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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-28, Page 21
Page 22-.,;.1.1uNknew Sealle19 Wednesday, 41nne 19119 136. 'Announcements 39. Educationa 1 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ,KINLOSS The`Township Waste DisposaiSfte ming 'be 'open Tuesdays ,4130.;7:3© p.m.andSaturtisys-9-asnAwn., duringthemonthsof July, ,August SI September. Township ofKinIoss I38. Auction &lLe A CLEARING AUCTION SALE of +arm 'Machinery i!forr NORMA 11( GLENN GOLLEY .032.4 Winghamo on MONDAY, JULY 3, 1989 at 123o PAL N. P. tot 24, COne. 9, Morris Twp. or Highway86, 3 nil les, east of Wingitair ..1.D.,40201ractor (diesel) /duals, 624inter.- nationafriroctor /loader (diesel), .Case 300 -tractor (gas), J.L. 16° taltivator(vrkeels), disc 36 plate:(witeel). international 1tErun ,,seed dill! /2gross:seeilers 4inst-1. maims, J.C. 1240 4 -row ,zarn islanteribuiectkIde Amazes, ',fertilizer tumor - fItsqravItybh TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for elass "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven let placement assistance. Markel Institute of Profes- sional Transport Training, Guelph. 1400-265-7173.—lbe FREE: 1989 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air con- ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, -Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800468-1,121.-21bc Learn AUCTIONEERING at The Southwestern Ontario School of Auc- tioneering. Next Chris ° October .20-28/89. For information 'contact: Southwestern School of Auctioneering, RR 5, Woodstock,' Ont. MS 7V9. (519) 537-2115.-25bc );N:11.4794faybine.ICH.2.36zsideiake,ICH. '270AbelowithroweritM.f.ttlehalerillecage White :32' Asale,elevator, .2 tkale ,thrower mcidolbsvegons ;...(one like new), Dion '730 'forage laorv.it.r/2,-row X.01111 ,4, pickup. Dion forage .:blower/9'° . pionforegerboxesonfleatrydatrwigons, tiFordlonsgekarvastartsattlegkar,V2aro guasiggiontellysigonailLIFimilltpuppoilhod12° rewathariliLf.4110:ssiltpropelledtalitbine igns)mtfthilWikeedapicuplkiitrawmatter, Iligraii#,Irboxes420.0Au.imeorommagor0), *J. Minnure 40pripadorlefitl Ipate ;:latew cetpron)lanriTiCfegwainsiegercinvilseels, 41:innIkandmilwei11141131V2pitak.rtractcor moment mIx.r met lIpht fsleighs,zatif fcreep disesier, George White aproyer/30'Elboony.&2teet,nozsles, 2 -4" vrainsauffiers...34urrowTripiwKploogh .(14" -1.0"adjustable)...2,antiatteQuipboaritsehen nests, Tabbitlzogissandinany other items ,too. numerous ,tomention. PIw tolattend *this rexcelient "line .,of nnschinery sale. *ornyiszold. .Xernartastedarigialelitzproper LD.;110% 6sa los taxbb$tfctwh.reappIicabIa. OvirtioutorAuctionesunot,•nospontible4or accisiontsonloss-,alpurchaseldarotsale. Jr& Any:.ssentouncenientsorccorrectionsslay.of sale .!take ,gprecedence over ,writt.en Aadvottisim. *iarAirofoniesationecontac+-, Glenn GOIIey 3372339 ALJCtIOPmR BrinnRintaul 337.2349 44. Engagements WEBER-IRWIN Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin of 'Winghana are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Fay to Clare Weber, son of Mr..and.Mrs. Carl Weber of 'Wingham. Themarriagetotakeplace July 8, • 1989, at Whitechurch Presbyterian Church, 7 p.m. Reception to follow in Blyth -26 DUIKER Mr. and Mrs Hank Duiker of Molyrood, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Wilma :to John Hordyk,, of PortBurwell. Thewedding take 'place at the Lucknow Christian Reformed Clun-ch onSaturday, July8, 1989 at 2:30 •pan. Reception to follow in 'EANDERSON-NEEB Doug and Barb Moss are pleased to -an- mounce the forthcoming:marriage of their daughter Lana to Steven, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Neeb mf 'Tiverton, Ontario, on July 1, 1989 at Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Reception to follow in Lucknow-26x 11ADVERTISING CTION AUCTION SALE of TOM DUZER ivndesboro was advertised last ,witek as Wednesday, Ally 28/89 'it should beim been Wednesday, June28/89 SAW PM Sharp, Forcinformition 15234359, '62.34846 ,Amotianirer: Brian ,Rintoul 2574349 WANTED: evusignmonts for, futureules, itioltood GmeratStore, 395442.-46, ,27 OW MANY CANADIANS ,Alse. CYO/1ST:1 4,q;441.1f, 47. Card cif Thanks SWIM I 'wouldlike tlumk,everyone 'Who attend- ed rim 'bridal shower onJune 17th and for the "beatitiful gifts. To the ladies who pro- vided the food, thank you. Special thanks to Judy Coiling, Marie •COffing and Jean Johnston. 3annet.--426 JOHNSON Redvers "Meff" and Mildred Johnson of Ripley wigh to thank all who came to their 60th Anniversary Tea 00 June 10. Thanks to all whosent their goodwishes in cards, gifts and flowers. Thanks to our family Who 'plamied the 'Tea and decorations. Many thanks to all Who helped In any way to make our day 'such a happy one. Redvers and Mildred. --46 ATKINSON Wayne would like to thank his friends and family for the good time at my (50th) Bir- thday Party, and also for your gifts and best wishes. Special thanks to Steve, Joanne, Dave, Karen, Ken, Linda, Carol and Debra. Woody. -26x HOOEY-FARRELL Leanne Farrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Farrell of Kincardine, and Brian Hooey, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hooey of Ripley, will exchange wedding vows, Saturday, July 1, 1989 at Kincardine. Pleaseaccept this as yourpersonal invita- tion to .attend an open reception atthe Sot- _ __Ain_ParLkinatt3.04tam:-2rar. ROBIMIS We are deeply _grateful for the support, in 'many forms, w.hichwe have received over the period of our loss. Theitind compas- sion of our parishioners, neighbours and friends has been not imly overwhelming, but also of great support : you all for to its -dui-1w this trying time The Roberts family --46x 1411. Coming Events A6. in Memoriam COURTNEY In loving memory of our sons Wayne and Floyd Courtney whopassed away on July 1, J.9841,ancLJuly 1, MM.:Sadly -missed-and always -remembered :by Joe and 'Teresa Courtney and family. -26 147. :Gond af Thanks ,ALTON I mould, like .to thankeveryone for coming to my come and go tea and -for cards and gifts. :Special 'thanks to the:Bank of Mon - treat staff. Lois Alton„, -126x :SLOTEGRAAF We cwish to,express !our sincere thanks to all our, neighbourslorthe worvierful:even- ingthey.hadforas. Thankyoualsolorthe lovely „gift we rereived. It will ,have a speeial =place in -,our ..new :home And will :always remindus of the yearsme spentin Lucknow. Bill And ,Jeanette, Michelle, Ryanand CRESIDENTS OFPINECREST Wouldlike,tolhank alloha made personal donations ,and i.Pletiges for ,Abheimers Researa. _Special thanks to the students andteachersfrmn1P1S.whowenVoutand got the ,pWdges ,and linade tour Slillecte- Thonasuccess,,alsotothe SuperScoop for Itheirdonatioriofice-oream cones on suelta hotilayandlotke volunteersandstaff mho went ,,aia to ,help. \Thanks Again, XeSidents o Pinecrest.-426 fROGAN AlApegial_tharikyou fiflhe conuntuii- tywhoevressedt,beir coneernandhelped usinsomany mays sineethethirth,offour *an, Tatriok Lola. Ratrinowc6mion- Ihs OldAndlillAbeloveand support,he has mveivgli bas been unbelievable! .For payer w Ua»k kir. d Dm/Unger, parishionamand friend,s. iNemmot un- tonMa1�iventofirwiiie. lbeiranil,filith,,hasjwri,a,,ftiess- ,ing. ,Froni Lthe ijoettoin l)f Or ',beads we VW* fltPf YAW joalvAllPe Altrianne anditild.i41104-46 131tUCE. ART .COMPETITION All ;permanent and :seasonal residents 01 Bruce County are invited to submit up to three works of .art; oil, watercolour, pastel, penandink, pencil, mixedmedia or acrylic. onany Bruce County subject. First prize '4409.00; second prize 435100; third prize 4300100. The prize winners Will !become the property 01 Corporation -of the County ,Of ;Bruce and be on permanent -display in the County Administrative BuildinginWalkerton. =:All-entriesimustre- main on .display at the Bruce County .MuseumfrourJUI3r29,198910-September 1, 1989. F or furtherinformationandregistra- lion forms contact: BRUCE COUNTY MUSEUM -Soilthainptoxi -797464C—,2fi 0I KNIGHTSl'AIF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo.42,500prize money -,41,000,Jackpot 10.0,41t,Silltfint Vitlgy.:ballevery Thum day openkSkpan. Bingo 730 .p.m.-4tfar SEIDAL13110WER :Everyone ',welcome to A =co/xi/way shower for Lynn TitYlar at Mary Lou PriestaPs, ,July, ,2:00 ;pan. Please bring .lawn=O1iair.-44,25x BWDALiOEKWNH1JN Luncheon Aomeetlf.iniQuiis bride to he of Sean Gardner of$t 'Thomasat Bt. Uelens Jiall July 2 At 110 pm.m. 'Grandmothers Tena aardnerrand Mui Moffatt:request the sP/R,Latiure Of your ,company at shower for [Jf.itn and 'Sean. eases And friends welcome -26x 410,1WV,14E 'ON SAFARI The ChristianMonued'Cluirchfisthooting xaeation OhleLschoolduring the meek of JUIY 240 1=119 Aini• - 11:30 Aim. for ChildrenAges 442. ileasevalliorinere formation84138, or 0574182.--4,26-213 BIPLEY '13,ISTAICT LIONS <Annual ,beef tbarbeoue.SuntioY,,Julygs,, 4:30 thetRipley:Aurert Oomplex.,Advanee .$7100 ,akthe 'door A*, under 12;0,0,420,29s Bph Over LVIDDXX ONGING ,Vontesf - August 3,4,co,(o. v4ilppoites 47,40 prizes leatwing Ihe WOW tFaini. 30,4$0110‹itiver,-Qol4rio NO LAO or efdl: (0.19)10007._400e 148. Corning Events GORDON T. MONTGOMERY LTD. BUSTRIPS Trips to Wonderland, July 22 and Aug. 12. CalJI Thehnaatma1s.--26 LAI4IGSIDE REUNION Meet former friends at Langsidc reunion, Satiirday, Sept. 2 at 1p.m. in the Winghain A11110/ieS. Anyone interested in Langside -community welcome. Pot luck meal at 4 :30 p.m. dishesand cutlery supplied. -26x SKY MacDONALD REUNION To be held at the home of Doug Scott, 1 p.m., July 2.-26x YARD SALE Friday, June30, 44Ip.m., Saturday, July 1, 9-1 p.m. Corner of Havelock and Ludgarcl, weather permitting. -26x BRIDAL SHOWER Everyone welcome to a community hower for Lynn Taylor at Marylou Prestaps, July 8,2 p.m. Please bring lawn chair. -25, 26x MULT1-FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, July 1st, starting at 9 a.m. (rain dateSunday, July tad) Thompson Cottage, Amberley Beach. -26x GARAGE SALE at St. Joseph's Hall, Kingsbridge, Sat. July 8, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Large and Small items, bake table, pro- --- _ duce and refreshMed tables _ DABBER BINGO Lucknow and F ' Lions Club, Dabber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow Corn- , mimity Centre. Doors °pang :15p.m. Bingo at 7:15 k.m. Air conditioned, wheelchair ac u:mAa. Potential prize board over $14000. 41,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. 4500 must go !—tfnar THANK YOU The Library committee Of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church wishes to extend a sincere "Thank you" to ,all those in the community and neighboring communities for -their support given to our Church's Strawberry Festival on June 21st. -26 THOMPSON Ed and Violet would like to thank the following Lucknow businesses for the keepsake Bible we received for our SOth Anniversary. Cliffs Plumbing and Heating, Lucknow Home Hardware, Elmer Umbachs Pharmacy, Lucknow Dist. Co-op, Montgomery Motors, Lucknow Village Market, McDonagh In- surance and Real Estate, Your Favorite Willits Tire, Valley Green Flowers. -26x MYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesdayat7:30p.m.BlytharDistrict C910- munity Centre. $300:00 Jackpot must go. Over$1;000.90 in ptizes.--43tf Township of Goo -rich receives $675,11 I for wasto nagement The township of Goderich has leen allocated 407.0;000 for the 1.!':4/90 fiscal year for the ,establishment of Watite management faci1iies, the Honourable ,JacJ Riddeli, MPP 'for Huron, an- bollbeed today or behalf of Environ- ment Alb:lister Jim Bradley. The :grant is the •second allocation <of a multi-year project to the township of 'Goderieh, wind received 419099 in 1968/ ids will be used for 4iiquip- meat and it preparation. The wAt4e Management j)rograrn is intended to ,aid muniwpalitiesin estAbliShing Or 'expailding landfill aites, transfer =stations and pr-ocessiq faCilities in An ,environmentallY wag! manner. Under this ligAgrani, grants gtant will be igiven to40140,1004ties As Appl'Opriate approvals Are ,received !under thc,Enfr- virOnmental .Assessment And En. oronmemtal Protection Acts.