HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-28, Page 2024. 'Wonted to Rent DESPERATELY-eeking shelter - '3-4 bedroom house in .Lucknow area. Phone 528.2211 .days or . .evenings 8322643. .24 26ar URGENT! ;Bele ;merle school teacher needs apartment, small house or winteriz- ed cottage by August 1. Must be located within 10 miles of Ripley. Call collect 1-57641864.-25. 26x 26. Heip Wonted TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experience re- quired. MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1-800-265.3559 Cambridge and London.--S0tfar NEEDED - A Hairstylist to fill in over maternity leave. Call 528.33422. 24-26ar TOWN M I a" OF KINLOSS Applications for a person to .clean and to perform some maintenance on the Kinloss Municipal Building (approximately one .half .day's work per week) be received at the clerk's office, Holyrood, until 5:00 pan., Friday, June.30,19989. Please nnciude remuneration expected. Any .application not necessarily accepted. Township of - K�mloss; 4ol v' v" 5.-25 28ar RAWLEIGH DIS - 1: TiTORS needed. Sell and market with our brand NEWsales plan. Locked -in bonus positions. Call col- lect for FREE literature :pack (519) .6271337 after 4 p.m.-26bc l THE HURON :cOUNTY BOARD OF `EDUCATION requires a BUS DRIVER at Brookside Public School Duties`to commence September, 1989. The successtul.applicant must hold a class "8" Driver's .License. -interested _applicants should :send ra ;letter of application and resume stating experience1oihe;undersign- ed by 12:O0 noon,Thursday, July .6th, 1989. Jeanne Dionne Personnel :Manager Huron .County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0.00 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires isri AUDIO VISUAL! COMPUTER TECHNICIAN .LOCATION: Learning Resources Centre Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: 12 'month year The successful applicant should have: 1. a community college tiipiorna;in an electronics or Audio Visual Techni- clan course; 2. extensive :knowledge of and the ability tomaintain , troubleshoot band repair a selection .of audio visual equipment; :and 3. the ability to produce, inspect and repair .audio visual pri;>rams. Preference will be liven to those applicants who, tin addition to thove :qualifications :listed .above, seas the;asbiiilytomainteinand(t epaur:com- ;pater hardware a d 'software. Allgualified.applicantmustsubmit a resume and -cover fluter prior to Thursday, Ally 6, 1939 to: Jeanne Dionne 3'elrsortt'1a1 Mansgor RuronVourity Suard loteglikerfaVon 403 Albert *wit Vinton, ' !tar rio. MIA 11.O 26. Help Wu ted MARINE MECHANIC/APPRENTICE wanted. Fall time. All company benefits. Wages commensurate with experience. Contact: Colleen Tanney, Royal City MMIrine, Guelph, (519) 3-412. `26bc ATLANTIC WATERI3OARD INC. has im- mediate openings forseveral qualified electricians, preferably industrial electri- cians though construction qualification will be conside d. Employment is full time. The :company coffers a comprehen- sive benefit package. Interest persons are invited to submit their resume in con- fidence to: Mr. James Smyth, Electrical Foreman, Atlantic Waferboard Inc., P.O. Box 429, Chatham, New Brunswick, E1N 3A8.-26bc FULL-TIME 0. f IHIOEPER for small area business, must be able to do a com- plete set af books, .including financial statement. Apply to Box 71 c/o Lucknow :Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. NOG 2H0.-26 HAIRDRESSER required to provide ser- vices to our residents. Please apply to the Administrator, Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Box 220, .Lucknow, 5528-2820.-26ar HOUSEWIVES, Mothers & .interested per- sons needed immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No in- vestment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905.-2Obc MECHANIC - Class A or :5th Year .appren- tice. Year-round :position in Muskoka. Alignment experience an asset Rental .ac- commodation available. Call Dave (705) 765-5864 Days, (705) 765-5618 Evenings. ,26bc THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Invites :applications for the 'following position: LUCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Mr. W. Pike Principal PART-IIMEEOUCATIONAL ASSISTANT (1625 'hours per week) interested :qualified applicants Will send let- ter ;with a :complete and :up-to-date resume tlncluding:referencesby friday, July 7,1989, to: Mr. W. Pike, Principal Lucknow Central Public School ?Box 208, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2110 SS -528-3022 28. Bus iness Op;port un ity YOUR FUTURE starts with...Tri-County Truck Driver `Training. Established in 1978, job ,search :assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend Bourses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1400=.26541+400 - Cambridge. 16bc START `TODAY! 'Exciting Fashions! In- dependence! Fleldbility! Extra money! A free sample line! Call ;us collect: 416463241080/$2740. MA CHERIE Horne Fashion Shows, x.1975. rbc JOEY BED Rollout Cargo Drawer for pickups, vans, :suburbans, utility and motor coaches. Looking for dealers to han- dle our product. Call: 510173345368. 25bc MAW'S PETS GODERICH for ssale, thriv- ing �� �` business, 1 for person Avho /enjoys'tl� ii7,MTh$11 a�, birds .tropical fisli. Eq upped or ,y:m,liintenance. Willing to Min blur cOhase, owner ;tag due to .ill Sa04197 or ',Want ,;mak for 144-426.27 SEVEN Demo l g 'Tables, contoured tea vwte%, band belo1tr, ivy '410 %extraction, available at - 8, training etc. included, (51949274M Jitter 7 pane -3 MaHOTEL with lw, rat ll ta anew big 4eveloped. Excellent fly imainess;ringoodac'ot lcition. Serious irlgtdr es only, '7054784366, ai14k for owner. 26,bc 1 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 28, 1989—Page 21 28. Business Opportunity Laser Concept Treatment Centres. Licenses now available starting at 0,000. STOPSMOKING and LOSE WEIGHT. An- cient acupuncture/auricular therapy. New, soft laser technology. Extensive cor- porate training and certification. On-going support and education for future uses. Amazing return on investment. S.C. Marketing, Your Success Combination, (519) 652; 321. Ask for Ian.-26bc LOOICING for something that's fun to sell? We're seeking distributors for musical candles. Good profit for own business or fundraising. Call free 1-800-6614878 or (403) 934-2280. 26bc RESTAURANT, hotel, deli, bakery, but- cher, grocery, submarine & piw,a equip- ment for sale or lease. ARCTIC REFRIGERATION Store Fixtures, Est. 1945. Hamilton (416) 528.8528, Toronto (416) 283-2600, Welland (416) 7884433.-26bc 29. Tenders SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Tenders are invited for the lands described below and will be received until 4:00 pm. local time on the 4th day at July, 1989 at the Kinloss-aa'w- idp- office,-- ,ioi d; --So---- tario. Parcel of land adjacent to the hamlet of Kinloss being described as: In the Township of Kinloss, in the County of .Bruce and being composed of part of Lot 17, Range 1, North of the Durham Road, in 'the said Township and more particularly described as Instrument No. 4720 registered at the -Registry Office for the County of Bruce at Walkerton, Ontario and Part of Lot 18, in the First Range North of the Durham Road in the said Township, as described in Instrument No. 12296 at the said Registry Office. One tender to be sub- mitted for both parcels accompanied by a certified cheque or money order represen- ting at least 20% of the tender amount. J west'or.any,tenderwill not necessarily be accvt♦ed.. For more :u or nation 'con - tact: WY. Hawthorne, Clerk -Treasurer, Township Of Kinloss, Holyrood, Ont. NOG 2H0. Phone 3575.-25, 26ar 1 3D. Employment Wonted STUDENT WOULD LIKE grass cutting, babysitting or odd jobs for summer mon- ths. Call 395-4008.-26 16 YEAR OLD student seeking employ- ment, babysitting or odd jobs. Have own transportation, Lucknow, Ripley or Kin- cardine area. Call 395.5918.-28 31. Service Directory SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, mov- ing, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 mikes East of Kincardine on No. 9 highway. 395-2685.-42tfar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION le Appliances Service. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1=88740002.--42tfar REFRIGERATION AND Appliance Ser- vice - rebuilt appliances; cash for your us- ed appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946.--dt:tar AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater• incensed Auctioneer, Sales of Ail . Phone Ripley 3954353, Teeswater 382 -€1170. ---afar CUSTOM SEWING and alterations, reasonable Crates. Call Ruth Ititchie at 52 3141 or in at 471 Wolsley Street, Lodklnoy. SEE 1S POR YOUR ," TARTER, alter - stator, generator and regillaittor needs. Albrecht Auto Electric, north of Whitechurch. Phone 357► 4 5 ---1$t ar PLANNING .AN AUCTION? No sale too .big or.too wall! Vail Man Mil* 3195 962 or Bill IL by AKIO, Licensed Auctioneers. --114r. JOHN IiCKET CONSTRUCTION •New Construction eitanovatitww *Docks *Aluminum Trim Wort •Farm Buildings Licensed csrpontor 12 yoars Pori Albert •Rpplacarnont Windows and doors •gng after 6 p.m. 529-7972 BACKHOEING Charles C. Culbert Septic Tanks, Weeper Beds Farm Drainage, Basements RR #6 Goderich 529-7571 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.-40tf PREGNANT and need help? Free positive, confidential support. Birthright. Call 357-1066, 357-1769 or London 432-9197 colied=_ PEN PAL CLUB! ! ! 200,000 members of all ages in 153 countries. Send S.A.S.E. for details. International Pen Friends, Box 6261, Station "D", Calgary, AB, T2P. 2C8.-26bc { VOU know how to reduce the risk of getting AIDS? Prattigesafestx. Get the fads_ Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800 -668 -AIDS 36. Announcements LUCKNOW BIG BROTHERS is active in our community and district. If you have a need for our help or would like to be a Big Brother, please don't hesitate to call Bill Hunter at the Recreation Department, 5283022, or any of the committee members. 26 MIDDAUGH'S COLLECTIBLES will be closed Saturday, July 1, 1969. Open for business as usual, Monday, July 3rd, 10:00 - 5:30 p.m. 36A Newgate St., Goderich; 45 Albert St. Clinton. -26 NOTICE OF A PLICATION UNDER THE PITS & QUARRIES CONTROL ACT (A.S.°. 1980) 1, Norm McIntyre, P.O. Box 364, tiemtasvilis,rpntarto, JAR 100, borebyglys notice of #pplication tor ,a iicaenco to ern, establioh or opsrate a pit OS lartgla deeoribsd as follows: East' Lot 16, Con- csoa&Qn6, `Township of linty nty of eni0 ; consisting ot 20booty-4w, i1Or was. . The astlmated amount of sand and ravel to to axtnotod annually Is 50,099 town. The opar*tion will toile intermit- tont °potation w tb a :poitab10 941101 sfaatiatlon. 'Tbo tot Otiy .upon which 00100 - lions -tions r ty in Nod with the fillr$.tttor Natural I3/:IRourooko .1* Atiguot 5, 190L t}bJoctions and/or requosto fora boor. kip aro to to mado In writing and directed to: The %Ningbo» list,i t -Moo 44 of f4aturat fl000tircos RM , Win0boif, do #400 2W0 Norma Mc1ntyro 0000 Ito Plot day .4$ Juno, 1900 i a..