork..9at'reeentlY, Priar A0 - Ming tc 14UCknow, be ,,was with the 'firm of ,Ro_gclon and -Grosz At Walkerton. 25 years Age July 400 Set High 'bevy* ,14 (MS - At the,40137'411 %It* -of the Wallow 'District Iloard he 164 levy set At IA Alilk tcraise ,474,000$0. "'his in - Ogles c,118,976.11 Debenture levy Anti A45,X3;79 'for ',maintenance. ,An A$reeitient Was -made with -Gordon Montgomery for 1964 - 6 .00001 term tranaPOttatiOn Ad an increased rate of 4 cent. A mile, to 28 cents lime to ,atiational cost -of 'operation. 10 'WM Anir 1.14, "Overload Mark :P riritay 4.inniversary kine ".$ was the `0,5„th Anniversary of .the 9.ay Invasion of ;France which ,saw the allied :forces push the fcliernms from western Europe. It was the ,:beginning of the,end to the war. :151arence Vreer of ,T,,kucknom Inded,on 1.130 ,,,s,hores -of',111tne with the .:foroes. 4091c1PArt J11„9,Perationilve. r190, citbe Vock name or ie '9peration ,of the :Invasion of Europe. fle and .g09101-er.vit ,Anfi 10 f,(V11194 0f ,WMfghanl, who (0erVeS1,11) be 19tb Ar- Wery •battery ofthe:4rd VIvnadir .returned to France this June .to -mark the .40th .anniverfinry of .the invasion. 'char* WiikiixAna 4np Hunter from the J cknow Area Al,so Rent ithe :„same trip; ,V41100 9v040530 •• All -of the men were .4emnpanio by -their ,wive s 'OP • the trip $1)ich to Fngiaix1, France 4:110 4104400.