HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-05, Page 3iliteknow *WW1, Way, 3U13 s9 19W Dzivtiv6- '.By Siena -Irwin -A went 71heaVy In las scone Dtuigiamon Trasidentssaying thatproper- ty owners will have lades! With elms* flooding on an -Individual :basis. 'It looks like -each 'person Will have to .fight foriginself," said IDtmgannon resi- dent BobTAimunds, whocame .tme the evening of June 20 to -find ',his driveway under eight inches of water. "People were going .up and -down the ditches in rubber dinghies," said Al Sherwood. "It was quite a siglg," Edmunds said. "I 'wish I'd had 'film for my camera." And 'Ross It -Lindley, 'who said his pro- perty was "totally submerged" under about 10 inches of water, said residents of the village "go through :this two to three times a year." A recent attempt to find a solution to the chronic flooding problem fell through after .a meeting in April ended in a spate of angry accusations. About 80 people bad signed .a petition deman- ding that an answer be found, but near- ly 20 removed their names, saying that they had understood that there would be PRIDE grants to help pay for work -done. However, at the meeting they were told it was mnlikely they would receive 'financial 'help. 'rhe recent 'heavy rains fuelled residents' dissatisfaction with the way The problem is 'Whig dealt With by the tovnudgp "We .gave some 'swop to Luelmow for a 'new tanker, and II forget tow . much for an .arena," Sherwood said. "When we need belp, we -deserve tast- eless consideration. "I'm a property owner who pays $8;000 a year in municipal taxes, so you can understand why I'm 'hostile." Edmunds said it was "an awful shame" that individual residents 'would have to find their- own solutions to The flooding. "They throw our money around like drunken sailors," he said. "These aren't the kind of people you want to represent West Wawanosh. I'm thinking of runn- ing for reeve myself because I'm not satisfied. 1 know 1 could do a better job." The flood disappeared in four hours, Brindley said, "but we .get this every spring. Same days 1 can't even et :into the house." Like many property owners, Brindley doesn't feel that the township council is offering :enough help. "Municipalities get grants for drailis; why mig we lie added. "But they just slielv. • everything fend litre We sit.' 'Reeve Ceeil Cranston said the council las "nothing on line" for the immediate figure to deal with the flooding. "There may be some work done on the existing syetetn," he said. "But it won't he this year; the budget's already been set. have to be worked into next year's 'budget." He said he was "disappointed" that none of the three plans presented at the Aril meeting had been accepted by residents. "We could look into grants - there are different ones - but you have to find out if you're gonna do the drain before you go rattling chains." The engineers' plans are still available, he said, and he suggested residents "organize twee or four people, come .and discuss it with council, then discuss it with the people in Dungannon." "We're more than willing to look into possibilities," Cranston said. "They have a legitimate beef - I can see their 'problem.' "It's not a dead issue yet," -said Edmunds. (.)1 7 T tS The 1 d2ra1 1V hsvip ) Consumer and airporate P -Lave Valeourt, has announce ongatetl- tip left darts have been banned as of June 22, Hee The ban was made es a amendment to Sehedule 1of lazardons Produets Act, and prohibits the sale, u lvtrbrtnition and advertising of lawn darth. h caw,. into effect on June 22. Thic. measure confirms the aimotincement, made by the Minister iast May of his intention of banning bem da' ac- from the market. Recent :Lports lawn dart injuries, especially to children, led to this ban. Although intended for use by adults, these lawn darts had become a sum- mertime hazard for children who played With them. "The ban means that there will no longer be any elonatetkip lawn darts available for sale,"said the Minister. "Furthermore, I urge anyone Who owns these darts to dispose of them; safe models of lawn darts are now available. Let's have a safe suituner." by Gloria Workman June was National Seniors Month. The motto for this year was "Tap the Poten- tial". According to Jack Riddell, "the theme has a double message. To 'seniors it says: Use your wisdom and ex- perience to discover new talents and ex- plore new horizons. It is also a reminder that seniors are eager to meet new challenges and share their .ereativi- -ty,-entintsia' sm and --experience with fellow Ontarbms." 'There are lots af activities:phumedlor the -month of July. On July -4 zand .5 e 'Gibson, the -.-Assistant Director of .the Day Uentre will give .a presenta- tion an her --experience, that took .place souring the Baer she spent sailing with the tall ships Thursday July .26, we .are scheduled to see the Might at the Myth -Festival "Theatre. July .27 we are going to see "The Dreamland". 'The 'Water Exercise Program .in 1/.anastra continues -every *Friday after- noon for the summer months. July 11-13 will be spent -,making -Tray 'Favours, for the Hospital <Auxiliary of 'the Wingham • Hospital. . July .18th a „trip has been scheduled for a lour if the Pine River 'Cheese Factory -and the Bruce Nuclear Plant. July 19 and 20 Will include a visit from the lifingham Museum Staff. "Clune and :myself will lake turns enjoying some holidays this summer. e Conley Irom Lucknow, our summer student will be on tand to assist -with operation of the program. 'Welcome aboard "Charlene. Tor y.our infonnation, the Board of Directors has made ,a '&eision to change the -name of the Day -Centre to the Wingham and .Area Seniors Day 'Centre. 'You ;twill hear :more about this once the change-11as become Llegal. 'The -Board beld its •Annual.Meeting on saute 126. 'Two f live vacancies on the loud .:have Imen !filled by Rita Bice IBowers of,Drussels-luid ITiaMilton .of lifingbam. :Welcome to -both .of you. We still ilave itiOnig to,f1ll, if Qure you_ inight,be in- terested :in ,sitting en ihe 'iriaY Ventre '..Beards. apse -0011 4574440 ..for snore information. Before isign..Off I4djetoaje allmote,lbat 1leardlit the .s_ecent con- lerenCe for the 'Ontario Home Import Association. lbeinemage masleinied :to tbaflge, "ale jiflp�th:eOf intoading ;the Old tilith the -new" in ierder A.0 .videalytter_lerVice."The speakers said 'that 'the 1:411Y4tf1erence ,hetween,a rut :and-A:grave is Abe , _a little 4votnettleg to :matte* 'you into trying Co; riak g JAM' « MFORT WALKING SANDALS 43y:-.,C1OIJD WALKERS MIZSIAGMR REMO .0/31744.R1101;8 SOFTIPDTA.AND MANY ito1C4RX Into ,11 al..' VP 144 #Nolietunfis $$e MerCtlansliiie