HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-05, Page 1Onee again, an area church was the scene of a special ceremony - one rare- ly seenin "rural Ontario. Last Thursday, June 129, -Rev. David 3 iwirence Atwell of St. -Peter's Lucimow; .Ascension, Itinlough and St. Paul's 'Ripley was ordained -Priest. The "ceremony .took .1place . in St. George's Itinirch, •Goderich with the 'Bight Bev. C. '.Bobert 'Townshend, SUffragan Bishop of Iluron Diocese as celebrant. In'November 1908, :Rev. Atwell was Ttvr- dained .sas ..a "Deacon, with the ceremony Lbeing .conducted in St. 'Peter's Anglican -elnzch,,,Lucknow -=1lirrined-701ere...xtre .two steps :to tecoming...a priestwith the iirst heing fordinationas....a :Deacon. , A:Deacon is calledloserve.the.peopleand to lead Ithemin 4:0. -"The sectmd 'stage is .mr- ilination As. a:Priest. APriestalwaysre- --mains -a 0.• and'retains--those in addition to -mow being .assigned the responsibility of lifficiating at lioly Com - 'amnion, .absobition of simand :pronoun- -ming God's blessing on the .people. The period iof lime between.. being made a ',Deacon and, a Priest is :used to cmn- -plete 'training in the more practical .aspects of :the ministry Bev. Atwell is -extremely pleased.With :the decision )of :the :Bishops -to :make ior- ..tdinationsanoreaka :reginnaLaitairrthus aliowgAnore ;rand ir 7ininistentoisharettitisaipecial..eeremaoy 4vith feacIrEtither. -/ThellenerableiBrucellowe, Vanomand 'Mean afthe = St:Peter's,. lion- Aksrmampreatherlortheaerviee.. tliemy :from ddl cover 33looe8e --.4participated, Idiredingthe loin& of St. :George's '.111nutoh, aderich. 4tev. AtwellwasoverwheknedWitlitheaervice and,atithusiasticlirpraised:St. ;George's Iteetor, 'Teter dwin, 'who'-cyms in Tharp .of the arrangements or .the 1.ceremony. 7.Rev. and 'Mrs. AtWell.were -delighted Abatmight mloseiriends:fruorthe United -.Stateswereable join:them "for the or- dination. DitiSundaY,atev.,Atwellvelebratedlis ',first4ioly:Mucharist,iorlhis.threepoint th&ge,ini8t.Peters, Lucknow. ,By.1121111E-1VILSON evthereaboutstOtaltineardinememan Uieoarth.mhoappearatotavevaniahedsathelateof ,-ialmost ;:a ',year .lago ‘f-mmains 4bizarre2nystery. sTwentrifive,yearroldloisilannamasiast aetenat azaunionadaneeinluoltnowlonalY • 3,11900. Aheis.thoughttotay.elefttheidancealone, idriventiberstelfliemecto-Lber,lielSoOlttreet JboruedrincardiueithogedintoInightlit- eauadeiberselCalcupOtteaiand*rhaps AlatzdovattomatohlW. :.!What ,ha. d 41ter 'Lthat is ,anyene's 5gliefis. When „Lois Aailed lo,lreport.lor-morkgrt •!htaCGVs'Fiemale2APPorettliemestmorming, frientis lbeceraetsorried And k,went joer lbous&MberelherioundraVidence AioisjAad -,1122$41eiti1.IAcjilletilOthihglitemeretolbe sliaheeVas:theteither,Pitraeliaairtthektlffet ,IYhereit nODIAllY;;.,1404110-AltiPrefUarre- EINIAred,..toaije,;anPOR0k001.034red*OltgOWA ..•.-ittd:141414414101410gfAfit. 'lance MdMy inerning, Telatives;:itincorilineoliceAnd0.ARigus ,iiiev.,:nardd,L.,Atwell.teentre)maserdainedampriestatasperialeeremenyinGederieh Anstweek:WthspartinilteceremeaerwerelleftrThelBovereatPeterilitldwin,Iteeter qobStReeerjel.s.,, hisidIlhe'VeryiRevereadlimeelLW.Filewe,mhosavelheaermon. .1111111en.ryphste) s ve liave :you leen .10Is yea SPecal investjgation teams lave -eoutbe4 theareainasearehiforthe yougmernanra moth whiehit'swite to.saY las Jeftlew if aanrstanesimturned. lielieopters 4planes,-dogs,,even the two of whieihosvup hot Pcts" .of ilevemposedinaterial mere wed 4)3r Abe r.Pfdiee Atild'O;PiP. Atil tLtO 'find lois or at least lune clue „to -1)er ,..rthereabeuts• "..The lain*Jad thosands f xoters Iprinted cwith ;pictures which rwere digqibutd_sationmiaeAsmellAsjugue r --4Y01 id -.44garfth-Mith illindreds -Of •vOlOrteeros. liben-Alithislaiiesktolurn J4p royehtes zwere Tao in4440 11010 ,,retward ler itikorMatiOD -OD Lois .ered• 41/XdtikkaPellidllkisrealreb "..S.Orgreigd,100,frgliMdier Pf the ClciAVArthne:POlkeeloreeligthAlteS41t. 1,74004,04104400,hus.been omit ,t0slitte uu lbc..P014.0 tiveit4404,911114ViciA0t-C91141t4g mhatlamilyAnd:friendsbave-O0Otribiltedn 1-thOirlatli• lioWev*r. :the Ipanpower pd Ingnq to 1311714$00,110_ 3 firehaill 'Two portable radios, battery seer and -tarrying eases *Wen frOrn the Lueinunv -Pift Sit ;In June is ?Allow, missing. These radios 'aro used by the firemen 'When entering a burning building and are *Safety Irecetutibn ,to ensure their 'safety andthe Vilety of anyono they may I* trying to ret. Pollee believe The culprits •aftempted to gain entry by a rear window and when •unsuccessful liroke In Virtu& the front door. The back WititiOW was smashed as well. Pire Chief Bud flarnikon *has asked that anyone knowing the %thereabouts of :these radios or 'having information eon - tact him at 528-3306 or 3284131. Xineardine OPS investigated. Correct' On page 14 of last weeks Sentinel,i the outline wider the Grade eightl igraduates :of laicknow Central Ublic -School contained an error. Identification for the middle TOW should have read, left to tight, Mr. Mol(eon, Steve Porter, Chad Stanley, Wilke Schlosser, 1 yne Barris, :Joel :Sutton, Jamie Andrew, 'Tammy Schaus, Dean Tiffin, Key* Bushell, Delude Cuillerier. Our apologies for the error. 55 yews we Pete and Evelyn Cook • i• ted. their 55th meddling anniversary anJune7 30. They were married on Jim 30, 1934 at the twne of &ma and Matilda Reid of Ashfieki, the brides parents. Their attendant were Olive Gillespie (Far - tier) and Lloyd MacAuley with Bev.. Patton officiating They farmed on the 12th concessim :of Ashfield township for 30 years. Pete also did general contracting for maw, years. Evelyn was organist at sZuni Mmch. alvAiya ]ave caved •titir Isfoltuaw or the33aat 19 years. lhavothaee —Thildran,liorne :Ivan af Ripley luttlElaiae laribmw. 'They lave 10 zmndehildrei and three: great Irandehikiren. A ismily dinner mas teld inifanday,, July 12 at the Mayfair Beatanrant IOW Olive Gillespie Of Sarnia and atIgms Farrier Of Whiteehureh atte,Idirg. Gordon and Etta Sithe rs and Oliver and Marion Metlbarles entertained the couple on .June 29. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Cook! Three new faces on hos otai b Three new faces will sit -on Wingbani And District linopitai fairs!. Bob Murphy is the new 5Ar. -representative, *tile Stephen Betts represent the Millisge of itnissels. The auxillaryts ,representative will Mary Lou Cameron. Atm LQu 'Thompson will sit fur another term as representative ler ithe„ Village of -revswator and 'Tovinabip Cillres; Robert Middleton as !Iiinshettu -representative, and Noreen 'rimy lv vnee 4ogitin to,rejawent Vomit Awl the '7,1111use of iBlyth. Jon 'WOO" ATMs rrAte10C4fi le the board to frepresent 1139 Village of Lockww d si'strailliP 0 gulliws, •the'kewrombeil 10miaee, :Pew 1411sit lows Jaclutic A,Tanet Clark and Iss Aviliy3for AAP fur Meld 4403451 19.WP91300# gr1ey'Tx..017141$ fg M9r110Tawnihi •;,41§z'Orottnup1.9rcklfori4tplail 's 19r -Turnborry- APPOdoo to jie board iucjade Dr. )444rie "OW, -1449,111W egittf Prookiwti Pr. 930* Pm*, -Y re144174r .00$31041; 49r. biefof ',W*414M. Moreland, 4F9A (99944y -OprOO,P1 *lye 0