HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-1-16, Page 4777 • .•.•,.fie••,-*.r..�. t.+ 1 't forget the Great Discount Sale of 2'1.7 o 4- RAFT _llac_T Suits -and Overcoats IT WILL PAY.YOWI Q BU' W,' „-„ - eductiofli_ ... Ate 7 k. THE SIGNAL PARAMOUNT petAli/OUNT, J 14,-114s Lyle ds, from Toronto, was a week - yid visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mn. R. Richards. Yr Joe Wesley has returned to Mr. John Jamlesun's alter spending a few weeks' holidays with friends at South- ampton. The January meeting of the Par- nt C.F.W.O. Club will be held .►sot's of Yxa.-,i,oka.3aastsCn. $w +' gtjleaday, January 21. ,t. w' . Yr. Norval Richards �Y r(hnrned to the O.A.t' , Guelph, -fe mai* his W. C. Pridham- - Son PHONE 57, THE SQUARE - OODERIOH Oyster Supper -DANCE -TUESDAY__ mommillor—. January 21st... 4 AT 1�ingabridge hall is —SUPPER TV-Ratint AT 6 O'CLOCK- (11am for those who do not care for Oysters.) Prize for step -dancers - Hogan's Orchestra iDMLSSIO (supper and danceN$8e: included) .�_... 50cc till ant iOTSOF-OYSIERS COME AND GET THEM! Capital —.Mums _4% .___.-- --.._ SOUND -heatre Godernch Now Ptiylag-Ial1 Keith. In Aleutian. Hew , "The Three -Mmiteleeswc Wee.. Toes. and Wed.- Twe special attractier era •ss pt'Kg "ACCENT ON YOUTH" Proving a man is no older than the girt be loves. Featuring SYLVIIA SIDNEY ttmd HERBERT MARSHALL "THE GLASS KEY" tlartiq A pophlstleeted Jet amusing mystery yarn starring GEORGE RAPT with Edward Artdd pod Claire Dedd THURSDAY. FRIDAY mid SATURDAY - JACK HOLT r EDMUND LOWE They've oodles of troubles and all of thin �Dt� S In — `THE BEST MAN WINS" WITH BELA LUGOSI AND FLORENCE RICE Matinees leednsuday and Saturday at 3 p.m. Coming -"Parts in Spring," wtth Tu1M Csrminatl BAYFIELP-- T AY1PIPLD, Jana 14. -Mr. Thomas -burned os �v. , baoalteeed bukittlDD-sawther house and moved L rectally. Nabs* -Trustees Meet—ht-. >t1UUii{ ►rushee* for 49A1, Wm. Ferguson, Muse Alegi Rosi and Douai& Murray, he This year le men of Canada thetneelves [min live in a country with single maiel the last census, t mere single men 1a ftigl'e are single, -.;_as that (-seie whole eoantry con and there would M over, la case the wasu't sttistactory: ERS r and wo- , ,vplder at they el ,uPDtlrtl ,.rdlag IV y'- 407.4711 ,,da than Ise. This g,, her n. k loft Nit ti -•t • AUBURN • ASHFIELD Oyster supper at Klnpbridge. Bee ad. In this paper. LONDESBORO I.ONDE)NBORt), Jan. 14. -Mr. join tat roll or we are bound to go behind- Fiugland tx vialtiug his daughter In Curing the past few years, tlit• years Toronto. ;of the depression, this has out been The many friends of Mr. Melville dune and our arrears have been' la - are plbssed to see him very much creasing and our bunk loans have been Impeovtdr autsrlarla: _lu yurrestaendlatf I:elltialu The hockey team played the Con- 1)urlug the ensuing year we should teener tcww bere on Muutluy, Londes- encourage small and regular payments I boro wluniug 6-4. 00 arrears of taws. 1f title be dune, Mrs. E. Adams spent the week -end systematically, we shall be amused Mayor MacEwan's Address to Council • (Continued Trois page 11 „+math yyr sister. Mlle Brigham, of how quickly these amounts will reduce (stns. Mr. Jock Knox and honlij have' giros our tax collector in working out moved luta Mr Mead .letjkgston'• boas*. a "mew that wit' -- 11,9 our arrears Tiler heir setestisi Altettro . �3s LTJ .so{{{ber II bees- _list{__ )(iLlalluit_ltslt !i eclat to the taxpafer and, to, the nta $jt#rdsl did tuner- wierb' i ige }Us, at, et rirbtpmtto'ligWa.+un of (East �pg,. {, wawa tl4 .. .�,�.. ( vrt� it airilt tia,i e rte° • HEADQUARTERS _-1n)tt FURNITURE and PAINT - 1 AL'LCRAPT PAINTS are high la quakily and low l• price. oe , „ ,-dra1,01..411 values In our stock of FURNITURE and STOVES We pu5I1ivelY aav-e Jou money Blackstone "Oa the Broadway of Goderich" rhe{tr - the estimate• of tbe publls ka�c!�+ayit-t@e.dtUid be.riduced eut- nt,...t1Aa fort tictaie tare of ay dal expense; or the grant from ioeond 1 _rcrlAcfltl Govses- Jel w . f ) zTPee night tRh! r. sty ra J. !. Rtstr}nitt . Mr .a Tar>l o, - ,m. �• too Iter H „� -11b` "Tree* Ilson were at IMMO rttt tow" •> et. AN140 their initial meeting on Monday at by the' y ' 1 the town hall. Iwuxld Murray was fu°etral of the ,late Bait D. Cameron, Itae collcr•tor's ■erttunfe,-. brother -(visa of ![r. F:rratt and DL'NsGANNO�, Jan. 14. -Yr. Jim eared the outta . appointed chairmuu. It wits decided Yrs Wuhington,auditorseoiand the tit. Thomas auditors that the to ask for applications for the post- A dance In the larc+ters' Hall on cog - Million returaed on Saturday to worked, off and un, In the council 1 uuld also rpin age tions of constable and caretaker of Friday night was at0endre by a large O.A.C- at Guelph, where he will ebawber up to the middle of the munch I northern IIwita of the' Ivan be *X- I town hall. number., duos his studies atter a three-weeki of Juga and for the next two months. t�� or at any rate definitely ds {.(beery Board Meeting.-e)n MondayThe .S. of Knei •tt„■ at Aix home here. -. en•....i, the auditors from the fitted. Tele matter wts In the ands of the late Judge Cameral but never afternoon tbe annual meeting of tbe Mr anti Mrs Jas. licEachren and Worry board was held in the library bonding company interfered consider - rooms at 2 o'clock, with Miss F. Fow- Ile as chairman. The financial state- ment was read and approved, showing a balance of $30.30 on hand. There irculation of 2,853 books. and church met on TaaradIY afternoon. ehlldren. Mary and Keith. of Lo11{1on. II iably with the routine work of the completed. A wagon or truck r with Mrs Edgar jed was in charge. spent the wee's end with M. au" Mise i {egad( and of our town °metals. Tis devotional p•dsi vas conducted from the northern side of the harbor McKensle. However, after protracted nrgotfa- has toceu wuutet for many ,sera by xfa,.�eed Row ( Yea J. D. How•' Mr• Geo. I'eutlaad tsZYrned Ids{ ! tion, a settlement was anally reached Survey@ and estimates have been made alt Readings wed Oren by Mrs. week fruw a visit with relatives at Joseph Mtlkr,iti11 1Wagter, Mrs. J. !with the L.B. Fidelity and Guaranty but un Government has been done. The ap- D• Howat.s J {isle and Doris Sandwich and St. ThouwP. Uompany and an unfortunate affair for minion Government has been ay - At a meeting of ho "Idle ttch°olt� town was fortunately ended. proached time and ■Rnlu, but would wasac eft? -lire new bucks were. CMS. 4. Wgnerit- by E%n�tee hoard held on Tuesday uiaht-._,..- Tote of thanks was- given to YIM WJIsoe•- WSI1'e the manufacturing ileal*-et+ofhr ao aaelstaM'e. Should any hi - Tote of Detroit; for hooks which The B.T.P.[T. will bold thele monthly the emanate of car. thking and circa- uttr town, during the past year• sure date, desire to berate en tlyr °ort! the r, of presented, to the library. Tied J lug was given to Billy McClure esti been quite busy, the relief problee Is {dile o1 the iters. {ince* would tw w 1 board of di•reetors for 1936 la: Mrs. Meiling 1° the c. L Sundry, Jan- Harold Paterson. wha+c, ruder. were vary 18th; Mn italthb In 1 - •till with us and Is a sourre uC�rett outlet. All sraflable pro{a•rfy on the Robert &•otehmer, Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, E vat7, orry and (vu,rrn to the council egad - Mime Luc Woods.ewe The that,ks y 11 we:rome. 1 t t { r at Kingsbridge. Bps both 870 per annum. south tide Is now oceultied. This racy be a question for the pres- ys er ',upper t tie welfare board. ad. In this paper. . , ? JIle 4lttzens and of the council. I eat coispol. The euchre party held in the pt s--, 4m. sure, are extended to the hoard fur{ I)eeellr� ha comma lslt ball on RedueaMy night of (aft !awl!.!pablicsplrited ucdertaklni of a I Iglu -ion, 1 aw sure that we are week. under the auspices of the f.adlyr'•r 4.1 Miss M. Groves, y WhirMrs. W. Metcalf -and -Miss J. Stirling. . Rev, $ Gale was again appointed chairman: Mies • rosette, llbrarla 'd • ' and George g-Grcenstade, err-rriar treasurer. It was decided to have an at-bome on February 7th, to rag tends. KINGSBRIDGE Dramatic Kveot. --On Tuesday ng, anuary , a co titled "The ('all of Youth" was Mated in the•parlsh hill here by the Kingabrldge Dramatic Club. and wits a credit to everyone who helped to hake it a sweetie. The weather and roads were Ideal and the attending crowd filled the large hall almost to capaeity. The play was staged under the capable direction of Andrew Mat- a tki. who was himself • prominent 1 member of the find Dramatic Club Iestablished here some years ago. Bev- +era1 of the seams bad never .appeared II on the loge before. hut all the mem- .► hese_ 02 . the cast. coasted= Of . eight Igirls and five boys, played their parts like real artiste, and the appreciative audience enthusiaatleally agreed that the play w"sa aa outatending succors from every /standpoint. and left so- nde( to be desired_ beihe gay of en- tertainment. Between acts, music was furnished by Hogan's orcheetre. and songs were rendered by Raymond Dalton and Leon Sullivan. The sing- ers were ably accompanied by Mrs. James Garvey at the piano. and her artistic touch was also mach in evi deuce In the pretty stage decorations After the play the crowd enjoyed a few' hoofs dafltl g to Honer -rued lent music. This was the first enter- tainment sponsored by the R.D.C. for some time, but already there are rem- ora of another one In the near tutee. Watch for further announcements, and we'll guarantee that when the date arrives N will be well worth anyone's while to attend. eR Mrs. cifFsa- Peals several , heal to Earl R;ilti T". a Rai re. Peri Illps. sheared the twat and4 lei of $15.85. A ems** tee to visit the urer, as follows- At (`rewe, Crozier and Treleaven en Mrs. Lear and Mtn. Robertson. The ►(*dors{. *3.(0: ouster (by Itelle Swa dower committee tube Yrs. R J. I'hll• f Emily McClure). 31V.3.i; west b e teen kr the Baptltt 1a- oarZBth at the rtaon. with a tisrtpture Jesvma • • Ifll'ult and arduous task. Wt..; members of this -n uhcTtINcrimse of'bar'= ses- "_- 1iiind. w'ai well atrswtr t. -"Mt' gigs -tlT----Tlt><t nitre{{ tothetrate ---' -f• ..erAltivett won the prize for the ladles. will I provide k+yalt� MKKFr: TeWintrffieref Ter ear-' it - aN is prayer. t -- - •- --- trod the men's prier wns won by lir -. tib Me (+int-rnTlft� t1rW' e•�bTdltnt6ed "Pier ••still* burden 'vending to per.una'itlee and petti- M �� Assist ►weal Plants • resulted as ,' t7has Fowler. Lum•h aces seen*{(,., r . Haanwa after which there was deneine_ Mr acd Mrs. re.ehertlom and Imperil l delllwratbros. not de- > it nes.. each respelling the considered r....stttma+e 5 Qat Women's and Misses' Winter Coats Greatly Reduced ►f- at Ha rice ! 1 Manyp • Llama -finished tweeds 1 All -wool tree'bark cloth I Furs —French seal, wolf, French -beaver. Beautifully lined and inter -lined. Sizes : fi 4 to 38. _ yr REGULAR $18.60 TO $23.50 'la SALE PRICE $io.95 MILLINERY Felt (lata, smart. styles, good quality wool felt, in hlaek, brown, navy and a few high shades. Regular $2.50- 92.95. Sale Prise C Velvet Hats ! Toques, Turbans and Brimmed. Hats in fine silk velvet. Colors black, brown and wine Reg. $3.50. Sale Price 1.98 KNITTING YARNB --- Variegated wool, 4 -ply. beautiful shades in brown, orange, blue, red, green. Reg. '26e 1 -oz. ball. SALE PRIOR 19c BALL .. ,. KNITTING YARNS -- ('ortieelti, Thietlehloom Yarn, 4 -ply• all shades. Extra good quality wool. Reg. 20e 1 -ox ball. e SALE PRICE 16c BALL , ' 2-- J cOfu4FLELD P410-1,2 418 • J•' . I eddy and des h+fl 'ta•arer, rn. C Clara. o[ 1) nnvtronk rlalj o t• he year Ills{►. all that eau be r1''w•a of each other. - t -ire` tip that we should assist and en- tetflt r high-minded and fair In et - 'sty rt pr all present, manufacturing 'sty treasut r e repo I • Colleetkmx in the ►merest* of titr 'o ge! a our Orr-.* der M bring out the meat and merit. I ed 8140 and kipper Canada Bible Society are retry lit and Imdustrlrs to Beery way e'H a balance til of any leave port*( be William Mole. local {Tech bre. let us, then. resolve to hare oar .rtrletically ■II the buildings of the {seal Shipbuilding Oleo{ are pow dellheretiune this year conducted with ted by small cuucern+. The dlgnRJ• d,e,,rum and dervncy, and i land Road plant bas besu sold to am /satlsfierl that ttwn new year will Iles odrrlrh tial[ gat. fruitful of the teed that is in us and rhaps It might b• reewdble fag I that the town of tioderich will twneit aged by one of our eitisencs) the_ l -cams_ ioderkh Art ('raft Plant eosld tie you. hided and that entail Individea4 MEETING A - ci'u OYY pdent firms be Installed {tom A melee of ohne meetings In tine :errilUtillefralr-beell".""4"Eli..-.4"14u; -. aAdnv+wl tNit►.{,{*nasititevensnn_ of the Ontario Veterinary the Court Hose dear* Colles' eaw:ptt, on them w subjects of ew- Ns la an undertaking long over• t deft[* alwortketi vet mineral drActeatec! sick was eostpoelle et. ilrs. Asquith. 1 and F kips and Mrs. Kart It ithhy MI F1-'1Marrcret Stewart and Mary Millin kin dismissed the atlet•Iing with prnyer 114.11: east thy Mew. J. Finnigan a and a short a0Mal ttmc• was then int- is se pk•niganl. al as,: north (. over the dainty ten cent lunch Pro-' Madeline Caesar and Annetta Stem.; ' Ih vlded by the hostess t _ girth 81.95 -total: i30.0a. 50 Junior Inutitate MrMing.-The ICE THICKENING ; lar monthly meeting of the Jun - The Ktncardine-tog. itoaal& ]t•ertantaM wit held at tlw-trnnre ot• chartered sty {'apt. t'. 1:. Rebigvun to I Cora Finnigan with fifteen proses break ice around the steamers wilb Miss Margaret Ryen, the presiden storage cargtoee at the harbor, began wax Ir 'eherge and opened the meed her duties yesterday. The tag cleared Ing with all singing the ingtttnte (� • ps'sage around steamer !tricot- and repeating the Lord's Prayer. T' doe., wbirb was at the W.C.F.M. ice is reported en be thick. to ire leg- minutes of the last meeting wive nloaded. The and adopted. A demonstration ut six turista "Dressing I'p Home Vegetahlse" wan Ole given by Misses Anita Rerd and Helen e Anderson. Mrs. Pokes gave a talk I fcinij and curbing of the walks. and 'hoped that a large onmlw of fsmoeys DAL i • , r Llai on medleal work es 11 was r•arrisd {tn b tasking provides for heavy con- I will be out to hear him. J pretty weed(tff�� tip aolemslggd �w'� the periods 21)00 R.C. and 200 e ewupported rests, In various parts .a1 Mt. Carmel dkuref �innarritti. 14-r.-115-pregWest reed --two intermit-, •ase• _ when Madeline. dsttgbtS' of Mr. led a 16g learta :Tom' the Reader', ffgest. 1. _ -guaisis l&i p Ates Prank Csegtrate, Ins pelted is Lunch was served by the host --�- t mar -Haim n, J�'s H. Dalton, eon o[ I r*-�* g�-=�"j°rttr YcN Jas. A Dalton add the late lute. Dal -land Kathleen Me•Heesie. •,,., of nrei-rfetlh Rev. A. 11 Murray. ! __-_ SINGERS AT ....__. It Is the very heart and (-entre e dierese. has been arranged by tae county agricultural om s. One se these neetinp will i e heM in the towe- s�=P tmtt.-�Qartnw. na 1/edaaada7 atfar- noon. January 'end. at 2 o eloek. fir. Steveetwwt is widely known for big work as Provincial Zoologist, and It Y tItr tow.,, geographk•ally, and I feel •*Tired tint the council will lose no fit [teles t ulama -- - •a t!s titling of this, our ventral) park. d ting the nec•es. ary tree str- and tree trimming. by the resar- a old be deviated and Inetalled ughout the Park, and If this work CS.B. of Toronto. uscle of the bride. I . * re done by •n expert it could be f lured the. cereuerey. The bride. , The Virelnla Jubilee Slows gavel I de a veritable fairyland of beauty. lett would be commented on by tour. d barnmingiy gowned In ' eburch on Monday night to • hitt hits from all over the continent. It who was etyma In marriage by her • concert in North street Untied w white crew. She wore a toile yell i anuirete. f LIESJIAL WOMEN MEET of orange blossoms (Me W II g attended I hy her Meter. Mlle Helen remghlln. I A meeting a the Goderich W gowned In Mak Jae with Meek hat. !Liberal Club was held at MacRae Dente Doyle attended the bridegroom I on Tuesday evening. ne Mr. James Dalaoc, Dither of the groom. I included an address by Mr. W. H. sang 71? Salnkeelre• at the ' nuptial ; ertson and a roes! tote hy Mins mars. tsfter the ceremony a wedding I Griff. with pisno aecompanimeet li breakfast wile served at the home of j111514 Marjorie Recite. Arrangemen lat,/kwhere la. Devito Midgets euenerattiammeree- Miss Nellia.Colborat, I preeldent of the Club. was in the chair. NEW SWISH SUPER -LINER COMING TO LIFE seed not Involve a very serious outlay arid would pleatee everybody. ' We have sic aceummiation of money in, the Charles Blake memorial fund, uld. at the same time, furnish eon - table work for the areenploye4. BURGLARY, SICKNESS. MODEM Guarantee Bonds, Low Rafts wasa Abeolute Financial Strength REPRESENTATIVE Mutual Life Assuranee Ca. owned bg The Polley Heiden TAW RATEit -Beet of gettlemealla Information gladly given. Cab. writs Of phone ISA WK. BEATTY HAMILTON STREET 0008.10111 THE BREAD THAT SATISFIFS M1LK-MADE BREAD - 47040 HICALTHFUL-APIPETIZING-NUTRMOUS CAKES AND PASTRIES PUREST MATF:RIAI.S or riNEsT QUALITY E. U. CLEVELAND WM! STREET PHONE 114 tP..ideitee that ttm bent new British liner the Aineen WAVY- 15 rapido neartne the tin • ma it. tor( run, is revert led hi th.. genstimel•m5A1 that the Shell Compsof bee %serenely made lb, first ef lubrirating oil to the ship Thin partleeiar oil jir far the turbo. averweatora 115P01 loetatiseetlen with the hoer ship's main .erropelellig mechin- "cry and alert for prep which provide the electricity for lights. steering en- gines, elevator* colot impr.rtaut ldrepartments. Indicating the immenee lease of the "Queen Mary" le the fact i..thst these generatora are powerful of 1:01.000 inhabitants. The /then t'ompany has. hell wide ex eerie,. 4. In in letne litbrksation. sup. pitying the he.riestIng reenircnrents of many at the tartest elites albeit. Not atlantic liner the "Agnitasia.- for whteh Shell forniehert lubrication for ; all ber machinery Have You Something To Sell? IF so, YOU NEED BITYKR.S. HOW ARE YOU ammo To GET THEIVE? JUMP IN YOUWCAR AND DRIVE orT To SEE THEM? TOO EXPENSIVE, ISN'T IT? WAYLAY THEWON THE STREET? MAYBE THEY'RE IN A HURRY. WRITE TO THEM? NOW YOU'RE GETTING CLOSE. WRITE WHAT -A LETTER? TAKES TIME, COSTS MONEY, MAY NOT BE READ. WRITE IT IN THE SIGNAL. NOW YOU'RE SHOUTING. Seriously, folks, if you mit right down ahd ' figure it OUL, there ilin't any other method in, the whole wide world that is half RO effective in etting your sales talk aerom RR using the olds'''. troee into .101 the hest homes, the hoynee where.there ate hityirig Artie road by. 7 Write a good ad. and illicit oAN't